3 Ibid. This section of the act was repealed by the act of 1872, which is embodied and set forth in the Revised Statutes. The re quirements in the repealed section, not included in the subsequent act, are in most of the mining districts the subject of local legislation. The reader is therefore referred to subsequent pages containing the local regulations upon the subject of location. See post, Ch. xv, Local Statutes. 4 Hess vs. Winder, 30 Cal. 349. 5 Holland vs. Mt. Auburn, &c. Co., 53 Cal. 149. 6 North Noonday M. Co. vs. Orient M. Co., 9 Reporter, 601; Gleeson vs. Martin White, 13 Nev. 443. Posts or monuments at the corners and the center of end lines held sufficient. Southern Cross, &c. Co. vs. Europa M. Co., 15 Nev. 383. 7 Sullivan vs. Heuse, 2 Col. 424; Chapman vs. Toy Long, 4 Sawyer, 28. 8 Kinney vs. Con. Va. M. Co., 4 Sawyer, 382; Harris vs. Equator, &c. Co., 2 Col. Law Rep. 63. 9 Morton vs. Solambo C. & M. Co., 26 Cal. 527; Gore vs. McBrayer, 18 Cal. 583; Van Valkenburg vs. Huff, 1 Nev. 142. 10 Murley vs. Ennis, 2 Col. 300. 11 Whitman M. Co. vs. Baker, 3 Nev. 386. 12 Table M. T. Co. vs. Stranahan, 20 Cal. 198; s. c., 21 Cal. 548. 13 Atkins vs. Hendree, 1 Idaho, 108. 14 Robinson vs. Imperial M. Co., 5 Nev. 14. §26. Survey, length, width, form. - The "survey" here referred to is not that which is required in order to obtain a patent; but merely the measuring off of the claim by metes and bounds and courses and distances. It is not even necessary that it should be done by a surveyor, provided it conforms to the requirement that the boundaries shall be distinctly marked. Prior to May 2, 1872, when the provisions now in force governing the length of claims were enacted, they were limited as to length, to 200 feet to the individual, or 3,000 feet to an association, with no definite limits as to width, beyond the provision that the locator should have a "reasonable quantity of surface for the convenient working of the same as fixed by local rules."2 But by the present law the length is fixed at 1,500 feet. The lan guage of the statute does not seem to permit any variation from this by local legislation-certainly not to exceed this. But it has never been doubted that the locator may, within the prescribed limits fix the length at will. The width of claims is less definitely fixed by the the general law. The maximum width being 300 feet on each side of the middle of the vein or lode, and the minimum, 25 feet, on each side. The only provision as to form is that the end lines shall be parallel.4 and the claim shall be so many feet in length "along the vein."5 There have been some land office decisions upon this subject which would serve no good purpose as guides to the judicial interpretation of the statute, for the reason that they are so vague and uncertain. But as these decisions only affect the rights of applicants for patents they will be noticed elsewhere. The provision that the claim shall follow the vein, seems to give great latitude as to the shape of the claim as surveyed. I might add further as to width that the construction which these provisions has received, is that these limits are not to be exceeded on either side, and that claims may be restricted to 25 feet on either side. So that if the locator in making his survey, found it impossible to take the full extent allowed by law or local regulation on one side, he could not make up the deficiency on the other. But the strict letter of the law as to width it has been found almost impracticable to observe, owing in a great measure to the uncertainty of the exact center of veins, even where the lode claim is taken upon what may be appropriately styled a vein. But the chief difficulty arises from the fact that lode claims are not in every instance located upon veins even approximately vertical in position. Many such are upon what are known as "flat," "blanket" or "horizontal" veins, which lie in such a position that it would be impossible by ordinary means to discover the center at the surface. Many others are located upon discoveries of large deposits or chambers that do not conform in any respect to the common understanding of the term "vein," and of which so little was known when the law was enacted, that they could not have been contemplated by the law-makers when the statute was enacted. These peculiarities of formation have led the miners to rely upon the center of the discovery shaft or tunnel, as the proper point from which to measure the width of their claims, and locations made in this manner have generally been regarded as valid. 1 Rev. Stat. U. S. § 2320, ante, p. 14. 2 Act of Congress July 26, 1866. "§ 4. No location hereafter made, shall exceed 200 feet in length, along the vein for each locator, with an additional claim for discovery, to the discoverer of the lode, with the right to follow such vein to any depth, with all its dips, variations and angles, together with a reasonable quantity of surface for the convenient working of the same, as fixed by local rules. And provided further, that no person may make more than one location on the same lode, and not more than 3,000 feet shall be taken in any one claim, by any association of persons." 3 Rev. Stat. § 2320, ante, p. 14. 4 Eureka, &c. Co. vs. Richmond M. Co., 4 Sawyer, 302. 5 Zollers vs. Evans, 1 Col. Law Rep. 217; Vanzandt vs. Argentine M. Co., id, 524. 6 That the form of a claim shall be substantially a parallelogram. Sickel's Mining Rules & Dec. 36. 7 See post, Ch. xiv, Land Office Decisions. § 27. Provisions as to recording and herein of notice to subsequent purchasers.There is nothing in the general law requiring a record to be made of the location; but the statute seems to take it for granted that this will be required by local laws or regulations.1 When, however, such records are made, they are required to contain the name of the locator, the date of location, and such a description of the claim by reference to natural objects or permanent monuments as will identify the claim.2 Whether it is necessary to record at all, and within what time, in what office, by whom, and in what manner this record must be made, and the effect of the record is left entirely to local regulation, as will be observed by reference to the section of the statute cited. But whatever effect the recording of the claim may be given by the local statute, as notice to subsequent locators; and whatever may be the consequences of failure to record, in the manner and within the time prescribed, when the local regulation requires a record to be made, it becomes an essential step in the acquisition of title.4 A failure to record, however, will not ordinarily defeat the right of one in actual possession. It has been decided that the object of requiring a record of the claim, can be nothing more than is contemplated by the general recording acts of the states, to give notice to subsequent claimants of the same ground; and, where there has been a failure to record, prior to the subsequent location, notice by any other means, as by possession, would be sufficient. Whatever be the time fixed within which the claim must be recorded, a failure to record within the time will not destroy the effect of the record as to subsequent claimants, if it be recorded before the subsequent location or purchase.6 Failure to record a deed cannot be taken advantage of by a subsequent purchaser with sufficient knowledge or notice to put him upon inquiry,7 or by one who is not a purchaser in good faith, and for a valuable consideration paid.8 Unless the locator himself is required to enter his location on the records, his rights will not be affected by errors in the records. The record when made will not be vitiated by the subsequent correction of errors in the description of the claim, or by erasing the name of one of the locators.10 Ordinarily, all that is required of the locator is to deposit the necessary notice or certificate of location with the custodian of the records, and when he has done this his act takes effect from that date, as though the instrument were entered on the records instantaneously.11 1 Rev. Stat. § 2324; ante, p. 153 Southern Cross, &c. Co. vs. Europa M. Co., 15 Nev. 383; Golden Fleece Co. vs. Cable Co., 12 Nev. 312. 2 Ibid. 3 Golden Fleece M. Co. vs. Cable Con. Co., 12 Nev. 312. 4 Pollard vs. Shively, 1 Col. Law Rep. 230; Faxon vs. Barnard, 1 Col. Law Rep. 145. 5 Campbell vs. Rankin, 99 U. S. 261; Pollard vs. Shively, 1 Col. Law Rep. 230; Partridge vs. McKinney, 10 Cal. 181; Fair vs. Stevenot, 29 Cal. 486; Kinney vs. Cons. Va. M. Co., 4 Sawyer, 450. And a written notification posted on a stake set on the claim after dis covery, but prior to location, has been held sufficient to warn others of the discoverer's intention to locate. Erhardt vs. Boaro (U. S. Cir. Ct.) 1 Col. Law Rep. 497. 6 Faxon vs. Barnard, 1 Col. Law Rep. 145 (Decision by HALLETT, J., U. S. Cir. Ct., Dist. Col.) 7 Lawton vs. Gordon, 37 Cal. 202; Dixon vs. Doe, 1 Smed. & M. 70; Priest vs. Rice, 1 Pick. 164; Williamson vs. Brown, 15 N. Y. 354; Clark vs. Trindle, 52 Pa. St., 492; Musgrove vs. Bonser, 5 Oreg. 312; Nute vs. Nute, 41 N. H. 60; Galland vs. Jackman, 26 Cal. 79; Myers vs. Spooner, 55 Cal. 257; Pollard vs. Shively, 1 Col. Law Rep. 230 (Opinion by ELBERT, C. J., Sup. Ct. Col., Dec. 7, 1880.) Wade on Notice, §§ 251-254, 273, et seq. 8 Long vs. Dollarhide, 24 Cal. 218; Lasey vs. Simpson, 11 N. J. Eq. 246; Aubuchon vs. Bender, 44 Mo. 560; Setter vs. Alvey, 15 Kan. 157; Wade on Notice, § 226. 9 Myers vs. Spooner, 55 Cal. 257; Kelly vs. Taylor, 23 Cal. 11; Merrick vs. Wallace, 19 III. 486; Riggs vs. Boylan, 4 Biss. 445; Oats vs. Walls, 28 Ark. 244; Throckmorton vs. Price, 28 Tex. 605; Franklin vs. Cannon, 1 Root (Conn.) 500; McDonald vs. Leach, Kirby (Conn.) 72; Alvis vs. Morrison, 63 111. 181. 10 Gleason vs. Martin White M. Co., 13 Nev. 442. 11 Harrold vs. Simons, 9 Mo. 326; Warnock vs. Wightman, 1 Brev. 339; Jarvis vs. Aikens, 25 Vt. 635. § 28. What record to contain, Description. - The name of the locator, so far as this statute controls the matter, may be inserted in any portion of the location |