The Acts of the Parliament of Western Australia, Nide 2Government Printer, South Africa, 1982 |
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Sivu 1361
... penalty not exceeding the penalty expressly provided as the penalty for that offence , or , if a penalty for that offence is not so provided to a fine not exceeding $ 400 . General penalty provisions . Proceedings for offences ...
... penalty not exceeding the penalty expressly provided as the penalty for that offence , or , if a penalty for that offence is not so provided to a fine not exceeding $ 400 . General penalty provisions . Proceedings for offences ...
Sivu 1571
... penalty is imposed on a union under subsection ( 6 ) and the union does not forthwith pay the penalty , the rights of the union and its members referred to in subsection ( 9 ) are suspended until the penalty is paid . ( 8a ) The Full ...
... penalty is imposed on a union under subsection ( 6 ) and the union does not forthwith pay the penalty , the rights of the union and its members referred to in subsection ( 9 ) are suspended until the penalty is paid . ( 8a ) The Full ...
Sivu 1582
... penalty , the rights of the employee organization and its members referred to in subsection ( 5 ) are suspended until the penalty is paid . ( 4 ) An Industrial Magistrate may permit an employee organization on which a penalty ...
... penalty , the rights of the employee organization and its members referred to in subsection ( 5 ) are suspended until the penalty is paid . ( 4 ) An Industrial Magistrate may permit an employee organization on which a penalty ...
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99 Section Act is amended Act is repealed advice and consent Agreement amended by Acts amended by deleting amended by inserting amended in subsection Amendment Act 1982 amount appearance application appointed approved Arbitration Act 1979 Assembly of Western Assented Assessor bail undertaking Board child cited clause coming into operation Commence Commission commits an offence community service order compensation convicted deemed defendant drainage easement effect Excellent Majesty exercise fee simple following section following subsection gaming grant bail inserting after subsection inspector judicial officer Legislative Assembly Legislative Council liability means medical practitioner ment Minister notice Notwithstanding otherwise payment penalty premises prescribed present Parliament assembled principal Act proceedings proposed provisions purposes pursuant to section Queen's Most Excellent referred regulations relation repealing subsection respect section 28 section 31 Short title specified stituting the following subclause Subject to subsection substituting the following Supreme Court tion tissue Trust vested Western Australia