Sivut kuvina

28. Daisy, double, Bellis perennis plenus, St. Margaret of Hungary, A. D. 1271.

29. Fern, flowering, Osmunda regalis, St. Francis of Sales, A. D. 1622.

30. Spleen-wort, Asplenium trichomanes, St. Martina. 31. Hart's tongue, or spleen-wort, Asplenium scolopendrium, St. Marcella, A. D. 410.


1. Moss, lesser water, Fontinalis minor, St. Ignatius. And Bay tree, Laurus nobilis, to St. Bridget, Patroness of Ireland,

2. Snow-drop, Galanthus nivalis, the purification of the blessed Virgin Mary.

3. Moss, great water, Fontinalis antipyretica, St. Blase, of Armenia, A. D. 316.

4. Moss, common hair, or Goldilocks, Polytrichum commune, St. Jane, or Queen Joan, A. D. 1505.

Bay, Indian, Laurus Indica, St. Margaret, of England. 5. Primrose, common, Primula vulgaris, St. Agatha. A Sicilian martyr, A. D. 251.

Primrose, red, Primula acaulis, St. Adelaide, A. D. 1015. 6. Hyacinth, blue, Hyacinthus orientalis, St. Dorothy, A. D. 308.

7. Cyclamen, round-leafed, Cyclamen coum, St. Romuald, A. D. 1027.

8. Moss, narrow-leafed, spring, Mnium androgynum, St. John, of Matha, A. D. 1213.

9. Narcissus, Roman, Narcissus Romanus, St. Apollonia, A. D. 249.

10. Mezereon, Daphne Mezereon, St. Scholastica, A. D. 543.

Moss, silky fork, Mnium heteromallum, St. Coteris, 4th Century.

11. Primrose, red, Primula verna-rubra, St. Theodora, Empress, A. D. 367.

12. Anemone-noble Liverwort, Anemone hepatica, St. Eulalia, of Barcelona.

13. Polyanthos, Primula Polyanthos, St. Catharine de Ricci, A. D. 1589.

14. Crocus, yellow, Crocus masiacus, or C. aureus, St. Valentine. St. Valentine, is the lover's saint. He was Priest, of Rome, and married there, about the year A. D. 270.

The 14th of February, is the day on which those charming little missives, yclep'd Valentines, cross, and intercross each other, at every street and turning. The weary, and all-for-spent twopenny postman sinks beneath a load of delicate embarrassments, not his own.

"Where can the postman be, I say?
He ought to fly-on such a day!
Of all days in the year, you know,

It's monstrous rude to be so slow:
The fellow's so exceeding stupid-
Hark-there he is!-oh the dear cupid."

15. Crocus, cloth of gold, Crocus sulphureus, St. Sigifrida, Bishop of Sweden, A. D. 1002.

16. Primrose, lilac, Primula acaulis plena, St. Juliana. 17. Crocus, Scotch, Crocus susianus, St. Flavian, Archbishop of Constantinople, A. D. 449.

18. Speedwell, wall, Veronica vernus arvensis, St. Simeon, Bishop of Jerusalem, A. D. 116.

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19. Speedwell, field, Veronica agrestis, St. Barbatus, patron of Benevento, Bishop, A. D. 682.

20. Cynoglossum omphalodes, or C. lusitanicum, St. Mildred, Abbess of Munster.

21. Crocus, white, Crocus albus, St. Servianus, Bishop, A. D. 452.

22. Margaret, herb, Bellis perennis, St. Margaret, of Cortona, A. D. 1297.

23. Apricot tree, Prunus armeniaca, St. Milburge, of England.

24. Fern, great, Osmunda regalis, St. Ethelbert, King of Kent, England.

25. Peach blossom, Amigdalus persica, St. Walburg, Abbess of Swabia, Germany.

26. Periwinkle, lesser, Vinca minor, St. Victor, 7th Century.

27. Lungwort, Pulmonaria officinalis, St. Leander, Bishop, A. D. 596.

28. Crocus, purple, Crocus vernus, St. Proterius, Patriarch of Alexandria, A. D. 557.


1. Leek, common, Allium porrum, St. David, of Wales, Archbishop, A. D. 544.

Wearing the Leek, was customary in the time of Shakspeare. It is noticed in his K. H. V.

The Welshman, Fluellen, wears his leek in the battle of Agincourt.

2. Chickweed, dwarf mouse-ear, Cerastium pumilum, St. Chad, or Ceada, Martyr under the Lombards, in the 6th Century.

3. Marigold, golden-fig, Mesembryanthemum aureum, St. Cunegundes, Empress, A. D. 1640.

4. Chickweed, common, Alsine media, St. Casimir, Prince of Poland, A. D. 1458.

5. Hellebore, green, Helleborus viridis, St. Adrian, A. D. 309.

6. Lily, lent, Pseudo-narcissus multiplex, St. Colette, Bishop.

7. Daffodil, early, Narcissus simplex, St. Perpetua. She was martyred, under the Emperor Severus, A. D. 203, 8. Rose, ever blowing, Rosa semperflorens, St. Rosa, of Viterbo, A. D. 1261.

Jonquil, great, Narcissus lætus, St. Felix, A. D. 646. 9. Daffodil, hoop-petticoat, Narcissus bulbocodium, St. Catharine of Bologna, A. D. 1463.

10. Chickweed, upright, Veronica triphyllos, St, Droctavæus, Abbot, A. D. 580.

11. Heath, cornish, Erica vagans, St. Eulogius, of Cordova, A. D. 851.

́12. Ixia, or crocus leaved Mistletoe, Iria bulbocodium, or Viscum albus bulbus: St. Gregory, the Great, Prætor of Rome, A. D. 574.

13. Heart's Ease, Viola tricolor, St. Euphrasia, A. D. 410.

14. Bindweed, mountain, Soldanella alpina, St. Maud, or Matilda, Queen, A. D. 968.

15. Colt's-foot, common, Tussilago farfara, St. Zachery. Pope, A. D, 752.

15. Mercury, lasting-St. Abraham, Hermit, Century

the 4th.

16. Daffodil, nodding, Narcissus nutans, St. Julian, of Cilicia.

17. Violet, sweet, Viola odorata, St. Gertrude, Abbess, A. D. 628.

17. Shamrock, White Trefoil, or Dutch clover, Trifolium repens, St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland.

18. Leopard's bane, great, Doronicum pardalianches, St. Cyrill, Archbishop of Jerusalem, A. D. 386.

19. Star of Bethlehem, yellow, Ornithogalum luteum, St. Joseph, spouse of the Virgin Mary.

20. Violet, dog's, Viola canina, St. Wulfran, Archbishop of Sens, A. D. 720.

21. Fumitory, bulbous, Fumaria bulbosa, St. Bennet, or Benedict, Abbot, Founder of the order of St. Benedict, of Rome, A. D. 543.

22. Ficaria verva, St. Catharine of Sweden, Abbess, A. D. 1381.

23. Daffodil, peerless, Narcissus incomparabilis, St. Alphonsus Turibius, Archbishop of Lima, A. D. 1606.

24. Saxifrage, golden, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, St. Irenæus, Bishop of Sirmium, A. D. 304.

25. Marigold, Calendula officinalis, Annunciation of the B. V. Mary.

26. Henbane, night-shade leaved, Hyoscyamus scopalia, St. Braulio, Bishop of Saragossa, A. D. 646.

27. Jonquil, sweet, Narcissus odorus, St. John, of Egypt, Hermit, A. D. 394.

28. Leopard's bane, Doronicum Plantagineum, St. Priscus, A. D. 260.

29. Ox-lip, or great cowslip, Primula elatior, St. Eustatius, Abbot, A. D. 625.

Fumitory, Fumaria officinalis, St. Jonas, A. D. 327. 30. Water-cress, Cardamine hirsuta, St. John, of Cli


Daffodil, lesser, Narcissus minor, St. Zozimus, Bishop of Syracuse, A. D. 660.

31. Benjamin tree, Laurus benzoin, St. Benjamin, Deacon, Martyr, A. D. 424.


The Romans consecrated the first day of April, to Venus, the goddess of beauty, queen of laughter, etc. It is customary on this day, to practise jocular deceptions, as various, as the fancies of the gay youngsters, who delight in playing off the humours of the day, upon all ages and ranks, that come in their way.

1. Mercury, French annual, Mercurialis annua, St. Hugh, Bishop, A. D. 1132.

2. Violet, white, Viola alba, St. Francis, of Paula, A Calabrian.

3. Alkanet, evergreen, Anchusa sempervirens, St. Agape, A. D. 304.

4. Crown Imperial, Red Fritillaria imperialis, St. Isidore, Bishop of Seville, A. D. 636.

5. Crown Imperial, Yellow, Fritillaria imperialis lutea,

St. Vincent Ferrer, A. D. 1419.

6. Hyacinth, starch, Hyacinthus racemosus, St. Sixtus L. Pope, A. D. 2.

7. Anemone, wood, Anemone nemorosa, St. Aphraates, 4th Century.

8. Ivy, ground, Glechoma hederacea, St. Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth, A. D. 2.

9. Polyanthos, red, Primula, St. Mary, of Egypt, A. D. 421.

10. Violet, pale, Viola tonbrigens, St. Mechtildes, Abbess-after 1300.

11. Dandelion, Leontodon taraxacum, St. Leo, the Great, Pope, A. D. 461.

12. Saxifrage, great thick-leaved, Saxifraga crassifolia, St. Zeno, Bishop, 380.

13. Narcissus, green, Narcissus viridiflorus, St. Hermenigild, Martyr, A. D. 586.

14. Borage, common, Borago officinalis, St. Lidwina, A. D. 1184.

15. Stitch-wort, greater, Stellaria holostea, St. Peter Gonzales, A. D. 1246.

16. Tulip, yellow, Tulipa Sylvestris, St. Joachim, o Sienna, A. D. 1305.

17. Arum, Friar's-cowl, broad-leaved, Arum arisarum, St. Stephen, of Citeaux, Abbot, A. D. 1134.

18. Narcissus, musk, Narcissus Moschato, St. Apollonius, A. D. 186.

19. Garlic, Allium ursinum, St. Leo IX. Pope, A. D. 1054.

20. Snow-flake, spring, Leucoium vernum, St. Agnes, of Monte Pulciano, A. D. 1317.

21. Narcissus, cypress, Narcissus orientalis albus, St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury.

22. Crow-foot, wood, or goldilocks, Ranunculus auri comus, St. Rufus, of Glendaloch.

23. Harebell, Hyacinthus non scriptus, St. George, the Martyr, Patron of England.

24. Black thorn, Prunus spinosa, St. Fidelis.

25. Tulip, clarimond, Tulipa præcox, St. Mark, the Evangelist.

26. Erysimum, yellow, Erysimum barbarea, St. Richarius, Abbot, A. D. 645.

27. Daffodil, great, Narcissus major, St. Anastasius, Pope, A. D. 401.

28. Arum, spotted, Arum maculatum, Sts. Didymus and Theodora, A. D. 304.

29. Herb Robert, Geranium robertianum, St. Robert, Abbot of Molesme, A. D. 1110.

30. Cowslip, Primula veris, St. Catharine, of Sienna, A. D. 1380.

[blocks in formation]

Bachelor's Button, Lychnis dioica, St. James the just, and the lesser Apostle. Martyred in the tumult in the temple.

2. Charlock, (a Leek,) Rhaphanus raphanistrum, or sinapis arvenus, St. Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria,

A. D. 373.

3. Narcissus, poetic, Narcissus poeticus, the discovery of the cross, A. D. 326.

4. Gilly flower, stock, Cheiranthus incanus, St. Monicla, mother of St. Augustine.

5. Apple tree, Pyrus malus, Sts. Angelus, and Pius V. Pope, A. D. 1572.

6. Globe flower, bright yellow, Trollius Europæus, St. John Damascen, A. D. 780.

7. Globe flower Asiatic, bright orange, Trollius Asiaticus, St. John, of Beverly, England.

8. Lily of the Valley, Convalaria majalis, St. Selena. 9. Lily of the Valley, Convalaria multiflora, St. Gregory, of Nazianzen, A. D. 389 or 391.

10. Peony, slender-leafed, Paonia tenuifolia, St. Comgal, Irish, Abbot, A. D. 601.

11. Asphodel, Lancashire, Asphodelus luteus, St. Mammertus, Archbishop of Vienna, A. D. 477.

12. Iris, German, Iris Germanica, St. Germanus, Patriarch of Constantinople, A. D. 733.

13. Comfrey, common, Symphytum officinalis, St. John, the silent, Bishop, A. D. 558.

14. Peony, common, Paonia officinalis, and Peony, coralline, P. corollina, St. Pontius, A. D. 258.

15. Poppy, Welsh, Papaver cambricum, St. Dympna, 7th Century.

16. Star of Bethlehem, great, Ornithogalum umbellatum, St. John Nepomucen, A. D. 1383.

17. Poppy, early red, long rough-headed P. Papaver argemone, St. Paschal, Babylon, A. D. 1592.

18. Mouse ear, or Hawk-weed, Hieracium pilosella, St. Eric, King of Sweden, A. D. 1151.

19. Monk's hoof, Aconitum napellus, St. Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, A. D. 988.

20. Horse chesnut, Eschylus hippocastanum, St. Bernardine of Sienna, A. D. 1444.

21. Ragged Robin, Lychnis flos cuculi, St. Felix, of Cantalicio, A. D. 1587.

22. Star of Bethlehem, yellow, Tragopogon pratensis, St. Yvo, A. D. 1303.

23. Lilac, Syringa vulgaris, St. Julia, 5th Century. 24. Poppy, monkey, Papaver orientale, St. Vincent, of Lerins, A. D. 450.

25. Herb Bennet, common, Geum urbanum, St. Urban, Pope, A. D. 223.

26. Rhododendron, purple, Rhododendron ponticum, St. Augustine, Archbishop of Canterbury, A. D. 604. Azalea, yellow, Azalea pontica, St. Philip Neri, A. D. 1595.

27. Butter cup, Ranunculus acris, St. John, Pope, A. D. 526.

Bachelor's button, yellow, Ranunculus acris plenus, St. Bede, 735.

28. Iris, lurid, Iris lurida, St. Germain, Bishop of Paris. A. D. 576.

29. Blue Bottle, Centaurea montana, St. Cyril, about 275.

30. Spear-wort, lesser, Ranunculus flammula, St. Fer

dinand III. Confessor, King of Castile and Leon, A. D. 1252.

31. Lily, yellow Turk's cap, Lilium pomponium, St. Petronilla, Century 1st.


1. Rose, yellow, Rosa lutea, St. Justin, Martyr, A. D. 167.

2. Pimpernel, common scarlet, Anagallis arvensis, St. Erasmus, 303.

3. Rose de meaux, Rosa Provincialis, St. Cecilius, A. D. 211.

4. Pink, Indian, Dianthus chinensis, St. Quirinus, Bishop, A. D. 304.

5. Rose, three-leafed China, Rosa sinica, St. Boniface, First Missionary from England to Friesland. Afterwards Archbishop of Mentz, and Primate of Germany and Belgium, Century 8th.

6. Pink, common, Dianthus deltoides, St. Norbert, A. D. 1134. 7. Centaury, red, Chironia centaureum, St. Paul, Bishop of Constantinople, A. D. 350.

8. Money-wort, Herb Two pence, or creeping Loosestrife, Lysimachia numularia, St. Medard, Bishop 6th Century.

9. Barberry, Pipperidge bush of England, Berberis vulgaris, St. Columba, A. D. 597.

10. Iris, bright yellow, Iris pseudo-acorus, St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, A. D. 1093.

11. Daisy, midsummer, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, St. Barnabas, Apostle, Century 1st.

12. Rose, white dog, Rosa arvensis, St. John, Hermit, A. D. 1479.

13. Ranunculus, garden, Ranunculus Asiaticus, St. Anthony of Padua, 1231.

14. Basil, sweet, Ocimum basilicum, St. Basil, Archbishop, 379.

15. Sensitive plant, Mimosa sensitiva, St. Vitus, Martyr, 4th Century.

16. Rose, Moss province, Rosa muscosa, St. Julitta, Martyr, 304.

17. Monkey flower, yellow, Mimulus luteus, St. Nicandeo, about A. D. 303.

18. Poppy, horned, Chelidonium glaucium, St. Marina, 8th Century.

19. La Julienne de nuit, Hesperis tristis, St. Juliana Falconeiri, A. D. 1340.

20. Poppy, doubtful, Papaver dubium, St. Silverius, Pope, A. D. 538.

21. Bugloss, Viper's, Echium vulgare, St. Aloysius, A. D. 1591.

22. Canterbury Bell, Campanula medium, St. Paulinus, Bishop of Nola, A. D. 431.

23. Ladies' slipper, Cypripedium calceolus, St. Etheldreda, A. D. 679.

24. St. John's wort, Hypericum pulchrum, the nativity of St. John the Baptist.

25. Sweet William, Dianthus barbatus, St. William, of Monte Vergine, A. D. 1142.

26. Sow-thistle, Alpine hairy blue, Sonchus cæruleus, St. Reingarda, Widow, A. D. 1135,

27. St. John's wort, perforated, Hypericum perforatum, St. John, of Montier, 6th Century.

28. Corn-flower, blue, Centaurea cyanus, St. Irenæus, Bishop of Lyons, A. D. 202.

29. Rattle, yellow, Rhinanthus crista-galli, St. Peter, the Apostle.

30. Cistus, yellow, Cistus helianthemum, St. Paul, the Apostle, Martyr.


1. Agrimony, Agrimonia Eupatoria, St. Aaron.

2. Lily, white, Lilium candidum, the Virgin Mary. 3. Mallow, common, Malva sylvestris, St. Phocas, a Gardener, A. D. 303.

4. Lily, tawny Day, of China, Hemerocallis fulva, St. Ulric, Bishop of Augsburg.

5. Rose, double yellow, Rosa Sulphurea, St. Edana, of Elphim and Tuam.

6. Hawk-weed, or purple-eyed succory, Crepis barbata, St. Julian, Anchorite, 4th Century.

7. Nasturtium, Tropæolum majus, St. Felix, Bishop of Nantes, 584.

8. Primrose, evening, Ænothera biennis, St. Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal, A. D. 1336.

9. Sow-thistle, Tall marsh, Sonchus palustris, St. Everildis.

10. Snapdragon, speckled, Antirrhinum triphyllum, Sts. Rufina and Secunda, 257.

11. Lupine, yellow, Lupinus flavus, St. James, Bishop of Nisibis, 350.

12. Snapdragon, great, Antirrhinum purpureum, St. John Gualbert, Abbot, 1073.

13. Lupine, blue, Lupinus hirsutus, St. Eugenius, Bishop, A. D. 505.

14. Lupine, red, Lupinus perennis, St. Bonaventure, Cardinal, Bishop, A. D. 1274.

15. Marigold, small cape, purple and white, Calendula pluvialis, St. Swithin, Bishop, A. D. 862.

"If it rains on St. Swithin's Day, there will be rain the next forty days afterwards."

In this month is St. Swithin's Day,

On which, if it rain, they say

Full forty days after it will

Or more, or less, some rain distill.

Poor Robin's Almanac, for the year 1697.

St. Swithin's day, if thou dost rain,
For forty days it will remain :

St. Swithin's day, if thou be fair,

For forty days 'twill rain na mair. Hone's E. D. B. 16. Convolvulus, Convolvulus purpureus, St. Eustathius, Patriarch of Antioch, A. D. 338.

17. Pea, sweet, Lathyrus odoratus, St. Marcellina, A. D. 397.

18. Marigold, autumn, Chrysanthemum coronarium, St. Bruno, Bishop of Segni, A. D. 1125.

19. Hawk-weed, golden, Hieracium auranticum, St. Vincent, of Paul, 1660.

The corolla of this flower, a rich orange hue, contrasted with the black hairy calyx, which gave rise to the popular name of Grim the collier.

20. Dragon's head, Virginian, Dracocephalus Virginianum, St. Margaret, of Antioch.

21. Lily, Philadelphian, Lilium Philadelphicum, St. Praxedes.

22. Lily, African, Agapanthus umbellatus, St. Mary Magdalen.

23. Musk flower, Scabious atro purpurea, St. Appollinaris, Bishop of Ravena.

24. Lupine tree, Lupinus arboreus, St. Lupus, Bishop, A. D. 478.

25. Herb Christopher, pure white, Actaa spicata, St. Christopher.

26. Chamomile, field, or corn Fever-few, Matricaria chamomilla, St. Ann, Mother of the Virgin Mary.

27. Loose strife, purple Lythrum, Lythrum salicaria, St. Pantaleon, A. D. 303.

28. Groundsel, mountain, Senecio montanus, St. Innocent I. Pope, 417.

29. Chironia, red, Chironia centaurium, St. Martha, V. 30. Mullein, white, Verbascum lychnitis, St. Julitta, A. D. 303.

31. Mullein, yellow, primrose-leafed, Verbascum virgatum, St. Ignatius, of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, A. D. 1556.


The Romish church, professing to possess one of St. Peter's chains, wherewith he was bound, and from which the Angel delivered him, indulges its votaries with a festival in its honour, on the first day of this month, or the Feast of St. Peter's chains.

1. Stramony, or Thorn Apple, Datura stramonium, St. Peter and Vincula.

2. Lily, tiger, Lilium tigrum, St. Alfrida, A. D. 834. 3. Hollyhock, Althea rosea, the discovery of St. Stephen's relics, 415.

4. Blue bells, Campanula rotundifolia, St. Dominic, Confessor, Founder of the Friar Preachers, A. D. 1221. 5. Lily, Egyptian, water, Nelumbo nilotica, St. Mary ad Nives.

6. Saffron, meadow, Colchicum autumnalis, the transfiguration of our Lord, on Mount Tabor.

7. Amaranth, common, Amaranthus hypochondriacus, St. Cajetan, 1547,

8. Love lies-a-bleeding, Amaranthus procumbens, St. Hormisdas.

9. Rag-wort, yellow Jacobean, Senecio jacobea, St. Romanus.

10. Balsam, Impatiens balsamea, St. Lawrence, Roman Martyr, 258.

11, China Aster, Aster chinensis, St. Susanna, 3rd Cent. 12. Sow-Thistle, great corn, Sonchus avensis, St. Clare, Abbess, A. D. 1253.

13. Groundsel, marsh, Great Fen Rag-wort, or Bird's Tongue, Senecio paludosus, St. Radigundes.

14. Zinnia, elegant, Zinnia elegans, St. Eusebius, Priest, 3rd Century.

15. Virgin's Bower, white, Clematis vitalba, the Assumption of the B. V. Mary, or the miraculous ascent of her body into heaven.

16. Lily, belladonna, Amaryllis belladonna, St. Hyacinth, A. D. 1257.

17. Snapdragon, Toad-flax, Antirrhinum linaria, St. Manus, A. D. 275.

18. Marigold, African, Tagetes erecta, St Helen, Empress, A. D. 382.

19. Timothy, branched-cat's tail grass, Phleum pannieulatum, or Ph. asperum, St. Timothy, A. D. 304.

20. Dandelion, Leontodon serotinus, St. Bernard, Abbot, A. D. 1153.

21. Marigold, French, Tagetus patula, St. Jane Francis, de Chantal, A. D. 1641.

22. Timothy, common cat's tail grass, Phleum pratense, St. Timothy, A. D. 311.

23. Tansy, common, Tanacetum vulgare, St. Philip Beniti, A. D. 1285.

24. Sun-flower, tall, Helianthus annuus, St. Bartholomew, Apostle.

25. Sun-flower, perennial, Helianthus multiflorus, St. Louis, King of France, A. D. 1270.

26. Amaryllis, banded, Amaryllis vittata, St. Zephyrinus, Pope, A. D. 219.

27. Hawk's-weed hedge, Hieracium umbellatum, St. Cæsarius, Archbishop of Arles, A. D. 542.

28. Golden-rod, Solidago, virga aurea, St. Augustine, Bishop, and Doctor of the Church, A. D. 430.

29. Hollyhock, yellow, Althea flava, St. Sabina, King, about 697.

30. Lily, Guernsey, Amaryllis sarniensis, St. Rose, of Lima, V. 1617.

31. Pheasant's eye, Adonis autumnalis, St. Raymund Nonnatus, 1240.


1. Orpine, or Live-long, great, Sedum telephium, St. Giles, Patron of Beggars and Cripples. Born at Athens. Made Abbot of the Abbey at Nismes, in France. Died A. D. 750.

2. Golden-rod, Solidago, St. Margaret, B., 13th Cent. 3. Flea-bane, common yellow, Inula dysenterica, St. Simeon Stylites, the younger, A. D. 592.

4. Soap-wort, pale pink, Saponaria officinalis, St. Rosalia, A. D. 1160.

5. Mushroom, or champignon, Agaricus campestris, St. Laurence Justinian, First Patriarch of Venice, A. D. 1455. 6. Dandelion, Leontodon autumnalis, St. Pambo, of Nitria, A. D. 385.

7. Star-wort, golden, Aster solidaginoides, St. Cloud, A. D. 560.

8. Star-wort, Italian, blue, Aster amellus, St. Adrian, A. D. 306.

On this day (September 8th) The Nativity of the B' V. Mary is celebrated.

9. Golden-rod, Canadian, Solidago canadensis, St. Omer, A. D. 607.

10. Crocus, autumnal, Crocus autumnalis, St. Pulcheria, Empress, A. D. 453.

11. Meadow saffron, variegated, Colchicum variegatum, St. Hyacinthus, A. D. 257.

12. Passion-flower, semilunar Passiflora peltata, St. Eanswide, Abbess, 7th Century.

13. Crocus, officinal crocus sativus, St, Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria, 608.

14. Passion-flower, Passiflora cærulea, the exaltation of the Holy Cross, 629.

15. Saffron, Byzantine, Colchicum Byzanticum, St. Nicetas, 4th Century.

16. Star-wort, sea, blue, Aster tripolium, St. Editha, A. D. 984.

17. Mallow, narrow-leaved, Malva angustiflora, St. Lambert, Bishop, A. D. 709.

18. Star-wort, pendulous, Aster pendulus, St. Thomas, Archbishop of Valentia, 1555.

19. Scabious, Devil's bit, Scabiosa succisa, St. Lucy, A. D. 1090.

20. Meadow saffron, common, Colchicum autumnalis, St. Eustachius.

21. Passion flower, fringed-leaved, variegated, Passiflora cilitata, St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist,

22. Boletus, tree, Boletus arboreus, St. Maurice, 4th Century.

23. Star-wort, white, bushy, Aster dumosus, St. Thecla, 1st Century.

24. Fungus, Agaricus fimetarius, St. Gerard, Bishop of Chonad, 1046.

25. Boletus, great, order Fungi, Boletus bovinus, St. Ceolfrid, Abbot, 716.

26. Golden-rod, great, Solidago gigantea, St. Justina, A. D. 304.

27. Star-wort, white and small-leaved, N. American, Aster multiflorus, St. Delphina, A. D. 1323.

28. Golden-rod, evergreen, Solidago sempervirens, St. Eustochium, Vicar, A. D. 419.

29. Michaelmas Daisy, Aster tradescanti, St. Michael, and all Angels. The dedication of St. Michel's church. 30. Amaryllis, golden, Amaryllis aurea, St. Jerome, Priest, Doctor, of the church, A. D. 420.


1. Amaryllis, lowly, Amaryllis humilis, St. Remigius, Bishop of Rheims, A. D. 533.

2. Soap-wort, Saponaria officinalis, Feast of the holy guardian Angels.

3. Helenium, downy, Helenium pubescens, St. Dionysius, the Areopagite, A. D. 51.

4. Southern-wood, dwarf, Artemisia abrotanum, St. Francis, of Assisium, A. D. 1226.

5. Chamomile, star-like, a Fungus, Boltonia asteroides, St. Placidus, A. D. 546.

6. Feverfew, creeping-rooted, Pyrethrum serotinum, St. Bruno, Founder of the Carthusian Monks, A. D. 1101. 7. Chrysanthemum, Indian, Chrysanthemum Iudicum, St. Mark, Pope, A. D. 336.

8. Maudlin, sweet, Achillea ageratum, St. Bridget, A. D. 1373.

9. Mushroom, milky, Agaricus lactifluus acris, or, A. Listeri, St. Denys, Patron saint of France.

10. Aletris, cape waved-leaved, Aletris viridifolia, St. Francis Borgia, A. D. 1572.

11. Holly, common, Ilex aquifolium, St. Ethelburge, A. D. 664.

12. Flea-bane, wavy, Inula undulata, St. Wilfred, Bishop of York, A. D. 709.

13. Helenium, yellow, smooth, Helenium autumnale, St. Edward, King, and Confessor, A. D. 1066.

14. Flea-bane, Indian, Inula Indica, St. Calixtus, Pope, A. D. 222.

15. Sultan, sweet, purple, Centaurea moschata, St. Teresa, Virgin, 1582.

16. Yarrow, Achillea millefolium, St. Gall, Abbot, A. D. 646.

17. Sun-flower, Dwarf, Helianthus, indicus, St. Anstrudis, A. D. 688.

18. Mushroom, Agaricus floccosus, St. Luke, the Evangelist, A. D. 63.

19. Tick-seed, perennial, Coreopsis procera, St. Frideswide, Patroness of Oxford, 8th Century.

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