Sivut kuvina



the Phenicians Alpha signifies an ox, or an head: i. e. a chief, or leader. Again---Αλφη, τιμη. By Alphe, is denoted value and honour. Αλφησαι, ανθρωποι εντιμοι, βασιλεις. * Alphestæ are honourable personages: kings and princes. Plutarch tells us, that Cadmus was supposed to have given the name of Alpha to the first letter of his alphabet in honour of the sacred bull or cow of Phenicia; which was distinguished by this title. For this animal was by the Phenicians, as well as the Egyptians, esteemed sacred, and oracular: and therefore called alphi,)אלפי( the voice of God. This is intimated by the story of Cadmus; who is said to have been directed to his place of residence by a bull or cow: which went before him, and shewed him the way. By this was originally meant, that he formed his route in obedience to Alpha, an oracle. From these evidences it appears, that this term was used for an honourable and prophetic title; and it was justly appropriated by the Egyptians to Moses: as he was appointed to be God's oracle, and Aaron his interpreter. * I will be with thy mouth:---and he, even he shall be to thee instead of a mouth, and thou shalt be to him instead of a god. Again:---See I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. What could be more apposite than for people to give to this prophetic personage the name of )אלפי( Alphi; expressed by the Greeks Alpha; which precisely signifies---The Mouth of God. There was an account given by Helladius Besantinoüs of Moses being recorded by the Egyptians under this title: but he explained it in the same idle manner, as Ptolemy Hephæstion had done before. He also referred to Philo Judæus in support of his hypothesis; but there is nothing in Philo to his purpose.

Ibid. See Scholia in Iliad. Σ. ν. 593.

* So the words should be placed. See Hesych. 3 (Καδμον) φασι το αλφά παντων (γραμματων) προταξας, δια το Φοίνικας έτω καλειν τον βεν. Plutarch. Sympos. ix. 3. р. 738. Both the Apis, and Mnevis; also the Cow at Momemphis, were esteemed oracular. These animals were stiled Alphi on this account as being interpreters of the will of the gods.

4 Some writers speak of his conductor being a bull; others a cow. They were equally held sacred by the Phenicians; and Porphyry says, that this people would sooner have fed upon a human body than have tasted the flesh of any kine.

* Exodus, iv. 15, 16.

* Chap. vii. 1.

3 Apud Photium, sect. cclxxix. p. 1578. * He derived it from Alpha, vitiligo.

He is therefore justly condemned by 'Photius for the falsity of his appeal. He is however a voucher, that the title Alpha was conferred, though he did not understand the purport.

Diodorus Siculus gave an ample account of Moses and the Israelitish nation, in his fortieth book; part of which is still extant. There are many things, which he has not truly represented: yet the account in general is curious; and the character of the prophet well maintained. And though he does not expressly tell us, that Moses was called Alphi, yet he mentions what amounts to the same purpose, that he had a communication with the deity, and spake as he directed; so that his words were to be esteemed the voice of God; and the prophet himself his mouth. For he says, that, at the close of the laws given to the Jews, was subjoined, * Μωσης ακέσας το Θε ταδε λεγει τοις Ιεδαίοις. The purport of which is plainly---that the institutes given by the pro

phet were received by him immediately from the


Φλυαρει και δυτος τον Μωσην Αλφα καλείσθαι διοτι αλφοις το σων μια κατεςηρικτος ην. και καλει το ψευδες τον Φίλωνα μαρτυρα. ibid. The words of Photius.


Τετον προσαγορευεσιν Αρχιερέα, και νομίζεσιν αυτοις αγγελον γενεσα

θαι των τε θες προσταγματων. Diodori Frag. 1. xl. p. 922.

deity, whose will he made known to the people. In another place mention is made of his receiving these laws from that God---' τον Ιαω επικαλεμενον, who was called Iao, the same as Jehovah.

He was represented not only as an Oracle, but as a Deity.

I have mentioned a particular passage in Exodus, where these remarkable words occur ---And the Lord said unto Moses, see I have made thee a God to Pharaoh. This is said by 3 Artapanus and others to have been in some measure fulfilled, and that Moses was esteemed and recorded as a deity. Philo seems to intimate the same, 4 'Ἡνικα δε Αιγυπτος τας ὑπερ των ασεβηθεντων δικας εκτινει, τε βασιλευοντος της χωρας Φαραω (προσηγορευθη) Θεος. But when the people of Egypt suffered the punishments due to their crimes against heaven, he was there stiled the god of Pharaoh, the king of the country.


Ibid. 1. 1. p. 84.

* Exodus vii. 1. also iv, 15, 16. -Thou shalt be to him (Aaron) instead of God.

3 –ὑπο των ἱερεων ισόθες τιμης καταξιωθέντα. κ. τ. λ. Apud Euseb. P. E. 1. 9. p. 432.

+ Philo de Nom. Mutat. v. 1. p. 597.

Josephus speaks nearly to the same purpose. Τετον δε τον ανδρα θαυμαςον μεν Αιγυπ τιοι και θειον νομίζεσι. They to this day look upon Moses as a wonderful and divine person. We therefore need not be surprised if he had a divine title.

Of the Angel, which withstood him in his Way to



We have hitherto perceived the doubts and diffidence of Moses, and his great backwardness towards undertaking the high office which had been enjoined him. He proceeded so far as at last to incur God's displeasure. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses. Exod. iv. 14. Alarmed at this, he timely recollects himself; and resolves upon the performance of his duty. And Moses went and returned to Jethro his father-in-law, and said unto him, Let me go, I pray thee, and return unto my brethren which are in Egypt, and see whether they be yet alive. ver. 18. This shews that, during the time of his sojournment, he had received little or no intelligence concerning them. Jethro, who perhaps had been pre

Cont. Ap. 1. 1. p. 464.

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