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directed to present themselves there, immediately on their arrival here. We offer this suggestion, merely as a measure of precaution, because a trustworthy agent is employed by the Society, to board, as they enter the harbor, all vessels with Irish passengers; we thus place ourselves in immediate communion with them. The adoption of a similar plan for the protection of those who are bidding a last farewell to parents-to kindred-to the home of their childhood-to the graves in which repose the ashes of their fathers, we now eagerly and affectionately recommend to philanthropists in England and in Ireland. The spirit of the age-the improved civilization-the enlarged Christianity of the nineteenth century, inspire us with a hope that the appeal now earnestly urged I will not be unheeded.

In conclusion, we would respectfully request of the clergy, in Ireland, to disseminate among their flocks, the information conveyed in this letter, which, through the favor of the Irish Press, will, we trust, receive an extensive circulation.


ROBERT HOGAN, President Irish Emigrant Society. Secretaries.





In the preceding pages it has been announced that the publisher of this volume would soon publish another for the use of Emigrants, by the same author. It has been decided to call the second work


instead of the title at first thought of.

The Emigrant's Hand-Book will embrace matters of great importance to every class of emigrants, especially to those who take up their residence in the interior of the country, whether on cultivated farms or new land, or in villages and small cities. It will be a book of over two hundred pages, of the same size and type as this.

Such a work is greatly needed by emigrants; for the modes of Farming, Gardening, Cooking, Building, and the like, are different in the New World from those in the Old; and, as experience has shown, are better adapted to its soil and climate.

Among the topics which will be presented in the Emigrant's HandBook, are the following:

First. Plain and practical directions as to the selection of a residence for farming purposes. This will comprise the question as to the health of various sections, conveniences of markets, schools, postoffices, etc. etc. Also, directions as to the choice of lands; so that an emigrant may himself know good land from that of an inferior quality.

Second. Plain and practical directions for clearing wild land, building log-houses, etc. etc.

This is a point of the utmost importance to those who settle on new land. Emigrants are usually at a loss to know how to proceed to the best advantage on wild land. It is a trade of itself, almost; and emigrants work to great disadvantage, unless they receive good advice at the start. The Hand-Book will furnish this advice. The whole process, from the very beginning, will be given, in so plain and simple a man. ner, that it will be readily understood.

The manner of cultivating new prairie land will also be given.


On these points great pains will be taken; and everything connected with the new settler's interests will be given. No emigrant should go to his work without the book.

Third. Farming and Gardening generally, will be noticed, in a plain and simple manner; but so much in detail, that it will be truly The Farmer's Guide. Under this head, the cultivation of Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye, Buckwheat, Corn, Potatoes, Flax and Hemp, Tobacco, Silk, Maple Sugar, Corn Stalk Sugar, Lard Oil, Broom Corn, etc. etc., will be spoken of. Also, the manner of making Pot and Pearl Ashes-an important matter for the new settler-making Lard into Oil and into Candles. Also, the best mode of Fencing, Ditching, etc. etc. This portion of the work is intended to be full and complete; indispensable to the emigrant.

Fourth. A portion of the Hand-Book will be devoted to Cookery. This is a point of the utmost importance to the emigrant female, as the climate and circumstances of the country are often new to her. A very distinguished English authoress thus writes on this point:

"Indeed, no perfection in European housekeeping, would avail to guard against the devastations that an American frost will make, if not met by tactics peculiar to that climate. How could I anticipate that a fine piece of beef fresh killed, brought in at noon, still warm, would by two o'clock require smart blows with a hatchet to slice off a steak? or that half-a-dozen plates, perfectly dry, placed at a moderate distance from the fire preparatory to dinner, would presently separate into half-a-hundred fragments, through the action of heat on their frosted pores? or that milk drawn from a cow within sight of my breakfast-table, would be sheeted with ice on its passage thither?" This department of the Hand-Book will be


and will give, in a simple manner, all necessary directions on such points as these: How to make Bread, Yeast, &c., (in the American fashion;) Biscuit; Quick Biscuit; Indian Corn-Bread and Cakes; Buckwheat Cakes; Pies of all kinds; Cakes and Puddings: the best modes of making Butter and Cheese, being a Dairywoman's Guide. How to Cure and Salt Hams, Beef, and Pork; mode of Pickling Meats and Vegetables. How to make Soap of various kinds, Sausages, etc.; Candles, Vinegar, Simple Confectionary-not forgetting plain wedding cake, etc. In short, it is designed that, with no other instructions, the young housekeeper shall be mistress of every branch of her business. The directions will all be original, and in simple language.

Fifth. This department will embrace hints, receipts, etc., etc., on the subject of preserving health, curing diseases, and the like. It might be properly called


Under this head will be given such advice as cannot fail to be of the greatest use to emigrants. The symptoms of almost all diseases will be plainly given, and such advice, as to the means of cure, as will be necessary. It is intended that, if the emigrant be so situated that he cannot readily have access to a medical man, this book will enable him to help himself. The author has had a great deal of experience in such matters, during many long voyages at sea, and in new countries, and he believes that no emigrant should be without this portion of the book.

Connected with this, directions will be given as to the mode of making gruels, teas, light foods, and other things for the sick. In short, it will be


Sixth. Another department of the Hand-Book will be devoted to simple directions for the curing of diseases of horses, cattle, sheep, and the like; together with hints as to the rearing of stock of all kinds, etc. In short, the Second Part of


will form, of itself, a library for the emigrant-instructing him in the various stages of his different occupations.

It will also give an abstract of the Constitution of the United States and of the several States, and many valuable hints on the political and social interests of the country-th whole interspersed with anecdotes, pictures, etc., etc.

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