Sivut kuvina

right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than the honey and the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is thy servant warned; and in keeping of them there is great reward.” Psa. xix. 7-11.

Reader, do you value the sacred Scriptures as King David did? Are they sweeter than "honey" to your taste? Are they more desirable than "gold" in your estimation? Have they converted your soul, and imparted wisdom to your mind? Have they rejoiced your heart, and enlightened your eyes? Then you will readily declare for yourself "that the law of the Lord is perfect, and His testimony sure—that His statutes are right, and His commandments pure"-yea, you will joyfully add that His judgments "are true and righteous altogether.”

The Bible is the Book of God, and the Book of His Church. It is the Book of inspiration and of truth; of history and of prophecy; of instruction and of consolation. The Bible is the Book of promises and of warnings; of faith and of hope; of purity and of power. It is the Book of peace and of pleasantness; of light and of life. The Bible is the book of spiritual conversion, and of never-ending salvation. The Bible is the best Book for Time, and the only Book for Eternity.

The Word of God is the instrument of our regeneration. James i. 18; 1 Pet. i. 23. It is the means of the sanctifica

tion of our souls. John xv. 3. It is the sword of the Spirit, by which we overcome our spiritual foes. Eph. vi. 17. It makes us wise unto salvation, through faith, which is in Christ Jesus. 2 Tim. iii. 15. In it we have eternal life, because it testifies of Him. John v. 39.

Oh what a comforter in sorrows is the Book of Godwhat a guide in perplexity-what a light in darkness-what life in death! How many of the sons and daughters of affliction, when worn with languor and disease, have been heard to testify regarding the Book of the Lord, "This is my comfort in my affliction: for Thy word hath quickened me." Psa. cxix. 50. Mark the testimony of a young naval officer on his dying bed, when but twenty-four years of age: "There is nothing like the Bible. I never tire of that. I never feel lonely or weary when reading it :" and again he said, “I love to have this blessed Book open before me; for I can only sleep a few minutes at a time; and when I open my eyes, it is so pleasant to light upon some sweet passage."-Memoirs of the Hon. R. M.

Lady Jane Grey to her sister Lady Catharine, gave her dying testimony to the value of the Bible, by writing thus, on the blank leaf of her Greek Testament, the night before she suffered: "I have here sent you a book, which, although it be not outwardly rimmed with gold, yet inwardly it is more worth than precious stones. It is the book, dear sister, of the laws of the Lord: it is his testament and last will * and shall lead you to the path of eternal joy; and you with a good mind read it, and with an earnest desire to follow it, shall bring you to an immortal and everlast

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life. It will teach you to live, and learn you to die: * * * if you apply diligently to this book, trying to direct your life after it, you shall be an inheritor of such riches, as neither the covetous shall withdraw from you, neither thief shall steal, neither yet the moth corrupt.'

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It is our happy privilege to belong to a Kingdom, which, in the most public manner, and on the most solemn occasion, honors the Word of God above all earthly things. It is not the Sword of state, nor the golden Orb of dominion; it is not the Sceptre of authority, nor even the Crown of gold, which constitutes the last and highest gift, presented by the British Nation, to the Royal Person on the day of Coronation-no, it is the WORD OF GOD! For, after all these things have been presented, "the Archbishop shall bring the Holy Bible, and say: Our Gracious Queen; we present you with THIS BOOK, THE MOST VALUABLE THING THAT THIS WORLD AFFORDS. Here is wisdom; this is the Royal Law; these are the lively oracles of God. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this Book: that keep and do the things contained in it. For these are the words of eternal life, able to make you wise and happy in this world; nay, wise unto salvation, and so happy for evermore, through faith which is in Christ Jesus; to whom be glory for ever. Amen.”

Reader, is the Bible to you "the most valuable thing that this world affords"? Is it the book, by the light of which you have determined to guide your life? Is it the book, on the faith of which you have resolved to die? Are you making a good use of your Bible, for the enlightening of

your mind, the sanctification of your heart, and the regula tion of your conduct? Do you daily draw water with joy out of these wells of salvation? Jesus was a diligent reader of the Bible in the days of His flesh. He treasured up the promises in His heart. He lived by faith upon the written word. He knew what Moses had written regarding Himself. He knew what the Psalmists had sung, and what the Prophets had foretold, of His sufferings as the Redeemer, and of the glory that should follow. 1 Pet. i. 11. Read the Old Testament, because Jesus read it. Prize the Old Testament, because Jesus prized it; and prize the New Testament, which tells you of His life, and of His righteousness; of His blood, and of His death; of His resurrection and ascension; of His present intercession, and of His speedy return in glory. Oh thus look for Jesus, and read of Jesus, in the Book of God, and it will be the Book of Life for ever to your precious soul.

The Holy Bible has been described "as the garden of Eden, and the Book of Psalms as the tree of life in the midst." Reader, have you heard the voice of the Lord God therein? In the cool of the evening, and at other times, do you love to walk with God in this garden of inspiration? Can you say with Jeremiah, "Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and Thy word was unto me the joy and the rejoicing of my heart"? Jer. xv. 16. Do you unfeignedly bless God for the Bible? Is it a matter of heartfelt thankfulness to you that Moses wrote, and that David sang, and that Isaiah and others prophesied? Are the four Gospels on one subject more than enough in your apprehension? or

do you count the sayings and doings of your blessed Saviour so precious, that you could have wished that they had been "written every one"? John xxi. 25. Do you receive the Epistles spiritually and practically, as addressed to yourself? And do you faithfully apply their counsels, and warnings, their admonitions and promises, to your own temper, life, and conversation? And, especially, do you peruse the whole volume of inspiration in the light of the Sun of righteousness? Does Jesus shine in every page, and bring the broad day of salvation into your soul? Walk continually in that light. Give thanks for that light. Delight thyself in thy Lord. Delight thyself also in His Word. Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Holy Scriptures. Say like Job, "I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food." Job xxiii. 12. Say with David, “O how love I Thy law! it is my meditation all the day." "How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." "Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart." ""Therefore I love Thy commandments above gold, yea, above fine gold." Psa. cxix.

Art thou as a "babe" in the faith, and anxious to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of thy Lord and Saviour?"Desire the sincere milk of the Word, that thou mayest grow thereby." 1 Pet. ii. 2. Art thou as a "young man" in the truth, and longing to be strong in the faith which is in Christ Jesus?—here is "strong meat" in the Word of God; and "if it abide in thee, thou shalt overcome the

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