Laws of the State of New York, Nide 21958 |
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teoksessa on 51 hakutermiä stairways vastaavaa sivua
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 51
Table of Sections With Page References | xxii |
Chapter 928 | xxxvii |
Chapter 929 | 1 |
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
amount application approved assessment avenue beams board of estimate borough president building car safety certificate charter city collector column combustible commissioner comply comptroller concrete construction corporation counsel counterweight court designed device distance dollars dumbwaiter duty East One hundred East river elevator enclosure exit factor of safety Fahrenheit fee title fifty filed fire resistive rating fireproof floor fund gypsum height hoistway doors inches incombustible issued landing least license live load load located masonry material maximum means of egress ment metal notice one-half operation owner paid partitions payment pension permit person pounds per square premises proceeding real property reinforcement retirement roof safety sidewalk square inch stairways steel storage street structure SUB-ARTICLE subdivision superintendent tax lien taxicab thence therein thereof thereto tion transfer of tax unlawful vomitories walls width