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Under Indenture. 15,251

Not under Indenture. 45,924 2,009

Indians Chinese The aboriginal Indians actually within the settled districts of the Colony at the period of taking the Census of 1881 were found to number 7,656, but the numbers of the tribes within the British territories vary, and are at all times very uncertain.

List of Governors who have administered the Government of British Guiana since the union of the three Provinces of Demerara, Essequebo, and Berbice in 1831.

Maj.-Gen. Sir Benjamin D'Urban 21 July 1831 Major-General Sir James Carmichael Smyth (Lieutenant-Governor).

Ditto (appointed Governor)

Sir Lionel Smith

26 June 1833 27 Dec. 1836

28 May 1835

Sir James Carmichael Smyth (resumed)

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17 June 1835 27 June 1838

20 May 1848

Dec. 1848

23 May 1854

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25 July 1857

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The revenue and expenditure here is exclusive of the sums raised for and expended on immigration by the planters.

Sir F. Hincks, K.C.M.G., C.B.
Sir John Scott, K.C.M.G. 25 Jan.

12 Aug. 1867

1869 to 26 Dec. 1873

E. E. Rushworth, Esq., D.C.L., C.M.G. (Administrator).

Sir J. R. Longden, K.C.M.G.. William A. G. Young, C.M.G. (Administrator).

C. H. Kortright, Esq., C.M.G. William A. G. Young, Esq., C.M.G. (Lieutenant-Governor).

C. H. Kortright, Esq., C.M.G.
William A. G. Young, Esq., C.M.G.

Sir Henry T. Irving, K.C.M.G..
W. F. Haynes-Smith, LL.D. (Ad-

Sir Henry T. Irving, K.C.M.G.

Court of Policy.

President. The Governor. Members:

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27 June 1873

10 Mar. 1874

8 Mar. 1877

3 Aug. 1877

6 April 1879 4 Dec. 1879

13 Dec. 1881 4 May 1882

26 April 1884

2 Sept. 1884

W. F. H. Smith, Attorney-General.
C. Bruce, C.M.G., Government Secretary.
F. J. Villiers, C.M.G., Auditor-General.
A. H. Alexander, Immigration Agent-General.
C. L. Bascom.

T. Mulligan.
A. Barr.
B. H. Jones.

W. Craigen.

Secretary, The Government Secretary. Clerk, The Assistant ditto.

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5th Class:-T. Paddenburg.

Receiver-General, C. P. Austin, 1,000l.


Sub-Accountant, and in charge of Savings Bank,
Essequebo, Alex. Fraser, 4007.

Clerk to Sub-Accountant, J. Slater, 150l. to 2007.
Clerks to Receiver-General, Georgetown:-

1st, D. Y. C. Hill, 350l. to 4167.
Cashier, Percy Hemery, 300l. to 3507.
2nd, F. M. Choppin, 250l. to 3007.
3rd, S. S. Jones, 2007. to 2501.
4th, F. H. P. May, 2007. to 2507.
5th, A. Choppin, 1507. to 2007.

6th, E. H. H. Van Nooten, 1007. to 150%.

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Comptroller of Customs and Rum Duties, and Regis-
trur of Shipping, N. Darnell Davis, 1,0007.
First Clerk, T. Hubbard, 4007. to 5007.

Second C. N. Silas, 2507, to 3007.

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E. M. de Groot, 2007. to 2501.

J. F. Bennett, 1757 to 2087. 63. 8d.
G. Armstrong, 150l. to 1757.

D. Cameron, 1257. to 1507.

Seventh J. W. G. Cullingford, 100l. to 1257.

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Supervisor of Aid Waiters, and Clerk-in-Charge of
Bonded Warehouse, P. Cressall, 6007.

Aia Waiters:—

1st Class :-F. G. K. Smith, 250l. to 3507. 2nd Class :-W. Harris.

E. A. Hubbard.

E. Bagot.

G. W. Stack.

3rd Class:-M. Eliazer

-2501. each.

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Delivery Clerk, E. H Borman, 2501.

Gauger and Weigher, G. E. P. Davis, 2917. 13s. 4d.
Assist. Weigher and Gauger, J. H. Erskine, 2001.
Sub-Comptroller at Berbice, J. T. Ibbott, 500l.
Clerk, N. F. Rudder, 150l. to 2007.

Aid Waiters, J. N. Hicken, J. D. Fraser, 2007. and
Storekeeper at Bonded Warehouse, S. C. Clarke, 1251.
Immigration Department.

(Agent-General, A. H. Alexander, 1,200.
Chief Sub-Immigration Agent, C. B. King, 6007.
Sub-Immigration Agents, H. L. Straker; F.
Griffin, T. A. Bennett, A. H. W. Gordon,
4007. each.

First Clerk-H. J. Gladwin, 3007. to 4007.
H. M. Taylor, 250l. to 300l.


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W. Crawford. 2007. to 250%.

R. Duff, 150l. to 2007.

A. Lennox, 150l. to 200%.

W. H. Gladwin, 100l. to 150%.

Medical Officer to Department,

Clerk to ditto, James Silas, 2507.


Medical Officers of Immigration Districts:-
Mara, D. B. C. Callum, 6007.
Highbury, J. H. Forte, 8001.
East Canje, S. Leary, 9007.

West Canje, A. D. Williams, 650l.

Port Mourant, C. H. Massiah, 6007.


Corentyne Coast, H. Croskery (acting), 5001.

Skeldon, H. Croskery, 6002.

Cotton Tree, H. G. Pereira, 700%.

Medical Officers of Immigration Districts:-
Mahaicony, W. W. Jones, 6001.

Mahaica, J. D. Hillis, 9001. and free house.
Enmore and Victoria,

Buxton and Beterverwagting, W. F. B. Pollard,


Plaisance, F. H. Anderson, 9007.

Georgetown, H. Hutson, 1,000Z.

Peter's Hall and Great Diamond, J. L.
Veendam, 9007.

Belle Vue, O. D. Honiball, 7007.
Vreed-en-Hoop, A. Finlayson, 1,000%.
Leonora, M. Shannon, 1,000l.
Philadelphia, E. G. Leary, 7007.
Leguan, T. F. Pollard, 700.
Wakenaam J. Eneas, 8001.

Aurora and Tiger Island, J. T. Davis, 7001.
Queenstown, D. Kennedy, 9007.

Anna Regina, C. E. Macnamara, 9007.

Supernumeraries, at 3007. each,

J. C. Widdup, C. G. Young, T. Kelly, W. F.
Smartt, G. E. Godfrey, J. M. Haward, W. A.
Dickson, G. P. Doyle.

H. C. Van Genderen. (2081. 6s. 8d. Emigration Agent at Calcutta, R. W. S. Mitchell,

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Post Office.

Postmaster-General F. M. Hodgson, 625l.

First Clerk, E. D. Wight, £250, and £104 3s. 4d personal allowance.

First Class Clerks (H. L. Christiani, 250l. to 3007.
A. E. Evelyn, 250l. to 3007.
Second Class Clerks
J. St. F. Daly 1507. to 2501.
A. W. Swain
Eight Junior Clerks, six Sorters, and eight Letter
Carriers, at salaries from 25l. to 125/. each.
Telegraph Superintendent, G. C. Benson, 416/. 138. 4d.

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Matron, C. Jones, 377. 10s.

Registration of Births and Deaths.

Registrar-General, E. H. G. Dalton, 1007., in addition to salary as Registrar.

Statistical Clerk and Inspecting Registrar, W. J.
Fowler, 4001.

First Clerk, J. A. Walton, 2001.
M. Macleod, jun.,

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Inspector of Schools, Rev. W. G. G. Austin, M.A., 1,000l., and 1257. for travelling expenses. Assistant Inspector and District Educational Officer, A. H. Bartley, M.A., 4007., and travelling expenses.

Queen's College: Principal, E. Percival, B.A., 7001. and 1507. for house.

Second Master, J. A. Potbury, B.A., 5007., and 100%. for house. Assistant Masters, J. Alston Williams, Joseph Hunte, 400%. Professor of Chemistry, E. E. H. Francis, Government Analyst, 6251.

Government School for Vagrants and Youthful

Superintendent, F. A. Gall, 4007.


, 100%.

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Crown Lands Office.

Crown Surveyor, T. G. Wight, 6007.

First Assistant ditto, W. Chalmers, 4507. Second Assistant, H. J. Perkins, 3507. Third Assistant, E. A. Pairandeau, 2501. First Clerk, F. Fowler, 2501.

Second H. H. Bouglé, 1507.

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Third E. E. P. Austin, 1047. 3s. 4d.

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Inspector of Prisons, Capt. Fortescue, 800l., and personal allowance 150%.

Town Agent for Prisons, R. S. Lambert, 2501.

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Chaplain, C. B. Seifferth, 5007.

Essequebo, M. McTurk, 500., and 100%. travelling expenses.

Demerara, H. Barclay, 5001., and 1007. travelling expenses.

Berbice, Wm. Calder, 500, and 100%. travelling expenses.


Adjutant-General, T. Daly, 1007.

Bandmaster, J. Miller, 2007., and 501. lodging allow



Secretary to the Central Board of Health and Inspector of Villages, T. Daly, 5007. to 7001., and 1257. for travelling expenses (to be accounted for). First Clerk, J. McL. Cleghorn, 150%.

Second ditto, J. Glasford, 1257.

Two other Clerks.

Overseer of Works, James Goodfellow, 250l. to 3001. Analytical Chemist, E. E. H. Francis, 6251., and Issuer, W. H. Cook, 175l.

Judicial Establishment.

Chief Justice and Judge of Court of Vice-Admiralty,
Sir D. Chalmers, Kt., 2,5007.
Puisne Judge, J. T. Goldney, 1,500.
Attorney-General, W. F. H. Smith, LL.D., 1,5007.
Solicitor-General, N. Atkinson, 5007.

Registrar of Vice-Admiralty Court, E. H. Dalton, fees.
Marshal, ditto, Capt. M. McLeod, fees.
Crown Solicitor, R. W. Imlach, 4007.

1007. house allowance.

Botanic Gardens.

Superintendent, G. S. Jenman, 4007., and free house. Head Gardener, J. Waby, 1807., and free house. Second Gardener, R. Derry, 1507., and free house. Ecclesiastical Establishments (Church of England). Lord Bishop, The Rt. Rev. W. P. Austin, D.D. 2,000l. (from Imperial Funds).

Secretary and Registrar, Rev. H. J. May, fees.

Registrar and Clerk of the Supreme Courts, Demerara & Rural Deans, Demerara Rev. H. J. May} fees.

and Essequebo E. H. Dalton, 8331. 6s. 8d.

(1) Archdeacon of Berbice, Rev. T. Farrar

First Sworn Clerk and Notary Public, W. O'Meara, 5001. Archdeacon of Demerara, The Ven. F. W. Austin, Second ditto ditto, W. P. Olton, 400.

Third ditto ditto E. A. V. Abraham, 4007.
Fourth ditto ditto, A. Vanier, 4007.

First Assistant Sworn Clerk, J. Richardson, 3501.
Second ditto ditto, J. A. King, 3007.

Third ditto ditto, G. A. J. Bosch Reitz, 2501.
Fourth ditto ditto, Jas. Walls, 2001.
Accountant, G. H. Schurer, 500%.

Administrator-General, G. H. Hawtayne, 1,200. Sub Administrator-General, Berbice, W. F. Bridges, 3001.

Chief Clerk, A. H. Thomson, 5007.

2nd Clerk, H. L. Wight, 2751. 3rd ditto, E. G. Massiah, 2007.

4th ditto, F. Verbeke, 2001.

5th ditto, J. C. McWatt, 1507.

Provost Marshal, Capt. McLeod, 8331. 6s. 8d.
First Marshal, G. Charpentier, 3127. 10s.
Ordinary Marshals:-E. F. Chubb, 1501.; C. C.
Jones, 2007.; A. Eburne, 1507.; M. Taylor, 2007.;
J. Humphrys, 851.; F. Grannum, 1007.
Stipendiary Magistrates:-F. E. Dampier, Col.
Foster Foster, John Brumell, Thos. Fitzgerald,
E. A. Northcote, J. E. Hewick, Jno. Cook, and
H. H. Cunningham, 7007. each, and 1007. travel-
ling expenses; J. T. Thorne, H. Read, 6007.
each, and travelling allowance.

Clerks:-M. W. Williams, J. Cleghorn, J. H.
Humphrys, C. Weddall, H. King, E. M. Beete,
J. McF. Corry, John Bagot, and Geo. Plummer,
2001. each; C. B. Grose, 1507.

Police Magistrate of Georgetown, and Sheriff of Co.
Demerara, Henry Kirke, 1,0007.
Assistant Police Magistrate, P. H. R. Hill, 7007.;
Clerks, A. M. Abbott, 2007. to 3007.; W. A. Char-
pentier, 1507. to 2007.

Stipendiary Magistrates in River Districts:

Pomeroon, E. F. Im Thurn, 500, and 100%. travelling expenses.

Messrs. Kirke, Brumell and E. A. Northcote are also Stipendiary Magistrates.


Rector of St. George's Parish, F. W. Austin, 7007.
Incumbent of Christ Church, T. J. Moulder, 4167.
St. Philip's, H. T. S. Casteli, 4167.
Rector of St. Paul's Parish, Rev. P. A. Stevenson,

St. Matthew's, Rev. D. Smith, 5007.
St. Swithin's, Rev. H. J. May, 5007.
St. Peter's, Rev. W. T. Veness, 500!
St. John's, Rev. W. Heard, 5007.

Trinity, F. P. L. Josa, 5007.

All Saints, Rev. T. Farrar, 5007.

St. Michael's, Rev. W. H. Campbell, 5007.
St. Patrick's, G. H. Butt, 500.

14 Curates, 3007. each, viz. :—

Rev. G. Salmon.

St. Paul Rev. T. W. F. Elliott.
H. Gainer.

St. James', R. Williams.
St. John's, R. Wyllie.
Trinity, J. J. Smythe.
St. Luke's, S. W. Mathews.
St. Michael's, T. R. Dempster.
All Saints', F. W. Ritchie.
St. Patrick's, J. G. Pearson.
Demerara River, A. Gwyther.
Berbice River, J. R. Moore.
St. George's, E. Pocknell.
Missionary to Coolies, Rev. R. H. Moor, 3007.*
Pomeroon Indians, W. Quick, 4007.
Essequebo Indians, J. Keelan, 4001.☛
Church of Scotland.

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Minister of St. Andrew's Parish, Rev. T. Slater 7003
Joint Minister of ditto, G. Stephens, 4167.
Minister of St. Mary's, J. Dickson, 5007.

St. Mark's, T. Trotman, 5007.
St. Luke's, F. A. Ross, 5007.
St. James's, Rev. W. Harper, 5007.
All Saints', J. Rannie, 5007.

*Not on Establishment of Clergy List.

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