These Presses for durability and simpleness have achieved a certain reputation. The action is simple, and the result all that can be desired. One of the advantages is that an unlimited number of stamps can be fitted to one Press, and as many coloured inks as required by having separate pads, which can be changed instantly. They surpass all others in cleanliness. They are also used for marking Linen. HAND DATING STAMPS. Any design of arrangement or size, with 53 fittings for dating any number of years, £2 5s. Same description of stamp, 33 figures, 18s. MAHOGANY BOX, WITH PAD IN TIN CASE, INK AND BRUSH. BRASS ENDORSEMENT STAMPS, Or inary Egyptian or Roman letters from 2s. 6d. per doz. Garter or Ribbon, 45., or Dotted outline, Is. 6d. each. Monograms, Crests, Arms, Facsimiles, &c. fluctuations: HARRISON & SONS beg to announce a considerable reduction in the Prices of their celebrated Copying Presses. The following is an amended List, subject to future Wrought Iron Large Quarto I 2 6 Brass Balls. Do. Do. 2225 200 7 6 1 18 2 O 2 15 3 6 3 18 4 15 Polished Oak or Mahogany Stand for Foolscap Press, with two drawers 59, Pall Mall, London. VAN ANDEN'S PORTABLE COPYING PRESS. S. MORDAN & CO Its extreme portability renders it highly useful to Architects, Solicitors, Artists, and Professional Men generally. The Copy is taken by being placed in the Book and rolled round the cylinder. PATENT PORTABLE COPYING PRESS. This Press occupies little space beyond the Copying Book; the two metal clasps have merely to be forced into their position to take the Copy. |