INDIA-RUBBER, BEST BOTTLE OR PATENT, 6s. 6a. PER LB. These Paper Cleaners are particularly suitable for the Office, Artists and Engineers, as they remove pencil marks easily; any dust left after erasing, is brushed off with the reverse end. Small size, 3d.; Large size, 6d. each. INK ERASERS. WAFERS RED, BLACK, OR MIXED COLOURS, WAX VESTAS in 6d., Is., & Is. 6d. BOXES. LETTER-PRESS, COPPER-PLATE, & LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTERS, DIE SINKERS & SEAL ENGRAVERS. Official Forms for the use of Consuls, ruled and printed for the various Returns required to be made to the Foreign Office, are always kept in Stock. OFFICIAL STATIONERY USED BY AMBASSADORS, m IVORY PAPER KNIVES IN VARIOUS SIZES. Pen Holders, Wood, Bone, and Ivory, in great variety. BROWN PAPERS. Newspaper Bands and Book Post Wrappers.-Three Sizes, 6d. per Packet. Stock Boxes made of Wood, covered in Green Cloth, for holding Loose Papers CUTLERY. PEN KNIVES. DESK KNIVES. ERASERS. SCISSORS. 59, Pall Mall, London. ARMS & CRESTS FOUND & EMBLAZONED. MONOGRAMS Of any Combination of Letters, Artistically Designed, in RUSTIC, GROTESQUE, & MEDIEVAL STYLES. COPPER PLATES ENGRAVED, A Gentleman's Card Plate, engraved in any style, and 100 superfine thin or thick Cards printed from it for 4 Shillings. A Lady's Card Plate, ditto, ditto ... 5 Shillings. Addresses engraved on the Plate, 1s. 6d. per line additional. Cards for Invitations, At Home, Return Thanks, &c., always kept in stock, or printed from Plate at the shortest notice. ARMS, CRESTS, &c., IN MODERN OR MEDIEVAL STYLES, FOR BOOK LABELS, &c. An immense assortment, and Newest Designs in Menu Cartes, and Wedding Invitations PRINTED IN COLOURS, GOLD OR SILVER. Specimens can be forwarded on Application. HARRISON & SONS, EXPORT AND GENERAL STATIONERS, PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, 59, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W. 59, Pall Mall, London. M Printing and Engraving. ESSRS. HARRISON & SONS, having a large and efficient staff of Engravers and Printers, are prepared to furnish Designs and execute orders for ENGRAVING and Bank Notes, Bankers' LITHOGRAPHY of every description. Cheques, Insurance Policies, Bills of Exchange, Invoice Headings, Book Plates, Invitation or Visiting Cards, &c. Lithographic Circulars, PRINTED ON SUPERFINE BLUE OR CREAM PAPER, WITH LITHOGRAPHING ENVELOPES. UNDER FLAP OR OUTSIDE FOR ADDRESS. 500, 4/0; 1000, 5/0; 2000, 9/0; 3000, 12/6; 5000, 17/6; 10,000, 32/6 ETTERPRESS PRINTING IN ALL ITS LETTER ESTIMATES FORWARDED FREE OF CHARGE. 59, Pall Mall, London. THE CHROMOGRAPH is an ingenious invention which enables any one to produce a number of copies from MSS. written with a special ink supplied with the Apparatus, and is, therefore, invaluable to those who are often requiring reproductions of their letters, invitations. despatches, circulars, plans, or drawings, fifty fac-similes of which can be produced in a few moments, without any knowledge of Printing or Lithography being required. The Apparatus consists of two flat metal boxes lined with a gelatinous composition, which answers the same purpose as the stone in Lithographic Printing, and these cases are separable and close together in the shape of a book. The MS. to be copied is written on any kind of paper, and with any pen (either steel or quill), with the ink supplied, and the writing or drawing, being perfectly dry, is placed face downwards on the composition and the hand passed lightly over it two or three times, the paper is then pulled gently off (in the same manner as shown in the illustration above), and a fac-simile counterpart of the writing or drawing will be found transferred to the composition. A sheet of paper of any kind is then laid upon the composition and smoothed down lightly with the hand, and after two or three seconds is withdrawn in the same manner as before mentioned, and a clear and perfect copy of the original will be found printed upon it. This operation is repeated as often as required, from eight to ten minutes only being required to produce forty to fifty copies. Immediately the requisite number of copies are printed, fill the sponge supplied with the Apparatus with clean cold water, and rub the surface gently, and the writing will be speedily effaced, as easily, in fact, as pencil writing from the surface of a porcelain slate. If the composition is at any time accidentally scratched or broken, it can be remelted by heating it and allowing it to cool, care being taken to prevent dust from settling on it when in a liquid state. This Apparatus has been supplied and found most useful to Merchants, Secretaries, and most of H. M.'s Ambassadors, Consuls, and Agents abroad. 2. Do. No. 1. 2 Slabs Octavo size (for note paper), 10 x 61, with bottle of ink and sponge Quarto (for drafts or double note paper), 12 x 10, with bottle of ink and sponge... 3. Do. Foolscap (for despatches or official papers), 14 x 10, with bottle 18 O ... Folio (for plans, maps, drawings, &c.), 19 x 124, with bottle of ... ... 34 O bottle. ... Extra Bottles of Ink, either red, blue, or violet, Is. per For hot Climates a special Composition is supplied without extra cost. SUPPLIED BY HARRISON & SONS, Stationers and Printers to Her Majesty's Government, 59, Pall Mall, London. HARRISON & SONS, (Stationers by appointment to Her Majesty, and H.R.H. The Prince of Wales.) 59, Pall Mall, London, S.W. HARRISON & SONS' "Perpetual Date Denoting Calendar AND Memoranda Tablet, combined, FOR THE LIBRARY OR BOUDOIR-PRICE 2/6 From a point of utility, the above is acknowledged to be the first of its kind, comprising as it does the Calendar and Memoranda Tablet in a small compass of 6x 3 inches, independent of which it is ornamental and portable." |