Sivut kuvina

also engaged in making charts to assist the two celebrated travellers in Abyssinia, Pero de Covilhao and Alphonso de Pavia. These four counsellors have been reproached with dissuading the King from accepting the proposals of Christopher Columbus. To counterbalance this error, we may state that the first idea of the possibility of finding a passage to India was suggested by the observations of two Portuguese Jews, Rabbi Abraham de Beja, and Joseph Zaphatero de Lamego, who had been sent by King John II. to explore Ormaz, and the coasts of the Red Sea. An investigation, as to the best means of encouraging navigation, not along the coast only, but in the open sea, was confided by the government, during the reign of this prince, to the celebrated German, Martin de Behaim, then established in the country, together with the before-mentioned Rodrigo and José.

The celebrated Don Manuel, surnamed the Lucky, who succeeded to the throne of Portugal after the death of John II., earned still more renown by the interest he took in the sciences of astronomy and navigation. In his reign, Vasco de Gama first accomplished a passage to India round the Cape, which contributed to open a new era in the history of the world, as well as in that of commerce.

This monarch, who finally banished the Jews, much against his own inclination, bestowed honour upon many of that nation, both before and after their compulsory baptism, and conferred upon them many privileges.

In their own literature and theology, less progress was made by the Jews of Portugal than those of Spain; fewer names of distinction have been recorded, and Hebrew poets were rare in

that portion of the Peninsula. Yet academies and learned men were not wanting, and the rabbinical school of Lisbon early gained distinction among the many Jewish institutions which sprung up from the mother school of Cordova. It was gradually increased by numerous fugitives, who quitted Spain before the final catastrophe in 1492, compelled by local persecution, or other causes, to escape from Castile and Arragon. During the five years that elapsed between their expulsion from Spain and their banishment from Portugal, Lisbon became, for a moment, the centre-point of Jewish science and civilization.


WE are glad at any time to be able to direct the attention of our young readers, to any publication which may serve to stir them up to greater diligence in the practical duties connected with Christian missions. A little work bearing the above title,* relates to the cleansing of Naaman the Syrian, through the instrumentality of the little Jewish maiden, who was taken as a captive from her native land, and became an attendant on Naaman's wife. God may use any instrument he pleases for the accomplishment of His will, and our young friends may be encouraged in knowing how He employs small means, to bring about very great and important ends. We learn in this little book

How valuable are the influences and effects of early religious training.

"In the house of Naaman lived the little cap

* Wertheim and Macintosh, 24, Paternoster-row.

tive maid of Israel. Though far distant from her home and surrounded by idolatry, she had not forgotten the lessons of her parents, who, we may be sure, did not allow the religion of their child to depend on chance, or the caprice of her own taste, as is too often the case in the education of children in the present day, but early instilled sound religious principles into her tender mind....... .....No doubt she sighed for her longlost parents, and her distant home; but neither impatient in adversity, nor proud in the favour of her mistress, she gained influence over all who were in Naaman's house. In a strange and heathen land, away from all her kindred, with no one to counsel her, and, as we should have thought, in daily danger of falling into the idolatry which surrounded her, she not only kept the faith in which she had been so early and zealously trained, but in her life and conversation preached the true God to those who hitherto had worshipped idols. Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.'

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We may further learn from this little publication that

Every one may do something for the glory of God, and the good of their fellow-men.

"It may be asked, And what could she do? SHE DID WHAT SHE COULD. Engaged in the path of duty, while performing service to her earthly master, she did not neglect her duty to the Lord of lords. There was no mere selfishness in her religion. Her own sorrows did not so weigh her down, that she forgot the sufferings of those around her. Her sorrowing master was not

forgotten in her prayers, and when the truth flashed across her mind, and her faith announced to her wondering mistress that Naaman might be cured, the effect of her words was like the opening of a box of spikenard ointment. The news spread its fragrant odour into the chamber of the leper, and to the servants' hall, and was wafted into the very palace of Benhadad.”

But after we have done all, we must remember, that we are "unprofitable servants." The Christian, be he old or young, looks not for the praise of man, but seeks for the commendation of the Lord, while he confesses how unworthy he is to be employed in His service. We are here told something of

The necessity of humility and faith.

"Shall we then, forgetting that humility is the first grace of the Christian, and needful in the attainment of all other graces, be anxious that others may applaud our good deeds? Not that we are to hide them from others, when to do so would be to leave them undone :-but we may lay it down as a rule, that we have not done good for God's sake, if we feel dissatisfied because the result has not attracted the notice of others ....The whole story, from beginning to end, speaks of humility and faith as its result. Both graces met in the loving heart of the little maiden, and the humility which led Naaman to repose on her earnest words, was the first beginning of a living faith, which, however, found no room in which to grow, till pride was quite uprooted."

We earnestly pray that God may make each of our young readers a burning and a shining light to those by whom they are surrounded. With

far greater advantages than the Jewish girl, may they be led equally to improve them for the honour of God,-for of her it is said :


There was once a little maiden, who when left desolate in the midst of heathenism, was, by the good grace of the Almighty, able to make known the truth to a noble Syrian, and to bring into the very court of Benhadad the knowledge of Jehovah, and this was none other than that glorious star, and that beauteous flower, THE LITTLE CAPTIVE MAID OF ISRAEL."


(Continued from page 191.)

Here, at

FROM Palestine we are led to EGYPT. Cairo, we find a Missionary, himself a believing and ordained Israelite; and a Schoolmaster. The missionary is the Rev. C. L. Lauria, a man who has suffered much for the sake of Christ, enduring the loss of all worldly things and of life's dearest relation, through the persecution of his brethren, yet remaining steadfast, consistently and perseveringly witnessing for Christ.

Another field of labour is found in TURKEY IN ASIA. The Rev. H. A. Stern, Mr. J. H. Brühl, and a Colporteur are stationed at Bagdad: the Rev. P. H. Sternschuss and a. Colporteur at Smyrna.

In TURKEY IN EUROPE three stations are occupied. At Constantinople, where the Rev. J. O. Lord, Mr. J. B. Goldberg, a Colporteur and an assistant Schoolmaster are stationed,

At Jassy, the Rev. A. J. Behrens; and at

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