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And, as from these seeming discordancies in their accounts, we may conclude they did not write in concert; so, from their agreeing in the principal and most material facts, we may infer that they wrote after the truth."*

The duration of our Saviour's ministry, whether it ex. tended to three years or longer, or only one year, has been a question of much controversy; the former opinion is adopted by Newcome, and is implicitly followed in this Harmony, as is also his division of time. Those who wish to consult controversial writings on the former of these subjects, may peruse the printed correspondence between Newcome and Priestly, and Mann's Dissertations on the time of the birth and death of Christ.

Though the exact reference of notes and quotations to their respective writers, is generally omitted, the editor is not aware that any are wrested from the sense which the authors intended they should convey. Several trifling alterations, unnecessary to be enumerated, have been adopted in the disposition of the text, and it is hoped, generally, to advantage.

* West's Observations on the Resurrection, Sec. 25.



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