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and perfect symmetry, they might well have challenged admiration, but they dwindled into insignificance beside the matchless one that formed the clasp; and this, harmonizing as its pure serene lustre did, with the sweet unconscious loveliness of its wearer, was perhaps the real influence that attracted every eye: its clear soft light may best be described in the words of a recent authority, as 'the essence of moonbeams,' and we can well imagine that even in the uncongenial atmosphere of that crowded court, it may have recalled to many a heart a calm refreshing memory of rippling waves and moonlit sands, and prompted to the poetic fancy of an Addison, the polished compliment to which its fair owner has been listening with a half-surprised, half-courteous smile. While even royalty itself has deigned to notice the jewel, and has turned with an admiring comment to Lady Marlborough, as after her presentation its wearer moved gracefully away.

It was scarcely noon, on the following day, when the Duchess of Ormond called to request an interview with the youthful Lady Glenleary, and with eager animation and expressions of affectionate delight, the beautiful girl we have just been describing, arose from the couch on which she was resting, and sprang forward to welcome her beloved and early friend. She led her to a large high-backed arm-chair, and seating herself in a less honourable, though far more unconstrained position, on a low cushion at her feet, she took the hands of the Duchess within her own, and pressing them warmly, looked upwards in her face with a glad smile, as she exclaimed, 'Oh how delightful thus to meet, unfettered by the cold and wearisome formality of yesterday, so tedious when once the novelty was worn off, so fatiguing, that I am hardly recovered from it yet; but where

did you vanish to? When we were leaving, my eyes sought for you in every direction, and could find neither tidings or trace, while my enquiries were checked by the mysterious and important looks of some of your friends whom I ventured to interrogate; they savoured so alarmingly of court intrigue, that I made my retreat as quickly as possible.'

The Duchess laughed as she stooped to kiss the speaker's transparent forehead, 'What, suspicious already!' she exclaimed, 'I prophecy that simple and unpretending as you made that little head of yours appear yesterday, we shall yet see it as full of court intrigue as any of those elaborate fabrics that seemed to afford you so much amusement.'

'Ah, never, never!' was the emphatic answer ; 'I know little of such cabals: I have never been behind the scenes, but I have witnessed too many a sad and deep political tragedy, ever to seek familiarity with the mechanism that produces such consequences.'

'And yet,' replied the Duchess, gravely, 'a spirit such as yours, Florence, at once energetic and self-possessed, might do much : Anne is a person to be ruled ; though occupying a sovereign position, her nature yearns for support, for direction; and, while we feel that her present favourite, Lady Marlborough, is attached to our party by merely nominal ties, we console ourselves with the conviction, that her influence with her royal mistress cannot always endure, that even already her ungentle authority often chafes, and that it only depends upon ourselves to secure, through some individual at once attractive, judicious, and ambitious, a post that leads directly to the sovereign's ear.'

Florence gazed at the speaker with surprise, as she answered,' And would you place me,-inexperienced

unpractised-unconnected,-would you seek to place me in opposition to the life-long habitual influence of that gifted, imperious, woman? Could you, for a moment, seek to train me for such a task? No, dear lady, never cherish such a dream even were it possible, other inclinations, other interests, call me away from scenes which I can only regard in the light of interruptions; and if a thought of Lady Marlborough should ever cross my mind, so far from having wished to undermine her, it will be to remember her as something superior to the butterflies with which she is surrounded-something,' added she, with an expressive smile, of a kindred spirit, perhaps, but never as an antagonist, or a rival.'

'An expression of annoyance and disappointment clouded the noble features of the Duchess, but quickly controlling it, she replied,' and yet dearest interests might call for some exertion on your part; some anxiety to propitiate and influence the powers that be. And now, Florence, is there one spark of ambition in that heart, and can it refuse to kindle, when I tell you I have discovered the way


'Cease, tempter,' cried Florence, reproachfully,' by dearest interests, I well know what you mean; but my dearest earthly interests are now identified with my husband's where he leads me, there, and there only, will I follow, convinced that the unfeminine paths of court intrigue and dissimulation are such as he will never choose for his wife; pardon me,' added she, quickly, seeing the colour rise to her listener's brow, 'I never could intend any allusion to your Grace's exalted position, and untiring efforts for your husband's honour and your country's good; and yet, even while I acknowledge their necessity, at the same time I deplore it, grieving over the inroads on your

time and your tranquillity, and more deeply than ever convinced, that when He, that was Lord of all, chose for himself a lowly path, he left that example as the safest and the happiest for those that would seek to follow in his steps.'

'And you do you dwell upon a bed of roses?' asked the Duchess, searchingly; and Florence smiled, as she answered in a lighter tone; 'Not hitherto, truly, but in that halcyon future, which you courtiers promise, I expect, like the Sybarite, we shall grumble, if only a rose-leaf is folded beneath us.'

The Duchess sighed, as she murmured, 'Poor Ireland; who can promise her the luxury of a tranquil day?' then, after a moment's thoughtful pause, she added, and so Harley and St. John remarked my withdrawal, and looked very mysterious when you inquired the cause?'

'Very proud and elated, I should say,' answered Florence. The Duchess smiled sarcastically, as she replied, 'And what would they have thought, had they learned, that the conference to which they attached so much importance, related to a woman's bauble, and that the fair novice they hesitated to enlighten, was the person most interested in the debate.'

'Myself!' cried Lady Glenleary, with astonishment; I can now understand you were summoned to the royal closet; but how could this have concerned me?'

With a mysterious smile, Lady Ormond affected to trifle for a moment with Florence's curiosity; then gaily answered, Prepare your Irish blood for an affront, even though offered by royalty; but there must be what our Scotch friends would call "glamour" in your radiant pearl, for not only did it literally turn the heads of half the court yesterday, but the Queen

herself was so fascinated, that she is determined to possess it, and has commissioned me to request you will name your own price: in zeal for your interest, I hinted, that it was an old family relic; in fact, part and parcel of yourself, the more precious, as it was the only hereditary possession the civil war had left you ; on which her Majesty quickly seized my unuttered thought, and added with extreme graciousness, that in seeking to purchase your jewel, she had considered yourself beyond all price, but would, at the same time, feel most grateful could she retain you near her person, in a post that was happily vacant.'

A transient flush did indeed deepen Florence's roses into carnation, but as if not daring to trust herself to words, a grave and most eloquent silence was her only reply.


'Listen to me. Florence,' continued the Duchess, impressively, laying her hand on her young companion's shoulder, the Stuarts were ever mercenary and vain; and even Anne, though exempted from many of the failings of her family, still retains a taste for ornament and a genius for economy: you love your bauble, you spurn this offer, but remember you are desired to name your own price, and thus, without diminishing her treasures, or disappointing her fancy, you may seize this opportunity of propitiating the Queen, and gain in return more than gold could ever buy.'

Florence started, and again a bright colour mantled on her cheek, and lighted up her large expressive eyes; but as suddenly it faded, those bright eyes filled with tears, and in a voice of saddest dejection, she answered, 'Gold or power can never restore again my heart's best treasure, and cold and faint is every other consideration now; yes, even that influence to which you attach so

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