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Regulate the date of Easter Day and days or other periods and occasions depending thereon.

E it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the 5 same, as follows:

A.D. 1928.

1. Easter-day shall, in the calendar year next but Date of one after the commencement of this Act and in all Easter-day. subsequent years, be the first Sunday after the second Saturday in April, and section three of the Calendar 10 (New Style) Act, 1750, the new calendar, tables and rules annexed to that Act, and section two of the Calendar Act, 1751, are hereby amended and shall be read and construed accordingly.

2. Any reference in any enactment other than the Construc15 Calendar (New Style) Act, 1750, or the Calendar Act, tion of 1751, or in any Order in Council, order, regulation, documents byelaw, deed, notice, or other document whatsoever referring to Easter-day to Easter-day or to a day or other period or an occasion or days or whose date depends on Easter-day shall be deemed a other 20 reference to Easter-day as defined in section one of periods or this Act or to the day or other period or occasion whose occasions date depends in a corresponding manner on Easter-day depending as so defined (as the case may be).


A.D. 1928.

Adaptation of dates for

certain courts, meetings, markets, &c.

Short title,

commencement and extent.

3. All courts of what nature or kind soever and all meetings and assemblies of any bodies politic or corporate, and all markets, fairs and marts and courts thereunto belonging, which by any law, statute, charter, custom or usage are appointed, used or accustomed to 5 be held and kept at any moveable time or times depending upon the time of Easter-day, shall be held and kept on such days and times whereon the same shall respectively happen or fall according to the happening or falling of Easter-day as regulated by 10 section one of this Act.

4. (1) This Act may be cited as the Stabilisation of Easter Act, 1928.

(2) This Act shall commence and come into operation on such date as may be fixed by Order of His 15 Majesty in Council.

(3) This Act shall apply to the whole of His Majesty's Dominions (including territories which are under His Majesty's protection and territories in respect of which a mandate has been accepted by His Majesty) 20 other than the Dominions and mandated territories mentioned in the schedule to this Act.

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Any territories in respect of which a mandate has been 15 accepted by His Majesty and is being exercised by the Government of any of the Dominions mentioned in Part I. of this schedule.

A.D. 1928.

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To regulate the date of Easter Day and days or other periods and occasions depending thereon.

Presented by Captain Bourne, supported by

Mr. Withers, Mr. Buxton,

Sir Philip Richardson, Captain Fairfax and Mr. Rosslyn Mitchell.

Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 10 February 1928.

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To be purchased directly from

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1. Date of Easter-day.

2. Short title, commencement and extent.


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