5 10 15 20 295 30 Provided that (a) an application for the purposes of this sub- (b) no person who has previously made an appli- (4) For the purposes of this section- means petroleum oils, coal tar, and oils produced from (c) the expression "fishing boat " means a boat The method of testing oils for the purpose of ascertaining whether they comply with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this subsection relating to the 35 distillation of a certain volume thereof at a certain temperature shall be such as the Commissioners may prescribe. A.D. 1928.. 19. The Commissioners may make regulations with Regula respect to the collection of the duties continued or tions. 40 imposed by sections seven, eight and eighteen of this Act, and may for that purpose apply, with the necessary modifications, to any article removed or imported into the Isle of Man upon which duties are imposed by those A.D. 1928. sections any enactments applicable to duties on the like article imported into Great Britain or Northern Ireland, and any regulations made under subsection (3) of section seven of the Isle of Man (Customs) Act, 1927, shall have effect as if they had been made under this section. Interpretation and short.title. 20.-(1) In this Act the expression "the Commismeans the Commissioners of Customs and sioners Excise. 66 (2) This Act may be cited as the Isle of Man (Customs) Act, 1928. 5 10 Isle of Man (Customs). Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 25 July 1928. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: 120, George Street, Edinburgh; York Street, Manchester; Order. A BILL 5 ΤΟ Confirm a Provisional Order under the Land A.D. 1928. HEREAS the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries W made the Provisional Order set forth in the schedule hereto under the provisions of the Land 8 & 9 Geo. 5. Drainage Acts 1861 and 1918: And whereas the Minister has determined to submit the said Order to Parliament for confirmation and accordingly it is requisite that the said Order should be confirmed by Parliament: Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent 10 Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows: c. 17. 1. The Order as set out in the schedule hereto shall Order in 15 be and the same is hereby confirmed and all the schedule provisions thereof shall have full validity and force. confirmed. 2. This Act may be cited as the Land Drainage Short title. (Ouse) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1928. A.D. 1928. Order. SCHEDULE. Suspension of rating in certain parts of the district. LAND DRAINAGE ACTS 1861 AND 1918. Land Drainage (Ouse) Provisional Order. WHEREAS the Ouse Drainage District was constituted by a 10 And whereas a petition has been presented by the Ouse Drainage Board to the Minister in accordance with the provisions of the Land Drainage Act 1918 praying that the provisions of the principal Act may be altered and supplemented in such respects as are indicated in the schedule to the petition so as to 15 enable the area for the benefit of which drainage works are authorised by the principal Act to be drained effectively: Now therefore the Minister in pursuance of the powers vested in him by the Land Drainage Acts 1861 and 1918 and of every other power enabling him in this behalf and for the 20 purpose of carrying the said petition into effect hereby orders as follows: -- 1. No rate which is made under the principal Act or the principal Order after the thirty-first day of December nineteen hundred and twenty-seven and until such day as the Minister 25 may by Order determine (which period is hereinafter referred to as "the suspensory period ") and no rate which is made after the expiration of the suspensory period so far as the same is made for defraying the expenses of the Drainage Board in respect of works executed during the suspensory period shall except as 30 hereinafter provided be levied on lands in Area A or in Sub-Areas D2 D3 D4 or G2 or in such part of Sub-Area K2 as drains into the River Nar at or above Narborough mill and weir and this provision shall apply to rates for discharge of administrative and general expenses incurred by the Drainage Board during the suspensory 35 period as well as rates for defraying expenses in respect of works. Order. 5 10 2. During the suspensory period no works shall be executed A.D. 1928. by the Drainage Board under the principal Act or the principal Order (a) in Area A except with the consent of a sub-committee (b) in Sub-Areas D2 D3 D4 or G2 except with the consent (c) in the part of Sub-Area K2 referred to in the preceding Provided that if any works shall be so executed with the consent hereby required the expenses incurred by the Drainage 15 Board in relation to those works including any administrative and general expenses allocated thereto under the principal Order shall be defrayed out of rates levied as the case may be on Area A Sub-Area D2 Sub-Area D3 Sub-Area D4 Sub-Area G2 or the part of Sub-Area K2 herein before described: 20 Provided further that it shall be lawful for the Drainage Board to execute works under the principal Act or the principal Order in Area A or in Sub-Areas D2 D3 D4 or G2 or in that part of Sub-Area K2 herein before described without the consent hereby required if such works are for the benefit of any lands 25 within any area or sub-area in the Ouse Drainage District not exempted from rating under the terms of this Order and if the expenses thereby incurred are defrayed wholly by rates levied on lands in the area or sub-area affected. Special provisions as to works during suspensory period in certain parts of the district. 3. Expressions in this Order have the same meaning as in Definitions. 30 the principal Order. 35 4. This Order shall come into operation on the date on which Commenceit is confirmed by the Minister or if submitted to Parliament ment. for confirmation then on the date of such confirmation. In witness whereof the official seal of the Minister of Agri- eight. (L.S.) A. T. A. DOBSON |