BILL To extend the hours of polling at local government elections. Ordered to be brought in by Mr. Scurr, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Tinker, Mr. Gardner, Mr. Thurtle and Mr. Batey. Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 2 May 1928. To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: 120, George Street, Edinburgh; York Street, 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; 15, Donegall Square West, Belfast; or through any Bookseller. 10. 11. 12. provisions of Part I. Powers of inspector as to sanitary defects remediable by district council. Powers in case of default of a district council. Power to make orders for special medical supervision. 23. 24. Maintenance of passages and stairs. Safe means of access. 25. Precautions against injury to persons working in places where dangerous fumes accumulate. Clause. 26. Steam boilers, &c. 27. Steam receivers. 28. Exemptions as to steam boilers and steam receivers. 29. Compressed air receivers. 30. Means of escape in case of fire. 31. Regulations, &c., as to means of escape. 32. Safety provisions in case of fire. 33. Further provisions as to fire precautions in case of new factories. 34. Power to make orders in cases of special danger. 35. Power to make orders as to dangerous conditions. 36. Power to make orders as to to unhealthy or dangerous factory. 37. Notice by inspector of danger in factory. PART III. WELFARE (GENERAL PROVISIONS). 38. Supply of drinking water. 39. Washing facilities. 40. First-aid. 41. Facilities for sitting. 42. Accommodation for keeping and drying clothing. 43. Supply of protective clothing. 44. Welfare orders. 45. Weekly rest day. PART IV. HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELFARE (SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND REGULATIONS). Special Provisions. 46. Removal of dust or fumes. 47. Prohibition of spitting. 48. Meals in certain dangerous trades. 49. Prohibition of use of white phosphorus in manufacture of matches. 50. Prohibition of employment of female young persons in certain processes. 51. Prohibition of employment of women and young persons in lifting excessive weights. Clause. 52. Prohibition of employment of women and young persons in certain processes connected with lead manufacture. 53. Regulations for employment of women and young persons in processes involving use of lead compounds. 54. Prohibition of night work in bakehouses. 55. Threading of shuttles. 56. Metal-grinding factories. 57. Humid factories. 58. Underground rooms. 59. Basement bakehouses. 60. Laundries. Regulations. 61. Power to make regulations for safety and health. Supplementary Provisions. 62. Importation of articles made with prohibited materials. 63. Sale and importation of certain materials, &c. 64. Power to take samples. PART V. NOTIFICATION AND INVESTIGATION OF ACCIDENTS AND INDUSTRIAL DISEASES. 65. Notification of accidents in factories. 66. Power to extend provisions as to notice of accidents or dangerous occurrences. 67. Notification of industrial diseases. 68. Inquest in case of death by accident or industrial disease in factory. 69. Power to direct formal investigation of accidents. 70. Duty of appointed doctor to investigate and report in certain cases. PART VI. EMPLOYMENT (WOMEN, YOUNG PERSONS, AND Prohibition of Employment of Children. 71. Prohibition of employment of children. Clause. Hours and Holidays. 72. General conditions as to hours of employment of women and young persons. 73. Notice fixing hours of employment. 74. Restriction of employment inside and outside factory on same day. 75. Prohibition of use of certain rooms during meal times. 76. Prohibition of Sunday employment. 77. Annual holidays. Special Exceptions. 78. Exception relating to male young persons employed in bakehouses. 79. Exceptions as to simultaneous hours for meals and rest. 80. Exceptions as to employment during intervals. 81. Exceptions as to use of certain rooms during meal times. 82. Exceptions as to fish and fruit preserving. 83. Exceptions as to creameries. 84. Exception as to Saturday. 85. Exception as to Sundays and Saturdays in Jewish factories. 86. Exceptions as to overtime. 87. Exceptions as to male young persons over sixteen employed in shifts. 88. Provision for protection of women and young persons employed under exceptions. 89. Notices, registers, &c., relating to special excep tions. 90. Power to suspend certain provisions of Part VI. in emergency. |