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Ex-Service Men Bill.



1. Obligation on employers to employ disabled men. 2. Definition of disabled man.

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Withdrawal of certificates.

6. Establishment of Appeals Courts.

7. Employers to furnish returns.

8. Employer not compelled to employ certain disabled


9. Arrangements by associations of employers.

10. Regulations.

11. Obligation on employers to comply with regulations.

12. Wages to be paid.

13. Employment of disabled men to be compulsory after commencement of Act.

14. Penalty on employer.

15. Monthly penalty.

16. Employer not bound to employ number of disabled men in certain events.

17. Definition of employer.

18. Short title and commencement.

Disabled Ex-Service Men.




Make the employment of disabled ex-service men A.D. 1928. compulsory.

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E it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the 5 same, as follows:

abled men.

1. Every employer who regularly employs, whether Obligation by way of manual labour or otherwise, any number of on empaid workers of either sex over eighteen years of age, ployers to whether of British or other nationality, shall employ employ dis10 such number of men who served in the Navy, Army or Air Force and who were disabled in the late war, as may for the time being be required by the provisions of this Act or any regulations made by the Minister of Labour thereunder.


2. A disabled man shall, for the purposes of this Definition of Act, mean any man who has been or who is in receipt disabled of retired pay or pension awarded for disablement in man. respect of service in His Majesty's Forces between the fourth day of August, nineteen hundred and fourteen, 20 and thirty-first day of August, nineteen hundred and twenty-one.

3. There shall be established by the Minister of EstablishLabour in every district covered by a Ministry of Labour ment of Employment Exchange a Committee on the Employ- Committees. 25 ment of Disabled Men (in this Act referred to as the Committee ") consisting of three representatives of


Disabled Ex-Service Men.

A.D. 1928. Employers' Associations in that district, three representatives of Employees' Associations and three representatives of the British Legion for the purpose of

Issue of certificates

(a) Supervision of the working of this Act in the said district.


(b) The fixing in special cases of the rate of wages
to be paid to a disabled man employed by
reason of the provisions of this Act, but such
special rates shall not be fixed except at the
request and upon the representation of an 10
employer upon an individual case.

(c) Issuing and withdrawing the necessary certificates
to men falling within the provisions of this Act.
The Committee shall act under the authority of the
Minister of Labour as his representative in the district 15
under its control.

4. There shall be issued by the Committee to every disabled man a certificate to the effect that the said to disabled disabled man is qualified under this Act towards the quota for employment by any employer.


Withdrawal of certificates.

Establishment of Appeals Courts.


to furnish returns.

5. The Committee shall have power on consideration of the representations made by an employer to withdraw the certificate issued by them, subject always to the provisions of the section of this Act of which the marginal note is "Establishment of Appeals Courts."



6. There shall be established by the Minister of Labour at each Divisional Office of the Ministry of Labour an Appeals Court consisting of a chairman appointed by the Minister of Labour, one representative of employers, one representative of employees, and one 30 representative of disabled men, for the purpose of hearing the appeal of an employer or a disabled man concerning (a) The fixing of a special rate of wages.

(b) The issuing or withdrawing of a certificate.

(c) The dismissal of a disabled man by an employer. 35 The said Appeals Courts shall sit as required and their decisions shall be binding upon all parties.

7. Every employer shall, during the month of January of each year, furnish to the Ministry of Labour Employment Exchange for the district in which the 40

Disabled Ex-Service Men.

employment is conducted, a return showing the number A.D. 1928. of persons employed who are in receipt of remuneration and stating the number of disabled men employed.

8. An employer shall not be compelled to employ Employer 5 or continue to employ any particular disabled man who not comholds a certificate in accordance with the provisions of pelled to employ this Act, or any disabled man who is not suitable for the certain dispurposes of his establishment.

abled men.

9. Associations of employers of the same kind Arrange10 may arrange for the joint discharge of their obligations ments by in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

associations of employers. 10. The Minister of Labour shall from time to time Regulations. make regulations prescribing the number of disabled men to be employed by employers falling within the provisions 15 of this Act, and he shall be entitled to have regard to the character of the employment in deciding upon the number of disabled men to be so employed:

Provided that such regulations are laid before each House of Parliament and shall not become operative 20 unless and until both Houses by resolution have approved the regulations.

11. All employers shall, in accordance with the Obligation provisions laid down, employ such number of disabled on emmen suitable for the purposes of his establishment as ployers to 25 shall from time to time be fixed by the Minister of Labour comply with regulations. in accordance with the section of this Act of which the marginal note is "Regulations."

12. The wages to be paid to a disabled man shall Wages to be (subject as hereinafter provided) not be less than the paid. 30 standard rate of wages payable for the work upon which the said disabled man shall be employed, provided that the Committee shall have power, on representations made by an employer to them, to reduce such rate of wages. In determining any reduced rate of wages for 35 a disabled man any retired pay or pension received by him shall not be taken into consideration.


13. The employment of disabled men as laid down Employby this Act shall be compulsory on every employer to ment of whom this Act applies from the commencement of this 40 Act only in so far as circumstances on that date permit, compulsory

men to be

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