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Amend the Empire Settlement Act, 1922, and for A.D. 1928. other purposes connected with settlement at Home and Overseas.

E it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty,

Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, 5 as follows:




1. Section one of the principal Act (which gives Amendment power to the Secretary of State to co-operate in schemes) of 12 & 13 shall be amended as follows:

(1) In subsection (1) after

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"intend" shall be
inserted the words "to engage in industry
or agriculture in the United Kingdom, or
(2) In paragraph (b) of subsection (2) after "training"
shall be inserted the words "either in the said
Dominions, or in the United Kingdom"
: and
after "otherwise " shall be added the word
66 or."

(3) After paragraph (b) in subsection (2) shall be
added the following clause, namely:

"(c) A scheme to enable suitable persons
to engage in industry or agriculture by
assistance with initial allowances, training
or otherwise; such scheme may include an
arrangement by which the assisted person

Geo. 5. c. 13.

A.D. 1928.


ment of


may be required to contribute to the expenses thereof from such payments as he may receive from the unemployment fund under the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1927."


2. Notwithstanding any limitation imposed in subsection (3) of section one of the principal Act, the Secretary of State shall have power to bear the whole or any part of the expenses incurred under an agreed scheme whether made under the principal Act or under the principal Act as 10 amended by this Act.

3. The following new section shall be added to the principal Act, namely:—

"4. The Secretary of State shall appoint a Board of five persons to be described as the 15 Empire Settlement Board, and it shall be the duty of such Board to carry out, under his control, the provisions of this Act."

4. (1) In this Act the expression "the principal Act" means the Empire Settlement Act, 1922.


(2) Every enactment and word which is directed by this Act to be substituted for or added to any portion of the principal Act shall form part of the principal Act in the place assigned to it by this Act; and the principal Act and all Acts, including this Act, which refer thereto 25 shall, after the commencement of this Act, be construed as if the said enactment or word had been enacted in the principal Act, in the place so assigned, and where it is substituted for another enactment or word, had been enacted in lieu of that enactment or word. A copy of the 30 principal Act, with the amendments, whether by way of substitution, addition or omission, required by this Act, shall be prepared and certified by the Clerk of the Parliaments and deposited with the Rolls of Parliament, and His Majesty's printer shall print, in accordance with the 35 copy so certified, all copies of the principal Act, which are printed after the commencement of this Act.

(3) A reference in any enactment (whether passed before or after the passing of this Act), or in any document to the Empire Settlement Act, 1922, shall, unless the 40 context otherwise requires, be construed to refer to that

Act as amended by any enactment for the time being A.D. 1928. in force.

5. This Act may be cited as the Empire Settlement Short title. Act, 1928, and the principal Act and this Act may be

5 cited together as the Empire Settlement Acts, 1922 and 1928.

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To amend the Empire Settlement Act, 1922, and for other purposes connected with settlement at Home and Overseas.

Presented by Mr. Somerville, supported by

Sir Evelyn Cecil, Mr. Wardlaw-Milne,
Sir Sydney Henn, Mr. Wells,
Brigadier-General Warner, Mr. Tinne,
Mr. Campbell and Sir John Marriot!.

Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 10 February 1928.



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