I, Howard S. Reeside, president of the Washington Gas Light Co., do hereby swear that the foregoing statement is just and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. HOWARD S. REESIDE, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of January, 1915. [SEAL.] O A. B. KELLY, Notary Public. 3d Session. No. 1550. WASHINGTON-VIRGINIA RAILWAY CO. > LETTER FROM THE TREASURER, WASHINGTON-VIRGINIA RAILWAY CO., TRANSMITTING REPORT OF THE WASHINGTONVIRGINIA RAILWAY CO. FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1914. FEBRUARY 1, 1915.-Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. WASHINGTON-VIRGINIA RAILWAY CO., SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith report of the Washington-Virginia Railway Co. for the year ending December 31, 1914. Very respectfully, Hon. CHAMP CLARK, J. C. FREELAND, Treasurer. Washington, D. C. Speaker of the House of Representatives, REPORT OF WASHINGTON-VIRGINIA RAILWAY CO. FOR THE Repairs to roadbed, railway, building fixtures, and total cost of main- Receipts from passengers, District of Columbia.. Total receipts, District of Columbia....... Number of passengers on Potomac River Highway Bridge...... Number of persons injured, District of Columbia: In collision with vehicles... $1,699. 30 1,850.00 14, 713. 93 12, 726. 87 173.00 $90, 571. 04 3,299. 78 93, 870. 82 2,415, 616 List of stockholders of Washington- Virginia Ry. Co. as of Dec. 31, 1914. Austin, Samuel H.. Bean, Chas. H., & Co. Butcher, Sherrerd & Hansell. Carter, A. S... Caton, James R. Clark, E. W., & Co. Crane, Parris & Co. Dick Bros. & Co..... Fadeley, George B.. Graham, Florence B.. American Security & Trust Co., Wash- 40 60 301 Stock Exchange Building, Philadel- 105 20 15 314 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.. Real Estate Trust Building, Philadel- Care of W. B. Hibbs & Co., Washington, Care of North American Building, Phil- Care of Broad Street station, Philadel List of stockholders of Washington- Virginia Ry. Co. as of Dec. 31, 1914-Continued. Leech, David C. Lightfoot, J. C., jr.. Lemon, Williams F. Livingston, O. B. McKnight, David, jr. Magruder, G. H.. Moses, Radford.... Neely, William C... Oldring, G. H.. H D-63-3-vol 107- -22 10 50 3830 Georgia Avenue NW., Washington, D. C. 150 1333 Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 100 Fairfax, Va. 1 5 Fourteenth and C Streets NW., Wash 40 60 ington, D. C. .do. 1307 Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa.. .do. 517 335 List of stockholders of Washington- Virginia Ry. Co. as of Dec. 31, 1914—Continued. Penington, Colket & Co..... Pitts, H. Garnett..... Pollock, Wm. C., jr. Potter, Jane Grey. Rushton, Mary, trustee estate R. H. Schmidheiser, Louise. Spalding, Charles A.. Spaid, W. W. Thompson, Eugene E.. Treat, Frederick H. Vaughan, George Tully. Wharton, Francis Willing. Total. Fifteenth and Walnut Streets, Philadel- Care United States Trust Co., Washing- Repl. Trust Co., 1429 Chestnut Street, Care West Jersey Trust, Camden, N. J.. Care Girard Trust Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 149 States Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J... 542 Pennsylvania Street, Reading, Pa. 1703 Rhode Island Avenue NW., Wash- Hibbs Building, Washington, D. C.... 604 Fourteenth Street NW., Washing- do. 1718 I Street NW., Washington, D. C. 224 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, City of Washington, ss: J. C. Freeland, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the treasurer of the Washington-Virginia Railway Co., and that the foregoing reports have been prepared by him from the original books, papers, and records of said company; that he has carefully examined the same and declares the same to be a complete and correct statement of the business and affairs of said company in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth, to the best of his knowledge and belief. J. C. FREELAND, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to this 30th day of January, 1915, before me. [SEAL.] HENRY E. RIDENOUR, Notary Public, District of Columbia. O |