Mich. The steam engineer of the Hancock made a mistake with the reverse gear and when signaled by the master to back up, went ahead instead. 3. The master, steam engineer, and Mr. Fred Kendrick, United States watchman, together with the owner of the scow made an immediate examination of the damage and it was considered the scow had a narrow escape from being sunk. Two planks and the stern timber were found broken. J. C. SANFORD, Colonel, Corps of Engineers. GRAND HAVEN, MICH., January 4, 1915. United States Engineer Department in account with I. Van Weelden & Co. 1914. 26. 8 hours labor, at 35 cents per hour.. 22. Vyn Bros., cartage 1 plank, 3 inches by 12 inches by 14 feet, from 2.80 23. 1 piece timber, 10 inches by 10 inches by 6 feet, 50 feet, at 4 cents .50 2.00 23. 2 S. E. W. bolts, inch by 13 inches .25 19.55 I certify that the above account is correct and just. Payment therefor has not been received. ISAAC VAN WEELDEN & Co., One of the firm. I certify that the above-specified repairs have been made, and that in my judgment the claim in the amount of $19.55 is a proper charge against the United States. J. C. SANFORD, Colonel, Corps of Engineers. GRAND HAVEN, MICH., January 22, 1915. I hereby agree to accept the amount of $19.55 in full satisfaction of my claim for damage to my scow on June 29, 1914, caused by the U. S. S. Hancock, said steamer Hancock being in charge of Col. J. C. Sanford, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, Grand Rapids (Mich.) district. ISAAC VAN WEELDEN & Co. 3d Session. No. 1558. ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATION-POST OFFICE, PORTLAND, OREG. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, SUBMITTING AN ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATION OF $50,000 FOR THE CONTINUATION OF THE BUILDING OF THE UNITED STATES POST OFFICE AT PORTLAND, OREG. FEBRUARY 5, 1915.-Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, D. C. Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith for inclusion in the sundry civil appropriation bill now pending the following estimate: Portland, Oreg., post office: For continuation........ $50,000 Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, eliminate the installation of vacuum cleaning and air washing machinery, intercommunicating telephones and clock systems, etc., as set forth in section 6 of the publicbuildings act approved March 4, 1913, but that the building shall, within the limit of cost as fixed, namely, $1,000,000, be completed with all the necessary and usual mechanical equipment and mail-conveying machinery, together with any other labor-saving devices, as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary and desirable. The estimates for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1916, did not contain any amount for this project, as it was anticipated at that time that the sum of $160,000, reappropriated and made available under an act approved October 20, 1913, would be sufficient for current needs. In the meantime, however, the development of the drawings which are being prepared by an architect located in San Francisco, Cal., demonstrates the fact that further funds will be needed during the fiscal year 1916. Respectfully, W. G. MCADOO, Secretary. APPROPRIATION FOR POST OFFICES AT PORTLAND, IND., AND NEW HAVEN, CONN. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. SUBMITTING AN ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATION IN THE SUM OF $18,000 FOR THE COMPLETION OF POST-OFFICE BUILDING AT PORTLAND, IND., AND THE SUM OF $150,000 FOR THE CONTINUATION OF THE BUILDING AT NEW HAVEN, CONN. February 5, 1915.-Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. TREASURY Department, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, D. O. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith, for the consideration of Congress in connection with the sundry civil appropriation bill now pending, the following estimates: Portland, Ind., post office: For completion... $18,000 You are advised that this item was inadvertently omitted from the revised estimates of appropriations for public buildings, construction, and sites when the same were submitted for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1916. This building is in course of construction, and the amount stated above will be necessary during the fiscal year 1916 with which to make payment on contract obligations. New Haven, Conn., post office: For continuation...... $150,000 The act of March 4, 1913, provided, among other things, that the limit of cost of site and building for the post office at New Haven, Conn., be increased by the sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as should be realized from the sale of the old building and site. The old building and site have not as yet been sold, but the department is in possession of a bond executed by certain citizens of New Haven wherein they guarantee the purchase of said old building and site for the sum of $250,000 unless a more advantageous sum can be realize d by the department. In view of the foregoing, plans have been prepared on the basis of the original limit of cost, plus the minimum amount of $250,000, which said bond guarantees will be realized on the property, and it is anticipated that contracts for the completion of the new building will have been entered into and certain payments due thereunder before the expiration of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1916, to the extent of $150,000 in excess of any amounts heretofore appropriated or estimated for. It is urgently recommended that these items be given favorable consideration. Respectfully, W. J. MCADOO, Secretary. |