Allowed by the Auditor for the State and Other Departments-Continued. Foreign intercourse Total, Department of Justice. RECAPITULATION OF CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE STATE AND State Department: OTHER DEPARTMENTS. Improvement of the national forests (certified claims).. 10.45 Acquisition of lands for protection of watersheds of navigable streams (certified claims). 16.80 Enforcement of the food and drugs act (certified claims).. .40 General expenses, Bureau of Entomology (certified claims).. 44.92 Entomological investigations (certified claims).. 1.17 General expenses, Bureau of Statistics (certified claims). .20 General expenses, Office of Public Roads (certified claims). 25.00 Total, Department of Agriculture...... 953.22 Department of Commerce: Expenses of the Thirteenth Census (certified claims) $246.50 Contingent expenses, Steamboat-Inspection Service (certified claims). 22.66 28.55 Party expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey (certified claims). 5.42 General expenses, Lighthouse Service (certified claims). 220.96 Department of Labor: Contingent expenses, Department of Commerce and Labor (certified claims). 8.72 17.29 Total, Department of Labor..... 26.01 Department of Justice: Salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts (certified claims). Fees of commissioners, United States courts, 1914.. Fees of commissioners, United States courts, 1913. Fees of commissioners, United States courts (certified claims). Total, Department of Justice..... Allowed by the Auditor for the Post Office Department. 904.67 1,083.66 17,604. 42 1,214. 40 285,80 5.00 29.70 274.50 33.00 21, 435. 15 |