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1450. Draft of bill for electrical protection of public buildings.

1461. Sale of waste paper of House, Dec. 1, 1913-Dec. 1, 1914.

1463. Legation premises at Habana, Cuba.

1466. Estimate to continue collecting naval records of Revolutionary War.

1468. Second Pan American Scientific Congress, Washington, D. C., 1915.

1470. Estimate of appropriation for promotion of export trade.

1471. Credit in accounts of Edward J. Williams.

1473. Deficiency estimate for Commission on Industrial Relations.

1474. Estimate for Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum, D. C.

1477. Estimate to pay amounts due claimants for damages by vessels of Navy.

1479. Estimate of additional appropriation for Interstate Commerce Commission.

1480. Documents received and distributed by Navy Department, 1914.

1481. Blackfeet, Flathead, and Fort Peck irrigation projects, etc.

1483. Purchase of typewriting machines by Treasury Department, July-Sept., 1914.

1485. Draft of bill for relief of Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

1486. Traveling expenses of employees of Navy Department, 1914.

1487. Estimate for barracks, etc., in Panama Canal Zone.

1489. Report of Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co., Jan. 1-Nov. 30, 1914.

1490. Report of Georgetown Barge, Dock, Elevator and Railway Co., 1914.

1493. Estimate for entertainment of Central and South American delegates.

1494. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Sarah F. Trenwith, exrx.

1495. Findings of Court of Claims in case of John M. Seigle, heir.

1496. Findings in case of Liberty Springs Missionary Baptist Church.

1497. Findings of Court of Claims in case of James H. Trimble.

1498. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Maude Taylor, heir.

1499. Useless papers in Department of Commerce.

1500. Leasing unoccupied property of United States.

1501. Rents from Government property in Washington, D. C.

1502. Supplemental estimate for Yellowstone National Park.

1503. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Frances J. Van Tuyle, heir.

1504. Findings of Court of Claims in case of E. B. McHenry, receiver.

1506. Estimate for hospital for military establishment, Panama Canal Zone, 1916.

1507. Estimate for hospital for military establishment, Panama Canal Zone, 1915.

1513. Useless papers in Department of Labor.

1515. Documents received and distributed by Department of Commerce, 1914.

1516. Estimate for printing and binding for Patent Office.

1517. Draft of item relative to bridge at Rock Island Arsenal.

1518. Civilian engineers employed on river and harbor improvement, 1914.

1520. Report of Panama Railroad, 1914.

1522. Estimate for transporting and caring for interned Mexican soldiers.

1524. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Emma L. Conger, heir.

1525. Documents received and distributed by Department of Labor, 1914.

1528. Useless papers in Treasury Department.

1529. Estimates of appropriations, armament of fortifications.

1530. Useless papers in Department of Labor.

1531. Documents received and distributed by Treasury Department, 1914.

1532. Report of East Washington Heights Traction Railroad, Dec. 31, 1914.



1538. Estimate for railroads in Alaska.

1542. Report of Washington and Old Dominion Railway, Dec. 31, 1914.

1543. Report of Potomac Electric Power Co., D. C., Dec. 31, 1914.

1544. Report of City and Suburban Railway of Washington, Dec. 31, 1914.

1545. Report of Georgetown and Tennallytown Railway, Dec. 31, 1914.

1546. Report of Washington Railway and Electric Co., Dec. 31, 1914.

1547. Useless papers in Department of Interior.

1548. Report of Washington Gas Light Co., D. C., Dec. 31, 1914.

1550. Report of Washington-Virginia Railway, Dec. 31, 1914.

1551. Estimate of appropriation for Coast Guard.

1552. Estimate for Rocky Mountain National Park.

1553. Estimate for additional remodeling of Auditor's Building.

1557. Claims against United States adjusted by chief of engineers.

1558. Estimate to continue work on post office at Portland, Oreg.

1559 Estimates for post offices at Portland, Ind., and New Haven, Conn.

1560. Estimate to pay for transcripts of evidence before Quebec Bridge Commission.

1561. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Miles W. Elliott.

1562. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Susan E. Baylies, heir.

1563. Findings of Court of Claims in case of John A. Barnett.

1564. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Otto F. Peters, guardian.

1565. Findings of Court of Claims in case of John Blair.

1566. Findings of Court of Claims in case of William O. Bidlack.

1567. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Sallie Perdue, heir.

1568. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Richard F. Jacks.

1569. Findings of Court of Claims in case of H. Grant Howarth and other heirs.

1570. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Edwin G. Munsell and other heirs.

1571. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Erastus Guy.

1572. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Joseph E. Beatty.

1573. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Duane D. Finch.

1576. Estimate of appropriation for Glacier National Park.

1577. Judgments rendered by Court of Claims.

1578. Estimate for damages due German ship Indra.

1579. Claims allowed by accounting officers of Treasury.

1580. Estimates for rent of buildings for Government officials.

1581. Court of Claims judgments in Indian depredation cases.

1582. Transportation of troops to Panama-Pacific International Exposition.

1583. Estimate for Board of Mediation and Conciliation.

1584. Estimate to control sale of opium, etc.

1585. Judgments of district courts against United States.

1586. Amendment to public printing and binding bill.

1589. Post-office building at Southbridge, Mass.

1591. Refunds of customs duties, 1914.

1594. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Zerilda Brodie, heir.

1595. Findings of Court of Claims in case of John D. Spurgeon.

1596. Findings of Court of Claims in case of John T. Small.

1597. Findings of Court of Claims in case of John D. Shofstall.

1598. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Charles A. Schimpff.

1599. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Richard C. Perkins.

1600. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Levi S. Warren.

1601. Findings of Court of Claims in case of James H. Lyman.

1602. Findings of Court of Claims in case of George H. Beers.

1603. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Daniel N. Dressler..

1604. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Giles R. Leonard.

1605. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Similde E. Forbes, heir.

1606. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Reuben R. Lyon, exr.

1608. Findings of Court of Claims in case of D. I. Smith and other heirs.

1610. Estimate for mail-conveying machinery in certain post offices.

1611. Coal dock, Central Railroad of New Jersey.

1612. Useless papers in Navy Department.

1613. Estimate for moving wharf at quarantine station, Honolulu, Hawaii.

1614. Findings in case of First Presbyterian Church of Darien, Ga.

1615. Useless papers in Post Office Department.

1616. Deficiency estimate for Diplomatic and Consular Service, etc.

1617. Estimate for Justice Department to protect U. S. rights in oil lands.

1619. Claim of Old Bettis.

1621. Findings of Court of Claims in case of brig Atlantic.

1622. Findings of Court of Claims in case of vessel Orion.

1623. Estimate of appropriation for salaries of clerks of Supreme Court.

1624. Deficiency estimate for printing and binding for Interior Department.

1625. Deficiency estimate of appropriation for postal service.

1631. Findings of Court of Claims in case of John W. Utly.

1C32. Findings in case of Grand Lodge of Tennessee, I. O. O. F.

1633. Findings of Court of Claims in case of John H. Engleman, admr.

1634. Findings of Court of Claims in case of George H. Witten.

1635. Findings of Court of Claims in case of J. C. McConnell.

1636. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Richard T. Dowdell, admr.

1637. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Sophie Fleming and other heirs.

1638. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Amasa and Edgar Bernard.

1639. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Wilber F. Stone.

1640. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Joel Crawford.

1641. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Harrison Peachee.

1642. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Richard S. Eaton.

1643. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Daniel Elliott.

1644. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Oscar H. Crowder.

1645. Findings of Court of Claims in case of William Shaw.

1646. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Cyrus H. Abbott.

1647. Findings of Court of Claims in case of William C. Brooks.

1648. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Sarah Goin, heir.

1649. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Mary L. Hastings, admrx.

1650. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Peter Franzman.

1651. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Eliza A. Watson, heir.

1652. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Sidney S. Alden.

1653. Findings of Court of Claims in case of John F. Alsup.

1654. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Helen Kilburn, heir.

1655. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Ernest F. Hilgard.

1656. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Martha J. Brunson, heir.

1657. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Matthew Bigger.

1658. Findings of Court of Claims in case of Joseph Berry.

1659. Congressional cases dismissed by Court of Claims.

1660. Petition in case of Sebron L. Lowe et al., heirs, dismissed by Ct. of Cls.

1662. Franchises granted by Executive Council of Porto Rico.

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