Sivut kuvina


A Tyrolese Ambuscade.

The following impressive account of an action in Lefebvre's expedition, in August, 1809, were communicated by a Saxon major, who escaped from the destruction of those terrible days.

the ball of his antagonist on his left breast; but from admiring, or even of approving, this act of innot appearing to be much hurt he proposed taking sanity. An apology for this suicide, by M. Peguilanother round. They then proceeded to fire again, hen, counsellor at war, has excited unanimous inupon which Fuller fell a second time and declined dignation among all who have the principles either fighting any more, and was found to have received of religion or morality. The censorship has been the second ball in his breast, within an inch of the blamed for having permitted the circulation of an first. Allen was surprised to find that the balls had account of this tragedy, in which the suicide and not taken effect, and suspecting some stratagem, the murder are represented as sublime acts. Some he protested he would kill Fuller on the spot, unless have even gone so far as to express a wish to see he would fight again or acknowledge himself a cow-M. Peguillien punished, for having, as a public funcard. Fuller rather than smell powder again, would tionary, preached up such principles. The husband submit to any thing. His jacket was then unbut- has also been blamed for having given eclat to a catoned and to the astonishment of the beholders, a tastrophe over which it would have been better to Dutch blanket was discovered in eight folds and one draw the thickest veil. quire of paper opened and spread under the blanket both between his waistcoat and shirt, and upon lifting up the blanket the two balls were found, having penetrated through the eight folds of the blanket and were lodged on the paper. His breast, notwithstanding the fortification, was very much bruised and black, and he appeared considerably injured Allen received no material injury, the first ball struck between his feet, and the second grazed the skin on the side of his head. And thus ended a resistance; and although much was every where "We had penetrated to Inspruck without great contest which proved the superiority of the Ken- talked of the Tyrolese stationed upon and round the tuckian, and exposed the boasting, imperious En Brenner, we gave little credit to it, thinking the glishman to eternal contempt and disgrace.-And it rebels to have been dispersed by a short carronade, is highly probable from his own story and conduct and already considering ourselves as conquerors. that this same Fuller is employed to do business for the British in the western country and amongst the Our entrance into the passage of the Brenner was Indians!! The subscriber was the second of Mr. only opposed by small corps, which continued fallAllen and is willing to attest the truth of the facts ing back, after an obstinate though short resistance. above stated. He is now on his way home which Among others I perceived a man full eighty years of is on Brush-creek in the state of Ohio. age, posted against the side of a rock, and sending death among our ranks at every shot. Upon the PARIS, K. Feb. 18, 1812. Bavarians descending to make him prisoner, he shouted aloud, Hurrah! struck the first man to the ground with a ball, seized hold of the second, and with the ejaculation, in God's name! precipitated himself with him into the abyss below. Marching onwards, we heard resound from the summit of a The attention of the people of Berlin has lately high rock: "Stephen! shall I chop it off yet?" to been very much occupied by the tragical adventure which a loud "nay" reverberated from the opposite of Mr. Kleist, the celebrated Prussian poet, and ma- side. This was told to the duke of Dantzic, who dame Vogel. The reports which were at first cir-notwithstanding, ordered us to advance: at the same culated with regard to the cause of this unfortunate time he prudently withdrew from the centre to the affair, have been strongly contradicted by the fami- rear. The van consisting of 400 Bavarians, had just ly of the laly; and it has been particularly denied stormed a deep ravine, when we again heard halloo that love was in any respect the cause of it. Ma- ed over our heads—“ Huns ! for the most holy Trinidame Vogel, it is said, had suffered long under an ty!" Our terror was completed by the reply that incurable disorder: her physicians had declared her immediately followed:-" In the name of the mos! death inevitable. she herself had formed a resolu- holy Trinity!-Cut all loose above!" and ere a minute tion to put a period to her existence. Mr. Kleist, had elapsed, were thousands of my comrades in the poet, and a friend of her family, had also long arms crushed, bruised, and overwhelmed, by an determined to kill himself. These two unhappy be- incredible heap of broken rocks, stones and trees, ings having confidently communicated to each hurled down upon us. other their horrible resolution, resolved to carry it Every one fled that could; but a shower of balls All of us were petrified.into effect at the same time. They repaired to the from the Tyrolese,, who now rushed from the sur Jan at Williamstadt, between Berlin and Potzdam, rounding mountains in immense multitudes, and on the border of the sacred lake. For one night among them boys and girls of ten and twelve years and for one day they were preparing themselves for of age, killed or wounded a great many of us. It was death, by putting up prayers, singing, drinking a not until we got these fatal mountains six leagues number of bottles of wine and run, and last of all by behind us, that we were re-assembled by the duke, taking about sixteen cups of coffee. They wrote a and formed into six columns. Soon after the Tyletter to M. Vogel, to announce to him the resolu- rolese appeared headed by Hofer the innkeeper. tion they had taken, and to beg him to come as spee- After a short address from him, they gave a general dily as possible, for the purpose of seeing their re-fire, flung their rifles aside, and rushed upon our mains interred. The letter was sent to Berlin ex-bayonets with only their clenched fists. Nothing press. This done, they repaired to the banks of the could withstand their impetuosity. They darted at sacred lake, where they sat down opposite to each our feet, threw or pulled us down, strangled us, other. Mr. Kleist took a loaded pistol, and shot wrenched the arms from our hands; and, like enmadame Vogel throngh the heart, who fell back raged lions, killed all-French, Bavarians and Saxdead; he then reloaded the pistol and shot himself ons, that did not cry for quarter. By doing so, I, through the head. Soon after M. Vogel arrived with 300 men, was spared and set at liberty. When and found them both dead. The public are far all lay dead around, and victory was completed, the

Extraordinary Suicides.



Tyrolese, as if moved by one impulse, fell upon, 240,000 miles; consequently 10,000 per hour, an their knees, and poured forth the emotions of their 2 7-10 miles per second. The comet is, on the 1st hearts in prayer under the canopy of Heaven; a scene of December, at the distance of upwards of forty so awfully solemn that it will ever be present to one millions of miles from the earth, that is to say, my remembrance. I joined in the devotion, and never its distance from us is double to that of the sun in in my life did I pray more heartily." our main distance from that great luminary. The progressive distance of the comet from the earth, has daily increase of 505,000 miles; every hour 21,041, and of each second 5 4-5 miles. The comet will during the month of December run over a space of 7,150,000 miles. Its swiftness has there. of Prussian Silesia have been for some years on the to the sun: In the month of September it ran over fore considerably lessened since its nearest approach decline. Previous to 1798, the former produced on fifteen millions of miles; in the month of October an average twenty millions of livres a-year of wool- thirteen millions, and in November ten millions. en cloth, above 120,000 pieces were made annually, Since the 12th of October, which was the time of and two-thirds of that quantity were exported. In its greatest brightness, it has lost five-sixths of its 1788 the exports amounted to 72,620 pieces dressed, light; and taking its greatest as an unit, that unit and 17,200 undressed. The cloths made here are on the first day of December, will be reduced to common in quality; and on these manufactures, the whole population depends for a subsistence. The province has a few manufactories of cotton and stuffs mixed of silk and thread, but of small consequence. The tanneries are of more importance: they are numerous but neglected, either from prohibitions which restrain industry or from want of capital.


We understand that that enterprising and useful member of society, Samuel Fereday esq. has just begun to make iron, at his three flew blast furnaces, at Priest-field, near Bilston, (Eng.) These furnaces are blown by an engine of an entirely new construction, and the blast is far superior in regularity PERU.-M. Alphonses de Beauchamp has pub to any hitherto produced. The engineers have et lished a history of the conquests and revolutions of fected this, by means of an immensely large reserPeru: the facts he has compiled from previous his- voir, into which the air is compressed by the entorians, and trusted to his own genius for those rhe-gine before it enters the furnaces, and from which, torical embellishments which perhaps he thought by its own elasticity, it issues a constant and regular the subject required: he presents very animated stream; and we have the satisfaction of adding, that descriptions of the battles: very highly finished iron made at these furnaces, is very superior in quaportraits of the chiefs; and also favors us with the lity to the generality of iron made in Staffordshire. speeches which the leaders of either party, Spanish or Indian, made on different occasions. "M. Beau [London paper. champ," we adopt the word of a French critic "makes his Peruvians speak exactly like his Spaniards, so that their discourses possess little nationality, if you omit their references to their Gods Pachamacha and Viracopha: and when we read of the powerful effect produced on the feelings of an auditory, which never existed, by speeches which have never been pronounced, a fiction so palpable has a tendency to spread suspicion over the narraA just cause for war !-Negro Henry, king of Hayti tion of other circumstances. The custom of putting (and we can see no reason why a negro has not as speeches into the mouth of historical characters, is good a right to be a king as any hody else) has usurpconsecrated by the example of ancient historians,ed one of the grand titles of the British monarch.but it does not so well agree with the more exact He calls himself, "King of Hayti, first crowned and vigorous attention to authenticity which modern monarch of the new world, defender of the faith,” history requires: besides Livy could easily make his &c. &c. &c.

From London papers we learn the government of Denmark is greatly distressed for money. Forced loans are demanded of all the cities and towns.Altona was called upon to furnish its quota, amounting to about £250,000 sterling.-Of this sum one opulent house was required to furnish £150,000. A smart skock of an earthquake was experienced in England, Nov. 30.

Romans sneak like Romans, but neither M. Beau- GOVERNOR HARRISON. champ nor ourselves know any thing of the rheto-lieutenants, one ensign and the surgeon and assistThree captains, four ric of the ancient Peruvians." To the history is sub. ant surgeon of the 4th United States' regiment of joined a very brief account of the present state of infantry, have published certificates and statements relative to the battle of Tippecanoe, near the Wabash,


The first history of Peru was by Augustine Zo. in which the character of governor Harrison is rate and appeared in 1553, not more than thirty represented in the most honorable light. No man years after the discovery. The works of Pedro de has had the temerity to impeach the conduct of the Ciocu and of Diego Tovres are rather descriptions of the country than histories of events Apollanius Sevinus and Diego Fernandez entered less into detail

than Zorate.

governor during the battle; but many have charged him with suffering himself to be surprised: having, perhaps, formed their opinions from the first rumors of the affair, in which it was stated the centinels MUNICH, Dec. 1. were shot with poisoned arrows, &c. It seems the Royal observatory. From the late observations gallant little army was not surprised. It is true, made by the director, Mr. Seyfer, it appears that they were attacked in the night, and that the Indians the parabolical elements of the comet, will give rushed upon them with very great rapidity. But the following result: During the first days of the whole of the men slept on their arms, with their December, the comet will run, daily, a distance of accoutrements upon them, and the lines were formed 305,800 German miles (of 15 miles to a degree) con- from four to six minutes after the firing of the sequently, will go at the rate of 12,783 an hour, first gun, with astonishing regularity and order.and 3 1-2 miles per second. The distance of the This could not have been accomplished in a dark comet from the sun is this day (1st of December) night without a precise arrangement predicated thirty-four millions of miles, and increases daily upon a supposed aitack.



Hæc olim meminisse juvabit.-VIRGIL.

No. 30.

Printed and published by H. NILES, Water-street, near the Merchants' Coffee House, at $5 per annum

Swedish state paper.

which it is cemented, are executed on both sides with frankness and good faith.

Our relations with the Austrian empire are upon the most amicable footing; the remembrance of glory brings the two na tions nearer to each other, and your majesty will neglect nothing which can contribute to maintaining the reciprocity of confidence and esteem its causes.

STOCKHOLM. January 9. His royal majesty's health being now so far re-established, that his majesty conceives himself able to resume the functions of government, his majesty thought proper, in conformity to his resolution transmitted to his royal highness the crown prince, to appoint the 7th of this month for that purpose. For this purpose all the "If Spain and Portugal should assume a tranquil posture, these members of the council of state, and the secretaries of state, at countries will offer to Swedish commerce, advantages which would half past ten o'clock on that day, waited on his royal highness the guarantee the perfectioning of the plans she has commenced for crown prince, when his excellency count Gyttenborg, minister improving her iron mines. of the judiciary department, explained to his royal highness the Our intercouse with Southern America has entirely ceased, and sentiments of respectful esteem and gratitude with which the mem-war ravages these fine and unfortunate countries; when they have bers of the council were filled, during the time that his royal high- a regular administration, the produce of the kingdom will find an ness had directed the national affairs, which sentiments never advantageous vent there. The maritime war has interrupted our would forsake them. His royal highness was pleased to reply to commercial relations with Turkey; but nothing which interests the address in the most gracious terms, and whereupon the crown that ancient friend of Sweden can be indifferent to your majesty. prince, accompanied by the aforesaid lords and gentlemen; repair. "Sire! Such are the exterior relations of Sweden. Justice and ed to his royal majesty, to whom he read the statement of the loyalty towards all nations have been the political guides of your public business, hereafter following in this paper, from the 17th of majesty. March last. His royal majesty, overpowered by the most lively The army and the finances, these two principal guarantees of sensations, embraced the crown prince, and declared that he could a state, have above all been the objects of my constant solicitude. not express all that his heart felt on this occasion towards him, but "A wise economy has governed the expenditure of the funds left the internal satisfaction which his royal highness must derive for the armaments, which the state of war had rendered necessary. from past times, to tell him all that his royal majesty's gratitude This war having great influenee upon the exportation of Swedish and the well-founded establishment of the kingdom's welfare reproductions, upon the general proceedings of trade, and the ima quire towards him. ginations of merchants had caused the course of exchange to rise to an exorbitant height! I have particularly directed my attention to stop this scourge of states, which having once broken its dykes, no bounds can be placed to its ravages: In repressing on the one side stock jobbing, in carrying into execution the ancient laws a duty of transit upon the conveyance of ingots from foreign countries through Sweden-ig endeavouring to bring back the nation to the principle of economy which distinguished their ancestors. On the other side I have endeavoured to give activity to the interior industry and lawful commerce of Sweden. I have had the satisfac tion of seeing my efforts crowned with success and that the course of exchange upon Hamburgh which in March last was at 1 36 sk. on the 3d of the present January was only 18 sk.

Speech addressed by his royal highness the prince royal, to the king, upon his majesty's resuming the government of the kingdom, January 7, 1812.

"Sire My most ardent wishes have been fulfilled-the re-estab lished health of your majesty again enables you to resume the go-gainst the unlawful exportation of gold or silver-in imposing a vernment of the kingdom.

"I can appeal to your own heart to judge of the delighted emotions mine experiences, in replacing between the hands of your majesty an authority, the prolonged exercise of which has constantly kept before me the danger which threatened your days. "Notwithstanding the daily reports which I have submitted to your majesty, both respecting the exterior and interior situation of the state, I nevertheless consider it my duty to profit by the present occasion, so unportant for me upon all accounts, to present your majesty with a rapid sketch of them.

When your majesty decided upon embracing the continental pokey, and declared war against Great Britain, Sweden had got clear of an unfortunate contest; her wounds were still bleeding; it was necessary for her to make new sacrifices, at a moment even when she lost one of the principal branches of her public revenue; the whole of that produced by the customs being nearly annihilated.

In defiance of the insulated situation of sweden, she has performed, for the interest of the common cause, all that could be expected from a people faithful to their engagements; more than 2,000,000 of rix dollars have been expended in recruiting the army, and placing in a state of defence the coasts of our islands our for tresses, and our fleet.

"I have taken measures to render more general the manufacture of linen and the culture of hemp; to proceed actively in the discovery of new sources for obtaining salt; to continue the clearing of the ground in Dalecarlia; establishing a new communication with, and markets in Vermeland; to form a company destined to carry on the herring fishery in the open seas; to prolong our commercial relations with Finland. to carry into execution the fi nancial resolutions of the states of the kingdom; to give the direction of magazines, to those of the customs, and to the island of St.. Bartholomews, a fresh organization.

"The harvest not having proved a good one, I have adopted means to prevent a scarcity, by causing com to be imported from foreign countries; but in order to prevent such inportation influ. encing the exchange, salt must be exported for grain so received. This exchange will be effected with so much the more facility, as there yet exists a sufficient provision of salt in the country for two years' consumption.

I will not dissemble from your majesty that our commerce has been reduced to a simple coasting trade from port to port, and has greatly suffered from this state of war. Privateers under friendly flags, against which it would have been injudicious to bave adopt. "I have with grief observed, that the immoderate use and manu ed measures of safety and precaution, have taken advantage of our facture of brandy, by which the general interests are sacrifice to confidence in treaties, to capture, one after another, nearly 50 of individual ones, corrupt the nation, and will sooner or later ende eur merchantmen, but at last, sire, your flotilla received orders a scarcity. I have only employed exhortations on this subject to protect the Swedish flag, and the just commerce of your subjects which I have collected from the paternal sentiments of against piracies, which could neither be authorised nor avowed byty, and I leave it to other times, and to the judgment of the states, your majes any government, to put au end to an evil which every body acknowledges continues increasing.

The Danish cruisers have given much cause for complaint on our part; but the evil decreases daily, and every day leads us to think the lawful cominence of Sweden will not be any longer disturbed by them, and that the relations of good neighbourhoodship will be more strengthened.

"The eruisers under the French flag have given an unlimited ertension to their letters of marque; the injuries which they have done us have been the object of our complaints-the justice and loyalty of his majesty the emperor of the French have guaranteed their redress.

The protections given by friendly governments have been re spected, and such of their ships as have touched upon our coasts, have been at liberty to continue their voyage, whatever might be

their destination.

I have paid particular attention to the state and organization of the hospitals, to the religious establishments, and to the means of preventing or at least relieving mendicity. The interior police and agriculture have not been lost sight of, and a central academy of agriculture will shortly be established for the purpose of giving an impulse and, an encouragement to the public economy, and to scientific knowledge, which will continue to ensure the prosperity of the state.

the works of the canal of Gothland, that grand monument of your majesty', reign, have been carried on with great activity. Those of the canal of Sodertilge, stopped by obstacles which the zealous efforts of the directors have not been able to surmount, have again commenced with more rapid strides.

I have carried into execution the solemn resolution of the

About fifty American ships, driven upon our coasts by succes sive tempests, have been released. This act of justice, founded states of the kingdom, sanctioned by your majesty, regarding the upon the rights of nations has been appreciated by the United national armament; but careful not to deprive agriculture of any States, and appearances promise us, that better understood rela more arms than are indispensably necessary for defence of our tions with the it government will facilitate the exportation of the country, 1 have merely ordered a levy of 15,000 men, exclusive of merous piles of iron with which our public places are now filled. the 50.000 which the states had placed at your majesty's disposal. Political considerations join with the family con ection which The most direful errors were carried even into chonen, where unifes your majesty and the king of Prussia to conso! date the rela-violence and a public rebellion threatened for a moment to oppose tions of friendship that subsists between the two powe the execution of the measures ordained. Already did our enemies The peace with Rusga will not be troubled; the treaties by lor such as are envious of our repose, begin to rejcice at our intestine YCL. il.




divisions;—but these were soon suppressed by the united force of ming, Egg-Harbor, what the “rebels" suffered.

the army and the laws and were succeeded by the return of national

Elled up, and every measure has been taken to render them useful

the necessaries requisite.


sentiments and obedience to their duty. The vacancies in the Learn of the yet surviving citizens once engulpheď new enrolment and in the national armament are almost entirely in the prison ships at New-York;-go to the monuin this employ. The regular army has been recruited, as is also ment reared with pious hands on the shores of the the whole of the reserve, who have been clothed and supplied Wallabout-it covers the fragments of the bones of with well conditioned arms, of which sufficient quantities are found 11,500 Americans who perished by disease and fain the magazines, and founderies for arms have obtained a renewed mine; thrown into the holds of these vessels like activity. The making of gunpowder and saltpetre has been ex tended and improved, and the artillery put into respectable cundi- billets of wood; pent up without room to lay down tion. The pensions granted to officers and soldiers wounded in; denied the light of heaven and a free circulation during the war have been neither confirmed nor augmented. accounts of the expences of the late war have been accelerated, of air; always stinted, and sometimes for whole days and stich measures as have been adopted, had no other object in refused, even mouldy bread and putrid water. The View than to render the troops serviceable, and to supply them with history of modern times presents no parallel to the Your majesty will deign to perceive by this statement, that cool deliberate cruelties practised by the "generous notwithstanding all that the detractors of Sweden have insinuated English" on board of these vessels. The murders on this head, as that it would take sixty years to organize an army of the hell-bound Suwarroff at Praga and Ismael, of 6000 men, yet this will be apparent in the mouth of April next, both to the friends and enemies of your majesty. The intent of may be forgiven; they succeeded the heat of the this augmentation of our military force is merely defensive-with: battle. The horrors of the French revolution may out any other ambition than that of preserving her liberty and laws, Sweden will have the means of defending herself, and she be passed over as the fiery effervescences of the can do it. Bound by the sea on one side, and on the other by times, but in the treatment of our own countrymen inaccessible mountains, it is not solely on the courage of her inha bitants, nor in the remembrance of her former glory, that she has we have an instance of steady and unyielding crucity to seek for the security of her independence, it is rather to be unknown to the world-it lasted for years:-bu the found in her local situation, in her mountains, her forests, in her victims were-"REBELS!" The famed black-hole lakes, and in her frosts. Let her, therefore, profit by these united advantages, and let her inhabitants be thoroughly persuaded of at Calcutta was but a type of the Jersey prison ship. this truth, that if iron, the produce of their mountains, cultivates To give in detail the horrors of the revolution, is their farms, by ploughing up their fields, that it is likewise iron by no means my intention. They are fresh in the alone, and the firm determination of making use of it, that can minds of many-but the people of the colonies were "I have been seconded in my efforts by the good spirit prevalent "rebels"-and it was the will of the "Lord's anointin the army, and by the zeal and abilities of the public functiona-ed," (as lying priests most impiously call their The magistracy has maintained its ancient reputation; it has kings) that fire and sword should desolate the con painful duties to fulfil, but this has procured it a fresh title and ry. The writer of this article had nearly perished The different departments of the chancery of state have rival with his mother a short time before he was born. Id each other in giving the quickest dispatch com atible with the A British grenadier gallantly attacked her with his formalities required by our laws and customs, to all business which bayonet, but she was saved as though by the interposition of Providence. Cases of this kind were not uncommon.--the "rebels" had lost the "gracious" protection of the king.

defend them.


claim to general esteem.

bas come under their cognizance.

The secretary of state's departinent for church affairs, has since the 17th March expedited nearly 500 causes, that of the nterior 952, that of the finance and commerce 1653, and the war department 25,305.

The causes in final decision which has not yet been given, and In the south, the poor ignorant slave was called which are confined to a very moderate number in each department in comparison to the extent, coming under their several denomina-upon to cut the throat of his master, to destroy his tions, are either of such a nature as to require your majesty's family, and conflagrate his dwelling. In the north, decision, or to be again brought forward for final determination. the savage, thirsting for the blood of men, women, Should your majesty deign to recognize in the sketch which and children, was let loose, and urged by unhalthe high confidence you have shewn towards me, this would prove lowed gifts to carry on his relentless war. Who next to the joy I felt on your Majesty's re-establishment, the most ever before heard of such allies of a christian nation? pleasing recompence for all my pains. May Heaven, in accordance But rebellion is a high crime; and the "magnaniath my prayers, lengthen your Majesty's days, and that Sweden,

I have laid before you, the desire which has actuated me to deserve

protected by your virtues, sire, may find an unperishable guarantee mous" English felt justified in using all the means in the absolute devotion which my heart has avowed to your Mathat "God and nature had put into their hands!" jesty, in the respectful attachment of my son, in the sanctity of the laws of state, in uprightness of public functionaries, and in the union, the courage and the patriotican of all Sweden.

"With the most sincere sentiments of attachment, and with the

Nor were treaties observed with the “rebels.”The most solemn compacts were violated without

most profound respect I am, sir, your Majesty's most humble and ceremony. The congress of seventy-six have given faithful subject and good son.


"Palace at Stockholm, January 7, 1812."

Treason, Rebellion, Revolution. "TREASON has never prospered what's the reason? "Why when it prospers, none do call it TREASON."

The greater part of mankind estimate the merits of a cause by the success that attends it. HANCOCK and S. ADAMS, of glorious memory in the history of their country and justly assuming pre-eminence in being of all the American people, excluded from the royal merey, might, and perhaps, would have expiated their noble daring of the scaffold, as traitors, if (oh! happy if!) the revolution had not been so galiantly prosecuted and sublinely concluded!--And posterity, learning the character of these illustrious men from the historians of the conqueror, might have ranked them as the companions of Jack Cade and Wat Tyler.

Let us bring to memory a few of the early events of what the world now calls our revolutionary war. Ask the relatives of the basely slain at Paoli, Wyo

infamous immortality to the name of Gage; who, but for his treachery and the record of it (like Erostatus and the decree of the Athenians) would have descended to the common mass of earth unheeded (see Weekly Register, vol. 1, page 94.) In the early part of 1777, Dr. Franklin applied to lord Stormont, the British minister at Paris, to lessen the horrors of war by a mutual exchange of prisoners-but his lordship said, "the king's ambasIsador receives no application from rebels unless to implore his majesty's mercy." A short time after general Burgoyne and his army were captured rebellion began to give way, REVOLUTION Was the and his murdering allies dispersed. phrase. The success of the contest changed the features of it.

The word

These things are not mentioned to excite "old animosities" which some would so carefully guard us against. They are intended to apply to the events of the present times. Yet this same England, who in a "revolution" that literally drove the "sucred so barbarously opposed rebellion in America, gloried person of majesty from her throne," and placed an * In 1777.

usurper upon it, a cold-blooded tyrant and deliberate rebels: and, in all cases to which their power exassassin-witness the destruction of the clan of Glencoe, by William III.

tends, treat them with less mercy than Bonaparte metes to their associates (whom he calls rebels) when The people of France, infuriated by suffering, taken in arms against him. It is "patriotism" to cast off their allegiance to Louis (a good man, fight against the emperor of France who forced though the administration of his government was Ferdinand to sign an act of abdication of the crown most corrupt) and put him to death. They esta- of Spain-but it is rebellion to renounce allegiance blished a government for themselves-they carried to Ferdinand, who forced king Charles to resign the the tri-coloured flag through blood and slaughter sceptre to him. Thus are different meanings attriumphant, and humbled in the dust the associated tached to things that are substantially the same, by kings who conspired to dismember their territory, different persons under different circumstances and punishing them for rebelling. From the unpa- and they become, treason, rebellion or revolution. rallelled successes that attended their arms, the fer- But how stands the people of the United States ment in this country was called a revolution; but as to these matters? The warm feelings of thoueven yet were a Bourbon to ascend the throne, it sands are enlisted on behalf of the European Spawould be stiled a rebellion. Against this govern-niards-the brave defence they have made, and the ment, sealed with the blood of so many millions, sanctity of their cause, are favourite themes amongst NAPOLEON BONAPARTE rebelled. Forgetful of us. The success of their arms is called "glorious all his professions in favour of freedom and his oft news," our public prints give columns upon corepeated vows, he aimed at the diadem and suc-lumns of details of events in that country, as most ceeded-and thousands of those who at the time interesting matter; and from the hall of congress of his usurpation would have planted a dagger into to the school-house debating club, we find orators his boso, now lowly bending in his presence extolling, and magnifying, her struggles for Ferdiround the throne, would be as ready to bring de-nand and a king. How, then, is it, that a gloomy struction on the hardy republican who should ven- silence prevails regarding the American Spaniards, ture to presume that his assumption of the sove- and that a short flippant paragraph is only occareignty was not a "glorious revolution." If Bona sionally found respecting them? They-Venezuela parte had failed, his head would have been the at least, have established governments like our own forfeit. Should any man or body of men now at--they have adopted representative systems; and tempt to do what he himself accomplished and not the law is built on the will of the people, to be succeed-would not their fate be instant death from administered for the common good, bearing equally his hands?

upon all. Ought we not to feel more interested in If Spain shall triumph in the gallant struggle of such events, occurring, as it were at our own doors, her people-a struggle worthy of better hopes than than in the choice of masters in Europe? Like nacan be entertained from a government conducted by turally seeks its like; and, if truly attached to the so miserable a creature as Ferdinand or the corrupt- republic of North America, ought we to be indifed Cortes that now usurp it-the affair will be re-ferent as to the establishment of a republic in the. corded in history as a revolution-if the mighty ef- southern continent, a sister, of whom we may enterfort fails, and Joseph shall obtain peaceable posses-tain the bappiest anticipations? I apprehend there is sion of the throne, the world will call it a rebellion some foreign influence in this apathy--perhaps, we -the difference of the terms ensuing the success of feel ourselves so intimately connected with Eurothe matter.


pean politics, that we are weaned from our own, If ever a people were justified by the laws of and regard them as matters of a secondary nature. nature and nature's God, in dissolving the political The thought seems worthy of serious consideration, bonds that held them to another, it is the people of fear the insinuation is too well founded on truth. what is commonly called "Spanish America”— I have been led to these remarks by the following What outrages, indignities and insults have not been article, translated for an American paper, inserted heaped upon the heads of these colonists!-most without comment, and in which the patriots (as I of their precious productions, as well agriculture as call them) of Mexico, are unfeelingly treated as mineral, were monopolized by the government-mere "INSURGENTS" by an American editor: they were restricted and restrained at every pointtheir substance was destroyed by swarms of officers from Spain, who fell upon them like the locusts of the desarts upon the fertile regions of Asia, "consuming every green thing:"-denied the free

"Official account of the execution of the chiefs of the Mexican insurgents, taken from the Havana Messenger; of the 23d November, 1811. GUADALAXANA, 15th September, 1811.-By or dom of action, they were almost forbidden the li-der of his excellency, the general in chief of the berty of thought; and intercourse with the world army of reserve, don Josef de la Cruz, the com was refused lest they might become sensible of their mittee of public safety of this capital, informs the condition, and attempt to change it. Despotism inhabitants of this city and province, that it has reexisted in all in its purity, and most oppressive ceived the following list of the principal chiefs of form. One horde of tyrants were succeeded by the insurrection which have been shot at Chibuaanother; each finding out some new vexation to the hua at the different periods hereafter mentioned. exhausted people, to enrich themselves the more On the 1st of May, 1811-Ignacio Camargo, speedily, and enable them to return "home" to major general; Juan Baurista Carrasco, brigadier;

riot and luxury. Some of the colomes have revolt-Augustin Marrequin, hangman. ed, and assumed for themselves a rank and name On the 11th of same mouth-Francisco Lauza among the nations of the earth-and others are still gorta, major general; Luis Mircles, colonel. embarked in a deadly contest for their rights-whigs On the 6th June-Juan Ignacio Bamon, captain; against tories, Americans against "the Gods!"-Nicolas Zapata, major general; Joseph Santos Villa, The "patriotic" junta at Cadiz call the Americans colonel; Pedro Leon, town master.

On the 26th June-Ignacio Allende, generallissi mo; Mariano Ximenez, captain general and go The native Spaniards are so called from their vernor of Monterry; Juan de Aldama, lieutenant irrogance.


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