Sivut kuvina

Since I have deviated a little from the fubject, I will mention likewife, the Bell Harp'; and the JewsHarp, which properly fhould be Jaws-Harp, from its being played with the mouth 2.

The Bell Harp is fo called, probably, from the players fwinging it about, as a bell on its bials, for the fake of varying the tone. It is a fmall flat intrument, about three feet long, and ftrung with steel or bafs ftrings, which are fixed at one end, and ftretched across the found-board, and fcrewed at the other end : its compa's is about two octaves. In performing on this inftrument, it is held at the fides, and played only with the thumbs, which are both equipped with a little quill, for that purpose. Its fhape is totally different from the Harp, and rather more of the Lyre kind. But there is no reafon to fuppofe that the Bil Harp is ancient, as I find no mention of it under that name.


The WIth name is, Tyrmant, and implies, the mouth in motion; which removes all doubt, tha Jews Harp, is a coraption of Jaws Harp, or Jaws Trump: neith r is it to be found in the plate of Jewith mulical inftruments, given to us by Calmet. The earliest mention of it, that I can find, is in Davydd ab Guilym's Ode on the wind, written about the year 1370, thus: "1 ftyrmant yr yftormydd."- Mr. Pennant informs us, (in his Tour to Scotland, p. 195.) that one of gilt brafs was found in Norway, depofited in an urn. Likewife, there is a print of a Jaws Harp, in Lufcinius's Mufurgia, p. 28; publifhed in 1536. Therefore, from all hefe circumftances, it feems rather ancient.

There is a moit admirable Burlesque Ode, written in the year 1763, which greatly tends to illuftrate this inftrument as well as feveral other of the inferior English Mintirel intruments, that are 'now but little known; therefore, I am induced to quote it here, as well, alfo, on account of its poetical humour as for information.

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of them.

The Judaic, or (as it is commonly called) Jews Harp, Speaks its origin in its appellation: and, indeed, the very twanging of its found Seems admirably qualified to accompany the guttural Hebrew language: though a learned critic of my acquaintance is rather inclined to think, that this inftrument is of a more modern invention; and from its pofition, when played upon, he conjectures, that Jews Harp is only a corruption of its original name, Jaws Harp.

I am forry I can give no certain account of thofe two incomparable infruments, the Sait-Box, and the Hum-Strum, or Hurdy-Gourdy; but it is reafonable to conclude, that the firft was ufually performed on at feftivals, and the other at funerals, and on ferious occafions.

The Marrow-Bones and Cleavers are undoubtedly our own invention, and do bonour to the British nation. These were originally made ufe of in our wars; when our brave ancetors rushed on their enemies, (like the ancient Gauls,) clashing their weapons, and ready to knock or cleave them down with thofe very inftruments, on which they could beat fo terrible an alarm. Indeed, fince the pernicious introduction of fire-arms, the Marrow-Bones and Cleavers have quitted the Scenes of human flaughter, and are now confined entirely to the Jbambles.

If this Ode, and the performance of it, contributes to lessen our falfe tafle in admiring that foreign mufic, now fo much in vogue, both the writer's and the compofer's intention will be answered.

Dryden and Hope have been immortalized for their Odes on St. Cecilia's Day: But thefe were unhappily adapted to the common inftruments, which ignorance and falje tafte have introduced among us. I make no doubt, but that all, who shall be present at the performance of this Ode at Ranelagh on the tenth of June, will at least com mend me for my endeavours to bring thefe noble long-neglected inftru

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AN ODE ON SAINT CECILIA'S DAY. Part I. Overture. Recitative accompanied: Fe dumb, be dumb, ye inharmonious founds, A.d mor that th' attonith'd ear with difcord wounds: No more let common themes profane the day, Grand Chorus.

Grac'd with divine Cæcilia's name;

Let folemn hymns the awtul fealf proclaim, And heav'nly note: confnire to raise the heav'nly lay. Recitative accompanied.

The meaner melody we fcorn,

Which vulgar inftruments afford;
Shrill Flue, tharp Fiddle, bellowing Horn,
Rumbing balloon, or tinkling Harpfichord.

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The Minstrels of the Saxons appear to be fo fimilar to the latter Bards of the Welfh, that there cannot be a doubt but they first originated from them; about the time when the itinerant Bards began to degenerate, and to branch into various occupations, when they loft the patronage afforded them at the death of their own Princes indeed they were nearly annihilated altogether, by the favage policy of Edward the First, and by the cruel edicts of the Henries: and, what strengthens this opinion is, their laws feem fo congenial, that they must have been modelled from thofe of the Bards; only with this difference, that the courfe of difcipline was far lefs ftrict amongst the Minstrels, and that they took the liberty of introducing Fable into their Songs; which was quite contrary to the laws of the Bards 3. It is rather extraordinary, that no good history of the Minstrels has yet appeared, though many of their fongs have: nor is their profeffion rightly understoood, for want of fome judicious perfon to undertake to collect and publish their inftitution, laws, occupations, immunities, pay, drefs, &c; and to give them, verbatim, to the public: when that is done, I am convinced, that the true character of a Minftrel will be found different to what it has generally been reprefented. But, in order to convey fome idea of that profeffion, I fhall exhibit here, a copy from a carious manufcript, of the Steward's charge to the Minstrels; (which I was favoured with from Mr. Douce :) The

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See page 1 of this work.-Bede's Church Hiftory.-Britannia Sancta, or Lives of the most celebrated British, English, Scottish, and Irish Saints, in two volumes quarto.

2 See the Ancient British Games, in page 36; which are faid to he as old as the time of King Arthur, Also, Brand's Popular Antiquities, chap. xv11. p. 101, &c.-King Charles's declaration to his fubjects, concerning lawful sports to be used.- -And the downfall of May-Games, by Tho. Hall.

3 See an account of the Mafter of the Revels.- Alfo, Dugdale speaks of the Revels of Lincoln's Inn, as appeareth in 9th Henry VI -Hawkins's Hiftory of Mufic, Vol. IV. p. 392. Vol. II. p. 133, 137.- -King Henry the VIIIth. had a masquerade at Greenwich.Likewe, fee Popular Antiquities, by Brand. Hawkins's Hift. of Mufic, Vol. IV. p. 383. Aud the Anatomy of Abuses, by Philip Stubs.

5 Brand's Popular Antiquities, p. 299.

• Interludes are comnion in Wales, and they used to be the fame in Cornwall.

7 A jester is well characterized in Shakspeare's Tempeft: and is commonly a principal character in the Welsh interludes: It first originated, probably, from the Tellaw, fee page 84.

Waits are m.ficians of the lower order, who commonly perform upon wind intruments, and they play in moft towns, under the windows of the chief inhabitants, at midnight, a fhort time before Christmas; for which they collect a Christmas-box, from houfe to houfe. They are faid to derive their rame of Waits from being always in waiting to celebrate weddings, and other jo.ous events, happen ng within their district. Alfo, fee Brand's Hiftory of Neaveafile upon Tyne, Vol. II. p. 35 and 717. There is a building at Newcastle, called Waits Tower, which was formerly the meeting-house of the town-band of musicians. Ibid. Vol. I. p. 16.

It is customary in North Wales, about Christmas, for the young farmers, both men and maids, to go about to their neighbours houses, disguised in each hers clothes, and fometimes in masks. They are called Gaurachod, probably from their affuming old characters, or wizards. They act various antic diverfions, and dance, and fing; for which they get good cheer; or ale, apples, and nuts. Likewife, to convey a more perfect idea of the Mummers in England, I shall infert here a traditional fort of thing, which is still acted in Oxfordshire, about Christmas, by the Mummers


See pages 33, 34, 85, 86, and p. 102,, note 4. And more particularly, fee The Battle of Flodden Field, an heroic poem, with notes by Benson; page 2.

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King Edward the First, and his fucceffors until Henry the Sixth's time, enacted fpecial laws, that Welthmen fhould not enjoy their former liberties and cuftoms; althongh, they and their pofterity had been fo liberal in granting privileges to the Saxons, who came into this ifland. According to various edicts and decrees, especially one of Henry the Fourth, the Welsh were kept under the yoke of fervitude, and their own proper laws abolished, and the English laws brought in; providing, by general command, that no man fhould use the Welsh tongue in any count or school. Breviary of Britain, by Humphrey Lhwyd. See also, pages 38 and 59 of this work; and Leges Wallicae, p. 543, 547, and 548. 3 See pages 31 and 58.

In cafe any perfon fhould undertake fuch a work, I beg leave to fuggeft a few more hints, which may be useful in fuch an undertaking. To obtain farther particulars, it will be neceffary to investigate the religious ceremonies in monaitic records, where Minitrels were employed; public celebrations; Games and Sport: 2; Revels 3, of dancing, mafking, and ferenades; festivals at Chriftmas, Eafter, and Whitfuntide: church feafts of fain's; churchales; Whitfon-ales; Wakes 5; Bridals; and Interludes: Allhallows; feast of St. Erkenwald; feat of Purification of our Lady; Midfummer-Day, &c. Of Jefters or Fools 7; Waits: Mummers; Morris-dancers 10; merry-Andrews; Magicians "; Jugglers, &c.—

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St. George.
The Knight.

Room, room, make room brave gallants all,
For me and my brave company!
Where's the man, that dares bid me stand;
I'll cut him down with my bold hand?
Here's the man, that dares bid you stand,
He defies your couragious hand!

Then mind your eye, to guard the blow,
And shield your face, and heart also.

St. George gets wounded in the combat, and falls.

Doctor, Doctor, come here and fee,
St. George is wounded in the knee :
Doctor, Doctor, play well your part,
St. George is wounded in the heart!
I am a Doctor, and a Doctor good,
And with my hand I'll stop the blood.
What can you cure, Doctor?

The Doctor enters.

The Knight.
The Doctor.

St. George.

I can cure coughs, colds, fevers, gout,
Both pains within, and achs without:

I will bleed him in the thumb!

O! (will you fo?) then I'll get up, and run!

Some more Mummers, or Minstrels, come in, and they fing the following fanxe, accompanied by the Hurdy Gourdy.

"My father he killed a fine fat hog,
"And that you may plainly fee;

"My mother gave me the guts of the hog,
"To make a Hurdy-Gourdy."

Then they repeat the fong in full chorus, and dance.


In former times, it appears, that the first nobility went about at Christmas, in the character of Mummers. See Brand's Popular Antiquities, chap. XVI. p. 196, &c. In the third year of Henry the VIIIth an act was made against Mummers; vide the ftatutes. I The

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"The Charge delivered in the Mufic Court of the Honour of Tutbury. "Gentlemen of thefe Inquefts!

"The annual cuftom and ufage of this honourable and ancient Court having now called you together, fomething, I fuppofe, is expected fhould be faid of the delightful Art and harmonious Science you profefs.”

Gentlemen, The nature of your Art confifts in raifing and skilfully regulating harmonious founds. All founds (as the philofopher obferves,) arife from the quick and nimble elifion, or percuffion, of the air, being either divided by the Lips, or reeds, of Pipes, Hautboys, Flutes, or other wind inftruments, or else ftruck and put into motion by the tremulous vibration of ftrings, yields an agreeable found to the ear. Now, it is your business, Gentlemen, to regulate, compofe, and exprefs, these founds, fo as to cause the different tones, or notes, to agree in concord, to make up one perfect concert and harmony.

As for the Antiquity of Mufic, it will fuffice, that we read of Jubal, the fon of Lamech, the feventh from Adam, (whom fome will have to be the Apollo of the Heathens,) being the father of all fuch as handle the Harp and Organ, and probably, most other forts of mufic. After the Flood "

are firft faid to have had this Art; and, about the time of the confufion of tongues, Mifraim, the son of Ham, is faid to have carried this Art, with its company, into Egypt, where it was fo much practifed and improved, that fucceeding generations, who knew not the writings of Mofes, believed the Egyptians were the first inventors of mufic. Laban, the Syrian, expoftulated with his fon in law, why he would not let him fend him away with Mirth, and with Songs, with Tabret and with Harp.

But the Heathen writers are much divided about the author or first invention thereof: fome fay Orpheus, fome Lynus; (both famous poets and Muficians ;) others Amphion; and the Egyptians afcribed the invention to Apollo; but, as I before obferved, the facred History puts an end to this conteft, by telling us, that Jubal, the son of Lamech, and brother of Noah, was father of all fuch as handle the Harp and Organ; and, probably, many other kinds of mufic: for, what variety of inventions, as well as improvements, of mufical inftruments, might not be expected from fuch a genius, in the space of feven or eight hundred years experience? This Jubal (as I before faid) is by the learned thought to be the Apollo of the Heathens; but, as facred and profane Hiftory make them cotemporary, we may reasonably infer, that the Egyptians held this fcience in the highest esteem, from their making Apollo (the God of Wisdom) the god

of it.

There is not the smallest orb we behold amidst the glorious canopy of the Heavens, nor the minutest fpecies of the animal or vegetable creation throughout the terraqueous globe, as well in its make, motion, and appendances, but in its motions, compofition, and economy, like an Angel fings. For, when we confider the exquifite Harmony that vifibly appears through the whole creation, and the feathered race, as one heavenly chorus, continually warbling forth their praise to the Great Creator; I fay, when we permit fuch thoughts as these to have due influence upon us, we must conclude that the universal frame is derived from Harmony; and that the eternal mind compofed all things by the laws of mufic; and which gives plain and evincing hints to mankind, that, as nothing but beauty, fymmetry, and true Harmony are discovered through the creation, so their duty to the Great Creator would be best expreffed by a chain of harmonious actions, agreeable to reafon and the dignity of their natures, and fuch as would really befpeak God's fervice to be the most perfect freedom.

Thus is mufic a reprefentation of the fweet content and harmony which God in his wifdom has made to appear throughout all his works. With what noble and fublime contemplations ought the melodious science of mufic naturally to infpire our minds!

Thus Holy David, the Royal Pfalmift, well experienced the powerful effects of mufic. You seldom meet him without an inftrument in his hand, and a pfalm in his mouth. Holy metres and pfalms he

10 The Morris dancers are fully defcribed in the last edition of Johnfon and Stephen's Shakespeare, in the notes at the end of the first part of Henry the Fourth; and a print of them from an ancient painted window. See alfo, the notes to Love's Labour lost, act III. There is a very curious picture that contains a group of Morris-dancers, at Lord Fitz-Williams's Houfe, in Richmond Green, which formerly was brought from the old palace there. It was painted by Vinkenboom, about the reign of Ch. rles the Firft; and there is a bad print taken from it, engraved by Godfrey, in 1774. Query, whether Morris is derived from mawr-rwyfe, powerful, wailike; from mor rys, a fea-faring hero? (Dr. Johnton derives it from the Moors, and fays it was probably a kind of Pyrrhic or military dance: fee the fword. dance defcribed in Brand's Popular Antiquities, chap. XIV. and the appendix, 6


P. 404.) In fome Counties the Morris-dancers go about at Whitfuntide. But
Plot's Hiftory of Staffordshire mentions the Hobby horfe dance, at Chrifto as,
chap X. 66
Some imagine that this dance firft took its rife from the
Druids, as well as many other feftival entertainments, and characters; that of
the Buffoon, or Merry Andrew, who ufually bears a principal part in the Morris
dance, is faid to have been originally intended as a ridicule on the Druids, or a
mock Draid. However, I refer the curious to more on this fubject, in Brand's
Popular Antiquities, chap. XIV. p. 174, 175; and the appendix, p 499, and
40.Lkewife, Hawkins's Hiftory of Mufic, Vol. II. p. 135.--Feuil.ct
on Dancing, by Weaver, 12mo. p. 171.

11 See p. 70, &c.

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dedicated to his chief musician Jeduthun, to compofe mufic to them; he was one in whom the Spirit of God delighted to dwell; no evil fpirit can fubdue that mind where mufic and harmony are lodged. When David played before Saul, the evil fpirit departed immediately. The use of mufic was continued in the Jewish church until the deftruction of the Temple and Nation by Titus, and the use of it began in the Chriftian church in the time of the Apostles. The Chriftian Emperors, Kings, and Princes, in all ages, and all Nations, to this day, have had this divine science in great esteem and honour, as well for divine as civil ufes; not only Jews and Chriftians, but most of the heathen poets and philofophers, were skilful muficians. Homer, who was a skilful master in that science, introduces Achilles quelling his rage against Agamemnon by the help of mufic. And the poet feigned that Orpheus drew trees, ftones, and floods; fince nought, so stockish hard and full of rage, but mufic, for the time, doth change its nature. Plutarch tells us of Terpander's appeafing a feditious infurrection in Lacedemonia by his harmonious lays. Pythagoras is faid to have softened fierce Minas; Afclepiades to have put a stop to fedition; Damon to have reduced a drunken man to fobriety, and petulent men to a modeft behaviour; and Xenocrates to have brought madmen to themfelves, and all by the help of mufical founds. The evil fpirit was removed from Saul, and he prophefied, and this by the efficacy of mufic. And Elifha, when he was confulted by the three Kings that marched against Moab, called for a Minftrel; and, when the Minstrel played, the hand of the Lord came upon him. Mufic expels poifon by rarifying and exhilarating the fpirits. Perfons bit by the tarantula have been (as by good authors we are informed) cured by mufic. Amphion was fo great an orator and musician, that, by the power of his oratory, and powerful touch of his mufical Lute, the ftones that built Thebes, a city in Egypt, danced after him to the place where they fhould be laid; and his moving oratory, fweet harmony, and mufical founds, did fo creep unto the ears, and fteal upon the hearts, of a people, rude and uncivilized, as engaged them to live peaceably together at Thebes, where he was King.

Mufical facrifices and adorations claimed a place in the laws and cuftoms of the most different nations. The Grecians and Romans, as well as Jews and Chriftians, unanimously agreed in this, as they difagreed in all other parts of their ceremonies. The Greeks and Romans had their college, or fociety of musicians, whose art they thought useful to introduce virtue and excite courage. Tully tells us, that the ancient Grecians (the politeft people of the age) did not think a gentleman well-bred, unless he could perform his part at a concert of mufic, infomuch that Themistocles (though otherwife a great man) was taxed for being defective in this accomplishment.

But, to come nearer to ourselves, hiftory tells us, that the ancient Britons had Bards before they had Books; and the Romans, by whom they were conquered, confefs the mighty power the Druids and Bards had over the people, by recording in their Songs the deeds of heroic fpirits, and teaching them both Laws and Religion in Rhymes and Tunes.

And the long continuance of this very Court of Minftrelfy is a teftimony of the antiquity of Mufic amongst us.

Theodoric, in an epiftle to Boëtius, fays, when this queen of the fenfes comes forth in her gay drefs, all other thoughts give way, and the foul rallies its powers to receive the Delight which the gives; fhe cheers the forrowful, foftens the furious and enraged, fweetens four tempers, gives a check to loose, impure, wanton, thoughts, and melts to pure and chafte defires; the captivates the ftraying faculties, and moulds them into a ferene, fober, and juft, œconomy.

I say, Gentlemen, the force of mufic is wonderful; how ftrangely does it awaken the mind; it infufes an unexpected vigour, makes the impreffion agreeable and sprightly, gives a new capacity as well as fatisfaction; it rifes and falls, and counterchanges the paffions; it charms and tranfports, ruffles and becalms, and governs with an almoft arbitrary power; there is fcarcely any conftitution fo heavy, or reafon fo well fortified, as to be abfolute proof against it. Ulyffes, as much a hero as he was, durft not trust himself with Syren's voices. Timotheus, a Grecian, was fo great a mafter of mufic, that he could make a man, ftorm and fwagger like a tempeft, and then, by altering his notes and time, he would take him down again and sweeten his temper in a trice. One time, when Alexander was at dinner, this man played a Phry

I The Minstrels feem to have been the genuine fucceffors of the latter Bards. The word Mingrel does not appear in ufe in England before the Norman conqueit. The Minstrels continued down to

the reign of Elizabeth, in whofe time they had loft much of
their dignity, and were finking into contempt and neglect. See
Statutes 39 of Elizabeth, c. 4, §. 2. And 43 Eliz. Cap. XV.



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gian air, the prince immediately rifes, fnatches up his launce, and puts himself in a pofture of fighting; the retreat was no fooner founded by the change of the notes, but his arms were grounded, and his fire extinct, and he fat down as orderly as if come in from one of Ariftotle's lectures.

Have you, Gentlemen, never observed a captain at the head of a troop or company, how much he has been altered at the found of a Trumpet, or the beat of a Drum, or what a vigorous motion, what an erected posture, what an enterprising vifage? all on a fudden his blood changes in his veins, and his fpirit jumps like gunpowder, and feems impatient to attack the enemy. Mufic is able to exert its force, not only upon the affections, but on the parts of the body, as appears from Mr. Derham's ftory of the Gascoign Knight that once had disobliged him; and, to be even with him, caused, at a feast, a Bagpipe to be played when he was hemmed in with the company, which made the knight to be-p-s himself, to the great diverfion of the company.

But farther, Gentlemen, not only mankind, but the very beafts of the field, are delighted with mufic. The beafts of the plough, their toil is rendered easy, and the long fatigue they daily undergo, is infenfibly shortened by the rural Songs and cheering Whistle of the drivers. Not only dogs and horfes, (thofe docile and fagacious animals,) but even the rugged bears themselves, dance to the found of pipes and fiddles.

Do but note a wild and wanton herd, or race of youthful and unbacked colts fetching mad bounds, bellowing and neighing aloud, (the hot conditions of their blood,) if they perchance to hear a Trumpet found, or any mufic touch their ears, you shall perceive them make a mutual stand, and their favage eyes turned to a modeft gaze, by the sweet powers of mufic.

The famous Mr. John Playford tells us a remarkable story to this purpose; that himself, once travelling near Royston, met a herd of ftags, about 20, upon the road, following a Bagpipe and Violin: when the mufic played they went forward, when it ceafed they all ftood ftill; and in this manner they were conducted out of Yorkshire to the King's palace at Hampton-court.

But not only brute beafts, but even inanimate bodies, are affected with founds. Kircher mentions a large ftone that would tremble at the found of one particular organ-pipe. Merfennus alfo, among many relations, tells us of a particular part of a pavement that would fhake as if the earth would open when the organ played; this is more probable than what he relates about antipathy, (to wit,) that the found of a Drum, made of a wolf's skin, would break another made of a sheep's fkin; and that poultry would fly and cackle at the found of a Harp-ftring made of a fox's gut. The great Boyle alfo tells us, that he tried an arch that would answer to C fa, and had done fo 100 years; and that an experienced builder told him, any well-built vault would answer fome determinate note; and Mr. Derham tells us, that one Nicolas Petter, a Dutchman, could break round glaffes with the found of his voice.

It is the common or civil ufe of mufic that concerns you Gentlemen, that owe fuit and fervice to this Court; and in that the world has not wanted examples, even of Emperors, Princes, and the greatest and moft illuftrious perfons that have not difdained both to learn and practise your art. It is mufic which gains you admittance and acceptance in courts and palaces. In fhort, Gentlemen, what feaft, what play, affembly, or ball, what country wakes, merriment, or entertainment, can be well held without fome of your fociety. Our great dramatic poet fays,

"The Man that hath not Mufic in his foul,
"And is not mov'd with concord of fweet founds,
"Is fit for treasons, ftratagems, and spoils;
"The motions of his spirit are dull as night,
"And his affections dark as Erebus:

"Let no fuch man be trufted.".

And now, Gentlemen, having spoke a few words of the nature, antiquity, usefulness, and wonderful effects, of mufic, I fhall now proceed to inform you, that, as long as the ancient Earls and Dukes of Lancaster, who were ever of the Blood Royal, had their abode, and kept a liberal hospitality at their Honor of Tutbury, there could not but be a general concourfe of people from all parts, for whose diverfions all forts of musicians were permitted likewife to come to pay their fervices; amongst whom, fome quarrels and disorders now and then arifing, it was found neceffary, after a while, that they should be brought under Rules and Laws, and that the end of your attendance and fervice at this time is the prefervation of


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