Sivut kuvina


his fkill in mufic. The King enquires into the ftate of England, which the author relates to him. The King's obfervations thereon 168 CHAP. VII. The author's love of his country. He makes a propofal of much advantage to the King, which is rejected. The King's great ignorance in politics. The learning of that country very imperfect and confined. The laws, and military affairs, and parties in the ftate CHAP. VIII. The King and Queen make a

progrefs to the frontiers. The author attends them. The manner in which he leaves the country very particularly related. He returns to England





CHAP. I. The author fets out on his third
voyage, is taken by the pirates. The malice
of a Dutchman. His arrival at an island.
He is received into Laputa.

CHAP. II. The humours and difpofitions of the
Laputians defcribed. An account of their
learning. Of the King, and his court.
The author's reception there. The inhabi-
tants fubject to fear and difquietudes. An
account of the women
CHAP. III. A phenomenon folved by modern.
philofophy and aftronomy. The Laputians





great improvements in the latter. The King's method of fuppreffing infurrections CHAP. IV. The author leaves Laputa, is conveyed to Balnibarbi, arrives at the metropolis. A defcription of the metropolis, and the country adjoining. The author hofpitably receiv ed by a great lord. His converfation with that lord 238 CHAP. V. The author permitted to fee the grand academy of Lagado. The academy largely defcribed. The arts wherein the profeffors employ themselves CHAP. VI. A further account of the academy. The author propofes fome improvements, which are honourably received





CHAP. VII. The author leaves Lagado, arrives at Maldonada. No fhip ready. He takes a fhort voyage to Glubbdubdrib. His reception by the governor CHAP. VIII. A further account of Glubbdubdrib. Ancient and modern hiftory corrected 279 CHAP. IX. The author returns to Maldonada. Sails to the kingdom of Luggnagg. The author confined. He is fent for to court. The manner of his admittance. The King's great lenity to his fubjects CHAP. X. The Luggnaggians commended. A particular defcription of the Struldbrugs, with many conversations between the author and fome eminent perfons upon that fubject CHAP. XI. The author leaves Luggnagg,



and fails to Japan. From thence he returns in a Dutch Ship to Amsterdam, and from Amfterdam to England

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A VOYAGE to the country of the HOUYHNHNMS.

CHAP. I. The author fets out as captain of a fhip. His men confpire against him, confine him a long time to his cabbin, fet him on fhore in an unknown land. He travels up into the country. The Yahoos, a frange fort of animal, defcribed. The author meets tro Houyhnhnms 319 CHA P. II. The author conducted by a Houyhnhnm to his houfe. The house defcribed. The author's reception. The food of the Houyhnhnms. The author, in distress for want of meat, is at laft relieved. His manner of feeding in this country 334 CHAP. III. The author ftudious to learn the language; the Houyhnhnm, his mafter, affifts in teaching him. The language defcribed. Several Houyhnhnms of quality come out of curiofity to fee the author. He gives his mafter a fhort account of his voyage

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CHAP. IV. The Houyhnhnms notion of truth and falfehood. The author's difcourfe difapproved by his mafter. The author gives a more particular account of himself, and the accidents of his voyage



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