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fervent zeal and ardent love did he, in harmony with his generous wife, provide for and secure to me those comforts which in parents, brothers, sisters, and relatives, I had lost. Daily he passed his afternoons with me, and laboured most earnestly and anxiously to lead me to the possession and enjoyment of that pardon and peace from which I was yet afar off; but this was no easy task for him. With deep penitence and shame, I now confess it, that I have, in too many cases, occasioned him unnecessary pain and sorrow. But his uninterrupted and unwearied exertions led to the most glorious and gratifying results. I became gradually convinced of the truth; my natural opposition and hostility to it grew daily feebler, and at last I was, to my inexpressible jcy and delight, brought to see that Christianity was indeed a heaven-born and a heaven-appointed remedy for men's deliverance and salvation! Oh! I cannot describe what I felt, when these glorious truths were, by the Spirit's influence, discovered to my soul; I could scarcely believe for joy, and cheerfully could I then resign all for the truth.

brethren, the contempt of my friends, the sufferings of my relatives, and the bitter pains of my parents, caused me such perturbation of mind, and anguish of soul, that I could, neither in prayer nor in the study of God's word, find relief or comfort. It was after one of these sleepless nights, when my mental conflict was severe and acutewhen the past and present stood, as it were, in a living form before me, and greatly contributed to add to my misery,that I rose with the break of day, and after wrestling with God in prayer for strength and fortitude, I opened the blessed volume, that volume from whence so much light and consolation had already come to me, and my eye unconsciously fell on the 31st verse of the 22nd chapter of the Gospel of St. Luke; I read the words,

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And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift thee as wheat." Wonderful was the effect which the reading of these words produced in my mind. I had read them, ere this, again and again, but never before did I perceive their full force and significance till now. It was evidently a message from God to my soul, to warn me of my danger; it opened my eyes to see that Satan was the main cause of all my anguish, and that he had been employing different methods and artifices, to drive me from my hope and safety in Christ. I found great comfort in the following verse, where the Saviour assures Simon that he had prayed for his stedfastness and constancy. This promise of Jesus to Simon I felt of equal importance and encouragement to me. I can from henceforth trust Him, since I know that He is possessed of all power; and I can commit the keeping of my soul unto Him, since I know that He prays for me. A holy calm now reigns within my breast, no weight of guilt pressing upon me, no doubts and misgivings haunting me; but the sweet sense of pardoning love and of sanctifying grace, of heavenly peace and of eternal security, pervade and possess my breast.

Ashamed and humbled, I now looked back to a long series of years, full of error and self-deception-full of perverseness and folly-to a life spent in the service of sin and Satan. But when I again behold the Saviour on the cross, that Saviour whom I have so often insulted and mistaken, when I view the vastness of the compassion, and the boundlessness of the love, as displayed upon that cross, I find in it, not only the free and full forgiveness of all my sins, but also the blotting out of the handwriting of that condemnation that stood against me; and in hope and faith I can say, that Jesus has also loved and died for me. But the victory was not yet gained; the conflict was not yet over. Many a long night I spent in weariness and pain; my spirit was restless, and my soul troubled; I was harassed with doubts and fears, with sore temptations, and the constant assaults of Satan. That enemy of God and man perpetually whispered in my ears that Jesus was a deceiver after all, and His religion a human device; he poured wicked thoughts and evil suggestions into my mind, and attempted to stir me up to unbelief and despair! These things sorely tried me. I knew that I must believe in Jesus, or else be damned; I saw no other alternative before me; but though the spirit was willing, the flesh was weak. And then again the thought of the hatred of my After the administration of the sacred rite, Mr. Jaffé, solemnly and affectionately addressed the newly avowed disciple of the Lord Jesus, and the solemnities were closed by prayer.

In drawing this to a close, I may be permitted publicly to express my sincere thanks to the Rev. Mr. Jaffé, for the deep interest he has evinced for my welfare; as also to the Rev. Mr. Spong, for the great benefit I have derived from his faithful ministry, during the short time it has been my privilege to sit under it; and it is not a little owing to it, that I am this evening enabled to confess my firm resolve to live and die with Jesus.

Our Missionaries are enabled still to present a cheering testimony to the progress of the work entrusted to them. It may be that the trials through which the Society has been passing have evoked a more earnest spirit of prayer, and a deeper conviction of our entire dependence on the providence and grace of God; and if so, the value of such tokens of spiritual success is enhanced, and the glory is secured to Him who openeth the ear to discipline, and answereth the prayer of faith. We think it evident, especially from observations in connexion with the Jewish festivals, that there is a gradual wearing away of feelings which once bade the Christian stand off on those occasions-a door perhaps half opening for the entrance of the light which will point far above symbolic rites-of that influence which will teach them that "God is a Spirit, and to be worshipped in spirit and in truth."

Mr. JAFFE writes

The solemnities which are being celebrat d amongst the Jews at the present season, have drawn a rather unusually large number of strangers to this city; and in passing through the streets, one could not help observing the many anxious and care-worn Jewish faces, which met your gaze on every side-all absorbed in close contemplation of the solemn ordeal through which they were about to pass, or intent in making the requisite preparations for the event, and one could not but feel deeply sad over Israel's low and hapless state, and tenderly moved for his recovery to God and the enjoyment of His favour. At such seasons as these the Missionary of the Cross has generally to experience great ditficulty in gaining access to the Jew, wrapped up as he is in a spirit of apparent devotion, and of deep penitence for the sins of the past year; he will neither listen to, nor engage in anything by which his soul might becoine contaminated; yet a few there were who felt the unsatisfying and unappeasing nature of these days of solemnities, to whom the proffers of mercy, and invitations of love, could be addressed, and who listened with a painful interest to the tale of a Saviour crucified. Many also I met who were by no means strangers to the Gospel, who, more than once, heard from my own, as well as from the lips of other servants of Jesus, the scheme of man's redemption and salvation propounded, but who, through some circumstance or other, have remained in a state of indecision.

One young man in particuiar, who for many a mouth enjoyed Christian instruction when I was labouring in Bristol, and who at the time gave, not only pleasing evidence of the work of grace having begun within him, but also cheering indications of future usefulness, has, through his

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unadvisedly contracting a union with a rather bigoted English Jewess, continued for these many years undecided for the Lord, but also a most unhappy man. told me, when speaking to him of the sin of procrastination, that he has sinned against God, against bis conscience, and against reason, and that he is now justly suffering the consequences of his folly and wickedness. "I still," said he, "believe in Jesus; but I feel unhappy and wretched, because my wife stands in the way of confessing Him, and she drags nie along with her to perdition and ruin."

Another young man, who, for a considerable time, was taught by me the way of salvation, and who afforded the most satisfactory evidence of a change having been wrought within his soul, has, up to this time, put off confessing his Lord publicly, out of consideration for his parents, who are still living. And thus there are numbers who are convinced of the truth of our holy religion, but who, through various causes, have not as yet had the moral courage openly and publicly to confess their allegiance to the Lord Jesus.

I am happy to say that Mr. S—, whose interesting and rather remarkable conversion I have already stated, is continuing most delightfully to progress in the things that make for peace. He has had to pass through bitter trials of late, and these most occasioned by his wife, who is still offering some opposition to the truth; but he is enabled to manifest in them all the mind of Jesus; by the consistency of his life and conversation he is shedding a benign influence around him, so that many who before doubted the genuineness of a Jew's conversion, are now forced to admit that the Gospel, after all, possesses a power and efficacy to change the heart and influence the affections. Mr. Swill,

I trust, ere long, feel it to be his duty and privilege to make a public confession of his love to the Saviour.

With deep gratitude to God would I now mention the baptism of Mr. J. Koppel, which interesting and affecting solemnity took place on Lord's-day evening, the 23rd September. Only those who were privileged to be present can form an idea of the solemnity of the service.

No less than two thousand people could

have been present on the occasion, and among these a very large sprinkling of Jews, both converted and unconverted; and hundreds were obliged to leave for want of room. The Rev. J. Spong gave a very spirited and powerful address from Rom xi. 11th and 12th verses, and then it fell to my delightful and cheering duty to address to him a few words of counsel and encouragement.

For further particulars see pp. 161-164.

Mr. STERN (FRANKFORT) thus reviews his Missionary life:

As at the beginning of the 10th year of my labouring in the mission field of the Jews, I review the time past, many an earnest thought and prayer for the salvation of my brethren according to the flesh is rising in my heart to the Lord, who in His grace translated me and my family from darkness to His light. Indeed, "all the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, unto such as keep His covenant and His testimonies." When we are weak and feeble, He in His grace shows us that He is strong and mighty, and that we shall only look to Him, because He is all wise with those who follow Him faithfully. What shall we, then, say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? This assurance can encourage our hearts and souls when unbelief, the world, and Satan are raging against us. Also of the generality of Israel, one can say they are still a stiff-necked people, and have no desire for truth and light. Every one is "turning to his own way," and "the way of peace do they not know." It is a great rarity, when the question, "What must I do to be saved?" is rising in any one's repenting heart; and if such a one finds indeed salvation and forgiveness of his sins by the blood of Christ Jesus, to be reviled, persecuted of those who have been formerly his dearest friends, is a common thing. Notwithstanding these sorrowful circumstances,

Mr. BRUNNER (PARIS) states:

I am thankful to state that my work is quietly progressing, and that I am cheered by the beneficial influence the Gospel of Christ is continuing to exercise upon those with whom I come in daily contact. As the day of small things is not to be despised, we may with justice deem the present partial achievements of our preaching, and the unbiassed disposition of the Jews in general towards Christianity, and their readiness to enter into discussion on Chris

the sincere ones are finding the way to Him who said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

The Lord in His grace helped me also, in the last year, to preach the Gospel to many of the scattered Jews here and in the country. May the Lord, who alone can bless, put His blessing upon the words spoken in weakness to the glory of His name!

In my last review, 1853-54, I mentioned 81 individuals who were baptised during the time I was working as Missionary, and with whom I stood directly or indirectly in relation. The following persons were baptised in the course of this year, 1854-55. 82d. C, of Wurzburg. As I reported in my Journal of November, 1854, he confessed Christ in his last will, and baptised himself privately. 83rd. Dr. L-, Journal, Jan. 1855. 84th. Dr. N. F Bavaria, Journal, Feb. 1855. 85th. Sat Nurnburg, Journal, March, 1855 86th. L, of Savern, Journal, Aug. 1855.


May the Lord, who knows every heart, and who cannot be deceived, strengthen those above mentioned, who confessed their faith in Christ before men that they might henceforth sow to the Spirit, and reap of the Spirit life everlasting! May He strengthen also our faith, that we be not weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not!

tian topics, when they often frankly admit the claims of Christ, as important results which must not be underrated, waiting in faith for the time when the Lord will be pleased to grant the abundant harvest.

The following case is an instance of the triumph of the truth, notwithstanding opposition. I have lately made the acquaintance of an interesting young man, the son of a bigoted rabbi in Russia, who, upon finding in the possession of his son a He

brew New Testament, was so filled with what he considered to be "a zeal of the Lord, that he went straightway to the magistrate of the place, and said that he wished to have his son incorporated in the imperial army, and arranged that some armed men should come to his house in the night, when he would deliver him up to them without noise and public scandal. By a gracious Providence, however, the poor young man, being informed in time of this unjustifiable act, fled from his father's house. But as no friend's house seemed to him a safe asylum from his parent's blind fury, he sought refuge in the forest amidst the ravaging wolves. There, he said, he lay the whole night, thinking of the prophet Daniel, and praying to the same God who protected him from the mouths of lions. Nor had God forsaken him; for, after some difficulties, he reached the Prussian frontier, which, under the same Divine protection, he passed unseen. There he was safe for the moment, but could not remain long, on account of the vigilance of the police. He came at last to this country. I met him for the first time at the house of one of my Jewish acquaintances, when it was a pleasant surprise to him to learn what I was. He has since then very often called upon me, when we have spent hours in reading and religious conversation. I believe him most savingly impressed with the truths of the Gospel. He told me that his sufferings for Christ's sake began before he could rightly appreciate His character; but now, as he had read the New Testament thoroughly, and could duly value its Divine Subject, he considered his past sufferings as nothing, being, as it were, dispelled from his mind by the glorious acquisition of light and truth. He told me further, that when reading the New Testament for the first time, the passage where Christ says, "He who is without sin, let him first cast a stone," which embodies the wisdom and mercy of the Divine Being Himself, fell upon his soul like an electric stroke, and convinced him that these could not but be the words of a merciful Saviour.

My inquirer, Mr. V., continues to manifest progress in Christian truth and life. He accompanies me every Sunday to a Christian place of worship. I went with him on the first day of the Jewish New Year, which was on the 13th inst., to the Jewish temple, where he, like myself, endeavoured to prove to some Jews who grouped round me the Messiahship of Jesus. After the service I accompanied one of them, who has several Jewish lodgers, to his house, where his wife re

quested me to dine with them, which I kindly refused. We were there soon joined by the inmates and some other Jews, who addressed to each other, in Hebrew, the usual salutations, i.e., to be inscribed for a good year. They washed their hands and sat down to the table; the master of the house pronounced the blessing, broke the bread, and passed it round; after which they dipped their morsels in some honey, according to the custom, and ate them. The conversation was soon turned upon the Christian's subject, which was discussed most quietly, and I hope also with much benefit.

I have frequent interesting intercourse with Mr. B-, who writes in one of the periodicals He is a great enemy of the Talmud, and, according to his sentiments, almost a Christian. He related to me some striking passages in the work of a certain Rabbi, Jacob Emden, who existed about one hundred years ago, and who wrote in favour of Christianity. This work was condemned, and for a time suppressed, though the author himself stood in great renown with the Jews.

The day of expiation, which was on the 22nd inst., afforded me the opportunity to preach the Gospel to numbers of Jews who were standing outside the temple.


As I anticipated in my report of the 25th ult., I am very happy to inform you now that the wife and brother of my late convert Mr. F, who were all under my missionary care since the commencement of my mission in Paris-that is more than four years were received into the visible Church of Christ through the ordinance of baptism. Mrs. C. Fbaptised on the 27th ult., in the Eglise de la Redemption, by pastor Meyer, and H. F on the 30th ult., in the Eglise Pentemant, by pastor Pomier. I hope you will rejoice with me at these new tokens of God's favour and acceptance. I must not, however, claim these new converts as exclusively my own, but I must cheerfully acknowledge that the London Society's Missionary from Strasburg has, at his occasional visits to Paris, greatly contributed to their spiritual development.

I think I have once given you all the particulars connected with the occasion of Mr. F, senior. His wife and brother continued to be the objects of my missionary exertions, amd were also strengthened and advanced in their faith by the piety, consistency, and good example of Mr. F., senior, until they desired at last to be partakers with him of the same hope, by declaring themselves openly on the Lord's side.

Amidst the terrors of war it is delightful to catch the sound of the still, small voice of the Gospel, speaking to the heart even of the Jews. Mr. COHEN thus writes from MARSEILLES :

You will remember that in a previous communication I informed you that I visit the military hospital, to which I have of late paid more than usual attention. I find that it presents at the present moment a very important door of access to very many of my brethren, who are from time to time brought hither from the seat of war. I cannot tell you with what kind feelings they receive me, how thankful they appear for my visits, and how gladly they listen to the message of the Gospel, which I believe is not preached in vain to those brave, wounded and dying sons of Abraham whom a kind Providence has sent hither. One day, after I had preached an hour or so to one of them, he took my hand, and with great emotion said, "I have not anything to give you for your kindness in visiting and preaching to me Christ-all I have is a piece of cloth, which I tore from the soldier's coat at the time when he bayoneted me; if you like to have it you are quite welcome to it."

The arrivals of sick and wounded are so numerous, that those soldiers only who can suffer to be removed or transferred are done so, which is not very agreeable to missionary work; for sometimes I have just succeeded in making my brother understand the true nature of Christianity, and leave him with the hope of soon seeing him again;

but when I call I find his bed occupied by another, and I am told that my friend has been sent to Aix or Avignon, or to his depôt, or to some other place. Thus I have already lost sight of not a few, and perhaps I may never see them again; but judging from the reception which the Gospel has met from them, the kind manner in which they received me and the Word of God, when I offered it to them, and the many thanks they expressed to me for preaching to them, I have every reason to believe that my labours will not be in vain among those poor Jewish soldiers, the most of whom are panting for the Word of truth.

Three of them have died within the last month; two of whom, I believe, have found peace in believing; both of them have told me more than once that they believed and loved the Saviour.

I was one day by the bedside of one of them, reading to him the New Testament, and telling him that "God so loved the world that He sent His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believethin Him should not perish, but have everlasting life;" "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved;" and that "there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus," when a priest entered the same salle, and went to the bed next to where I was, and after a few words he put his ear to the dying man's mouth and asked him to confess, which the poor soldier did, after which he read mass to him and left him and went to another. Thus sends the Romish Church souls blindfolded into eternity!

I cannot describe the painful scenes which I am called to witness when passing through the hospital: here are some who have had their eyes shot out, there are some who have lost their fingers, hands, arms, legs, and many other parts, too numerous to describe.

My heart bleeds at these scenes, whilst it rises in earnest supplication to the God of all mercy, to hasten the time when peace and righteousness shall reign in the land, and when the swords shall be beaten into ploughshares, and the spears into pruninghooks, when nations shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

I have just returned from a visit to our sister in Christ R. H—, who is bearing a living testimony to the truth and reality of the religion of Jesus; but I do not think that she can live much longer, and she knows it herself, for she feels that her time of departure is fast approaching.

Jewish Prayer and Thanksgiving


THE prayer offered in the several synagogues commends itself not more by the loyalty of its spirit than by the devotion that it utters, in language reminding us of the dignified yet deeply humble strains of Israel's ancient kings and seers.

Oh, when shall the day come when they shall place such devotions in the

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