Sivut kuvina

progress. I am glad, indeed, that I read, whilst in England, the greater part of his writings, and am therefore able to refute its pernicious doctrines, and point out the

differences on which my belief is based, from those on which Mr. Channing has based his.


From the Rev. P. E. GOTTHEIL : The weather turning unusually fine for this season of the year, I went out last week to spend a few days among the Jews along the railway. I visited six villages— all, except one, old acquaintances. The new village I was led to enter, expecting to find several Jewish families, but actually found but one remaining, all the rest having removed either to Ulm or to America. This one family I visited, and found a ready entrance. One of the children, now about eighteen, has been bedridden all his life, and is a source of much grief and sorrow to his parents. I seized this opportunity to remind the mother of the purposes God has in view in afflicting His creatures, viz., to draw them unto Him, to listen to invitations, and to prepare them for eternity. I adduced many OldTestament passages, and also a few from the New Testament: the latter, I found, were not new in the house. The little girl visits the Christian school in the village, and joins the reading of the New Testament, but always says God, where the name of Jesus occurs. This she has been advised to do by her parents, who, probably, are not aware of the admission they make thereby, identifying Jesus with the Father. In the same place, I had hard work with the second Protestant minister, whom I visited, and who had strong objections to the evangelistic efforts made among the Jews, though himself a truly pious believer. He at last came to ask, "Why have a special agency for the purpose?" because I had been showing him, that what we had to offer to the Jews was none other but what we had to offer to the Christians,-viz., the Gospel of the forgiveness of sins through the blood of the Redeemer;

without which forgiveness the soul of the Jew, as well as of the Gentile, must perish. The question was not difficult to be disposed of. I assured him, that as soon as every minister of the Gospel, in every village and town where Jews are residing, came to see the necessity of offering the Gospel to the Jewish inhabitants, as well as to Gentiles,-yea, consider them as part and parcel of their spiritual charge and care, and as soon as private Christians came to see the necessity and the blessedness of winning their Jewish neighbours for Christ, there would be no necessity for a special agency, and it would be withdrawn to places where there are plenty of Jews, but no Gospel ministry, and no Bible Christians. As long as these conditions are not fulfilled, we must consider a special agency to the Jews necessary, even in the midst of a Protestant congregation. The minister admitted this plea, and seemed satisfied; at all events, he gave me his best wishes on parting.

The greatest part of Saturday I spent with my Jewish friend, the teacher at Twhom I found more than ever disposed deeply to enter into all the questions pending between us. I believe that he is advancing, and would do so yet more, were his whole day not taken up so fully with teaching; so that but little time remains for his studies. I fully believe that the grace of God will yet prevail with him. He has to bear many reproaches from the Jews, that he is not kindly inclined towards them; but this is merely the consequence of his truthfully exposing to them their present position. The truth is not always welcome, nor pleasing, nor flattering.


The friends of the Society will be gratified with the following extract from Mr. WM. BRUNNER's report, although they will perceive the wisdom of waiting awhile for further particulars:

I am thankful to say that my mission here is assuming a promising character, and although I do not now place before you tangible evidence of that fact, it is because when such work has commenced, it must be first viewed with

reference to its influence on the whole community, and not to the immediate and personal fruit resulting from it. The mission is, first, a work of awakening, and a call to the mass of slumbering spirits; and then follow the results of individual re

pentance and faith. In my last letter, I gave you a short outline of the spiritual state of mind of the Jews of Hanover, and the peculiar religious tendencies prevalent among them. Since that time I have been endeavcuring to extend and direct my efforts further, both as to Jews and Christians, truly in the spirit of Nehemiah, quietly and without ostentation, yet resolutely and without fear; and thus I have been enabled to enter positively upon my work, which I hope will prosper and bear fruit. It is, indeed, difficult where infidelity, rationalism, and unbelief have planted their strong ramifications, to preach to men of peace, righteousness, and faith; but as we have the truth on our side, and are equipped with the whole armour of Christ, we shall overcome every opposition, and bring low every thing that setteth itself up against His dignity and authority. To these Jews the story of the Cross is a hard thing, because, it is humbling to their pride and exhibits to them all their nothingness and vainglory; and that God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, that in His presence no flesh should boast. Their notion of the Messiah is quite unscriptural, but of a modern character, namely, that of an abstract idea, embodied in their gradual and ultimate deliverance from their subjugation and hardships among the nations. When such men are asked what the typical sacrifices of the Old-Testament dispensation signified, the answer is, that they were merely customs of the time, which also prevails among all other nations. But is such an answer satisfying? Or does it not rather confirm the great truth of man's original fall, and of the Divine institution of sacrifices, or a means of propitiation, and as typical emblems of Him who was, in the fulness of time, to offer Himself up once for ever? But what is astonishing is, that men who admit in their daily prayers and services the great truth

From Mr. LowITZ:

of a personal Messiah, and the scriptural teachings as to His character and offices, should so far err, and hold such opinions as these! They need, indeed, to be first awakened, and made alive to the truths, the fundamental truths, of their own faith, and then they are able to perceive and understand the preaching of the Gospel of a suffering and glorified Messiah, of justification and righteousness to be obtained by Him, and will learn to know that the Christian faith is not a cunningly devised system, but that it is the reflection of ancient Judaism, and that in it the vital principles of the Old-Testament dispensation are perfected and consummated. However, there are some Israelites in this place, who, while following the faith of their fathers, have not given up the hope of the Messiah, the Redeemer, and, like Simeon of old, are anxiously awaiting His appearance. May the Spirit of truth breathe upon them, to convince them of their error, and enable them to see in Jesus of Nazareth the fulfilment of their long-cherished expectation!

In my present letter I do not give you a statement of separate facts, to which you have a right to look forward. But you may be sure that I am not asleep, but at work, and endeavour to arrange and set my mission on such a footing, that it should be efficient, and answer the end which we seek. But I pray you not to judge my activity by the quantum of report I may send you, for that is not a sure criterion to estimate the real work of the Missionary and his usefulness. I am sowing the seed, and when it shall please the Lord that it shall spring up into visible and unmistakeable fruit, I shall record to you such instances, for your own satisfaction; and that it may also strengthen the hearts of those who are deeply concerned in the building up of the Lord's temple, by the spiritual gathering in of His people Israel.


By the good help of the Lord, I continue in my efforts to spread the Redeemer's kingdom among His ancient people here, by means of conversation, as well as by the distribution of tracts. Apart from these ordinary duties, I have the privilege of instructing two Jewish youths, of whom I can speak with a certain hope of their sincerity, for they seem quite determined in their inquiries into Christianity. One of them is Haim Ben Oliel, whom I mentioned to you before, and who was the

means of persuading the other, Abraham Ben Oliel, to imitate his example, and they both left their country and kindred, and are resolved to seek and " find Him of whom Moses, David, and the prophets did write," even Jesus of Nazareth, the Saviour of the world. They attend regular instruction, and I spend daily upwards of four hours with them in reading and writing, as they had no idea of any other letters but the Hebrew and Judeo-Spanish, and they were obliged to begin with the A B C. Now

they are able to read the Castillian-Spanish, and even English, pretty tolerably; but more than two hours are every day devoted to the study of the Old and New Testament, in the examination of the Messianic prophecies, and I am happy to say that they evince a great interest in the subject of Christianity. I have had, of late, occasion to consider with them minutely the Divine decrees respecting the Messiah's suffering and death, and their complete fulfilment in the garden of Gethsemane, and on Mount Calvary; and whilst I was thus referring to the different passages which clearly treat on our Saviour's death and passion, suffering for sinful man, I perceived that they were both very much affected, and tears came into their eyes, which they could scarcely restrain. This marked feeling strongly proved the veracity of the prophet Zechariah's words, "They shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and mourn," &c. (Zech. xii. 10.) I have reason to think them sincere, and seriously inclined to embrace the truth as it is in Jesus, from the fact of their being already exposed to hardships and privations on that account. I, moreover, told them beforehand, that worse trials await them; but if they decide to put themselves under the Saviour's sure protection, He will never leave nor forsake them. But I am, nevertheless, concerned to think on the consequences that will naturally follow their conviction and conversion. It often suggests itself to my mind, that if satan will try to counteract my efforts by his evil devices, how can I oppose it? I mean, what can be done for these two youths, to deliver them from the evils which they have already began to experience, the hatred of the Jews here, who will insult and injure them in any way they can; the separation and unkindness of their parents towards them, as soon as they hear of their determination to become the disciples of the despised Nazarene? Such, and the like consequences are unavoidable; it is also true, it will be a test to try their sincerity and stedfastness in the faith. Still there are other circumstances to be taken into consideration, which must be presented; for instance, they could not any more return to their native land Barbary, nor could they, in their Christian character, stay long in this place, as there is no chance of finding employment for them here. I am, therefore,

at a loss to know what could be done for them, to release them from their peculiar and painful situation; were they to go to England the difficulty would be only shifted, and not obviated.

I may also inform you, that on Saturday, the 12th instant, Rev. Alex. Levi gave us an interesting statement of the circumstances of his conversion to Christianity, in the Methodist school-room; the audience was composed of Jews and Christians, and pretty tolerable for the first time. At the end of which, I stationed myself at the door, and gave suitable tracts to each and all as they went out. Mr. Levi and myself remained behind, arguing for some length of time with two Jews, who insisted on the divine institution of kidersh on the sabbath and other feast days.

Last Saturday, Mr. Levi delivered, again, a discourse on the advent of the Messiah; but I am sorry to say that there was but one Jew present. It is thought that the bad weather might have been the cause of their absence, but I fear that they have leagued together to keep away; still I am glad to see Mr. Levi persisting in delivering his discourse again on Saturday next, please God, and in some measure acting on the principle of the prophet Ezekiel, chap. ii. 1, &c. I told you, in in my last, that I was preparing to deliver a few lectures in the Spanish; but as I shall have far greater difficulty in procuring a Jewish audience than Mr. Levi has, because of my being sent to them more directly than he is, I thought better to postpone it, and to proceed with my work quietly, in the name and strength of the Lord.

I have occasional calls from Jews, natives of the different towns I visited, on the coast of Barbary, whom I endeavour to direct to the light of the Gospel, and to supply them with tracts, that they may read them on their return to the land of darkness. Would that the blessing of freedom and toleration, which is hoped to be soon enjoyed by the people in Turkey, would reach this benighted empire of Morocco, and so open a door of salvation to the descendants of Israel and Ishmael who live in it! Surely the time cannot be very far off, when the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall reign from pole to pole with illimitable sway.


The Missionary at Liverpool, in the portion of time devoted exclusively to Jews, is encouraged by indications of inquiry and confidence:

You will be pleased to hear that one of my Jewish inquirers has applied to me for baptism. His name is G- He has a wife and four children, and, notwithstanding the opposition of his wife, he is still determined to embrace the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. I recommended him to the Rev. C. M. Birrell, who has had some conversation with him, and asked him to call on him occasionally, in order to become more acquainted with his views and character. I have known G-since last winter, and visited him at his house. He used also to call on me, and, through my conversations with him, his mind has been awakened, and I trust that his heart is softened. On last Saturday evening, whilst he was with me, I went through with him several Messianic passages of the Old Testament, but dwelt especially on the ninth chapter of Daniel. I tried to explain that chapter to him in as plain a manner as possible, holding before his eyes the great fact that, whilst within the period specified by the prophet, the sin offerings and sacrifices, prophecies and visions, should cease, and the second temple itself, after its being built, again be destroyed, the Messiah also is stated to appear and be cut off, but not for Himself. As the former particulars really took place during that period, so must the coming of the Messiah also have taken place: one cannot be separated from the other; and the Jews must either reject Daniel as a prophet, or, with believing in the divine authority of Daniel, believe also in Christ. G-approved of my explanation, and said that the Jews were undoubtedly in error. May the Lord give him grace to confess Jesus as his Redeemer before his unconverted Jewish brethren!

I had several other Jews visiting me during the past month, and Mr.W, of whom I made mention before, is progressing very satisfactorily in his inquiries; I have also visited some Jewish families, and preached unto them Christ crucified. One Hebrew Bible I made a present to a Jew, whom I have known for some time, and to whom I also gave a New Testament at his own request. And last night I presented Wwith a Bible, which I bought. Wthanked me very much for it, and promised to read it, both with the understanding and the heart. May the Lord guide him into all truth, inasmuch as he is also a son of Abraham!

Among the different Jews that visited

me, I am glad to state that two of them are regular inquirers with me during the week, and both of them attend occasionally Christian places of worship. There is a great similarity between them in sentiment and in searching after the truth, although I never have them with me at one time; but the difficulties that each has to contend with are peculiar; the former being continually annoyed by his ungodly and worldly-minded wife, whilst the latter is harrassed by the Jews, and exposed to much contumely. This, however, they endure with patience, and often ask me to engage with them in prayer that the Lord would graciously grant unto them fortitude, and full reliance upon His aid, in order they might pass through these trials to the honour and glory of His holy name. I greatly sympa. thise with them, and am somewhat able to enter into their feelings. I try therefore, on every occasion I meet with them, to lead them to Christ, and to read and explain to them such passages of the Holy Scriptures as are calculated to remove some obstacles in their way, fortify their minds against prejudices, and enhance the value of Christ's doctrines in their eyes.

On one occasion Rrequested me to explain to him the arguments used by Christians for keeping Sunday, instead of Saturday, as the day of rest. I did so, and showed to him that Christians, not being under the law of Moses, but under grace, are not committing any sin by preferring the day in which their heavenly Master rose from the dead to the Old-Testament Sabbath. That the law was not intended to be permanent even the Jews themselves admit, for in their writings it is asserted that the law will only be binding for the space of two thousand years, and then be superseded by the ushering in of the time of the Messiah, and the new covenant of which the prophet Jeremiah speaks in the thirty-first chapter of his prophecy. Even the Sunday itself, I went on to say, is nowhere commanded in the New Testament to be observed; but from some passages which we find, where the day of the Lord, or the first of the week, is mentioned, in which the Apostles and the early Christians came together for the purpose of prayer, it appears that Sunday was observed by them; and this usage having come down to our time, we Christians think right and|||| consistent with our holy calling to rest on that day and dedicate it to the service of God.


was satisfied with my explanation, and asked me to read with him the passage in Jeremiah. At another time I was visited by two Jewish youths, whom I met formerly in a Jewish family. They were brought to me by G, and I conversed with them for some time. They were quite ignorant of Christianity, but listened to me with marked attention. However, not long after that they were surprised, one day, by some Jews, who saw them reading my tracts, and brought to the leading Jews of this town. They were


I PAID and received my visits during last month as usual. In the course of my conversation with my brethren about Christ being the Saviour of the world, and especially in urging upon them the fact that whosoever refuses to be saved by Christ here, will be obliged to receive judgment at His hand hereafter. Several of those who were in the habit of reviling the name of Jesus gave utterance to feelings of a very encouraging nature. I know that this is not sufficient, that we must look for change of heart: and so I trust we do. Nevertheless, when I hear reformed language, words of reproach changed into those of admiration, I cannot but feel gratified and hopeful; for I believe that salvation, like destruction, has a preparatory course. Just as man usually does not become a degraded being at once, but gradually descends deeper and deeper into the pit of destruction, so he is not raised from it at once to the hill of salvation. It begins, continues, and ends. Every indication, therefore, of sinful language being supplanted by reverential feelings, through the preaching of the Gospel, we ought to hail. My brethren, who know from sad experience what it is to listen to the reviling language of Jews, and who had the joy of hearing such language changed, will be able to sympathise with me.

interrogated as to where they got the tracts from, and then strictly prohibited to repeat their visits to me. 1 hear the Jews sent these two youths away from Liverpool, and are much incensed against me for trying to delude the youths. Of this, however, I am not sorry, but I only pray that it might lead to some happy result. Oh ! that the Lord would soon visit His ancient people, and pour out upon them the Spirit of prayer, and searching after the great truth of their Messiah.


I also met with some more definite cases of encouragement. A bigoted family, which I have visited for some time, have at last consented to read the New Testament, with which I at once supplied them. When I brought them the Bible, one of their children, a girl about six years old, read to me, in compliance with my request, the history of the fall of our first parents, upon which I questioned the child; and then addressed myself to the parents, and reminded them of the justice and love of God, that whilst He administered justice with one hand, He pointed with the other to the Messiah in whom mercy is to be

found. I afterward read to them the sermon on the mount, with which they were much delighted.

My two inquirers continue to come regularly for instruction, and Mr. A—, one of them, is, I hope, progressing in Divine knowledge. I introduced him to the Rev. Mr. R who had a long conversation with him about the salvation of his soul. Thus, on the whole, I can look back upon the labours of last month with encouragement and gratefulness.

An honest young man named Mr. K——, who having for some time read the Bible, which he borrowed from his cousin Mr. L-, whom I furnished with it, asked him to entreat me to call at his own house. He seems to be very much impressed by the Christian truth, his questions not being put in the way of dispute, but rather in the way of anxious inquiry. Amongst others he said to me, as Jesus is also our Messiah, how can you explain that those who recognise Him as such have been, and still are, our greatest persecutors? I am only sorry that our important discourse was interrupted by two Dutch Jewesses who were present. I promised him, therefore, that I would call again.

Another young man, named Mr. Swho is an inmate of the family Hvisit, thinks also very earnestly about Christianity, though constantly mocked by another young man. The first deep impression on him was made by a clergyman in the country. When he first came to England he was deprived of all the necessaries of life, he therefore addressed a Jew in the streets to relieve him. He refused it and even threatened to beat him. He then asked a gentleman, who witnessed this from a distance, to inform him where most of the Jews lived. He answered him, Why go to the Jews, you see how they treat you? here lives a gentleman a great friend of your nation. It was a clergyman, who indeed relieved him. This temporal relief,

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