Sivut kuvina

confusion this must create. A poor German told us that very often whilst he is repeating his prayers, a Jew of the other party stands behind him, mocking and laughing at him. One part of the service, however, is very solemn and interesting; when the Chazan repeats the priest's bles sing (Numb. vi 23-27), the father of the family gathers round him his children and grandchildren, and with outstretched hands pronounces over them the benediction. But you would I dare say rather hear something about the worshippers themselves. As I have been here only a very short time, it would be presumption on my part to speak positively about the Jews at large; still I have every reason to fear, that the few we have already visited and conversed with, are but tco true a sample of the whole community. We have now open doors to above twenty families; to soine we have preached Christ as the only hope of salvation; to others, the name of Jesus has not as yet been mentioned, but we have been paving the way for it, to excite in them some religious feelings, to awaken the dormant conscience to a sense of danger, to prove to them, first of all, the Divine authority of Moses and the prophets before we can hope to lead them to Christ.

The religious state of the Jews here is most deplorable; they profess to be very orthodox, but, according to their own account, there are not twenty Old Testament Scriptures to be found amongst them. We have as yet only found one German Jew in possession of a Bible, and that was given him by a Missionary: it is therefore not astonishing that they should be without any knowledge of religion, and so deeply sunk into the abyss of infidelity. I will just give you the substance of some conversations we had with several of the most pious Jews here. Mr. A-- closes his shop every Saturday, and is very diligent in his attendance at synagogue. Mr. Davidson found, on his bookstall, a work of De Sacy's, and read out part of the introduction, on the divine authority of the New Testament. A-remarked that Christians in the present day paid very little attention to the teaching of the Gospel; and cited, as an instance, the conversation he had with a Jesuit priest. A told him that Roman Catholics had forsaken the Gospel, and adopted human tradition in its place. The Jesuit replied, in the presence of several Jews-"We priests care little, and the people understand little of the Gospel; and so where is its use?-the teaching of the Church is quite sufficient." Mr. A seems to have read the New Testament

and his remarks led us to the expectation of finding him a very enlightened man; but pressing him to state his reasons for rejecting the Gospel, he replied that he was a Mat rialist, and did not believe in the immortality of the soul, nor in the existence of a future state; which, he declared, ought to be the belief of every Jew, inasmuch that Moses always spoke of temporal promises, and never once alluded to a future state. As for the prophets, they were all deceivers; because. Ly teaching the existence of a future state, they contradict Moses, who spake with God, face to face.

Mr. - and his son-in-law, are also considered very pious Jews; the mother, a very intelligent woman, said that they closed the shop because they lived so close to the synagogue-and what would people think if they were not to do so. At our first visit, the son-in-law and his wife strongly advocated the divine authority of the Talmud. They soon gave up the point. We then proved to them the impossibility of being saved by the Law; inasmuch as it was impossible to keep all that is written therein. He at once declared that he did not believe in the Law at all; that the Ten Commandments were his only rule of faith. On our second visit, we tried to bring the subject home to his heart and conscience, and told him that, as a Jew, he would be judged by Divine Revelation, and that his condition was far worse than that of the heathen. He coolly replied, that he very much doubted the existence of a God. I asked him whether he did not think it absurd to pray to a Being whose very existence he doubted. He replied that he was bound to do what every body else did, especially as the repeating of some prayers could do him no harm.

I will only give you one more instance of the amount of incredulity we meet with amongst the Jews here. I gave two tracts to Mr. B. One day he accosted us in the street to return one of the tracts, the other he had lent to a neighbour. I asked him whether he found them interesting? He replied that these books were good for people with weak brains-he had the religion of his fathers too much at heart to change it. Appealing to the prophets to substantiate the truths of Christianity, he said the prophets were all "bêtise"-the Jews had no other prophet but Moses. I showed him the heading of one of the tracts (Deut. xviii. 15), to prove that Moses himself expected another prophet, and at once cut the conversation short by warning him of his danger, and implored

him to give his attention at once to the things that belonged to his peace. "Well," he replied; "when I die, my body will be laid in the dust; and as for my soul, let whoever will take it-I care very little whether it be devil or angel !"

But to turn to some more cheering instances, we have met with Mr. D, an intelligent tradesman, who told us that he had read the New Testament, and if he were not born a Jew, he would certainly have liked to be a Protestant. A Protestant neighbour of his was in the habit of hanging out white sheets for the procession to pass; but this year the Jew persuaded him to remain firm to his religion, as a Protestant, and not put up any sheets. His religion, he told us, was founded on these two principles-To love God with all his heart, &c., and his neighbour as himself. He admitted that the Jews were in an unconverted state, and needed the sprinkling spoken of by Ez kiel. Mr. Davidson watched him closely, whilst I read to him Isaiah liii.; and it seems that he was then very much moved. On another occasion I read to him р rtious of the Sacred Scriptures, and he remarked that those prophecies ought not only to be read, but closely studied; and added that he would give them bis serious attention. He has agreed to come to my house and read the Bible together in Engli h.

Mr. O is another intelligent Jew; but, as he had never read the Bible, he had formed a theory of his own. He believed in the transmigration of souls. His idea was

that all souls go to heaven; the good to remain there for ever, but the wicked were sent back into this world, to work all kind of abominations and wickedness. He asked us our view of the resurrection. We read to him Dan ix., and the explanation of the Apostle Paul, 1 Cor. xv., with which he seemed quite satisfied. We urged him no longer to neglect the salvation of his soul; and he expressed his desire of buying a Bible, and at once beginning to search the Sacred Scriptures.

Iill only cite one more. We visited Mr. M, on a Saturday: his shop was closed, and he was all the more prepared for religious conversation, as his child had been circumcised that very morning. We spoke to him upon the responsibility he

From Mr. JAFFÉ :

had taken upon himself of bringing the child up according to the Law; and the impossibility of redeeming his promise; for not only did he never observe the Law, but was actually ignorant of its demands, and had not even a copy of it in the house. He as well as his sister, seemed very much struck with the truth of my remarks. On our second visit his wife and another Jewess were present. They at first thought it a good joke to give Mr. Ma good talking; but they soon became serious when I addressed myself to them, and told them that they were in the same con dition, and that it was a very solemn matter, as we shall all have to give an account one day. Madame invited us to see her husband-Mr. M-followed us. We spent more than an hour with them. The whole party looked like people awakening out of a dream-no one had ever told them of their real condition; their hearts seemed touched, and their consciences alive for the first time to a sense of their danger. They expressed a strong desire to read the Word of God; and, before parting, Mr. M— told me that he had been living on blindly, without ever bestowing a thought on re. ligion, but he was now determined to buy a Bible, and give his heart and soul to the subject.

You will, I dare say, remember that, about two years since, sixty Russian Jewish prisoners were sent to the Ile d' Aix, and from thence to Algiers; fifty of them are to settle down at Bordeaux. Only a few have yet arrived, and one of them told me that they had their own rabbi; and they with the Germans would form a separate synagogue.

I was glad to hear from Mr. Davidson that you intended sending Hebrew tracts, as they would be indispensable for the evangelisation of the Russian Jews.

There are also here at present 150 Russian sailore; they are to man the two steamers that are building here for the Emperor of Russia; they will remain here several months; there are seven Jews amongst them. We visited them several times; gave them a New Testament and tracts, and they promised to come to my house on Saturday, when I hope we may be able, quietly and calmly, to set before them the truth as it is in Jesus.


Through the "good hand of the Lord upon me," am I again permitted, in my present Journal, to communicate several

pleasing and cheering facts. Some time ago I had occasion to mention a family of the name of M-, at whose place of

business I was in the habit of meeting, from day to day, with Jews, of all castes and creeds, to discuss the topics of our holy religion with them. This Mhas a brother-in-law, who lives in a country place, a few miles from here; and a son of that family, a youth of about fifteen or sixteen, came a short time back on a visit to Mr. M. The youth, from the moment he came to know me, and to listen to my arguing with the Jews in his uncle's place of business, became so deeply interested in an his curiosity so highly raised about, the evidences of the truths of Christianity, that he made it his care to be daily watching for me, and to engage with me in conversation of a religious character.


had many questions to ask about the promised Saviour; his office. the time of his advent, &c.; and every time his soul seemed more drawn out in sympathy with the Lord Jesus. When I had to contend with Jews at his uncle's, and to grapple with all their cavils. their prejudices, and, too frequently, with their deeply-rooted infidelity, he took his station in one part of the shop, and, with the utmost attention and interest, listened to the varied arguments that were employed for and against the Christian religion. Thus weeks passed by, and the young man's impressions with reference to the truths of the Gospel, became daily stronger and firmer. A light had gone up in his soul, which discovered to him, not only the abyss of endless woe and misery over which he was hovering, but also the great remedy which boundless love has provided for our recovery and salvation, and that light urged him onward in his heaven-born resolve. And thus it was one day, after I had been disputing with a number of Jews at his uncle's place, that the young man, who was also present, suddenly rose up, and, in a firm and determined voice, said "I have now been listening, for some weeks, to the arguments which were employed on both sides, for and against Christianity, and, whilst I have been thoroughly disgusted with the levity, indifference, and unbelief of many whom I have heard, I have also been deeply convinced that Christ is the promised Messiah, and Christianity the only true religion." It would be difficult for me to say what were the feelings which, at the first few moments, overwhelmed tho-e present; but this is certain, that, as soon as they were recovered from the first shock, contempt and imprecations were abundantly heaped upon the head of the young believer, and he had as much as he could do. to keep up under their derisive acorn and mockery. They also began to

argue with him from the Bible; but he showed an acquaintance with the Scriptures, especially with those that refer to the Messiah, which astonished everyone. "I take my stand up on this word," said he, "and so long as you cannot reasonably show me that the Messiah has not as yet come, I shall believe that Jesus is he" Much, very much, has he had to endure ever since, but he remains firm and unshaken; and whenever he is drawn into perplexity by the subtle reasonings of some Jews, he always waits till I come and clear up the difficulty to him. His parents know not as yet of his change; but, whatever may await him, he told me that, through God's help, he will hold fast to his hope.

A somewhat similar case I have to mention of a young Jewess. It is several weeks since that I had to deliver a Missionary sermon, in a place about fourteen miles from here. I found a Jewish family there, named A On Sunday morning


the eldest daughter of Mr. A- a young woman of about twenty, accompanied by a younger brother, attended my service. She paid the utmost attention to all I said, and seemed at times deeply moved. service she came to the clergyman's house, evidently with a view of speaking to me. I entered into conversation with her, and had the satisfaction of hearing from her own lips that the picture that I had drawn of the helpless and hopeless state of the Jews was very correct, and the causes to which their misery was traceable very probable. I accompanied her home to her parents, where a warm reception awaited me, and where I had the opportunity of preaching to them, for upwards of two hours, the unsearchable riches of Christ. Mr. Afelt bewildered and perplexedmade several attempts to defend Juualsm, but failed; and was at last compelled, however unwilling, to couless that, if we strictly go by the Bible, the Messiali must already have come. I could see that a deep impression was made upon Miss Aand it was with peculiar feelings of plea sure and delight that she accepted Ada," which I handed her before 1 felt. The reading of that book, in connexion with what she heard, has, through the Holy Spiri's influence, been blessed to her soul, and her desire and prayer is to fo low in the footsteps of Leila Ada." She has latterly been to the clergyman, and confessed to him her faith in Jesus, and expressed her intention of being baptised -"But," said she, "my father is determined to discard me, and where am I to And another home?" I begged the clergy

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man to interest himself in her, and to stand by her in case of need, which he kindly promised to do.

A married son of Mr. A - lives about two miles further, and I made it my business to visit him also. I was deeply touched when I entered the house of that Jew to find that he has already, for eighteen years, been a severe sufferer, and for these last four years altogether confined to bed. He has a nice business, but as he cannot attend to it, it is being greatly neglected The joy and satisfaction that that poor fellow evinced in my visit, and in all I said, was truly beyond description. With the greatest eagerness he listened to the truth, so that he sometimes felt quite exhausted, and I had to keep still till he was again recovered. Old Mr. A- also came the same day to see his son, and he had to hear once more those truths which on a former occasion were propounded to him. When I portrayed the present fallen state of the Jews, young Mr. Awould often turn to

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his father and say, "Dear father, is it not exactly so as Mr. Jaffé says? Is not our state most deplorable? I pine away on this bed of sickness; but the Judaism, as we have it, is not able to impart one ray of light, or one drop of comfort, to me in my sickness; I feel that I am living like a heathen and my children growing up so too." "But, my son," replied the old man, we still believe in a Messiah to come; and if so, what comfort can I derive from such an hope ?" "But do not those parts of Scripture which have been named, go to prove that Messiah has come already? and is it not probable that Jesus is, after all, that Messiah ?" A cloud overspread the countenance of the old man, and in a depressed tone of voice he said, "Is it possible that the whole nation

should be deceived ?" This gave me the opportunity of entering once more into the great question which is at issue between Jews and Christians, and at length I showed that the Jews' unbelief arises principally from early imbibed prejudices and erroneous views of Scripture doctrine, and that if they were to divest themselves of the former, and interpret the latter according to the Spirit's mind, they would not long hesitate of acknowledging that Jesus is of a truth their divinely appointed Saviour.

When I left, I presented young Mr. Awith several suitable tracts, and earnestly exhorted him to give heed to the things which he had heard, and look to it, that the impressions which his mind has received are not effaced again. He expressed the deepest gratitude for my visit, and said that this has been the most refreshing season he has had for many years, and that I could not honour him more than by another early visit.

Another Israelite about eight miles from here, to whom I preached the Gospel for upwards of two hours and a half, was so powerfully wrought upon by the truths I uttered, that he declared himself fully convinced of the true Messiahship of Jesus, and desired to receive instruction in the Christian religion with a view of entering the Christian Church; but his wife, au ignorant woman, threatened to leave him the instant he carries his purpose into effect; but I do not believe that it will tend to turn him from his desigu.

I shall make it my business to visit these families occasionally, and deepen the impressions wherever such have been made. May the Lord watch over the seed which has been sown, and make it to bring forth an hundred fold to the praise and glory of His name!

MR. KESSLER reports thus concerning the Jews and his mission in Belgium :

There are, no doubt, from 350 to 400 families in Brussels; 150 to 200 in Ant werp; 30 to 40 in Liege; the same number, perhaps, in Ghent; two or three families in Louvain; about 50 families in Luxemburgh, which, together with a few families dispersed in other parts of the country, would amount to 3,000 or 4,000 souls. Except Luxemburgh, I have, since my arrival here, visited all the towns, and endeavoured to find out as many of my brethren as possible, and so far succeeded, that the Messiah has been proclaimed to a goodly number.

You will remember that I have tried all

means-public meetings, private meetings in my own house, individual visitation, all which, except the last, are only practicable for some time, and at intervals. One great drawback, too, is the utter impossibility of erecting schools; as tho Jews themselves have schools for their poorer children, and those who can afford it send theirs tu Christian schools. You can, therefore, feel with me, and account for the doubtful tone of my letters, as regards the mission, when I tell you of the difficulties I have to get hold of the minds of the people. The greater part are freethinkers, and their views in favour of Unitarianism, of

course, I cannot but oppose, from my conviction of its erroneous tendencies-tendencies which, if acquiesced in by the missionary, would make his mission co nparatively easy. Could I do nothing else among the Jews than to counteract these pernicious tendencies by my teaching, my mission would, in some measure, be fulfilled; but, in spite of all discouragement, I am happy to say I can do more. There are some, though the minority, to whom I can fully preach Christ, and who seem to see, if not quite the correctness of my views, certainly the erroneousness of their own. They feel the void which Judaism leaves upon their minds and hearts; but cannot as yet, nor without aid from ou high, experience the truths of Christianity in themselves. So, for instance, Mr. L, who has not ceased to visit me, and who, reading the New Testament daily, nevertheless tells me he sees in Christ but a great man, and in the New Testament the nearest approach of his ideal of moral teaching. The wonderful deeds, and the blessed words of our Saviour, have no other effect on him than they had on the Jews of old; and he has struggled for more than two years to arrive at a knowledge of the truth, and is still, humanly speaking, far from it.

Another great obstacle is, and always will be, Popery. The Jew hates idolatry, and idolatry it is; we can give no other name to it. Now, such a religion he abhors, and that offered to him from the anti-Catholic quarter is infidelity.


choose between the two is his only alternative, and the latter would certainly have the preference, did he not meet with a similar infidelity in Judaism as it now is. I am therefore, so at least I consider it, placed here as a watchman on the tower, to lead those who really search the Scriptures to arrive at the truth, to the

true fountain of life. I have lately met with a Mr. B from Galicia, who is married to a Dutch Protestant lady, and whose children are neither circumcised nor baptised. His opinion is they ought to grow up without any bias in favour of this or that religion, and when at the proper age, to choose for themselves which is right and which is not. Meanwhile he thinks of explaining to them according to his views both Judaism and Christianity, and then let them have their own choice. He himself has broken with Judaism, as he does not acknowledge the Old Testament binding for him, nor does he style himself a Christian, at least not in our sense of the word. We have, whenever we meet, and we meet often, long conversations, and last week a very interesting one on the providence of God, which he wished to make out to be something like fatalisın, whilst I endeavoured to give him a scriptural view of it. So you see I am going on quietly, and omit hardly any opportunity to speak to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and my only prayer is, that their hearts may be touched to make them perceptible of the real spiritual advantages of the religion of Christ, and thus lead them to Him who was most emphatically the Saviour of the Jews.

When last in Germany, I met and heard from friends, that some of my Jewish brethren who were last year in Ostend, would again be there this time, and were looking forward to meet me again. It is my intention, with your permission, to go to Ostend for a fortight in the course of next month, because I think, and I said so. last year, the Jews who come there are eager to speak on religious subjects more so than at home, and a word in season, for aught we know, inay bring them to study the Word of God more, and by this means be led eventually to Christ.


MR. SALMON gives the following notice of a young Israelite recently baptised:

Jacob Goldberg is a native of Jerusalem, and a brother to the Rev. John Goldberg, Missionary to the Jews at Constantinople. On his journey from Africa to England, he stayed for a short time in Paris, where he became acquainted with our missionary, Mr. Brunner, who recommended him to the British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews; and Mr. Yonge placed him under my instruction. From

the first interview I had with G., I perceived that he was fully acquainted with the Scriptures, but totally ignorant of the depravity of his own heart-of the preciousness of his soul, and of the inestimable price paid for its redemption. With regard to his sincerity there was, in my own mind, not the least doubt. In addition to the religious instructions which I gave him daily, I also instructed

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