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confessed that the subject had interested him very much; but expressed his fear that if he were to continue his intercourse with me, he would be forced to acknowledge that the Christian religion was true without even reading the New Testament.

Mr. C is an intelligent and liberalminded German Jew; but being of a philosophical turn of mind, and having read portions of the New Testament in his boyhood, he has formed a theory of his own with regard to the Christian religion-viz., that Christ in observing all the rites and ceremonies of the law, and declaring that He has come not to destroy the law, &c., made it evident that He never intended the Jews to become Christians; but being endowed with extraordinary wisdom and goodness, He underwent the most cruel sufferings in order to save and rescue the heathen world from the abominations of idolatry, and to bring them to the knowledge of the true God. I paid him several visits, and read with him portions of the Old and New Testament, to explain to him the object of the Messiah's mission. He bought a New Testament, with the intention of examining seriously the truths of Christianity.

Mr. S, a young man of a very influential family, told me that he was thinking once of becoming a Roman Catholic, it being a most beautiful and attractive religion, whilst Judaism was dull and meaningless; but he had promised his father, with an oath, that he would never change his religion. I had two interviews with him, in which I tried to explain to him the nature and character of true religion; that its attractiveness lies in the fact, that it brings peace to the troubled conscience, and reveals to us the way to eternal life and felicity. He found my arguments very feasible; but, with a shake of the head, he repeatedly told me, "What you say seems very true and reasonable; but I am under an oath never to give up Judaism."

At Mr. C's I met a little group of Jews, and spoke to them about the approaching day of atonement, and read to them Isaiah, liii. They paid great attention, and seemed interested in the subject; but when I began to apply the prophecy to Christ, they became furious, and left the room, except one young man, who remained behind to ask some questions. He has a Bible that has been in the family for about thirty years, but he had never read a page of it, and he wished to know whether the interesting chapter that I was expounding was contained in his Bible. I gave him the "Selections from the Word of God," where

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I was advised by Mr. N (pastor) to visit Peyrchorade, a small town about twenty-five miles from B-; it is situated in a fertile valley on the borders of the Gane; it contains a Roman Catholic population of about 3,000, and is consecrated to the Virgin; almost on every door there is a printed paper with the words, Mary, conceived without sin, protect us," and over it is suspended a cross of myrtle. In the midst of this bigoted and fanatical population many Jewish families took refuge at the time of their expulsion from Spain. They must have been very numerous once, as there are two cemeteries already filled, and the third nearly so. The little community consists now of about forty souls; they live in perfect harmony and good fellowship with their Catholic neighbours. To find out their names and addresses I entered into conversation with a Roman Catholic. He spoke of them in high terms, both as citizens and neighbours; "of course," he added, "we know that they have crucified our Saviour, and blaspheme the name of the Virgin; we are sure that they will never enter heaven, and we always avoid being near them in the hour of death: still as long as they are alive, and contribute to the prosperity of the place by their riches and commerce, we are glad to have them amongst us."

I visited the little synagogue, which is in the house of Mr. A, the Jewish barber; being Friday, the room was full of people, who came to be shaved for the Sabbath, and I had an opportunity of meeting at his house the greater portion of the community, and endeavoured to preach the Gospel to them; they listened with very great indifference, even to those prophecies that depict Israel's future glory, but showed much opposition to everything that had any reference to Christ. Living in the midst of a benighted and superstitious people, the very name of Christianity has become odious to them-they gladly accepted, however, some tracts, and even offered to pay me for them.

T--The festivals have drawn a great number of Jews from the neighbouring towns and villages to attend the synagogue worship in this place, and very frequently I met little groups collected either in private houses or in the court of the synagogue, to whom I delivered the Gospel message, and distributed amongst them above a hundred tracts. These meeting

and interviews were very encouraging, still I can say little about them, inasmuch that I was the sole speaker and they the listeners. I tried to draw them into conversation, in order to ascertain their state of mind, but they excused themselves on the plea of ignorance. I am, however, happy to say that I found them quite a different class of people from those I had to deal with at B; they make no great pretensions to piety, they are unassuming, and generally ready to listen with attention and respect. This fact is easily accounted for when we take into consideration that for the last thirty years the three brothers Courlais, as well as the venerable and devoted pastor Chabrand, have kept up friendly intercourse with the Jews, and both by their exemplary lives and by the distribution of Christian books, the Jews have learned, if not to believe, at least to respect the Christian religion, and they have so far gained their confidence that about twenty Jewish children are sent to the Protestant school in preference to their


Mr. M was very glad to see me again. He asked, whether I had not yet given up the idea of converting the Jews? and added, to convert the heathen and teach them the existence of a God, would be reasonable, but to convert a people that possessed a Divine revelation, and were the acknowledged people of God, was contrary to all reason. After reading to him some passages where Israel's conversion was spoken of, I appealed to his own conscience whether his life was in conformity to the Divine will; he confessed that he had often broken the law and needed forgiveness, but God desired not the death of a sinner, and he hoped to obtain pardon by repentance, prayers, and almsgiving. I endeavoured to convince him that he was building his hope on a false foundation, and that without the shedding of blood there was no remission of sin.

The "Chazan" was quite indignant when I spoke to him of the necessity of being reconciled to God through the sacrifice of the Messiah, he thought that his accounts were all balanced on the Day of Atonement, and that no charge whatever could be brought against him. He pitied the Gentiles, because they never could enjoy that peace of mind which Judaism imparts to the Jew; they had no Day of

Atonement, nor any of the beautiful festivals that rejoice the heart of the Jew, and cheer him on in the midst of the trials and difficulties of life. He was, however, obliged to confess that no one trembles at the thought of death as much as the Jew, and that at the last hour Judaism leaves him in a state of uncertainty how long he would remain in purgatory, and whether he would enter paradise at all, &c. I spoke to him of the Gospel, where life and immortality was brought to light.

I had several interesting conversations with the rabbi. At my first call he was out, and waiting for his return, I had an hour's conversation with his wife, a very intelligent and pious woman; her father is one of those few who are anxiously looking forward to the coming of the Messiah, and expecting the speedy restoration of Israel, and be has instilled the same belief into the minds of his children. She asked me at once my view on the subject; perceiving from my reply that I was a Christian, she gave me at once to understand how much she disliked converted Jews. She very soon, however, forgot her animosity, and continued to converse on religious subjects, till we were interrupted by the arrival of her husband; he received me very cordially as an old friend, and told me at once, that when he saw me about four years ago, he had then only left the "Ecole Rabbinique," and had never thought about Christianity, but my visit had excited his curiosity, and he had since been reading the New Testament, and had thought a great deal on the subject, and was very anxious to have a long interview with me, and examine the matter. spent several hours at each visit in examining the principal objections against Christianity from the "Chizuk Emurah," (a controversial book on the Messianic passages). Of course he was very guarded in his expressions, not to betray his feeling, but he was obliged to confess that not one of the objections would stand the test of Scripture, and from the serious and thoughtful manner in which he conversed, I feel convinced that the Gospel has made some impression on his mind, and that he is sincerely examining the claims of Christianity, though he professes to read the New Testament for the sole purpose of finding arguments against the truth of the Gospel. Mr. Courlais promised to visit him frequently, and I hope that he will be able to do him good.



It was our privilege, in the last number, briefly to notice the public baptism of a daughter of Abraham, at the age of eighty-three. It is also

referred to by Mr. Gottheil. Concerning another beloved sister in Christ, Mr. COHEN bears the following testimony:

A day after my arrival I called on our aged sister, who wept for joy at seeing me. I found her much changed. She had lost her voice, and appeared much weaker in body; but she is "strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might." I remained with her about an hour, when she told me many good things. In speaking of Christ, she said, "I long to be with Jesus-my heart is with Him ;-yes, blessed Saviour, I wish to be with Thee-to see Thee face to face; death will be gain to me." She said, "I have been reading this morning in a book this,-Possessing Christ I possess all." That is what I want to feel more-to possess Him-to have Him more in my heart to love Him more. Possessing Christ, I possess all."

She is, indeed, a wonderful old lady. When I think of her advanced age-of the few years since she has known the Saviour -and of the deep Christian experience to which she gives vent at times-I feel quite amazed; and I have often said to myself, Surely this is the work of God."

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How affectingly does this instance contrast with that of an aged Jew, of whom Mr. Cohen says:

Nothing particular has happened during my three months' absence from bome, except that an old man, whom I was in the habit of visiting, died about a month ago. Would that I could have reported of him that he died the death of the righteous, and that his last end was peace and joy in believing in Christ! All I can say of him

is, that when I first made his acquaintance, which is now about two years ago, he was, like the Jews in France, an unbeliever, and ignorant of the truth; but on bringing the message of salvation before him again and again, in the simplest and clearest manner possible, his heart became softened, and he at last listened to the Gospel without opposition.

About a week before I left for Lyons I called on him, and as I was telling him of the joy that was awaiting the believer in Christ, he said," You must be very happy then ;" and when I assured him that I was, he said," I like what you say of heaven and of Christ, but I am too old a man to change. I hope God will have mercy on me." Who can say what Divine grace may have effected in this man before his death! It is very strange. His wife, who always appeared friendly to me, has refused speaking to me since his death.

Mr. Cohen adds to his notice:

I am thankful to say that I found Madame Z- not only sted fast, but growing in grace, which greatly rejoiced my heart.

Mr. G- was very glad to see me, and told me that he had missed me very much. He begged me to recommence our weekly reading meeting, which I did on Sunday last. I think I have already made you acquainted with the object of these meetings, which is to read, with Mr. G-, the New Testament through. I remain with him two or three hours at each time, and I terminate each meeting with prayer.


Mr. SCHWARTZ speaks of the large gathering of Jews at the recent festivals, and that by far the larger number were young persons.

He mentions the following instances as calculated to produce a deeply solemn impression.

I have a case on record which gives me abundant evidence that very serious thoughts often remain on the mind of the Jew after conversation with a Missionary, who may be yet quite unaware of it. About three years ago, I became acquainted with a very respectable Jewish merchant, a native of the Duchy of Posen, and who from the beginning took a very lively interest in the subject of Christianity. But from unforeseen circumstances he was compelled to leave this place, and thus our intercourse was shortened, and the only hope I had under these circumstances was, that if the Lord had indeed begun a good work in his heart, He would

in His own time continue and perfect it. I also often interceded for him at the throne of grace, and I am very happy now to be able to state that in this hope I have not been wholly disappointed. Three weeks ago, he surprised me by a visit, and in conversation I learned that during a period of three years the precious Gospel had not proved unproductive of good results to the individual in whose heart it had been deposited. For not only have his convictions not diminished, but they have actually augmented and been strengthened to a very remarkable degree. He related to me all that had happened to him during his long absence. The New

Testament I gave him some three years ago, he still had in his possession, and assured me that he studied it and carefully examined its contents; but what tended to strengthen his convictions most was, an illness which confined him to his room for nearly five months, when, as he said, the thought of eternity continually forced itself on his mind, and he was much concerned at his own lamentable and helpless condition as a sinner who deserved the wrath of God. The consciousness also of his utter inability to fulfil the commandments of a holy God wrought most powerfully upon his mind, until by degrees, evidently under the influence of the Spirit of God, he was led to Jesus, whom he now confesses openly as his Saviour, and upon whose allsufficient atonement he solemnly relies. At parting he invited me to come to his temporary lodgings, which I did very soon after. I met there six individuals, who listened very attentively to what I had to


One of the party brought a Bible on the table, from which we read both in the Old and New Testament without the least reserve, and upon the whole had a very delightful meeting, and I trust that an impression for good has been made upon the most present, and may perhaps, in the good providence of God, lead to blessed results.

There has also, within the latter end of last month, a case occurred which most painfully affected me.

A few months ago, when I was visiting an inn which is greatly frequented by strange Jews, I there met a young man of the name of Nathan Fisher, a native of B-. He was coming from England, and on his way home, at the repeated request of his aged father. I found that though he had not been successful in obtaining a fortune, for which purpose he went to England, he did not return empty handed, at least in spiritual things. He had caught some glimpses of the truth whilst in England by coming in contact with various Christiaus, and also Missionaries, and thus was not altogether destitute of the truth. By his mild character and truly inquiring mind, I very soon perceived that it required only a steady purpose and perseverance in order to nourish, and by degrees to fan the spark of faith, that laid as yet dormant in his heart, to a blazing flame. To this purpose, I invited him to my lodgings, where he willingly followed me, and there spent with him several hours for the space of a


week (that was the time he remained here), instructing him in the truth, and I had the great satisfaction to see that truth every day more and more developed in his mind, and gradually ascending to Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith. Thus he continued till the bour of his departure came, and I had the prospect before me that a goodly foundation was laid upon which to work in future. Ile left me. I promised, however, in the mean time, to visit him in his future habitation. This I did several times, and as he was in business with a widow in a country town where he was not so much pressed and distracted by business, he quietly devote some of his time to the noble acquisition of the truth, and I always rejoiced to find that he gradually came nearer to it, and I had well-grounded hopes that he would sooner or later be numbered among those who love the Lord Jesus in sincerity. The last time I saw him, he opened to me his whole heart. He said, "You see I have an aged father wholly dependent upon my exertions for his existence. Employment I can only find among the Jews, and I cannot abandon my aged parent." Tears stood in his eyes when he said these last words, and I could not but sympathise with the upright and virtuous young man, well knowing the trials that awaited him when taking a decisive step, and yet I could only point to the plain path of duty, and bid him drink the bitter cup, if it is the will of God, even to the very dregs, as it will assuredly only serve for his own good. He listened to me attentively, but gave no decisive reply, and I urged upon him to lay his case before God in prayer, which he faithfully promised to do. I little thought how near eternity he then was, and that this would be the last time of my conversing with him. short time after wicked hands set fire to the unhappy house, which spread in a very little time to a most fearful extent all over the place, and poor Nathan Fisher perished in the flames, whilst he was attempting to save the lives of the children of his employers. Those dear Christians in England who have perhaps known him, and whose eyes these lines may meet, I can only tell that they have been the means of awakening the mind of this young man who met with such an untimely end, and it is very probable that he died in the faith of the glorious Redeemer.



Mr. LowITZ having removed from Gibraltar to Tangier, gives the following account of the scene, and of the opening of his Mission:

I have now been more than one month here, and you will therefore expect me to send you some account of my proceeding.

Tangiers is situated close to the sea, and is enclosed by a species of wall; it contains a population of about 12,000 souls. There are upwards of 800 Jewish souls, the rest are Moors and Blacks, with the exception of about fifty European families, chiefly Spaniards. The Moors have three principal mosques and several small ones; the Jews have six synagogues and an equal number of schools; the Romanists have a little capella, a schcol, and two priests; but the Protestants have nothing at all, I am sorry to say, except that the consul reads the Common Prayers in the English consulate on the Lord's day. This town has four gates at different points, and an iuner sakow or square, near which is the consular quarter. Their houses are the only respectable-looking buildings in the place. As for the Moorish and Jewish houses, they have more the appearance of huge Eastern tombs; still they are tolerable dwellings, and are well adapted for this country. The interiors of the houses are somewhat more pleasing, being generally paved with glazed tesselated tiles, and are continually undergoing the process of cleaning and white-washing. A Moorish house is, in a certain sense, a regular sanctum sanctorum. No man after a certain age is allowed to enter it; not even the owner's nearest relative dare cross its threshold with impunity; nor can any man look down from the house-top of his own dwelling, for in doing so he might chance to look into the court-yard of his Moorish neighbour, whereunto all the rooms open to his view, and the women, who ought to be invisible, would be seen. I am certain that a Moor is quite capable of firing a musket at such a spectator. The men are generally good-looking, tall, and robust; and the women on the whole are handsome, but uneducated, and are in continual torment. They seldom go out; and when they do they cover themselves with a very large woollen or cotton blanket, so that nothing of them is visible, and they have something of the appearance of a tottering ball of cotton. As for the Jewesses, they dress very gay in the oriental style; but are kept in great ignorance, according to the rabbinical maxim, that women, children, and slaves are exempt from the study of God's word, &c.

The Jews of this place have emigrated from Spain during the persecutions in that country. They still preserve the Spanish language. Their customs and manners are similar to those of their brethren in other

parts of Africa. At present their condition is somewhat better than it used to be, since the despotic laws of the empire are not enforced upon the Jews here as elsewhere. As regards their religious character, they are very careful as to outward observances; and I can say from experience, that their superstition and prejudice to Christianity has very much abated since I first visited the place: their ideas and feelings are now more reconciled to my message of salvation, so that the obstacles for the diffusion of the Gospel are in a great measure removed. One thing, however, must be borne in mind, that no Jew is safe with his life to make a public profession of his faith in Christ. He might be protected provided the consul was to use his influ ence on his behalf.

A few days ago a Jew removed his family from this place, and is now on his way to London with a view to embrace Christianity there. I had a short conversation with him before he left. He is provided with the New Testament and other books. I trust he will reach in safety, and make a free and open confession of his belief in the Messiah, the Saviour of sinners.

I have not as yet been able to procure any regular inquirers except the one that I took with me from Gibraltar. He is living with us, and is making himself useful in the house; and though he is quite convinced of the truth, yet he fears to expose himself to the persecutions of the Jews here, and to be compelled to leave this country. I hope and pray for the removal of this difficulty, that I may thereby be more stimulated in my work.

I have daily conversations with Jews on the subject of Christianity, and endeavour to distribute tracts among them. I generally visit their houses and the public places of resort.

On July, the 30th, there just happened to be the Tisha-Beab, or Black Fast, which the Jews all over the world rigidly observe, in consequence of the first and second Temple having been burned down on the same day. Their fast commences on the preceding evening a little before sun-set, and they taste neither food nor drink till the following evening. They pass the day chiefly in the synagogue or on the cemetery. I visited both places, and had the opportunity of making known to them the unsearchable riches of Christianity; to many I gave tracts, and to one a Testament that I took with me. Several respectable Jews come now and then to my house to converse about religion; but as yet they have not made up their minds to examine the truth earnestly. My object is

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