Sivut kuvina
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And are these things so I believe no fober, confiderate, unprejudiced perfon, will deny the charge, The next thing then to be confidered is, what remedies may be adminiftered to prevent the fpreading of the epidemical diseases of the times, and if pof file to eradicate the very ftamina of our vices and follies.

Sometimes, when the pulpit has failed of producing this falutary effect, either through the irregularity of the lives of the clergy, or the levity and infidelity of the people the STAGE has proved an excellent fuccedaneum under the direction of difcreet and chafte managers patronized by vir tuous and honest Ratesmen. In this fituation of the THEATRE, the moral tendency of the tragic fcene, and the polite, decent, lively humour of the comic mute-kept public virtue, integrity of manners, and good breed ing in countenance. But an impartial Tetrospect on the conduct of our managers, of late years, and a candid inquiry into the prefent ftate of our theatrical exhibitions will foon convince us, that the idol they worship is gold; and that the taste of the town is fo vitiated, that such entertainments only give fatisfaction, as can neither inform the mind, correct the heart, or mend the manners of the people.

city of manners of their forefathers, of correcting the public manners of out of doors. the age; and the profpect of perma. nent reputation fo alluring; whether it be owing to a falfe timidity which despairs of imitating fo bright an example, or to fome other caufe, few or no attempts have been lately made to restore the loft credit of Eflay-writing. Probably the fame obstacles which difcouraged ingenious men in his time may now prevail. "A man who publishes his works in a volume," fays the Spectator, "has an infinite advantage over one who communicates his writings to the world in loofe tracts and fingle pieces. We do not expect to meet with any thing in a bulky volume, till after fome heavy preamble, and feveral words of courfe, to prepare the reader for what follows Nay, authors have established it as a kind of rule, that a man ought to be dull fometimes, as the most severe reader makes 'allowances for many rests and nodding places in a voluminous writer- -On the contrary, thofe who publish their thoughts in diftinct fheets, and as it were by pece meal, have none of thofe advantages. We mult immediately fall into our fubject, and treat every part of it in a lively manner-Our matter must lie clofe together and be either new, in itfelf, or in the turn it receives from our expreffion! -It is often expected that every fheet should be a kind of treatife, and make out in thought, what it wants in bulk The ordinary writers of morality prefcribe to their readers, after the ralenical way; their medicines are mude up in large quantities. An Efay-writer muit praetice in the chymical method, and give the virtues of a full draught in a few drops." Yet notwithstanding the diffi culty of furnishing out feparate papers of this nature he confefles his amazement, that the prefs in his time should only be made ufe of in this way, by news-writers, and the zealots of parties; as if it were not more advantageous to mankind to be instructed in wisdom and virtue, than in politics, and to be made good fathers, hufbands, and jons, than councellor's and hatemen. How exactly does this defcription of the mifcellaneous productions of

The hiftory of moft countries, affords innumerable proofs of the truth of Solomon's obfervation that, there is nothing new under the fun. Revolutions of manners, as of fashions are 'common to all, and it is no unufual thing, to find nations, in the course of half a century, returning to the fame point from which they began to make their first progreffion towards perfection, or degeneracy. To the reigning vices, follies, and indecoruins of the four laft years of Queen Anne, we are indebted for that incomparable work, the SPECTATOR; and the fuccefs that attended it at the time of its first publication the high reputation it has fince acquired and still preferves fhews, what may be expected from writings of this caft: yet though the motive is fo laudable-being no lefs than that


Maria's Letter to the Cenfor.

the prefs fuit the prefent times! So eager are men after the trifling politics, the idle difputes of the day, and the current amusements of the week, that they engage all their attentiɔn————— And a quarrel between a brace of wounded petty patriots, fhall fupply the place in a public news-paper (for a month together) of ingenious fprightly, ellays on interefting fubjects, and the warm altercations of the leaders of contending parties, in a certain affembly, where nothing thould pafs, inconfiftent with the ftricteft rules of moderation, politeness, and decorum, fill up most of our monthly, and other periodical publications, which used to be provided with a great variety of ufeful and entertaining papers on natural philofophy, history and the bellesletters.

To correct, in fome degree, this prevailing error, and in humble imitation of the defign of the SPECTATOR, the CENSOR, in the years 1769 and 1770, took courage to attack fome of the glaring vices and follies which are countenanced and practifed in this kingdom, by perfons of every denomination. Far be it from him to ar


rogate to himfelf any claim to fimilar excellence-few ages or countries have produced a fociety of Literati of equal eminence with thofe gentlemen who conducted and fupported the Spectator-the CENSOR stands alone, and therefore appears but feldom, yet he has the pleature to find that fome of his former papers have produced the reformations they were written to effect-they have likewife gained him a number of refpectable correfpondents, of both fexes, whofe letters will afford a fund of improvement and entertainment to his readers, and keep his defign on foot, at least, through the courfe of the prefent year.

The neceffity of attempting a reformation by means of the prefs, will perhaps appear to my readers ftill more urgent on the perufal of the following letter, which I fhall give to the public in the drets I received it, without further comment or remark, concluding it cannot fail of being acceptable, as it delineates the portraits of living characters, and relates to familiar occurrences, from which practical improvement may be collected.




To the CENSO R.

YOU fet out with profeffing a fincere esteem for the ladies, and a defire to contribute by your useful papers, to their eafe, happinefs, and real advantage, in virtue of which declaration, I venture to addrefs myself to you on my very critical and indeed inconvenient fituation in life, but before I proceed to particulars, give me leave to acquaint you that I have been a great reader, the confequence of which is, that I have acquired an habit of placing at the head of all my letters to ingenious perfons, especially when they are on important fubjects, fome apt quotation from one of my favourite authors, and of this number is the celebrated Mr. Pope, from whom I have borrowed the following hines, as a fuitable introduction to the main bufinels of my epistle.

Vice is a monfter of fo frightful meiu That to be hated, needs but to be feen,

Yet feen too oft, familiar with her face

We first endure, then pity, then embrace.

In no inftance whatever does this fine defcription of the gradual steps from trivial errors to confirmed vicious habits fo ftrongly appear, as in the alluring, fashionable vice of gaming. I am aware, Sir, that this fubject is itale, that it has exhaufted the fentiments and worn out the pens of writers of the first reputation song fince, yet the practice of that odious vice not only continues, but daily gains ground. But at the fame time, Mr. Centor, my memory furnishes me with remarks


Maria's Letter to the Cenfor.

from other writers, whofe maxims I have retained, and though I cannot directly cite their names, as their opinions are orthodox, they must juftify me for reviving the fubject. It is fomewhere written---that great and weighty truths cannot be too often repeated, that they may be duly impreffed on men's minds and as you have partly taken charge of the rifing generation, for whose benefit you wrote your first and fecond papers, and flightly touched upon my prefent topic, by giving an inftance of a governess of a boarding fchool carrying her young ladies to a card affembly, before the had taught them the first rudiments of ufeful knowledge; I think you cannot be difplea fed with my correspondence. Befides, I have another claim upon you, as old as the creation am a woman, have a right to be heard---and what is more, to tell my own ftory. Without further preface then Sir, I am to acquaint you, that a lively turn of mind, a genteel education, competent fortune, and the virtuous indulgences of affectionate parents, gave me an early relifh for fociety, and an opportunity of knowing the world, without any of thofe inconveniences which ufually attend the acquiring of this knowledge by experience---for though my actions were not tied down by the fevereft rules of parental rigour, yet I was not left to myself, but fuch wholefome advice and gentle admonitions were occafionally given me, and my steps fo circumfpectly, yet fo difcreetly watched, that whenever head-ftrong youth and vanity led me to the verge of fome remarkable abfurdity --- the prudence and generofity of my venerable parents interpofed, and I was brought to a fenfe of my misconduct by maternal perfuafion on the one hand, or found rational argument on the other. In a word, Sir, my parents, like yourfelf, were candid Cenfors but not Tyrants, which, I am forry to fay it, is the appellation many of thofe fathers and mothers deferve at prefent, who conde. fcend to take any notice at all of the conduct of their fons and daughters, from the time of their leaving fchool, to that of their fetling in life

Cutting off with a hilling"

Turning out of doors---Difowning for ever---and other fuch hard fentences, often accompanied with brutal imprecations, are the modern means made ufe of to reclaim young people from wrong courfes, into which, frequently, the bad education given then, or the improper example fet them by their parents, have been the cause of leading them.

But as the venerable guardians of my youthful days, were of quite a different caft of mind, you will not wonder that they influenced my sentiments in the most critical circumstance of a woman's life---the choice of an hufband: nor had I any reafon to repent of having given my inclinations in this point, a bafs in favour of their prediliction, for I found in the object of our concurrent choice, every qualifications that could render that focial union completely happy---and now Sir, I must haften to the catastrophe of my fory The directors of my youth the faithful councellor, friend and companion of my maturer days---all fubmitted, within a fhort space of time to the inevitable fate of human nature --and I was left to deplore their lofs ---a lamenting orphan-an afflicted, but not a difconfolate widow-for I had imbibed from a religious education, fuch a fenfe of my duty as a dependent being, as reftrained me from arraigning the dread decrees of the deityand I had drawn fo much philofophy out of my study into common life, as furnished me with fortitude to refift the torrent of immoderate grief, and to teach me the virtuous neceffity of confidering my relation to fociety, which had made me a fubject-a mother-and a common friend to the indigent and afflicted; in whose hands a truft was repofed, with whom was depofited the means of educating and forming the manners of two infants, the facred pledges of chafte love-and of adminiftring to the relief of thofe who were the proper objects of my charity-Thefe and other confiderations of les moment, bad me live, otherwife I might have followed fome of the bright but deluding examples of antiquity for in the partner of my heart and bed I lost more than an


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Maria's Letter to the Cenfor.

Anthony Yet Cleopatra died! but Maria furvives !---and only wishes the fequel of her history could prefent her as unblameable in her conduct, as she muft hitherto have appeared to the CENSOR.

My chief confolation, next to my children, and indeed my only amufement for fome time, during the neceffary abfences which their education required, was my library-for I had then loft all relifh for fociety, and had no idea of returning to the frequented haunts of pleafure-feeking mortalsbut unfortunately for my future repofe! The fedantary life I gave way to, preyed upon my conftitution and wrought fuch a change in me, that it was judged neceffary for my health that I fhould take a journey to Bath and refide there for fome time. In this fituation it was almost impoffible to avoid keeping fome company. I however avoided it for fome time, but as my health recovered, and an abfolute injunction was laid on my darling amufement, reading the focial turn of the place gave me fresh fpirits and and the fear of being charged with fingularity and affectation, at length induced me to enlarge the circle of my acquaintance and to appear in public.

The first public amusement I indulged myself in was dancing, the favourite diverfion of my early youth, and this exercife-fo falutary when moderately used-and fo pernicious when carried to excefs-contributed not a little to the perfect re-establishment of my health-but, before this was completely accomplished, my fituation, which was now generally known, had exposed me to all the impertinences of your fex, and to fome few of thofe decent, rational proposals which fingle gentlemen think they have a right to make with more confidence of fuccefs to widows than to maidens. An income of five hundred pounds per annum-is a penfion for life which cannot fail, in these days of brilliant poverty, to bring as many pernicious danglers to a lady's toilette, as to a minifter's levee; I was there fore daily perfecuted, by admirers of different ranks, characters and ages, which foon determined me to quit the


place, having taken a fixed refolve not to venture the chance of drawing a blank in the lottery of marriage, after having had the fortune to gain a prize, which falls not to the lot of one woman in fifty. Befides, I will freely confefs to you, that though I was married to a gentleman whom I efteemed the most accomplished of his fex, I experienced that there is no fixed principle in man, with refpect to their conduct to women. The moft virtuous, the moft endearing must expect occafionally to fubmit to the effects of caprice, and that unconquerable paffion for novelty, which nature, no doubt for wife purpofes, has implanted in the foul of man- -Perceiving, therefore, within my breaft those sparks of female jealoufy, which however prudently they may be concealed and not fuffered to break into a flame, fail not to prey inwardly on the vitals of love, I determined never to put it in the power of a second husband, for whofe errors I might not have the fame affectionate blindnefs, to disturb my peace of mind by the fallies of a roving difpofition. As books were ftill prohibited for fear of a relapse, and the air of London was reckoned too grofs for the delicacy of my conftitution, I complied with the request of a female friend, who defired me to fettle near her in one of the largest and moft popular villages to the North of London, equally well known for its healthy fituation, and for the infolent, impofing difpofition of its fixed inhabitants, who, in the articles of lodging, provifions, and every neceffary of life for ftrangers, go one step further than government, which only taxes the light of Heaven--but thefe gentry make you pay very dear for its pure falubrious air. To avoid thefe impofitions, as much as poffible, I returned to housekeeping, for determining to refide on this delightful fpot the year round, I concluded I fhould be confidered as an inmate, and be rated differently from the mere birds of paffage. But alas, Mr. Cenfor! I could not have pitched my tent in any part of England more detrimental to my health and fortune, fo fhort fighted is human wisdomand fo forlorn a defenceless woman!


Maria's Letter to the Cenfor.

her whole fyftem of economy and
prudence falls to the ground, and the
muft change her condition to recruit
her finances, or quit the field in dif-
grace---the fubject of calumny and re-
proach. To fuch a pafs is arrived the
diffipation and luxury of this king-

thrown upon the wide world without teazed into actions inconfiftent with
a faithful councellor, and from an ex- their circumftances and rank in life.
perience of the deceits practifed in it, Yet were we to infift on walking by
afraid to place a confidence in any this rule, I am afraid we must be
of the fons of men- Though I did obliged in the prefent times, either to
not fall at once into a general circle fhut ourselves up from fociety, or to
of acquaintaince and fatigue myself for keep company with perfons greatly
the first two months with returning our inferiors in point of education and
the vifits I had received, yet having as rank. The real gentlewoman muft de
carefully avoided the other extreme, fcend a few degrees, and affociate only
of living the life of a reclufe-from with the wives and daughters of tradef-
the intimation I had given to my men and mechanics of the lowest clafs,
friend, who had lived many years in for if the fees company confifting of
the place, I was foon treated on the any of the higher claffes of commerce
footing of an agreeable neighbour byof her equals, or her fuperiors----
a few felect families, who profeffed to
vifit and receive each other, as the
French fay, Sans façon-with thefe,
I proposed to myself inuch focial plea-
fore, and fome compenfation for the
denial put upon my natural turn for
converfing more with the dead than
with the living my income, as you
may well imagine, was fufficient to
enable me to difcharge the civilities I
might receive under the head of hof
pitality, from people who neither gave
nor expected fumptucus entertain
ments. In fine, I had chalked out
fuch a plan of decent economy and
regularity as I thought would make
my expences partly tally with my an-
nual income-making the proper al-
lowances for accidental demands, and
the calls of humanity. But like the
honeft prefbyterian gentleman in Effex,
who a few years fince had carried a
calculation of this kind to a much
greater nicety, fo that his expences and
his income were to form an exact bal-
Jance- had he not unluckily forgot
the parfin's tythes-I foon found to
my cost, had been guilty of a more
egregious blunder. Would you believe
it Mr. Cenfor, Iliad totally forgot
that, in fome fituations in life, it is
become indifpenfably neceflary to fa-
crifice, very often health, but almoft
always more than can be well fpared
of one's fortune, to what is called good
breeding and decorum, though the truth
of the matter is, that those who exact
this tribute to the fashions or follies
of the age, know nothing of either
for true politeness, and decent deport-
ment in fociety, which I all decency,
requires that no perfons thould be

I had been but four times at the church of this famous village (commonly dignified with the name of a town becaufe of the great number of buildings) before I was convinced, by the difplay of fafhions (which are generally carried to church, as a market where they are not to be fold, but only to be expofed to view, to excite laudable emulation, vulgarly called envy) that I had nothing fit to appear in--though I had put on a different drefs every Sunday---and on my abfenting myself the fifth, I was told in the courfe of the week, that lady, the wife of a Weft India merchant had publicly obferved--that the fuppofed I had very politely taken a trip to London, to pay my friends, the milliner, mercer and mantua-maker a vifit that what the creature had on, the Sunday before was tolerable, and might pafs in a croud at church---but hoped the fhould not be difgra, ced with fuch a figure at her next af fembly. You may be fure, Mr. Cenfor, I was not a little piqued to find that a wardrobe which had brought me off with flying colours not many months before at Bath, fhould be fo out of taste at Hd, however, as I do not pretend to be free from the common foibles of our fex, of which the love of drefs is, perhaps, the most



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