Sivut kuvina


HRYNE had talents for mankind,


Open she was, and unconfin'd,

Like fome free port of trade:
Merchants unloaded here their freight,
And Agents from each foreign state,
Here first their entry made.

Her learning and good-breeding fuch,
Whether th' Italian or the Dutch,

Spaniards or French came to her:

To all obliging she'd appear:
"Twas Si Signior, 'twas Yaw Mynheer,
'Twas S'il vous plaift, Monfieur.

Obfcure by birth, renown'd by crimes,
Still changing names, religions, climes,

At length fhe turns a bride:
In di'monds, pearls, and rich brocades,
She shines the first of batter'd jades,

And flutters in her pride.

So have I known thofe Infects fair
(Which curious Germans hold fo rare)

Still vary fhapes and dyes;

Still gain new titles with new forms;

First grubs obscene, then wriggling worms,

Then painted butterflies.

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Dr WARTON obferves, that the point of the likeness in this Imitation confifts in defcribing the objects as they really exift in life, like Hogarth's paintings, without heightening or enlarging them by any imaginary circumitances. He adds, that in this way of writing, Swift excelled; witness his description of a Morning in the City, of a City Shower, of the Houfe of Baucis and Philemon, and the Verses on his own Death. But furely this is paying a poor compliment to Hogarth's inimitable genius. Perhaps the very reverse of what Dr. Warton advances, is true; for, though his pictures are not fublime, wherein does the Painter's fancy and invention and fatire confift, but in the heightening" circumftances? These are as much required with refpect to "burlesque," as they are in thofe delineations that are of a more serious and elevated character. If characters are painted merely as they exift, where are we to fearch for humour and wit? It is the fame in all fatirical writings.

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PARSON, these things in thy poffeffing
Are better than the Bishop's blessing.
A Wife that makes conferves; a Steed
That carries double when there's need;
October store, and beft Virginia,
Tythe-Pig, and mortuary Guinea;
Gazettes fent gratis down, and frank'd,
For which thy Patron's weekly thank'd;
A large Concordance, bound long fince;
Sermons to Charles the First, when Prince;
A Chronicle of ancient standing;
A Chryfoftom to smooth thy band in :
The Polyglott-three parts,-my text:
Howbeit,-likewise-now to my next :
Lo here the Septuagint,—and Paul,
To fum the whole,-the clofe of all.

He that has these, may pass his life,
Drink with the 'Squire, and kifs his wife;
On Sundays preach, and eat his fill;
And faft on Fridays-if he will;

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Toast Church and Queen, explain the News,
Talk with Church-Wardens about Pews,
Pray heartily for fome new Gift,

And fhake his head at Doctor S-t,

"SWIFT," fays Hume, "has more humour than knowledge, more taste than judgment, and more fpleen, prejudice, and paffion, of those qualities." Discourse v.



At the hazard of an imputation of partiality to the Author, I venture to say, that I prefer a poem called, The Progress of Difcontent, to any Imitation of Swift that ever has yet appeared I fhall just add, that the Baucis and Philemon of La Fontaine far excells that of Swift.


T. Warton's poem, delicately alluded to by his brother, contains indeed many inimitable strokes of humour, but the humour in great measure furely confifts in the "heightening circumstances.” The picture of the Parfon who has left Oxford, and is just fet down on his benefice, is fuperior to this Imitation of Swift:

"Continuing this fantastic farce on,

He now commences Country Parfon.-
Thinks alteration charming work is,

Keeps Bantam cocks, and feeds his turkies;
Builds in his copfe a fav'rite bench,

And ftores the pond with carp and tench."

Warton's Poems, vol. ii. p. 196.

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