Sivut kuvina




THY Reliques, Rowe, to this fair Urn we trust,
And facred, place by DRYDEN's awful duft:

Beneath a rude and nameless stone he lies,
To which thy Tomb fhall guide inquiring eyes.



He altered it much for the better, as it now ftands on the Monument in the Abbey, erected to Rowe and his Daughter

Thy Reliques, RowE! to this fad fhrine we truft,
And near thy SHAKESPEAR place thy honour'd bust.

Oh, next him, fkill'd to draw the tender tear,
For never heart felt paffion more fincere;
To nobler fentiment to fire the brave,
For never BRITON more disdain'd a flave.
Peace to thy gentle fhade, and endless rest;
Blett in thy genius, in thy love too bleft!
And bleft, that timely from our scene remov❜d,
Thy foul enjoys the liberty it lov'd.

To thefe, fo mourn'd in death, fo lov'd in life!
The childlefs parent, and the widow'd wife,
With tears inscribes this monumental stone,
That holds their afhes and expects her own.



VER. 3. Beneath a rude] The tomb of Mr. Dryden was erected upon this hint by the Duke of Buckingham; to which was origi nally intended this Epitaph:

Peace to thy gentle fhade, and endless rest!
Bleft in thy Genius, in thy Love too bleft!
One grateful Woman to thy fame supplies
What a whole thankless land to his denies.


"This Sheffield rais'd. The facred duft below

Was Dryden once: The reft who does not know?" which the Author fince changed into the plain infcription now upon it, being only the name of that great Poet:


Natus Aug 9 1631. Mortuus Maij 1. 1700.



IT was always understood that Pope had a fincere regard for Rowe; but the following extraordinary anecdote is related from Mr. Spence's Collections:

"Rowe, in Mr. Pope's opinion, maintained a decent character, but had no heart. Mr. Addison was justly offended with fome behaviour which arose from that want, and eftranged himself from him, which Rowe felt very feverely. Mr. Pope, their common friend, knowing this, took an opportunity, at fome juncture of Mr. Addifon's advancement, to tell him how poor Rowe was grieved at his displeasure, and what satisfaction he expreffed at Mr. Addison's good fortune; which he expressed so naturally, that he (Mr. Pope) could not but think him fincere. Mr. Addison replied, I do not fufpect that he feigned; but the levity of his heart is fuch, that he is ftruck with any new adventure; and it would affect him just in the fame manner, if he heard I was going to be hanged.' Mr. Pope faid, he could not deny but Mr. Addison understood Rowe well." WARTON,

I cannot pass by the note from Spence's Anecdotes, refpecting Rowe, without animadverfion. I tremble for every character, when



when I hear any thing of "SPENCE'S ANECDOTES!" Neither friend nor foe are fpared. He seems to have opened his mouth and his ears to every thing Pope told him; and it makes the heart almoft fick to think how often Pope has altered his tone, and that the BEST MAN in the world with him one moment, has afterwards "NO HEART!" Poor Rowe is the man, whofe amiable difpofition and warm feelings, Pope fo eloquently described in his Letters. But I am weary, in contemplating this part of Pope's character.




HERE refts a Woman, good without pretence,
Bleft with plain Reafon, and with fober Sense;
No Conqueft fhe, but o'er herself, defir'd,
No Arts effay'd, but not to be admir'd.
Paffion and Pride were to her foul unknown,
Convinc'd that Virtue only is our own.
So unaffected, fo compos'd a mind;
So firm, yet soft; fo ftrong, yet so refin'd;
Heav'n, as its pureft gold, by Tortures try'd!
The Saint fuftain'd it, but the Woman dy'd.




⚫ I have always confidered this as the most valuable of Pope's Epitaphs; the fubject of it is a character not difcriminated by any fhining or eminent peculiarities, yet that which really makes, though not the fplendor, the felicity of life.

Domestic virtue, as it is exerted without great occafions, or confpicuous confequences, in an even unnoted tenor, required the genius of Pope to display it in fuch a manner as might attract regard, and enforce reverence. Who can forbear to lament that this amiable woman has no name in the verfes ? JOHNSON.

VER. 10. the Woman dy'd.] A very pleasing picture of filent domestic virtue !



On the Monument of the Honourable ROBERT DIGBY, and of his Sifter MARY, erected by their Father the Lord DIGBY, in the Church of Sherborne in DorsetShire, 1727.

Go! fair example of untainted youth,

Of modest wisdom, and pacific truth: Compos'd in fuff'rings, and in joy fedate, Good without noife, without pretenfion great, Juft of thy word, in ev'ry thought fincere,


Who knew no Wish but what the world might hear: Of foftest manners, unaffected mind,

Lover of

peace, and friend of human kind:

Go live! for Heav'n's Eternal year is thine,

Go, and exalt thy Moral to Divine.

And thou, bleft Maid! attendant on his doom, Penfive haft follow'd to the filent tomb,




VER. 11. And thou, bleft Maid!] Mr. Robert Digby, third fon of Lord Digby, who is yet remembered with respect at Sherborne, died of a confumption, and was foon after followed by the amiable and affectionate fifter, who hung over his fick bed. The following letter from her fitter to Pope, on the fubject of their brother's illnefs, is in the British Mufeum, with part of the tranflation of the Odyffey on the back of it:

"Dear Sir, Sherborne, July 18, 1724. "I am fure this will want no excufe to you, and it carries good news of a friend. My brother has not had any fit of his


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