in the litter, which otherwise the could scarce have done, even for so short a way. After she had been put into her bed (where, as I told you, the never flept till she slept her last) and had a little recovered the fatigue she underwent in the conveyance from the boat, which was about a mile, her father, whom she immediately inquired after, came into her room, and was startled to find her in so very low a condition. After mutual expressions of concern and tenderness, she particularly acknowledged the great bleffing that was granted her, of meeting her dear Papa; and exerted all the little life that was in her, in grasping his hands with her utmoft force, as the often did; and told him, "that meeting was the chief thing that she had ardently defired." "The Bishop some time after left her chamber, that the might compofe herfelf, and that he might himself give vent to the just grief he was filled with, to fee his beloved child in a manner expiring. Eut we found she took no rest, so he soon returned, and then taid prayers by her, and proposed to her, receiving the holy Sacrament the next morning, when he hoped the might have been a little refreshed in order to it: she embraced the offer with much fatisfaction. He then asked her, for fear of any accident, if the was not defirous to have the abfolution of the church? She de. clared she was, and begged to have it. After fome little private difcourse with her, he gave it her, in the form prescribed in "the Vifitation of the Sick," and she expressed great comfort upon receiving it. A physician had been fent for immediately upon her arrival When he came, he gave little hopes, but said all depended upon the manner of her paffing that night. "She once mentioned Dr. Wyntle, who you know had been her physician; and who had fo neglected her before she left England, as never to come near her, according to his appointment, nor give the least direction for her management in the long voyage she was about to make. She said to the Bishop, "Dear Papa, has Mr. Morice told you how Dr. Wyntle has served us?" Who anfwered, "Yes, my dear, I know it all; but do not let that trouble you now." She replied, "O no, Papa, I do not trouble myself about that: I have other things to think of at this time; but I did not know whether Mr. Morice had told you." Hoping by this time she might incline to take a little reft, her father and husband retired, it being between eleven and twelve at night; but about two in the morning the fent one of her women ta to me, (who lay on the fame floor, in the next room to her,) to defire to speak to me; and when I came, she said, not seemingly with much pain, but with such a shortness of breath that she was forced to breathe after every two or three words, "Mr. Evans, I have been waking- these three hours-and would fain-have the facrament." I wondered at her sending for me on that account, her husband and father being both near at hand; but I found afterwards it was her unwillingness, by a direct message from herself, too much to alarm either of them. However, being then not apprised of her reason for it, I doubted a little of her being in her right senses, and said, "Madam, would you now receive the sacrament?" She faid, "Yes, I would-if possible - presently." Of which the Bishop being immediately advised, as was Mr. Morice, and every thing prepared, he came, and administered to her, and to all present, the sacrament; and afterwards, at her defire, continued repeating the prayers of the church, till she began to draw very near her end, and then he used and continued the recommendatory prayer only; she all the while holding her hands in a posture of prayer, and sometimes joining in a low voice with him. "After this, her father being gone from the bed-fide, she called for him (as she had frequently done) and again said to him, " Dear Papa-what a blessing is it that after-such a longtroublesome-journey - we have the comfort of this meeting!" " And indeed, when I reflect on it, and confider the weak condition she was in upon the road, the many accidents that happened to retard the voyage, and the last effort she made, when she was at the worst, towards finishing it, I cannot but think that that meeting seemed granted by Heaven to her continual fervent prayers for it. "About this time she called for her husband (who was always in near attendance upon her), and faid, " Dear Mr. Moricetake care of the children-I know you will.-Remember me-to the Dutchess of Buckingham." " She also in a proper place recommended her fervants to Mr. Morice. "She now found her feet cold, and ordered them to be rubbed, at the same time calling for her broth; but when it came, not being able to swallow it, she turned herself on her left fide, and rested her head on her left hand, which she doubled, extending her VOL. 11. her right hand and arm over the bed-clothes; and in this pofture continued drawing her breath shorter and shorter, but with the least emotion that possibly could be, till she at last expired, a quarter before four o'clock on Tuesday morning, November 8, N. S." Bp. Atterbury's Mifcellaneous Works by Nichols, vol. iii. p. 79-84. XIV. ON EDMUND DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM. WHO DIED IN THE NINETEENTH YEAR OF HIS AGE, 1735. IF modest Youth, with cool Reflection crown'd, Could fave a Parent's justest Pride from fate, The living Virtue now had shone approv'd, Yet softer Honours, and less noisy Fame Attend the shade of gentle BUCKINGHAM: Ends in the milder Merit of the Heart; And Chiefs or Sages long to Britain giv'n, VER. 1. With cool Reflection crown'd,] To crown with reflection, is surely a mode of speech approaching to nonsense. Opening virtues, blooming round, is something like tautology; the fix following lines are poor and profaic. JOHNSON, The Duchess of Buckingham was in league with the Pretender and Atterbury's party. This will explain Pope's use of the word Patriot. FOR ONE WHO WOULD NOT BE BURIED IN WESTMINSTER-ABBEY*. HEROE ANOTHER, ON THE SAME†. UNDER Or under this Turf, or e'en what they will; Whatever an Heir, or a Friend in his stead, NOTES. * Nothing ever illustrated more the " importance of a man to himself," which Pope ridiculed so much in his Memoirs of P. P. than this Epitaph. + Pope (as Dr. Johnfon observes, with truth) "here attempts " to be jocular upon one of the few things that make wife men " ferious; he confounds the living with the dead." Poor as the thing itself is, he quotes the following lines, from which it appears to be borrowed: Ludovici Areofti humantur ossa Sub hoc marmore, vel fub hoc humo, feu Sub |