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a-mong them, that they mind'-ed ev-er-y thing she said to them, as if her moth'-er her-self' had been pres'-ent. When her moth'-er was so ill that she could hard'-ly bear any noise, this good daugh'-ter hushed all to si'-lence. She in-vent'-ed plays for the lit'-tle ones, that would keep them still and qui'-et; and she taught them to speak in whis'-pers. They were always ver -y much pleased, when she told them, that their mam-ma' sent them a kiss, and thanked them for be'-ing so still; and that she said she had been the bet'-ter for it: they want'-ed no oth'-er re-ward'. What a com'-fort it must have been to the sick moth'-er, to have so kind and af-fec-tion-ate lit'-tle chil'-dren and so good a daugh'-ter.


False'-hood cousins won an'-gry sec'-ond Al-migh-ty de-ceived fin'-ger bush'-es aunt bus'-y doll door forth an'-ger pur'-pose sac'-rifice


A lit-tle boy, a-bout six years old, was, in gen'-er-al, a ver'-y good child and be-haved' well.

He dear -ly loved his moth'-er, and mind'-ed ev-er-y thing she said to him. But even good children, and good peo-ple, will some'-times do wrong; and this lit'-tle boy did so too.

One after-noon', af'-ter he had been at play, he looked ver'-y dull and sor'-row-ful. He was asked if he was ill; he said he was not, but he talked very lit'-tle, and he often sighed. His moth'-er saw that some'-thing was the mat-ter with him, but she did not say much to him a-bout' it. At night he took leave of his dear mam-ma', and went to bed. A-bout' an hour af'-ter he had been in bed, the maid went to her mis'-tress, and told her that she was ver'-y unea'-sy a-bout' the lit'-tle boy, for he was ver-y rest'-less; she had heard him fre'-quent-ly sob, and he de-şired' his dear mam-ma' to come to


him, as he could not go to sleep, till he had told her some-thing, that made him ver'-y unhap'-py.

The good moth'-er went to him im-me'-di-ately; and when she came to his bed side, he put his lit'-tle arms round her neck, and burst in'-to tears, and said to her :-Dear mam-ma' for-give me, I have been ver'-y wick'-ed to-day'. I have told a false-hood; and I have con-cealed' it from you. I was play'-ing at mar'-bles with my cousins. I won the game, through a mistake' which they did not find out; and I was so much pleased with hav'-ing gained, that I did not tell them of the mis-take'. I have been ver'-y un-hap'-py ev'-er since; and I am a-fraid' to go to sleep, lest that Heaven'-ly Fa'-ther whom you so often tell me of, should be an-gry with me. You say he knows and sees ev'-er-y thing. What shall I do that he may for-give' me? My child, said his moth'-er, God is ev'-er read'-y to for-give' those who are

tru'-ly sorry for their faults, and who re-solve' to a-mend'. We can'-not hide an'-y thing from him. He knows when we have done wrong, and when we de-şire to do what is right. He hears our pray'-ers, and he will teach us what we should do. Pray to him to for-give your fault; and en-děav'-our nev'-er to com-mit' the like a-gain', lest you should of-fend' him more by the sec'-ond, than by the first of-fence'.

The little boy re-flect'-ed se'-ri-ous-ly on the ad-vice' which his moth'-er gave him, and prayed in the best man'-ner he was able to Al-migh'-ty God to for-give' him, and to grant him his grace to do bet'-ter in fu'-ture. He then fell a-sleep' and a-rose' the next morning hap'-py and cheer-ful.

I sup-poṣe when he saw his cousins, he told them that he had de-ceived' them, and that he was sor'-ry for what he had done; and I dare say he was very care'-ful af'-ter that time nev'-er to tell a lie or to de-ceive any bod'-y.


I like, says a la'-dy, to ob-serve' Charles and his lit'-tle sis'-ter at play to-geth'-er; they are so good, and kind, and af-fec'-tion-ate. Charles is nine years old, and his sis-ter is seven. If they have an'-y lit'-tle dis-pute', they soon make it up; and they kiss each oth'-er, and do what each oth'-er de-sires'.

One morning, they had leave to go and gath'-er cher'-ries; and when they had got a great man'-y fine ripe cher'-ries, and had stayed as long as they had leave to stay, they went home. As they were go'-ing they met a poor old wom'-an; she was in dis-tress', and begged them to have pit'-y on her, and to give her some-thing. They had no mon'-ey to give her, but the lit'-tle girl said to her broth ́-er : Charles, I will give the poor old wom'-an all my cher-ries. And I will give her mine too, said Charles. And they gave the poor old

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