Sivut kuvina

After the Speech, the Sitting terminated, and His Majesty retired amidst acclamations.- Moniteur, Feb. 15).

Paris, February 13.

His Serene Highness the Prince ArchChancellor of the Empire appeared on this day, Saturday, the 13th of February, in the Senate, by order of His Majesty the Emperor and King, for the purpose of presiding at the Sitting. His Serene Highness having been received with the usual ceremonies, caused the Concordat, signed at Fontainbleau, the 25th of January, 1813, between His Majesty the Emperor and King, and his Holiness Pius VII. to be read by one of his Secretaries.


tunes produced by the rigour of hoar frosts | manufactures, and of our interior comhave been made apparent in all their ex- merce, as well as the still constant increase tent. The grandeur and the solidity of of our population. In no age has agriculthis empire, founded upon the efforts and ture and manufactories been carried to a the love of fifty millions of citizens, and higher degree of prosperity in France.. upon the territorial resources of one of the I want great resources to meet the expenses finest countries in the world.It is with which circumstances demand; but by means lively satisfaction that we have seen our of the different measures which my Mipeople of the kingdom of Italy, those of nister of Finances will propose to you, I ancient Holland, and of the United De- shall not impose any new burdens on my partments, rival with Old France, and people." feel that there is for them no future hope but in the consolidation and the triumph of the Grand Empire.The agents of England propagate among all our neighbours the spirit of revolt against Sovereigns; England wishes to see the whole Continent become a prey to civil war, and all the furies of anarchy; but Providence has designed her herself to be the first victim of anarchy and civil war.I have signed with the Pope a Concordat which terminates all the differences that unfortunately had arisen in the Church.The French dynasty reigns, and will reign in Spain. I am satisfied with all my allies: I will abandon none of them. I will maintain the integrity of their States. The Russians shall return into their frightful climate. -I desire peace; it is necessary to the world.-Four times since the rupture which followed the treaty of Amiens, I proposed it in a solemn manner. I will never make but an honourable peace, and one conformable to the interests and grandeur of my empire. My policy is not mysterious; I have stated all the sacrifices I could make.- So long as this maritime war shall last, my people must hold them-rangement : selves ready to make all kind of sacrifices; because a bad peace would make us lose every thing-even hope and all would be comprised, even the prosperity of our descendants.America has had recourse to arms, to make the sovereignty of her flag respected the wishes of the world accompany her in this glorious contest. If she terminates it by obliging the enemies of the Continent to acknowledge the principle that the flag covers the merchandize and crew, and that neutrals ought not to be subject to blockades upon paper, the whole conformable to the stipulations of the Treaty of Utrecht, America will have credit from all nations; posterity will say, that the old world had lost its rights, and that the new one re conquered them.My Minister of the Interior will explain to you in the Exposé of the situation of the empire, the prosperous state of agriculture,

His Majesty the Emperor and King, and his Holiness, being inclined to put a termination to the differences which have arisen between them, and to provide against the difficulties that have taken place in several affairs concerning the Church, have agreed upon the following articles, which are to serve as the basis for a definitive ar

Art. 1. His Holiness shall exercise the Pontificate in France, and in the Kingdom of Italy, in the saine manner and same forms as his predecessors.2. The Ambassadors, Ministers, Charge d'Affaires, of Foreign Powers, to the Holy Father, and the Ambassadors, Ministers, or Charge d'Affaires, whom the Pope may have with Foreign Powers, shall enjoy such immunities and privileges as are enjoyed by the Diplomatic Body. -3. The domains which were possessed by the Holy Father, and that have not been alienated, shall be exempted from all kinds of imposts, and shall be administered by his Agents or Charge d'Affaires. Those which were alienated shall be replaced, to the amount of two millions of francs in revenue.4. Within the space of six months following the notification of the usage of nomination by the Emperor to the Archbishopricks

and Bishopricks of the Empire and Kingdom of Italy, the Pope shall give the ca



nonical institutions in conformity with the Official Intelligence from the Russian Concordat, and by virtue of this present indulto. The preluding information shall The Commander in Chief of the Armies, be given by the Metropolitan. The six Marshal Prince Kutusow of Smolensk, has months being expired without the Pope presented to his Imperial Majesty the conhaving accorded 10 the institution, the Me-tinuation of the Journal of military operatropolitan, or in default of him, where a Metropolitan is in question, the oldest bishop of the province, shall proceed to the institution of the new Bishop, so that a seat shall never be vacant longer than one year.

tions, from the 30th December to the 4th January (N. S.) which contains as follows:

Dec. 18 (30).-Major-General Prince Orousoff has, on the 15th (27th) inst. joined the army, with five complete regiments, which are under his orders, and are intended to complete it.

-5. The Pope shall nominate to the ten Bishopricks either in France or in Italy, which shall finally be designated by mutual Major-General Ignateef, on the 13th consent.- -6. The six suburb bishopricks (25th) instant, caused a battalion of Koushall be re-established;-they shall be at rinski infantry, and a detachment of the rethe nomination of the Pope. The property giment of Lithuanian Uhlans, to depart actually existing shall be restored, and from the fortress of Bobrynsk for Lithuania. measures shall be taken for recovering what Dec. 19 (31).-General Count has been sold. At the death of the Bishop states, under date of the 17th (29th), that of Anagni and Rieti, their dioceses shall Lieutenant-Colonel Teninhan, who was at be re-united to the six bishopricks before Ragnet with his detachment, having rementioned, conformably with agreement ceived advice that a large body of the enewhich shall take place between His Ma- my's cavalry had shown themselves on the jesty and the Holy Father.-7. With road to Tilsit, immediately put himself in regard to the bishops of the Roman states, motion to meet them. He discovered four who are through circumstances absent from squadrons of Prússian hussars, who were their dioceses, the Holy Father may exer- immediately attacked and broken by the cise his right of giving bishopricks, in par- Cossacks. We took from the enemy three tibus, in their favour. A pension shall be officers and fifty soldiers. Lieutenant-Cogiven to them equal to the revenue before lonel Tettenborn perceiving that the enemy enjoyed by them, and they may be replaced was reinforcing himself with infantry and in the vacant seats, either in the empire, or dragoons, and that he had artillery with in Italy.——8. His Majesty and his Holi- him, retired to Lenken and placed his adness will at a proper time concert with each vanced guard at Upper Erseln. After ocother on the reduction to be made, if it cupying Gumbinnen and Insterbourg, we should take place, in the bishoprick of took 81 prisoners in pursuing the enemy as Tuscany, and the country of Genoa, as far as Wehlau. The Aid-de-Camp Gelikewise for the bishopricks to be establish- neral Wassiltchikoff reports, that four reed in Holland, and in the Hanseatic de-giments of Don Cossacks had, on the 10th partments.9. The Propaganda, the Penitentiary, and the Archives shall be established in the place of the Holy Father's abode.-10. His Majesty restores his good favour to those cardinals, bishops, priests, and lay brethren, who have incurred his displeasure in consequence of actual events.-11. The Holy Father agrees to the above dispositions, in consideration of the actual state of the Church, and in the confidence with which His Majesty has inspired him, that he will grant his powerful protection to the numerous wants which Religion suffers in the times we live in.


PLUS, P. P. 7.

Fontainbleau, Jan. 25, 1813.

(22d) inst. united with his detachment. He likewise mentions, under date of the 15th (27th), that the Austrian corps under the orders of Prince Schwartzenberg had parted at Tikotchine, and taken two different routes; his left wing takes the way of Wisna and Lomza to Ostrolenka, and he is putting himself in order to pursue the enemy with all celerity. Col. Joussisowitsch, whom he has in the meanwhile detached with two regiments of Cossacks and Charkoff's regiment of dragoons on the road to Wysokomasowetz, is likewise to pursue the enemy and keep a communication with his corps.

Dec. 20 (Jan. 1).-Lieutenant-General Baron Von Sacken reports, under date of the 17th (29th), that Major-General Count,

de Liewen, who was marching on Wyssokolitorsk, had detached Lieutenant-Colonel Minitzki from his corps, who having advanced on Brest Litovsky, occupied that town on the 13th (25th), and there made upwards of 100 prisoners. His patrols extended as far as Biala, Janow, and Drogilchene. Major-General Boulatoff, who was marching by the way of Prougane and Chircheff to Kaminitz Letovsk, has, on his way, picked up about 500 prisoners. He pushes his patrols as far as Briansk and Bielsk. The Aid-de-Camp General Wassiltchikoff reports under date of the 18th (30th), that the corps under his orders entered Tikotchine on the preceding day. The inhabitants and the clergy, bringing bread and salt, came to meet the Russians with transports of joy. The women left the houses with their children in the tenderest emotions; the cries of hurra! a thousand times repeated, and the name of His Imperial Majesty, which reverberated from all sides, announced the joy with which every one was animated. General Wassiltchikoff is meanwhile in pursuit of the enemy on the road to Warsaw.

whence he caused his van-guard to advance; which having on the 14th (26th) come up with the enemy, between Rutzaw and Polangen, near Buderscheff, beat thein, and took two Officers and eighty soldiers. On the 14th (26th), the column proceeded as far as Polangen, where it was rejoined by Lieutenant-Colonel Kounitski. On the 15th (27th), it arrived before Memel. The garrison, after some resistance, surrendered prisoners of war, to the number of two staff Officers, twenty subalterns, and upwards of seven hundred soldiers. It was thus that our troops entered Memel on the 15th (27th). We there found 200 sick, and about 100 of our prisoners. We seized on three armed sloops, of the French flotilla, in the harbour; we likewise took six sloops, belonging to the Prussian flotilla, with 30 guns; 31 vessels belonging to different nations, and a considerable quantity of colonial produce, imported by the French. In the town we found five pieces of cannon, 900 fusils, 19 carbines, 19 pair of pistols, 900 cartridge boxes, 26,000 cartridges, 60 sabres, and 19 hussar saddles, three field batteries, Dec. 21 (Jan. 3).—On the 17th (29th), with five Officers, 84 soldiers, 16 surGeneral Count Platoff detached the Regi- geons, one chariot, 85 horses, and four ment of Dragoons of Negine to go to Bia-iron boilers. The magazines contain large lystock, by the way of Grodno, under the orders of the Aid-de-Camp General Baron de Korff. General Doctoroff, who likewise takes the route to Bialystock, with the body of troops under his orders, arrived on the 19th (31st) at Wolkawilsk.

quantities of all kinds of corn and of bran-
dy.The head-quarters of His Imperial
Majesty and the Marshal continued to be
for some time past at Wilna. Thus, there
no longer remains an enemy in the whole
extent of the frontiers of Russia, and all
the former Polish provinces, at this present
time under subjection to the Russian scep-
tre, are evacuated by the foreign troops.

-The anointed of the Lord has, with-
out doubt, said by inspiration" I will
not lay down my arms until I have driven
from the Russian soil the enemy who has
dared to transgress its limits."-This
phecy is fulfilled. The only traces of the
enemy which are yet perceptible, are his
bones spread over the fields from Moscow
to the frontiers of the Empire!

Dec. 22 (Jan. 2).-Lieutenant-General Paulucci reports, under date of the 18th (30th), that after the occupation of Mittau, he directed Lieutenant-Colonel Kounikski, of the Regiment of Polish Uhlans, to pursue the enemy who were dispersed in the woods, and that this Officer, in marching by Granzhoff, Gegary, Martynischki, and Okmiana, had taken two Officers and eighty soldiers prisoners.-On the 9th (21st) ditto, the Marquis put himself in march with his column from Mittau to Troueuburg, where his van-guard, under the orders of Lieutenant-Colonel Sanden, of the artillery, came up with the enemy on the 11th (23d) and defeated him, taking 60 prisoners, and making himself master of several carriages, taken under requisition some waggons laden with bis- Bestow your benediction on this present cuits, flour, and oats; and took about 40 offered by your warriors to the Giver of horses. On the 12th (24th), he arrived Victory, the brave Don Cossacks; restore at Sehrunden, where the enemy abandoned to God the treasure plundered from his considerable magazines. On the 13th temples. They have intrusted me with (25th), he was at Upper Barthau, from the duty of transmitting to your Eminence

Letter from General Field-Marshal Prince
M. G. Kulusow of Smolensko, to his
eminence Ambrosius, Metropolitan of
Novogorod and St. Petersburgh, dated
Dec. 23, 1812—(Jart. 4).

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General D'York, by the detachment of Major-General Dubilsch, whom he at the same time instructed to enter into a negociation with that General.


this silver, which was once the ornament of the images of the Saints, afterwards the prey of barbarous robbers, and at length wrested from their gripe by the brave Don Cossacks. The leader of this corps of On the 18th (S0th) of this month, Lieut. Cossacks, Count M. J. Platoff, all his Gen. D'York signed an agreement to rebrave warriors, and myself, wish that this main neutral with the troops under his plate, which in weight amounts to forty command, consisting of thirty battalions of pounds, shall be made into images of the infantry, and six squadrons of cavalry, with four Evangelists, and adorn the Church of thirty pieces of artillery. By this means, the Mother of God, of Kasan, in Peters- Macdonald has not more than about 5,000 burgh. All the necessary expenses of men of all descriptions with him, and casting these holy images we take on our twenty pieces of artillery.—Adjutantaccount; your Eminence will have the General Wassiltchikoff reports, on the 19th goodness to order that able artificers may (31st) Dec. that the Austrian troops conti be employed to fulfil the pious wish of our nue their retreat, having divided themwarriors, by casting these images of the selves into three columns, and directed Holy Evangelists, which they offer in their their march towards Warsaw, and that he zeal for the Temple of God. As soon as is at Menshenin, with his detachment. shall inform me what the expense will General Count Platoff continues his march be, I will remit to you the money. It towards Ingleburg, with the regiments of appears to me that these images would be Don Cossacks under his command.appropriately placed close to the door of miral Tschitschagoff has sent in three Rethe sanctuary, and before the great Com-ports, all of the 20th inst. (Jan 1). In the munion table, that they may strike the eye first he states, that he had detached Majorof the devout when they enter the tem- General Lanskow from the van-guard with ple. On the pedestal of each of these the Alexandrian and white Russian regiimages must be engraven the following in- ments of hussars, the Livonian regiment of scription:-The zealous offering of the dragoons, and the 3d Oural regiment, with Corps of Don Cossacks.- Hasten to erect orders to march to Augustow. In the se in the temple of God this monument of cond, that he arrived on the 21st inst. (Jan. battle and victory, and while you erect it 2), in the village of Werbalin, from whence say with thankfulness to Providence-the he will proceed in three marches to Insterenemies of Russia are no more-the ven- burg, and that Gen. Count Platoff marches geance of God has overtaken them on the before the army with his regiments. In his Soil of Russia-and the road they have gone third he states, that all the Prussian inhais strewed with their bones, to the utter con- bitants are well satisfied with the approach fusion of their frantic and proud ambition. of the Russian troops, and every where received them with joy.-Lieutenant-Ge neral Baron Sacken writes under date of Dec. 21 (Jan. 2), that he has pursued Gen. Regnier's corps as far as the Bug, and that the enemy had lost within that time upwards of 1,000 men in prisoners, and an equal number of sick, whom they had left behind at different places. Lieut-General Sacken, with his corps, is at present between Grannym and Thoren, in which latter place he has the left wing of his army.

The Commander in Chief, Field Marshal Prince G. Kutusoff, of Smolensko, has laid before His Imperial Majesty the continuation of the operations at War, from the 23d to the 29th Dec. 14th to 10th Jan.)

Dec. 23 (Jan. 4).-General Count Wittgenstein reports, under date the 19th (31st) instant, that in the direction which he had taken towards Prussia to act against the corps of Marshal Macdonald, he had overcome all the difficulties in his way on the country roads, and come up with the enemy already at Tilsit. He immediately surrounded Macdonald's troops of the van with his cavalry, and separated him from the Prussian troops under the command of

Dec. 24 (Jan. 5.-Gen. Count Wittgenstein reports, under date of the 22d inst. (Jan. 3), that when the Prussian troops, 10,000 men strong, with 60 pieces of artil(To be continued.)

Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges Street, Covent Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black Horse-Court, Fleet street,




Letter II.

Bolley, 3d March, 1813.

My dear Friend,

Since the date of my last letter I have returned home, where I found my children delighted to hear, that I had resumed my correspondence with "Grand-daddy Paul" but very much surprised, that I did not write to you about sheep, and turnips, and carrots, in preference to the subject which I had chosen. To say the truth, I should prefer the former topics; but, I have a duty to perform with regard to the latter. It is certainly one of the most important public matters that ever has been discussed in England. It is a matter that must make a great figure in the history of a country which fills a high rank in the community of nations; and, viewing it in this light, I cannot help being anxious, that those, who, some years hence, may refer to the Register for information relating to it, should not have to blame me for their disappointment.

[Price 1s.


shape, a farthing of the public money as of mine to do it, if I have it in my power to long as I live, and never to suffer any son prevent him, and I do flatter myself that neither of them will ever entertain such a design. Thus standing before the public, having nothing to complain of with regard to either party; having nothing to fear, and nothing to hope for, from either, I shall, I trust, be listened to without prejudice, and that the facts, or the reasonings, which I shall bring forward, will, at the least, have a fair chance of producing their wished-for effect; a just decision in the minds of all persons of sense and integrity.

My last letter concluded with a remark as to the separation of dwelling-places of the Prince and Princess. The time, however, was not exactly named; and, as I wish to leave nothing less perfect than circumstances compel me, I have now to remind you, that this separation of dwellings took place in April, 1796, twelve months after the marriage, and three months after the birth of the Princess Charlotte of Wales. It is said, that, as to the cause of this unhappy event, and as to the manner of its taking place, there is a Letter in existence, in the hands of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales; and, as this Letter was, as it is stated, written by the Prince himself, it will, doubtless, be found to be, at once, satisfactory in its reasons and delicate in its sentiments and diction. This being the case, we shall, I hope, see this Letter in print; because it will answer one great purpose; it will clear up every thing to the day of separation, and will, I have no doubt, show the world, that any infamous tales, which the tongues of base parasites may have been engaged in circu

It is impossible for any one to enter on a discussion with more perfect impartiality than I have entered upon this. I know nothing personally of either of the Royal parties most concerned; I have never received enther good or evil from the hands of either; I have never been under any indirect influence flowing from either. I reside at a great distance from the scene of all cabals and intrigues; I hold no correspond-lating, are wholly without foundation. ence which the people at our Post-office may not, if they like it, amuse themselves with reading; I never deal in secrets, and never desire to hear any thing that may not be uttered by the mouth of the cryer in the open streets. I can have no motive to make my court either to the Prince or the Princess, seeing, that I am bound by the most solemn pledge never to touch, in any

Before I come to that consideration, which I have promised, of the several parts of the Princess's Letter, let me request you to bear in mind, that, in 1806, when Lord Grenville, Lord Erskine, Lord Grey, and Mr. Fox were in the ministry, there was, in our news-papers, many articles published, relative to an inquiry, which was then going on, respecting the


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