Laws of the State of New York, Nide 21952 |
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act shall take ACT to amend Administrative code amended by chapter amended to read amount application appointed approval April 17 authority Became a law board of supervisors bonds centum certificate certified public accountant City school districts commission commissioner compensation CONSOLIDATED LAWS contract corporation County clerk Delaware River dollars election employees enact as follows fees filed fund Governor hereby amended highway indebtedness last amended law April laws of nineteen license majority vote matter added matter inserted matter substituted moneys Nassau county nineteen hundred fifty-one nineteen hundred fifty-two payment person podiatry purposes pursuant read as follows real property renumbered repealed represented in Senate Retirement system salary school district section one hundred Section SUBJECT Senate and Assembly sentence new matter Sheriff subd subdivision SUBJECT Year Chap substituted for word Taconic state park take effect immediately thereof three-fifths being present tion village Westchester county York