Sivut kuvina
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That prophecy was intended to be a particular guard to the Church in these latter days, as well as a general light to the world, we have, I think, abundant evidence: but as this view of the fubject relates more particularly to the Second Part of this work, I shall only now obferve, that we have the authority of our Lord himself to confider it as a duty to study the Prophecies, with a view to prefent and to future times; as well as for the purpose of confirming our faith by a retrofpect of the past.-Our Saviour reproved his Disciples and the Jews for "not difcerning the figns of the times" then present-commanded them to " fearch the Scriptures" for information concerning them, and to "watch" for the events which fhould fulfil the divine predictions. He guarded his disciples from fharing in the impending diftreffes of their country, by express declarations concerning the time and nature of that day of vengeance, which they fully understood, and therefore avoided the danger-and he directed St. John to warn all fucceeding generations of the trials. to which his Church was to be fubjected in the different ages of the world.

This Chapter has run to a greater length than could have been wifhed: but it is hoped, that

that the importance of its object will be a fufficient juftification; and I fhall conclude it with reminding the reader, that the Prophecies, which will come under our confideration, are of that kind which may be called direct.— They relate immediately to particular perfons, events, or revolutions; and cannot, without the most evident perverfion of meaning, be understood in any other fenfe, or be explained


any other manner, than what is applicable to thofe events, perfons, and revolutions, to which they have been conftantly referred for their first and secondary accomplishment.

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C I. The Promife made to Adam,-confidered as a Prophecy of general falvation by the Meffiah, the Saviour of the world.

II. The Promife to Abraham of a numerous pofterity from his fon Ifaac, who were to become a great nation, diftinguished from the rest of the world by their religious polity, and to be the appointed guardians of the promifes of God, till the appearance of the Meffiah; who was to be born of the race of Ifaac, and in whom all the nations of the earth were to be bleffed.

III. The promise of another Lawgiver made at the establishment of the particular difpenfation of the Law by Mofes :-confidered as a renewal of the promise of general falvation.

IV. The

IV. The Promifes and Threats made by Mofes to the Ifraelites, in cafe of obedience or difobedience to the divine: Law, con fidered as proving the conftant fuperintending care of God over a people feparated from the reft of the world, for the exprefs purpose of preferving the knowledge of himself, and of his gracious intentions towards mankind.

V. The appointment of Cyrus to be the deliverer of the Jews, and the restorer of the Temple and City, confidered as designed to prove, that the captivity of the Jews was by the especial direction of the Almighty intended as a punishment for their idolatry, to continue only for a definite term of years; as they were deftined to preferve the promises, and remain as a separate nation in their own land, till the coming of the Meffiah..

VI. The deftruction and defolate state of Babylon, compared with the denunciation of the Prophets during the time of its greatest fplendour confidered as an awful example of the judgments of God upon the enemies of his people.

VII. The precife time fixed for the accomplishment of the promise of the Meffiah predicted

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predicted by Daniel 537 years before his birth, fo very diftinctly as to awaken a general expectation of his arrival, not only among the Jews, but all over the Eaft, where a tradition prevailed relative to the appearance of fome great perfonage, about the time of the advent of our Lord.

VIII. The Promife of John the Baptift, the messenger or forerunner of the Meffiah, given 400 yoars before his birth, being the laft prediction of the laft of the series of Prophets under the Mosaic dispensation.

IX. The Prophetic defcription of the Birth, Character, Miffion, Sufferings, Death, Refurrection, and Afcenfion of the Meffiah, compared with his Hiftory, written by the Evangelifts after his Afcenfion into heaven.

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X. The deftruction of the City and Temple of Jerufalem, the difperfion of the Jewish people, the total fubverfion of the Jewish government, religious and civil, forefold by Christ as to happen immediately after the establishment of the Chriftian religion, and having happened exactly according to his prediction confidered as the confequence of their rejection of the Lawgiver promifed by


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