Sivut kuvina

Whom did the Lord place in the garden? 9. How was this garden supplied by the Lord's goodness?

What trees were in the midst of the garden?.

VERSES 15-17.

15. Where did the Lord put the man ? For what purpose did the Lord place the man in the garden?

16. What permission did God give the man respecting the fruit of the garden?

Does God still provide for our wants?

What is written in Ps. cxlv. 16, and Matt. v. 45 ? 17. Of what tree was Adam forbidden to eat?

In what part of the garden was this tree?

Is it known certainly why this tree was called so? Is it necessary for us to know?

What did the Lord say should befall Adam if he ate of that tree?

Was this because of any thing peculiar in the tree, or to try whether Adam would obey God?

Has this sentence fallen upon all? Eph. ii. 3, and Rom. iii. 23.

VERSES 21-24.

21. What did the Lord cause to fall upon Adam?

While he slept, what did the Lord take from him?

22. What did the Lord make of the rib?: To whom did he bring the woman?

23. What did Adam then say?

What did he say she should be called?

24. What is added in this verse?

Did God then institute marriage?

To what is the union of Christ to his Church likened in Eph. v. 23-27?

What duty of wives is pointed out in Eph. v. 22? If a wife have an unkind and wicked husband how should she treat him? 1 Pet. iii. 1, 2.

What is the duty of husbands to their wives? Col. iii. 19.


Genesis, Chap. iii. verses 1-15.

The Fall of Man.

1. What is here said of the serpent? What is the meaning of subtle?

Who took upon him the form of the serpent? How are the devil and his angels spoken of in 2 Pet. ii. 4?

What is the devil called in Rev. xii. 9?

To what woman did the serpent speak? What did the serpent say to the woman? What had God permitted Adam to do when he put him in the garden, and what had he commanded him not to do?

What did the tempter mean when he said, yea, hath
God said, &c.

When people are now tempted by Satan to disobey
God, does he appear in his own form to them?
Do not tempters and temptations appear often agree-
able? 2 Cor. xi. 14.

Are not all who tempt others to sin acting in the cha racter and as the servants of the devil?

And when you would lead others to sin, whose instrument are you?

When we are led into sin have our own hearts any part in it? James i. 14.

What did our Lord call Peter, when he would have tempted him to fear the cross, in Matt. xvi. 23 ? 2, 3. What did the woman say to the serpent?

Was it right for her to answer him at all?

Should we obey the commands of God without ques tioning about them?

When hard thoughts of God, and of his laws, come into our hearts, what should we do at once?

What does the apostle James teach in James iv. 8? 4. How did the serpent answer the woman?

What sort of hopes does Satan hold out to those whom he tries to deceive?

To whom did he here give the lie?
What caution is given in Eph. iv. 27 ?

Why should we not give place to the devil?

What character does our Lord give of Satan in John viii. 44?

Does not the devil still try to deceive people by telling them they "shall not surely die ?"

How are the people of God even now warned against him in 1 Pet. v. 8?

5. What did he say that God knew?

Of what did Satan here accuse God?

6. When she looked at the tree, how did it appear to her?

What did she do then?

To whom did she give of the fruit?

Did he refuse to eat of the tree which God had forbidden?

If any object looks fair and pleasant, and tempts you to sin, is it safe to stand and think about it?

What should you immediately do?

What advice does Solomon give with regard to strong drink in Prov. xxiii. 31 ?

What does he say about bad company in Prov. iv. 14,


What example did the Lord Jesus set in time of temptation? Matt. iv. 10, and xvi. 23.

7. What took place as soon as the man and woman had eaten the forbidden fruit?

Did they then see their folly and their sin?

How did they try to cover their nakedness?

Could they hide their sins from God?

Are not many now like them, in seeking to hide their


What are the words of God in Jer. ii. 22?

In what way did king David find rest when he had sinned? Ps. xxxii. 5.

How were the words of God fulfilled to Adam that he should die?

8. What did Adam and his wife do when they heard the voice of the Lord walking in the garden?

Why were they afraid to meet God?

Could the trees hide them from God? Job xxxiv. 22 ? Had this tree made them wise as the woman thought it would?

What sort of people are afraid to meet God?

9. Who called to Adam?

What did he say?

Will not the time soon come when, the voice of the Lord will call us all to account?

Repeat John v. 28, 29.

How must you behave now, if you would not then be filled with shame and fear as Adam was?

How will those who disobey God try to hide themselves in the judgment day? Rev. vi. 15, 16.



10. How did Adam answer the Lord? Was this the real cause of Adam's fear?

What is the cause of all the shame and fear that you have felt?

11. What questions did God put to Adam? What does the Lord say to the wicked in Ps. 1. 21 ? 12. Did Adam deny that he had eaten of the tree?

Upon whom did he lay the blame?

Was he obliged to listen to his wife?

Was this any excuse for him?

How did he also contrive to lay the blame upon the Lord himself?

Do you see any thing now in Adam of the image and likeness of God?

13. What did the Lord say to the woman? Upon whom did she lay the blame? What is the meaning of beguiled?

Are the temptations and deceits of the devil any ex cuse for you to sin?

How does the word of God teach you to overcome them in Eph. vi. 11?

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14. What did the Lord God say to the serpent?

Is not this actually true of the serpent?

Are not serpents or snakes more hated and feared than most animals?

Was this curse directed only against the serpent, or against the tempter himself?

15. Between whom did the Lord say he would put enmity?

What is meant by enmity?

What is written in Rom. viii. 7?

Who is meant by the seed of the woman? Gal. iv. 4.

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