Sivut kuvina

218; memorandum to Lord John on
the Alabama, 366 n
Leach, Sir John, i. 264 n
Lecky, Mr., quoted, i. I

Lee, Dr. Prince, made Bishop of Man-
chester, i. 494; ii. 116

Leech, Mr., cartoons by, in Punch, ii.
206, 480

Leeds, Duchess of, ii. 113

Leeds, Duke of, ii. 100, 113

73; dealing with the Luddites and
Chartists, 92; condones the action of
the yeomanry at Peterloo, 120; intro
duces the Six Acts, 123; persuaded
to take proceedings against Queen
Caroline, 127, 128; attacked with
paralysis and apoplexy, 139
Lloyd, Mr., murder of, 489 n
Locker, Mr. (Public Secretary to the
Mediterranean fleet), i. 75, 76

Lefevre, Rt. Hon. C. S., Speaker, i. Lockhart, Mr., i. 188'
337, 396

Lehzen, Baroness, i. 324

Leinster, Duke of, i. 13, 455 m, 469
Le Marchant, Sir Denis, i. 173 n,
177; quoted, 182 n

Leopold, King, sympathetic letter to
Lord John on the death of his first
wife, i. 324 n

Leopold, Prince, of Saxe-Coburg,
offered the hand of the Queen of
Spain, ii. 1, 2, 3, 6

Leslie, Mr., anecdote of, i. 184 n
Leveson, Lord Francis, i. 289
Lewis (Monk), i. 27

Lewis, Sir G. C., i. 36 n; ii. 151; his
letter to Lord John on the latter's
defence of his conduct, 275; advises
Lord John as to his literary work,
279; his 1857 Budget, 293.
Ley, Mr. (Clerk of the House of Com-
mons), i. 357

Lichfield House Compact, the, i. 233
Lieven, Madame de, i. 159

Lincoln, Lord, i. 440; see Newcastle,
Duke of

Lincoln, Mr., nominated as candidate

for the Presidency, ii. 350; his ac-
cession to power, 352
Lindsay, W. S. (shipowner), letter to
Lord John on the repeal of the
Navigation Laws, ii. 98 n
Lister, Lady Theresa, i. 239
Lister, Miss Harriet, in attendance on
the Queen, quoted, i. 324; in charge
of Lord John's children, 355, 357 ",
358; eulogises Lord John's fulfil-
ment of his fatherly duties, 359;
congratulatory letter to Lord John
on his second marriage, 394; see
Cradock, Mrs. Grove

Lister, Mr. (author of 'Granby'), i.


Littleton, Mr. (afterwards Lord Hath-
erton), his Tithe Bills, i. 206, 207,
210, 213

Liverpool, Lord, formation of a Tory
Ministry, i. 29; under age when first
elected to the House of Commons,

Lombardy, affairs in, ii. 36, 44; re-
fusal of Austria to abandon, 45
London, Bishop of, his dissatisfaction
with the reversal by the Privy Council
of the Bishop of Exeter's decision
in the Gorham case, ii. 116; fears
a secession from the Church, 117;
answer to the London clergy respect-
ing the Pope's Bull dividing England
into sees, 118

London University, i. 271
Londonderry, Lord, attacked by the

mob on the Lords' rejection of the
Reform Bill, i. 179; incident con-
nected with his appointment as am-
bassador at St. Petersburg, 246;
references to, in Moore's diaries, ii.
150 n

Longfellow, poetry of, ii. 350
Longman, Messrs., i. 117; ii. 149; con-

sulted by Lord John respecting the
publication of a religious work, 434
Lopes, Sir Manasseh, conviction for
bribery, i. 113, 125

Lords, House of, its constitution, i.
179; rejects Lord John's second Re-
form Bill, 179; first instance of the
Commons enabling an administra-
tion to escape an adverse vote of
the, 182; conflict with the Commons
on the Appropriation clause, 256
Louis Philippe, i. 164; action on find-
ing Prince Leopold among the candi-
dates for the hand of the Queen of
Spain, ii. 2, 3; flight of, from Paris,


Lowndes, Mr., i. 99
Lucan, Lord, i. 454
Lucas, Mr. (member for Meath),
seconds a motion for a committee
on the ecclesiastical revenues of
Ireland, ii. 172, 173
Luddites, riots of the, i. 92
Ludlow, General Sir George, i. 24, 27,
36, 37

Ludlow, Lord, bequeaths his property
at Ardsalla, Meath, to the Duke of
Bedford, ii. 71

Lushington, Dr., offered and declines
a life peerage, ii. 453
Luttrell, Mr., i. 137 n, 143, 184 n
Lyndhurst, Lord, motion in the Lords
on the disfranchising clauses in the
third Reform Bill, i. 185; leads the
majority in the Lords against the
Melbourne Ministry, 251; obstruc-
tive tactics in the Lords, 277, 278;
his opinion of the Irish people,
284 n

Lyons, Lord (British minister at Wash-
ington), his anticipations of the re-
sult of the Presidential election, ii.
351; his relations with Mr. Seward,
353; the host of the Russells in
Paris, 454

Lyttelton, Lord, i. 123; verses on
Lord John's share in the Reform
Act, 187

Lytton, Lord (first), lines on Lord
John, i. 317, 318

MACAULAY, Rt. Hon. T. B., i. 325;
succeeds Mr. Abercromby at Edin-
burgh, 337; Secretary-at-War, 351;
asks Lord John to write for the
Edinburgh Review, 401; loses his
seat at the general election of 1847,
ii. 88; retains office nine months
thereafter, 89; reasons for declining
the offer of the borough of Richmond,
89; aids in securing Lord John's
leadership of the Commons in the
Aberdeen Ministry, 162, 163; de-
clares that no man has led the House
after sixty years of age, 164
M'Cullagh, Professor, pension to his
sister, ii. 146
M'Donald, Lieut,-Colonel (Adjutant-
General), i. 58
MacDonald, Sir John (English Com-
missioner on Alabama claims), ii.
M'Gregor, Colonel,
486, 487

477, 478, 480,

Mackenzie, Henry, i. 47
Mackinnon, Mr. (member for Rye),
his amendment on Lord John's Re-
form Bill of 1860, ii. 341
Mackintosh, Sir James, quoted, on
Edinburgh University, i. 47, 97 n;
guarantees Moore against arrest at
Holyrood, 117 n; letter to Moore,
118; letter to Lord John, 122; keeps
back the Edinburgh for an article
on Reform, 129; work of purging
the criminal code of capital offences,

Magenta, battle of, ii. 319
Mahon, Major, murder of, i. 479, 480,

Maitland, Sir Thomas, governor of the
Ionian Islands, i. 114 n
Malet, Sir A. (British minister at
Frankfort), ii. 391

Malmesbury, Lord (Foreign Minister
in Lord Derby's Government), ii.
305; his story of Lord John at a
Palace concert, 345 n; opposes his
Life Peerage Bill, 453

Maltby, Dr. (Bishop of Durham), i.
493; letter to and from Lord John
on the Pope's Bull dividing England
into Roman Catholic sees, ii. 118-


Mamiani (Italian patriot), ii. 284
Manchester, Duchess of, i. 16
Manchester, Duke of, i. 5
Mandeville, Lord, 135
Manin, Signor, drives the Austrians
out of Venice, ii. 33
Manteuffel, Baron, his interviews with
Lord John respecting the Vienna
Conference, ii. 253
Marriage Bill, i. 270, 271
Marsden, J., i. 20
Martin, Captain, i. 72
Martin, Sir Theodore, quoted, i. 489;
ii. 55, 311; blames Lord John for
not yielding to Palmerston in the
leadership, 315

Massari, Signor, ii. 284
Masterman, Conservative candidate
for London, i. 474 n; ii. 151 n
Mathew, Father, pension to, ii. 146
Mazzini, Signor, at the head of the
Young Italy party, ii. 33
Meadowbank, Lord, i. 48
Meagher, Mr., ii. 68
Mehemet Ali, his war with the Porte,
i. 360, 363; his conditions of peace,
Melbourne, Lord, letter to, from Lord
John, on Pitt, i. 13 n; succeeds Lord
Grey, 213; letters from Abercromby
and O'Connell on the appointment of
Irish judges, 216; dismissal of his
Ministry by the King, 217; chooses
a Speaker, 225; forms a Ministry,
241; memorandum to Lord Grey
on the formation of a Government,
241; writes to Lord John thereon,
242; opinion of Lord Brougham,
243 n; sanctions a pension to Moore,
248; views on O'Connell's tour in
Scotland, 259; places the Great Seal
in commission, 262; approval of Lord

John's speech on Irish policy, 289;
opposed to resignation in 1837, 292n;
acts as the Queen's private secretary,
297; disapproves of the ballot, 299;
compromise with the Lords on Irish
legislation, 305; opposed to dissolu-
tion on the Canadian question, 307;
indifferent on the subject of the
Tithes Bill and Municipal Bill, 313;
apprehensions of Lord Durham's
mission to Canada, 319; checks
Lord John's enthusiasm in behalf of
education, 343; anxiety in the crisis
with France, 362; declines to accept
Lord John's propositions, 364;
characteristic anecdote of, 384;
opposed to dissolution on the Corn
Law question, 388; illness of, 402;
makes Dr. Hampden Regius Pro-
fessor of Divinity, 493, 499.
Melgund, Lord (present Lord Minto),
sponsor to Lord John's second son,
ii. 70

Melvill, Lady, in Italy, ii. 130
Melville, Lord, Lord John's juvenile
satire on him, i. 15; acquitted by
the Lords of malversation of public
funds, 23; retires from the Cabinet,
Mentschikoff, Prince, his mission to
the Porte, ii. 180; leaves Constanti-
nople, 180, 183
Mercier, M. (French minister at Wash-
ington), in favour of intervention in
the American civil war, ii. 355, 360
Metcalfe, Lord, i. 475

Metternich, M., flight of, from Vienna,
ii. 35; his scheme for settling the
Italian question, 322 n

Miguel, Dom,


Minto, Lord, i. 349, 358, 361, 396,
433; his mission to Italy, ii. 34;
wishes to assist the Sicilians against
the King of Naples, 46; letter from
Lord John on the Hungarian refugee
question, 51; writes to Lord John
on the latter's defeat on Mr. Locke
King's franchise motion, 122; tells
Lord John of an intrigue to oust him
from the leadership, 152; letter from
Lord John, 159 n; his favourable
opinion of the Porte's behaviour,
186; letter to Lord John on the bad
conduct of the Crimean War, 232,
241; death of, 339; his influence on
Lord John's policy, 340

Mitchel, John, i. 457; his schemes to
foment rebellion in Ireland, ii. 67;
conviction and transportation, 68
Mohl, M. and Mme., ii. 454
Moira, Lord, i. 96.

Molesworth, Sir William, his motion
of want of confidence in Lord
Glenelg, i. 309; ii. 166 n

Moncorvo, Senhor (Portuguese minister
in London), ii. 9

Monsell, Mr. (Clerk of the Ordnance),
his message from the Roman Catholic
members of the Government, ii. 174;
letter from Lord Aberdeen, 175
Montagu, Lord F., resigns his seat for
Huntingdonshire, i. 125

Monteagle, Lord, i. 427
Montenegro, revolt of, against the
Turks, ii. 178; settlement of dispute,

Montpensier, Duc de (son of Louis
Philippe), the destined husband of
the Infanta of Spain, ii. 1-3, 6, 7, 8n
Montrose, Duke of, i. 33

Moore, General Sir John, i. 39, 41;
death of, 42

Milan, the Austrians driven from, ii. Moore, Dr., i. 4
33, 34; recovered by them, 41
Mildmay (at Dr. Moore's school), i. 4 n
Miles, Mr. (member for Bristol), prc-
posals on sugar, i. 414
Military departments, confused state
of, in 1854, ii. 218
Militia, concerning the, ii. 16-18, 23,
24, 29, 150

Milman, Dr., made Dean of St. Paul's,
ii. 116

Milne, Sir A., ii. 30; receives instruc-
tions as to the movements of the
British fleet in American waters, 358
Milton, Lord, i. 143, 162

Minghetti, Signor, visited by the Rus-
sells, ii. 438

Minto, Lady, i. 394, 395; death of, ii.

Moore, John Russell, i. 117 n
Moore, Mrs., i. 4, 5; ii. 149
Moore, Mr. (member for County
Mayo), his motion for a committee
on the ecclesiastical revenues of Ire-
land, ii. 172

[ocr errors]

Moore, Thomas, quoted, i. 14; his
Remonstrance' on Lord John's
withdrawal from Parliamentary ac-
tivity in 1816, 95; on Lord John's
translation of the Odyssey, 103; in
debt, 118; offers of help from Lord
Tavistock and Lord John, 118;
declines a residence at Holyrood,
118; on a foreign tour with Lord
John, 118; his Rhymes on the


[ocr errors]

'Road,' 119; quoted, 137 n; dedi- | Munro, Captain, i. 23
cates his Epicurean' to Lord John,
139; engaged on a Life of Byron,
142 ; letters to Lord John, 143,
148, 168; views of the Reform Bill,
189; invited to stand for Limerick,
190; poem on coercive Irish legisla-
tion, 195; letter to Lord John on
his attitude towards Ireland, 212;
on the dismissal of the Grey Ministry,
209; receives a pension, 245, 246;
visit to Lord John at Tonbridge,
281, 282; at Bowood, 300, 372,
398; last letter to Lord John, 464;
declining health and intellect, ii.
IOI; death of, 148; his will, 148;
publication of his diaries, journals,
and letters, 149, 150

Muntz, Mr., appointed magistrate at
Birmingham, i. 355, 356
Murat, Joachim, i. 81
Murdoch, Mr., inventor of gas, i. 36 n
Mure, Miss, her marriage with Lord
Ribblesdale, ii. 175

Morea, the, French occupation of, ii.

Morell, Mr. (of Wymondley College),
deprecates the action of the London
dissenters, i. 147 n
Morley, Lord, i. 214 n

Morley, Rt. Hon. John, his opinion
on the Arrow affair, ii. 295
Morley, Samuel, rents Lord John's
house in Chesham Place, ii. 460
Morpeth, Lord, i. 123; his amendment
to the address to William IV., 227,
228; proposed for the Cabinet by
Lord John, 321; in the Melbourne
Cabinet, 328; at Naworth, 358; con-
ducts Irish Registration, 380 n; ii.
88; diary quoted, 145 n
Morris, Mr., i. 6

Mosbourg, Count, i. 81 n
Mostyn, Lord, ii. 131
Mount-Edgcumbe, Lord, his corre-
spondence with Lord John on the
alleged French preparations for war,

ii. 179
'Mrs. Witty,' (Lord John's dog), i. 21
Mulgrave, Lord, on the Copenhagen

affair, and Lord Eldon's comment,
i. 36; difficulties with the King on
the appointment of Major Stanhope,
250 251 n; explanation of O'Con-
nell's invitation to the Castle, 259;
made Viceroy of Ireland, 273; his
Irish policy denounced, 287, 288;
sounds Dr. Murray on the tithe
question, 310; supports Mr. Drum-
mond's views on the tithe - rent
charge, 311; on the weakness of
the Ministry, 316; (now Lord Nor-
manby) made Colonial Secretary,
327; inefficiency in the Colonial
Office, 349

Murray, Dr., Roman Catholic Arch-
bishop of Dublin, i. 310
Musgrave, Dr., made Archbishop of
York, i. 494; ii. 115
Mussulman outrages in Roumelia, ii.

Musurus Pacha, ii. 186

NAPIER, General, i. 486
Napier, Lord, appointed to embassy
at St. Petersburg, ii. 438 n
Napier, Mr. (editor of Edinburgh Re-
view), i. 401, 419

Naples, revolution in, ii. 41, 44; Sici-
lian revolt from, 46, 47
Napoleon I., endeavours to exclude

British commerce from the Conti-
nent, i. 38; forces on Spain the
partition of Portugal, 39; places
his brother Joseph on the Spanish
throne, 39; at Elba, 78, 79; motive
for his return to France, 81
Napoleon, Louis, President, at war
with the Chamber, ii. 131; his
assumption of the imperial title,
177; his marriage, 178; acquiesces
in Turkey's concessions to Russia,
194; views relating to Sweden, 221;
refuses to accept the Austrian pro-
positions regarding the Black Sea,
261; motives which may have swayed
him, 267; attempt on his life, 303;
irritated at the precipitation of events
in Italy, 323; offers to mediate be-
tween the Northern and Southern
States, 364; proposes a congress of
the sovereigns of Europe, 394; his
communication relative to French
action in favour of Denmark, 404
Narvaez, Señor, ii. 37
Nashville, the, ii. 356
National Society, i. 342
Navarino, battle of, i. 158
Navigation Acts, suspension of the, i.
458; Bill for repealing, ii. 91, 98,

Nesselrode, Count, on the occupation
of the Principalities, ii. 190
Newcastle, Duke of, offered the Irish
Viceroyalty, ii. 130 n, 143, 156;
suggests that the term Whig should
be dropped, 157 n; favours Lord'

Aberdeen for Prime Minister, 158;
mediates with Mr. Monsell after
Lord John's speech on the Irish
Church, 175, 204; at the War Office,
223, 224, 233, 234, 235, 237, 240;
succeeds Lord John as Minister in
attendance on the Queen, 361 n;
thinks the offer premature of English
mediation between the Northern and
Southern States, 364
Newgate, i. 345

Newman, Mr., i. 228; secession to the
Church of Rome, 492, 495; Cardinal,

ii. 115

Newport, Sir John, i. 321, 325, 349
Nicholas, Emperor of Russia, i. 159,

160; demands from Turkey protec-
tion for the Greek Church, ii. 180;
contemplates the partition of the
Turkish Empire, 181; pretence for
interference with Turkey, 189; un-
conditional acceptance of the Vienna
Note, 189; refuses to accept the
Turkish modification of the Note,
190; wishes to evacuate the Princi-
palities, 190; attaches a different
meaning to the Vienna Note from
that of the allies who drew it up,
191; death of, 253

Nicholls, Mr. (Poor Law Commis-
sioner), i. 284

Norbury, Lord, murder of, i. 328
Norfolk, Duke of, i. 451
Normanby, Lord, i. 139, 327, 349,
350; communication from M. Guizot
on Spanish marriages, ii. 6; his
quarrel with M. Guizot, 8; his
Italian sympathies, 42; on the in-
adequacy of the legislative machinery
to deal with the business of the
country and remedial proposals,
94, 132; instructions on the coup
d'état, 138; receives despatch from
Palmerston approving of the coup
d'état, 139, 142. See Mulgrave, Lord
Northbrook, Lord, i. 4 n
Northcote, Sir Stafford (afterwards
Lord Iddesleigh), ii. 372
Nottingham Castle, burnt by rioters,

i. 179
Novara, defeat of the Piedmontese at,
ii. 41, 45 n

QATHS, Parliamentary, Bill for alter-
ing, ii. 97

O'Brien, Smith, motion for a redress
of Irish grievances, i. 405 n; ii. 68,
69; subpoenas Lord John, 72
Q'Brien, Stafford, i. 464; his extrava-

[merged small][ocr errors]

O'Connell, Daniel, agitating on Roman
Catholic Emancipation in Ireland, i.
145; elected for Clare in place of
Mr. Vesey Fitzgerald, 152, 153;
urges the adoption of triennial
Parliaments, universal suffrage, and
vote by ballot, 161; repudiates
smooth words, 190; refused office
by the Whigs, 192; has no patience
with the 'base, brutal, and bloody'
Whigs, and demands an Irish Legis-
lature, 193, 194; on Mr. Stanley's
measure of Irish Church Reform,
201; denounces Mr. Littleton's tithe
proposals, 207; on the surplus
revenues of the Irish Church, 211;
reveals the arrangement between
himself and Mr. Littleton on the
Irish Coercion 'Bill, 213, 214; letter
on the judicial appointments, 215,
216; in concert with Lord John on
the vote of the Irish party, 228-233;
claims on the Melbourne Ministry,
243, 244; on tour in Scotland, de-
mands the abolition of the House
of Lords, 258; invited to the Castle
by the Viceroy, 258; the King's
alarm thereat, 258, 259; scheme
for reforming' the Lords, 261; on
the introduction of tithes to Ireland,
268; his political progress viewed
with alarm, 273; letter to Mr. War-
burton on Irish matters, 285; desires
to thrust the Municipal Bill in the
forefront, 310; letter from Lord
John thanking him for aid in his
Irish policy, 334; arrest of, 410;
estimate of the price at which Irish
friendship might have been pur-
chased, 410, 411; his opinion of
Lord John, 411; gratitude to Lord,
John for his speech on Irish affairs,
413, 474, 482

O'Ferrall, More, i. 469, 480
Ollivant, Dr., ii. 116
O'Loghlen, Serjeant, i. 216
Oporto, revolt in, ii. 9-13
Orangeism, i. 230;

official, 273;

Orange lodges in the United King-
dom and Canada, 274, 275; Mr.
Hume's motion against, and Lord
John's amendment, 275; Orange-
men of Down attacked by Riband-
men at Dolly's Brae, ii. 82
Oranmore, Lord, quoted, ii. 213
Oreto, the (afterwards the Florida), ii.

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