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Objecting to City and Borough Voters generally.

In the case of city and borough voters objected s. XLVII.

to, the persons entitled to object by the 47th section

of this Act are, every person whose name shall have been inserted in any list of voters for any city or borough.

Who may


ture of ob

Such persons may object to any other person General naas not having been entitled on the last day of July jection. then next preceding, to have his name inserted in any list of voters for the SAME city or borough.


All persons so objecting must, as in the case of Notice of voters for counties, on or before the 25th day of August, give, or cause to be given, a notice in writing to the overseers who shall have made out the list in which the name of the person so objected to shall have been inserted; or if the person objected to shall have been inserted in the list of freemen of any city, borough, or place, to the town clerk of such city, borough, or place.

of notice.

Such notice is prescribed by the Act, and must Form or tenor be in the following form, or to the like effect.

To the Overseers of the Parish [or Township] of
to the Town Clerk of the City [or Borough] of
otherwise, as the case may be.]



I hereby give you notice, that I object to the name of Thomas Bates being retained in the list of persons entitled to vote in the election of a member [or members] for the city [or borough] of and that I shall bring forward such objection at the

time of the revising of such list. Dated the
in the year

day of

The overseers must also make a list of all

Overseers' lists of per

(Signed) A. B. of [Place of Abode.]


sons objected so objected to, according to the directions of the


S. 39.

Act, and cause copies to be fixed on or near the doors of the churches and chapels within their parish or township, or if no church or chapel, in some public and conspicuous situation, on the two Sundays next preceding the 16th day of September, in the following form, (p. lxxx).

The following Persons have been objected to as not being entitled to have their Names retained in the List of Persons qualified to vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the City [or Borough] of

[blocks in formation]

Form of list

Every town clerk must make a similar list of the names of all persons so objected to as freemen in a list according to the Form in Schedule (I.),* p. lxxxi,

*That list is to be headed and framed thus:

of persons ob- The following Persons have been objected to as having no right

jected to, to

be made and

published by town clerk.

to be retained in the List of the Freemen of the City [or Bo

rough] of

[or of

being a place sharing in the

and cause copies of such lists to be fixed on or near the door of the Town Hall, or in some public or conspicuous situation, within his city, borough, or place, on the same days as in the case of the lists to be published by the overseers, and both are to likewise keep a copy of the names of all the persons claiming, and of all persons objected to, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at all reasonable hours during the ten days next preceding the 15th day of September, in every year, and they are required to deliver a copy of each of such lists to any person requiring it, on payment of one shilling for each copy.


Objecting in London to Parties in Livery Lists.

the course of

London Vo

There are some material distinctions in the provi- Difference in sions respecting objections in the city of London, objecting to which make considerable difference in the practice ters. as to the mode of conducting objections to the enlistment of liverymen.

Election with the City [or Borough] of

], entitled to

vote in the Election of a Member [or Members] for the said

City [or Borough.]

Christian Name and Surname of

each Person objected to.

Place of his Abode.

(Signed) A.B. For Borough or Place.]

STown Clerk of the said City


Notice of objection and service.

Form of notice of objection.

Service of notice.

Party to be

served with notice.

The 48th section provides (the 47th section having declared who shall be entitled to object) that every person (that is, every person entitled to have his own name inserted) who shall object to any other person as not having been entitled on the last day of July then next preceding to have his name inserted in any such livery list, shall, on or before the 25th day of August in the present and in every succeeding year, give to such other person, or leave at his usual place of abode, a notice in writing according to the form dictated, or to the like effect, (p. lxxxiii). The form is this:

To Mr. William Baker.

in the

I hereby give you notice, that I object to your name being retained in the list of persons entitled to vote as freemen of the city of London and liverymen of the company of election of members for the said city, and that I shall bring forward such objection at the time of revising the said list. Dated the day of

(Signed) A. B. [Place of Abode.]

The form of the notice is necessarily essentially different from that required in the case of other cities, &c.

The service is as in the case of counties to be served on the person objected to, but differing again from the service required as to county notices. This provision exacts that the service, if not personally effected, shall be by leaving the notice not at the place of abode as described in the list, but at his usual place of abode.

The party objected to, again, being to be served, and not the officer making the lists, is another notable difference, which must be borne in mind.

Observation (general) on the Forms of Notice.

It may be permitted to make one observation here which is applicable to all the notices of which forms are given above.

There is a very material discrepancy between the terms of the notice and the sections which give the right of objection and those used in the forms of notice which those sections prescribe as the media of objecting, with reference to the matter and nature of the objection, which it may be worth while to point


It is, that whilst the objection is in every case to be taken to the insertion of the name in the list, the notice goes to the name being retained therein. This makes the notice assume that the person considered objectionable is actually on the list, and such a notice would clearly be at least informal where the person to be objected to is as yet only a claimant for enlistment. His name, moreover, can never be on the list in such case until the last moment, when it is dismissed completed by the revising barrister for enrolment amongst the county records, when objection would be too late; a voter not entitled might thus escape the more searching ordeal of an active objector in possession of a decisive objection to the right of voting then no longer impeachable.

Whenever, therefore, the objectionable voter is not on the list, the notice should substitute the word "inserted" for the word "retained," and it must be served.

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