Sivut kuvina

I believe, are as truly loyal as any subjects tne King has; but they are a people jealous of their liberties, and who, if those liberties should ever be violated, will vindicate them to the last drop of their blood.



SHIELD (sheeld), n., a broad piece of | CAV'AL-RY, n., mounted troops.
defensive armor.
IN'FANT-RY, n., foot soldiers.

SCYTHE, n., an instrument for mowing. PEAS'ANT-RY, n., rustics.
CONQUER (konk'er), v. t., to gain by LEV'Y, v. t., to raise; to collect.
MERCE-NA-RY, α., hired; venal.

Pronounce Winkelried, Vink'kel-reed; Sempach, Zem'păk; Zurich, Zoo'rik; Unterwalden, Oon'ter-val-den (the a as in fall).

1. On the ninth of July, in the year 1368, a remarkable scene might have been witnessed in a forest on the borders of Lake Sempach, in Switzerland. An army of Austrians, led by Duke Leopold, was drawn up in order of battle against a small force of Swiss, composed chiefly of the peasantry of the land. The Austrians, claiming to rule the country, had laid enormous taxes on commerce, and levied heavy tolls on all the produce carried to market.

2. The peasantry were at last so roused by the oppression of their tyrants that they rose in rebellion, fully resolved to throw off the hateful yoke. The army of Leopold was followed by carts to hang the rebellious rustics. He advanced to the attack with his splendid cavalry and mercenary infantry; the former comprising many of the haughty nobles of Austria, and the latter made up of strolling bands from the south of Europe.

3. On arriving at the foot of a hill, the nobles dismounted and gave their horses to their squires, disdaining to fight in knightly fashion against "base-looking

peasants." Great, indeed, was the contrast between the two armies. The Austrians, cased in steel from head to foot, marched onward, four thousand strong, with weapons gleaming in the sun, and gilt helmets, glittering brightly, in "all the pomp, pride, and circumstance of war,"-a spectacle that might well strike terror into the hearts of men less fearful than the hardy mountaineers, who, with heroic front, awaited the onset.

4. It was the spirit, indeed, that sustained the man; for the arms of the Swiss were mostly scythes, clubs, or clumsy spears; and their only defense against the weapons of their foes was the rudest sort of shields, mere boards fastened to their arms; while their whole number was thirteen hundred men. Truly is it said of Switzerland at this hour:

"Few were the numbers she could boast;

But every freeman was a host,

And felt as though himself were he

On whose sole arm hung victory."

5. The nobles formed a close phalanx, the spears of the fourth rank projecting in front; and thus they advanced to the attack. The Baron de Hazenburg, an experienced warrior, feared the determination of the Swiss, and advised the duke to send for a reserve which he had left behind, near Zurich. But his cau tions were treated with scorn. The nobles, however, wished Leopold not to engage personally in the com. bat, or, at least, to remain on horseback; but he re plied, "What! will Leopold of Austria look on while his barons are dying for him? No! I will either conquer, or remain on the field ! ”

6. And now from the Swiss arose the shout, "Make way for liberty!" But though they rushed onward to the encounter with loud shouts, they were brought

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to a sudden halt by what seemed a wall of steel. In vain did they strive to break through that forest of lances presented by the foe. Their best and bravest were flung back, bleeding, and almost in despair. Every moment their peril was increasing. The wings of the Austrian army gradually advanced, so as to form a part of a circle, which, completed, would place the heroic Swiss all within the very jaws of death.

7. Who shall stop the approaching ruin? Just as all seemed lost, Arnold Winkelried (ever honored be the name !), a native of Unterwalden, cried out, “I'll open a way for you! Take care of my wife and children! Switzerland forever! Make way for liberty!" Then, rushing upon the enemy, and "gathering, with a wide embrace, into his single heart, a sheaf of fatal Austrian spears," he made an opening, through which, with sword and ax, poured the impetuous Swiss. Nothing could withstand their fury. Leopold and his nobles were routed with terrific slaughter. Let James Montgomery describe the act of the martyr of liberty:

"Make way for liberty!" he cried;
Then ran, with arms extended wide,
As if his dearest friend to clasp;
Ten spears he swept within his grasp.
"Make way for liberty!" he cried ;
Their keen points crossed from side to side;
He bowed amongst them like a tree,

And thus made way for liberty
Swift to the breach his comrades fly,-

"Make way for liberty!" they cry,
And through the Austrian phalanx dart,
As rushed the spears through Arnold's heart!
While, instantaneous as his fall,

Rout, ruin, panic, seized them all.
An earthquake could not overthrow
A city with a surer blow.

Thus Switzerland again was free;
Thus Death made way for liberty!


WRITHE (rithe), v. i., to twist one's TIN'SEL, n., a kind of shining cloth; self violently, as if in pain. RICK'ET-Y, a., affected with rickets;

weak; imperfect.

TRAPPINGS, n. pl., ornaments.

any thing showy.

PRE-TENSE or PRE-TENCE', n., a false show or claim.

DIS-EN-CHANT', v. t., to free from spells.

Avoid saying spere for sphere (sfere); cuss for curse; spile for spoil; relum for realm. In such words as helm, elm, chasm, &c., some speakers have a bad habit of introducing a decided vowel sound before the m.

O! LADIES, dear ladies, the next sunny day

Please trundle your hoops just out of Broadway,
From its whirl and its bustle, its fashion and pride,
And the temples of Trade which tower on each side,
To the alleys and lanes, where Misfortune and Guilt
Their children have gathered, their city have built;
Where Hunger and Vice, like twin beasts of prey,

Have hunted their victims to gloom and despair.
Raise the rich, dainty dress, and the fine broidered skirt,
Pick your delicate way through the dampness and dirt;

Grope through the dark dens, climb the rickety stair To the garret, where wretches, the young and the old, Half-starved, and half-naked, lie crouched from the cold!

See those skeleton limbs, those frost-bitten feet,
All bleeding and bruised by the stones of the street;
Hear the sharp cry of childhood, the deep groans that swell
From the poor dying creature who writhes on the floor
Hear the curses that sound like Hope's dying farewell,
you sicken and shudder and fly from the door;
Then home to your wardrobes, and say, if you dare,—
Spoiled children of Fashion,-you've nothing to wear

And, O! if perchance there should be a sphere
Where all is made right which so puzzles us here;
Where the glare, and the glitter, and tinsel of Time
Fade and die in the light of that region sublime;
Where the soul, disenchanted of flesh and of sense,
Unscreened by its trappings, and shows, and pretense,

Must be clothed, for the life and the service above,
With purity, truth, faith, meekness, and love;
O, daughters of Earth! foolish virgins, beware!
Lest in that upper realm you have nothing to wear!



VOL'U-BLE, a., fluent in words.
YEO'MAN (yo'man), n., a common man
of the first class.
CHOL'ER-IC (kol-), a., irascible.
RAN'SOM, v. t., to redeem from captiv-
ity or punishment.

RE-SPECTIVE, a., belonging to each;
having respect to.

IN-GRATE' or IN'GRATE, a., unthankful.
CANK'ERED, pp., corrupted.

RE-TAL'I-ATE, v., to return like for
like; to requite.

Pronounce Cicero, Sis'e-ro. Do not say srill for shrill; helum for helm.

Student. How shall we know what words we ought to make emphatic, in reading aloud?

Professor. The only sure rule is this: Acquaint yourself fully with the meaning and spirit of what you have to utter, and then you will bestow your emphasis in a manner the best fitted to bring out that meaning and spirit.

Stu. I readily comprehend the importance of that rule, If I ask you for the loan of your pencil, and you hand me your penknife, and I say, "No, it is your pencil I want,”-it is easy to see that I should lay the principal stress on the word pencil.

Pro. Even so in reading; if you understand the language, you will be likely to lay the right stress upon the right words.

Stu. I have been reading what Walker says on the modulation of the voice.

Pro. Walker is good authority. What does he say? How does he define the word?

*For Part I. see page 91.

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