Sivut kuvina

Then, mother, let us haste away

To that blest land to Israël given,
Where Faith, unsaddened by decay,

Dwells nearest to its native heaven.

But where thou goest I will go ;

With thine my earthly lot is cast;
In pain/and pleasure, joy and woe,
Will I attend thee to the last;
That hour shall find me by thy side,
And where thy grave is, mine shall be;
Death can but for a time divide

My firm and faithful heart from thee!
W. B. O. PEABODY. (1799-1847.).



STARK, a., stiff; — ad., wholly.
ALIEN (ale'yen), n., a foreigner.
GALLANT, a., brave; high-spirited.
PHIL'ANX, n., a close body of troops.
LEGION, n., a body of soldiers.

BLENCHED, v. i., shrank; started back.
IM-POSTURE, n., deception; cheat.
IN-FLEX-I-BIL'I-TY, n., firmness.
CON-FED'ER-ATE, n., an ally.
VO-CAB'U-LA-RY, n., a list of words.

Pronounce Assaye (in Hin-dos-tan') As-si'ye ; Vimieira (in Portugal)) Vim-e-a-e'ra ; Badajos (in Spain) Bad-a-hōs; Albuera (in Spain) Al-boo-a'ra; Toulouse (in France) Too-looz'. Give the y sound to u in Duke.

The following eloquent remarks were made by Richard Lalor Shiel, in the British Par liament, in 1837, in reply to Lord Lyndhurst, who had spoken of the Irish as "aliens? Shiel was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1791. He died in 1851.

1. I SHOULD be surprised, indeed, if, while you are doing us wrong, you did not profess your solicitude to dō us justice. Englishmen were never wanting in such protestations. There is, however, one exception. 2. There is a man of great abilities, not a member of this House, but whose talents and boldness have placed him in the topmost place in his party, who has been heard to speak of the Irish as "aliens." Disdaining all imposture, and abandoning all reserve, he

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distinctly and audaciously tells the Irish people that they are not entitled to the same privileges as Englishmen; that they are "aliens." Aliens? Good heavens! Was Arthur, Duke of Wellington, in the House ⚫of Lords, and did he not start up and exclaim, "Hold! I have seen the aliens do their duty?"

3. The Duke of Wellington is not a man of an excitable temperament. His mind is of a cast too martial to be easily moved; but, notwithstanding his habitual inflexibility, I can not help thinking that when he heard his countrymen děsignated by a phrase as offensive as the abundant vocabulary of his eloquent confederate could supply, I can not help thinking that he ought to have recollected the many fields of fight in which we have been contributors to his renown.

4. The "battles, sieges, fortunes, that he has passed,” ought to have come back upon him. He ought to have remembered that, from the earliest achievement in which he displayed that military genius which has placed him foremost in the annals of modern warfare, down to that last and surpassing combat which has made his name imperishable,—from Assaye to Waterloo, — the Irish soldiers, with whom your armies are filled, were the inseparable auxiliaries to the glory with which his unparalleled successes have been crowned.

5. Whose were the arms that drove your bayonets at Vimieira through the phalanxes that never reeled in the shock of war before? What desperate valor* climbed the steeps and filled the moats of Badajos?

The tone of suspension should be given at greatest, the dash indicating a sudden break in the speaker's remarks. The battle he there refers to is Waterloo, fought against Napoleon, June 18th, 1815. The opposing forces were commanded by Wellington, whose "words," to which the orator alludes, were, "Up, Guards, and at them!" Sir Henry Hardinge was the " gallant soldier" to whom Shiel appealed.

All, all his victories should have rushed and crowded back upon his memory; Vimieira, Badajos, Salamanca, Albuera, Toulouse; and, last of all, the greatest

6. Tell me, for you were there, I appeal to the gallant soldier before me, who bears, I know, a generous heart in an intrepid breast; - tell me, for you must needs remember, on that day, when the destinies of mankind were trembling in the balance, while death fell in showers; when the artillery of France, leveled with the precision of the most deadly science, played upon them; when her legions, incited by the voice, inspired by the example, of their mighty leader, rushed again and again to the onset, tell me if, for an instant, when to hesitate for an instant was to be lost, the "aliens" blenched!

7. And when, at length, the moment for the last de cisive movement had arrived; when the valor, so long wisely checked, was at last let loose; when, with words familiar, but immortal, the great captain commanded the great assault, tell me if Catholic Ireland, with less heroic valor than the natives of your own glorious isle, precipitated herself upon the foe! The blood of England, Scotland, Ireland, flowed in the same stream, drenched the same field.

8. When the chill morning dawned, their dead lay cold and stark together. In the same deep pit their bodies were deposited. The green corn of spring is now breaking from their commingled dust; the dew falls from heaven upon their union in the grave! Par takers in every peril, in the glory shall we not be permitted to participate? And shall we be told, as a requital, that we are estranged from the noble country for whose salvation our life-blood was poured out?




ARC'TIC, a., lying far north.

LIM'PID, a., clear; pure.

GEL'ID (jel'id), a., cold; icy.
CREV'ICE, n., a crack or fissure.

CAN'VAS, n., coarse cloth for sails.
PO'LAR, a., near the Pole.
WAL'RUS, N., the sea-horse.
CAR'CASS, n., a dead body.
A-BYSS', n., a fathomless depth.
FLEX'I-BLE, a., easily bent.

AL'TI-TUDE, n., height.

CAV'I-TY, n., a hollow place.

LAT'I-TUDE, n., breadth; distance from
the Equator.

A-ZORES' (A-zōrz), n., islands in the
Atlantic Ocean, belonging to Portu-
Es'QUI-MAUX (Es'ke-mo), n., a race of
Indians in the Arctic regions.
CON'TI-NENT, n., a large extent of land.
IN-DENT'ED, a., notched.
AC-CU'MU-LA-TED, a., piled up.
PRE-CIP'I-TOUS, a., very steep.
COM-PACT', a., close; solid.

In latitude, altitude, century, tube, &c., attend to the y sound of the u. levl for level; tremendyous for tre-men'dous; Artic for Arc'tic.

Do not say

1. ICEBERGS are those masses of ice, resembling mountains, which abound in the polar seas, and are sometimes found floating in the moderate latitudes. In the Arctic regions, the snow, which annually falls on the islands or continents, being again dissolved by the progress of the summer's heat, pours forth numerous rills and limpid streams, which collect along the indented shores, and in the deep bays enclosed by precipitous rocks.

2. Here this clear and gelid water soon freezes, and every successive year supplies an additional crust, till, after the lapse, perhaps, of several centuries, the icy mass rises, at last, to the size and aspect of a mountain, equal in elevation to the adjoining cliffs. The melting of the snow, which is afterward deposited on such enormous blocks, likewise contributes to their growth; and, by filling up the accidental holes or crevices, it renders the whole structure compact and uniform. Ruin

3. Meanwhile the principle of destruction is already at work. The ceaseless agitation of the sea gradually wears and undermines the base of the icy mountain, till at length, by the action of its own accumulated heled up

reached elevation

weight, when it has perhaps attained an altitude of a
thousand, or even two thousand feet, it is torn from
its frozen chains, and precipitated, with a tremendous
plunge, into the abyss below.


higherrible 4. This mighty launch now floats, like a lofty island, on the ocean, till, driven southward by winds and currents, it insensibly wastes and dissolyes away in the float wide Atlantic. Icebergs have been known to drift from Baffin's Bay to the Azores. Being composed of fresh water, the ice is clear and solid; and from the hollow flucavities the crews of the northern whalers are accustomed, by means of a hose or a flexible tube of canvas, that may be to fill their casks easily with the purest and softest


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5. Some of the masses of floating ice in the polar seas are two miles long, and a mile or more broad. cle An idea may be formed of the immense depth to which icebergs descend, from the fact that the mass of ice below the level of the water is about eight times greater than that above. Captain Scoresby once counted five hundred of these bergs drifting with the current. They rose above the surface, from the height of one hundred to two hundred feet, and measured from a few yards to a mile in circumference. Many of them were loaded with beds of earth and rocks.

6. An incident is related by Dr. Kane, that shows the wonderful powers of endurance of the Esquimaux. Two of these people were hunting the walrus, on the open ice of the frozen sea, when a north wind broke up the ice, and they found themselves afloat. An iceberg being near, they urged their dogs toward it, and made good their landing on it with them and the carcass of the walrus. It was at the close of the last moonlight of December, a season when daylight is unknown in the Arctic latitudes.

7. A complete darkness settled around them. They

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