Sivut kuvina
[blocks in formation]

Library J. Hunter (Librarian), J. H. Thompson (Registrar of Colonial Laws and Assistant Librarian), E. N. Horne, G. W. Henlen, E. Gill, W. J. B. Osborne, Miss D. Bromley, E. A. Reed, B. E. Rolfe, Miss D. M. Amber, D. B. Wilson, W. G. Gardiner, Miss E. G. Frith.

Registry-H. T. Ashworth, M.B.E., M.M., Registrar, F. H. McLean, L. G. Allen, L. V. Martin, C. G. W. Laurence, S. F. Chandler, F. V. Shergold, H. F. Goddard, A. Stevens, J. Link, R. G. Gill, C. W. Tyther. leigh, H. G. Kilminster, W. Norrington, F. B. Hart, Miss E. E. Scotland, Miss M. Forster, C. V. B. Hill L. H. Day, S. L. V. Way, Miss E. J. Titchener, Miss C. Wild Gray, A. T. Hart, W. Hennings, J. Glasby, J. H. Bindon, Miss M. V. King, F. Sanderson, J. B. C. FitzGibbon, J. Joyce, C. B. Sampson, Miss E. D. Bailey, Miss P. A. S. Cheffins, S. A. Gibbins,e R. H. Hobden, Miss P. Hare, B.A., E. C. Saunders, Miss K. J. Jackson, R. C. Cox, E. C. Burr, Miss J. M. Earle, J. H. H. Vaughan, Miss R. M. Rossiter, Miss E. A. Hughes, Miss E. M. Saward, W. H. Formoy, M. E. Day, Miss A. Elvin, Miss M. E. Jones, J. E. Coombes, S. P. Taylor, Miss N. M. Stych, D. J. Fitzgerald, A. G. Pilter, O. W. Mortiboy,* Miss P. Hollaren, Miss L. R. Burgess, Miss J. M. L. Masters.

Appointments-Registry:-J. R. Burke, W. P. Fleming, G. F. Riches, Miss R. M. Mead, Miss J. W. Davis, Miss J. C. Page, Miss M. L. Herrtage, Miss B. D. Telfer.

Telegraph Section :-G. C. Green, M.B.E., F. C. Lamacq, H. W. Hart, W. R. Maguire, W. L. Grey, J. Soesan, T. J. Sigsworth, B. H. J. Lane.

Revision of Records :-A. E. Reynolds, A. Cattanach, E. Wall.

Printing-J. H. Christian, M.C., A. B. Woodhead, E. P. F. Wilson, R. Eastleigh, W. Sainsbury, H. E.

Copying-Miss E. M. Wallis, M.B.E. (Chief Superintendent), Miss J. M. Ralston, Miss K. M. Carr,
Miss E. Henderson, Miss E. Shinner, Miss E. M. Chalk (Superintendents), Shorthand Typists and Typists.
H. Palmer.
B. C. G. Perry.
E. J. Allies.


Preparation of Parliamentary Estimates; accounting for Parliamentary Votes administered by Colonial and Dominions Departments; Correspondence in respect of such Votes and other matters affecting Imperial Finance, Receipt, Payments, etc.

H. I. H. Titchener.
P. E. Richards.

P. R. Clipsham.
M. Lemberger.
H. A. Bennett.

C. J. Dabner.
J. G. Rogers.

a Seconded temporarily from Nigeria. e Seconded temporarily from Malaya.

from Kenya.

P. H. Hooker.
Miss B. Macpherson.
Miss I. M. Powell.
A. J. Somerton.
A. W. Wells.

J. C. Auker.

F. K. Boyle.
J. F. Mann.

Miss E. G. E. Knopp.

d Seconded temporarily

e Lent temporarily to the Colonial Empire Marketing Board. f Seconded temporarily from Palestine. g Seconded temporarily from Northern Rhodesia. h The head of the Pacific and Med. Department deal The head of the Eastern Department deals with the affairs of Ade "S" Class Clerk (unestablished).

with affairs of Mauritius and Seychelles. * Seconded temporarily from Malaya.


Secretary of State, The Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Inskip, K.C., C.B.E., M.P.
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, The Duke of Devonshire, M.B.E.
Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Sir Edward J. Harding, K.C.B.,
Assistant Under-Secretaries (Sir Eric Machtig, K.C.M.G., O.B.E.
J. E. Stephenson, C.V.O.,

of State

Legal Adviser, Sir Grattan Bushe, K.C.M.G., C.B.
Assistant Legal Adviser, H. H. Duncan.

Second Assistant Legal Adviser, K. O. Roberts-Wray.
Third Assistant Legal Adviser, W. L. Dale.

W. C. Hankinson, O.B.E., M.C.

D. B. Pitblado.


Private Secretary to the Parliamentary A. W. Snelling.

2 Feb., 1939. 5 Mar., 1936. 24 Jan., 1930.

1 Feb., 1936. 2 Feb., 1939. 1 April, 1931. 31 Mar., 1930. 1 July, 1931. 23 Feb., 1935. 15 Feb., 1937. 1 July, 1937.

Private Secretaries to the Secretary of State

Rear-Admiral A. Bromley, C.M.G., C.V.O.
(Ceremonial and Reception Secretary).

1 May, 1931.

2 Feb., 1939.

24 Oct., 1938.

17 May, 1934.

Under-Secretary of State

Private Secretary to the Permanent

Under-Secretary of State

Publicity Officer, A. Ridgway.

G. W. Tory.

Business connected with Canada, Australia, Union of South Africa, New Zealand, Eire, Newfoundland, Southern Rhodesia, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Swaziland and Nauru. General and Miscellaneous correspondence on matters affecting the Dominions. Correspondence with regard to the Imperial Conference and matters arising therefrom.

Assistant Secretaries :-R. A. Wiseman, C.M.G., C. W. Dixon, C.M.G., O.B.E., H. N. Tait, C.M.G., W. Bankes Amery, C.B.E., *W. C. Hankinson, O.B.E., M.C., P. Liesching, C.M.G.

Principals :-fM. E. Antrobus, O.B.E., bS. L. Holmes, M.C., C. R. Price, N. E. Archer, O.B.E., P. A. Clutterbuck, M.C., aR. R. Sedgwick, B. Cockram, G. Kimber, hG. E. Boyd Shannon, J. J. S. Garner, W. J. Garnett, M.B.E., J. R. Š. MacLeod.

Assistant Principals :-aN. E. Costar, N. Pritchard, bI. M. R. Maclennan, D. B. Pitblado, W. B. L. Monson, G. W. Tory, A. W. Snelling, Hon. F. E. Cumming-Bruce, E. L. Sykes, D. G. Brock, E. Anstey. Accountant:-W. G. Ives, M.B.E.

Staff Officers:-R. A. Hamblin, E. A. Brett, W. G. Head, R. L. Dixon.

Confidential Clerks :-F. R. Stapley, S. Leadbetter, W. V. C. White; Assistants: A. G. White, A. McKenzieSmith, D. Hinshelwood, gJ. St. Leger.

Registrar:-H. W. Thompson, M.B.E.

Registry-H. F. W. Nash, G. F. W. C. Joyce, D. J. E. Harris, R. H. Holding, T. H. Woodward, W. C. Collins, F. W. Leake, F. J. Gosling, J. W. Fowler, Miss I. M. Chitty, F. S. Cutting, J. E. A. Miles, Miss M. E. Dent, H. J. Turner, C. A. Lovitt, Miss M. F. Walsh, Miss J. Hammond, L. Abbott, R. A. Bickley, Miss M. Roberts, D. R. Lockhart, Miss P. M. Nunn, Miss B. Nicholson, Miss C. I. Young, Miss V. L. Rule.

a Seconded for service with the High Commissioner in the Commonwealth of Australia for H.M.G. in the United Kingdom. b Seconded for service with the High Commissioner in Canada for H.M.G. in the United Kingdom. f Seconded for service with the High Commissioner in the Union of South Africa for H.M.G. in the United Kingdom. g "S" Class Clerk. h Seconded for service with the High Commissioner in New Zealand for H.M.G. in the United Kingdom. • Promoted Assistant Secretary but continuing to act as Principal Private Secretary to Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs pending secondment abroad.


In accordance with the recommendations made by the Inter-Departmental Committee on Migration Policy (Cmd. 4689), His Majesty's Government decided to appoint an Oversea Settlement Board to advise the Secretary of State on matters of migration policy. The Board is composed as follows:

Chairman The Duke of Devonshire, M.B.E. (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs)

Sir Eric Machtig, K.C.M.G., O.B.E. (Dominions


E. T. Crutchley, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E.

E. Hale, M.C. (Treasury).

The Dowager Marchioness of Reading.

Dr. W. G. S. Adams, C.H.

George Gibson.

H. J. Mitchell.

Lord Barnby, C.M.G., C.B.E., M.V.O.

Joint Secretaries-C. R. Price (Dominions Office); W. J. Garnett, M.B.E. (Dominions Office).


The staff of the Colonial Office and Dominions Office below the rank of Assistant Under Secretary of State is interchangeable. The services of the Legal Staff, the Establishments Branch, the Library, the Accounts, Printing, Revision of Records, and Telegraph Sections are at the disposal of both the Colonial Office and the Dominions Office.

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* Date of temporary secondment from another Government Department. Date of actual appointment to Colonial Office is 21st December, 1922.

↑ Prior to 1st April, 1920, these appointments were designated Second Class Clerkships, First Class Clerkships, and Principal Clerkships, respectively.

ea Seconded for duty as Secretary to the High Commissioner in Canada for H.M.G. in the United Kingdom. *Private Secretary to Secretary of State for the Colonies.

** Establishment Officer.

b Ministry of Transport. Transferred 1 April, 1924.

d Private Secretary to Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs.

e Seconded for duty as Official Secretary to the High Commissioner in the Commonwealth of Australia for H.M.G. in the United Kingdom.

j Seconded for duty as Political Secretary to the High Commissioner in the Union of South Africa for H.M.G. in the United Kingdom.

Temporarily seconded to the Imperial Defence College.

Seconded for duty in the Home Office.

m Promoted Assistant Secretary, but continuing to act as Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs pending secondment overseas.

[blocks in formation]

G. E. Boyd Shannon, B.A."

J. J. S. Garner, B.A.

T. W. Davies, B. A.

W. J. Garnett, M.B.E., B.Sc.

J. R. S. Macleod

N. E. Costar, B.A.m

S. I. James.

A. B. Cohen, B.A.s

N. Pritchard, B.A.

I. M. R. Maclennan, B.A.f

C. A. Grossmith

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C. Y. Carstairs, M.A.

D. B. Pitblado, M.A.

W. B. L. Monson, B. A.

T. Smith, M.A.n

G. W. Tory, B.A.k

E. Melville, M.A..

R. Burns, M.A.h

A. R. Thomas, B.A.||

A. W. Snelling, B.Sc. (Econ.)s

J. S. Bennett, B.A.

P. Rogers, B.A.l

K. E. Robinson, B. A.

C. E. Lambert

[blocks in formation]

24 Oct., 1930

27 Oct., 1930
27 Oct., 1930
21 Oct., 19306
12 July, 1923
14 April, 1924
21 Apr., 1932
1 Oct., 1932
24 Oct., 1932d
23 Oct., 1933
31 Oct., 1933
1 Oct., 1934
24 Oct., 1934
23 Oct., 1935

23 Oct., 1935
23 Oct., 1935
25 Oct., 1935
13 Jan., 1936
8 Jan., 1936
12 Nov., 1935q
22 Oct., 1936
2 Nov., 1936
26 Oct., 1936
26 Oct., 1936

1 Feb., 1937

4 Nov., 1935e
4 Oct., 1937

5 Oct., 1937

4 Oct., 1937 4 Oct., 1937 1 July, 1938 5 Oct., 1938 3 Oct., 1938 5 Oct., 1938 6 Oct., 1938 Oct., 1938 5 Oct., 1938 1 Feb., 1939

31 May, 1937
15 Feb., 1937
1 July, 1937
19Aug., 1937 (actg.)
3 Jan., 1938
26 July, 1938
14 Nov.,1938 (actg.)
7 Mar. 1938 (actg.)
1 Dec., 1938 (actg.)
2 Feb., 1939 (actg.)
2 Jan., 1939 (actg.)

[blocks in formation]

D. L. P. Tovey, M.A..

Accountants, W. G. Ives, M.B.E., (Dominions), | Registrar of Colonial Laws and Assistant

H. Palmer (Colonies).

Librarian, J. Hunter.

Assistant Accountants, B. C. G. Perry, E. J. Allies. Registrars, H. T. Ashworth, M.B.E., M.M. (Colonial Office), H. W. Thompson, M.B. E., (Dominions Office).

Librarian, J. H. Thompson.

Chief Superintendent of Copying, Miss E. M.
Wallis, M.B.E.

Superintendent of the Printing Department,
J. H. S. Christian, M.C.

Head of Telegraph Section, G. C. Green, M.B.E.

† Prior to 1st April, 1920, these appointments were designated Second Class Clerkships, First Class Clerkships, and Principal Clerkships, respectively.

Assistant Private Secretary to Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Ø Assistant Private Secretary to Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs.

a House of Commons. Transferred 9 Sept., 1930.

b Ministry of Transport. Transferred 1 Oct., 1931.

e Private Secretary to Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs.

d Board of Inland Revenue. Transferred 2 Oct., 1933.

e Department of Agriculture for Scotland. Transferred 24 May, 1937.

f Seconded as Assistant Secretary in the Office of the High Commissioner in Canada for H.M.G. in the United Kingdom.

g Director of Recruitment (Colonial Service).

Private Secretary to Permanent Under Secretary of State for the Colonies.

k Private Secretary to the Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs.

1 Seconded as Private Secretary to the Governor of Jamaica.

m Seconded as Assistant Secretary in the Office of the High Commissioner in the Commonwealth of Australia for H.M.G. in the United Kingdom.

n Seconded for duty in Fiji.

9 Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Transferred 24 Aug., 1936.

Seconded as Secretary to the High Commissioner in New Zealand for H.M.G. in the United Kingdom. 8 Appointed to a Commonwealth Fund Home Civil Service Fellowship.

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e Lent temporarily to Colonial Empire Marketing Boaru.

f Seconded for service in Palestine.

9 Seconded for service in the Treasury.





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