Sivut kuvina

are cold-rolled, smoothed only, not polished, shall pay two-tent one cent per pound more duty than the corresponding gauges of mon or black sheet iron or steel.

134. Sheets or plates of iron or steel, or taggers iron or steel, co with tin or lead, or with a mixture of which these metals, or eith them, is a component part, by the dipping or any other process, commercially known as tin plates, terne plates, and taggers tin and one-half cents per pound.

135. Steel ingots, cogged ingots, blooms, and slabs, by whatever ess made; die blocks or blanks; billets and bars and tapered or eled bars; mill shafting; pressed, sheared, or stamped shapes; plates, wholly or partially manufactured; hammer molds or swa steel; gun-barrel molds not in bars; alloys used as substitutes for in the manufacture of tools; all descriptions and shapes of dry s loam, or iron-molded steel castings; sheets and plates and steel i forms and shapes not specially provided for in this Act, all of the al valued at one cent per pound or less, three-tenths of one cent per pou valued above one cent and not above one and four-tenths cents pound, four-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above one and f tenths cents and not above one and eight-tenths cents per pound, tenths of one cent per pound; valued above one and eight-tenths c and not above two and two-tenths cents per pound, seven-tenths of cent per pound; valued above two and two-tenths cents and not al three cents per pound, nine-tenths of one cent per pound; valued al three cents per pound and not above four cents per pound, one two-tenths cents per pound; valued above four cents and not ab seven cents per pound, one and three-tenths cents per pound; val above seven cents and not above ten cents per pound, two cents pound; valued above ten cents and not above thirteen cents per pou two and four-tenths cents per pound; valued above thirteen cents not above sixteen cents per pound, two and eight-tenths cents pound; valued above sixteen cents per pound, four and seven-ten cents per pound.


136. Wire rods: Rivet, screw, fence, and other iron or steel wire ro whether round, oval, flat, or square, or in any other shape, a nail rods, in coils or otherwise, valued at four cents or less pound, four-tenths of one cent per pound; valued over f cents per pound, three-fourths of one cent per pound: Provid That all round iron or steel rods smaller than number six w gauge shall be classed and dutiable as wire: Provided furth That all iron or steel wire rods which have been tempered treated in any manner or partly manufactured shall pay additional duty of one-half of one cent per pound. 137. Round iron or steel wire, not smaller than number thirteen w gauge, one and one-fourth cents per pound; smaller than nu ber thirteen and not smaller than number sixteen wire gau one and one-half cents per pound; smaller than number sixte wire gauge, two cents per pound: Provided, That all the fo going valued at more than four cents per pound shall pay for per centum ad valorem. Iron or steel or other wire not special provided for in this Act, including such as is commonly know as hat wire, or bonnet wire, crinoline wire, corset wire, need

sheet steel in strips, twenty-five one-thousandths of an inch thick or thinner, any of the foregoing, whether uncovered or covered with cotton, silk, metal, or other material, valued at more than four cents per pound, forty-five per centum ad valorem: Provided, That articles manufactured from iron steel, brass, or copper wire, shall pay the rate of duty imposed upon the wire used in the manufacture of such articles, and in addition thereto one and one-fourth cents per pound, except that wire rope and wire strand shall pay the maximum rate of duty which would be imposed upon any wire used in the manufacture thereof, and in addition thereto one cent per pound; and on iron or steel wire coated with zinc, tin, or any other metal, two-tenths of one cent per pound in addition to the rate imposed on the wire from which it is made.


138. No allowance or reduction of duties for partial loss or damage in consequence of rust or of discoloration shall be made upon any descrip tion of iron or steel, or upon any article wholly or partly manufactured of iron or steel, or upon any manufacture of iron or steel.

139. All metal produced from iron or its ores, which is cast and mal leable, of whatever description or form, without regard to the percentage of carbon contained therein, whether produced by cementation, or con verted, cast, or made from iron or its ores, by the crucible, Bessemer, Clapp-Griffith, pneumatic, Thomas-Gilchrist, basic, Siemens-Martin, o open-hearth process, or by the equivalent of either, or by a combination of two or more of the processes, or their equivalents, or by any fusion or other process which produces from iron or its ores a metal either granular or fibrous in structure, which is cast and malleable, excepting what is known as malleable-iron castings, shall be classed and denomi nated as steel.

140. No article not specially provided for in this Act, which is wholly or partly manufactured from tin plate, terne plate, or the sheet, plate. hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel herein provided for, or of which such tin plate, terne plate, sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel shall be the material of chief value, shall pay a lower rate of duty than that imposed on the tin plate, terne plate, or sheet, plate, hoop. band, or scroll iron or steel from which it is made, or of which it shall be the component thereof of chief value.

141. On all iron or steel bars or rods of whatever shape or section which are cold rolled, cold drawn, cold hammered, or polished in any way in addition to the ordinary process of hot rolling or hammering, there shall be paid one-fourth of one cent per pound in addition to the rates provided in this Act on bars or rods of whatever section or shape which are hot rolled; and on all strips, plates, or sheets of iron or steel of whatever shape, other than the polished, planished, or glanced sheetiron or sheet-steel herein before provided for, which are cold rolled, cold hammered, blued, brightened, tempered, or polished by any process to such perfected surface finish or polish better than the grade of cold rolled, smoothed only, hereinbefore provided for, there shall be paid one cent per pound in addition to the rates provided in this Act upon plates, strips, or sheets of iron or steel of common or black finish; and on steel circular saw plates there shall be paid one-half of one cent per

pound in addition to the rate provided in this Act for steel saw plates


142. Anvils of iron or steel, or of iron and steel combined, by v ever process made, or in whatever stage of manufacture, one and s eighths cents per pound.

143. Axles, or parts thereof, axle bars, axle blanks, or forging axles, whether of iron or steel, without reference to the stage or of manufacture, valued at not more than six cents per pound, one per pound: Provided, That when iron or steel axles are imported f in wheels, or parts of wheels, of iron or steel, they shall be dutiab the same rate as the wheels in which they are fitted.

144. Blacksmiths' hammers and sledges, track tools, wedges, crowbars, whether of iron or steel, one and one-half cents per pou 145. Bolts, with or without threads or nuts, or bolt-blanks, and ished hinges or hinge-blanks, whether of iron or steel, one and one cents per pound.

146. Card-clothing manufactured from tempered steel wire, forty cents per square foot; all other, twenty cents per square foot.

147. Cast-iron pipe of every description, four-tenths of one cent pound.

148. Cast-iron vessels, plates, stove-plates, andirons, sad-irons, tai irons, hatters' irons, and castings of iron, not specially provided fo this Act, eight-tenths of one cent per pound.

149. Castings of malleable iron not specially provided for in this nine-tenths of one cent per pound.

150. Cast hollow-ware, coated, glazed, or tinned, two cents per po 151. Chain or chains of all kinds, made of iron or steel, not less t three-fourths of one inch in diameter, one and one-eighth cents pound; less than three-fourths of one inch and not less than th eighths of one inch in diameter, one and three-eighths cents per pou less than three-eighths of one inch in diameter and not less than f sixteenths of one inch in diameter, one and seven-eighths cents pound; less than five-sixteenths of one inch in diameter, three ce per pound; but no chain or chains of any description shall pay a lo rate of duty than forty-five per centum ad valorem.

152. Lap welded, butt welded, seamed, or jointed iron or steel bo tubes, pipes, flues, or stays, not thinner than number sixteen v gauge, two cents per pound; welded cylindrical furnaces, made fi plate metal, two and one-half cents per pound; all other iron or st tubes, finished, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty-five centum ad valorem.


153. Penknives or pocketknives, clasp knives, pruning knives, a budding knives of all kinds, or parts thereof, and erasers manicure knives, or parts thereof, wholly or partly manuf tured, valued at not more than forty cents per dozen, forty centum ad valorem; valued at more than forty cents per do and not exceeding fifty cents per dozen, one cent per piece a forty per centum ad valorem; valued at more than fifty ce per dozen and not exceeding one dollar and twenty-five ce per dozen, five cents per piece and forty per centum ad valore valued at more than one dollar and twenty-five cents per doz

ad valorem: Provided, That blades, handles, or other parts either or any of the foregoing articles, imported in any oth manner than assembled in finished knives or erasers, shall 1 subject to no less rate of duty than herein provided for per knives, pocketknives, clasp knives, pruning-knives, manicur knives, and erasers valued at more than fifty and not mo than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen. Razors and raz blades, finished or unfinished, valued at less than one dolla and fifty cents per dozen, fifty cents per dozen and fifteen p centum ad valorem; valued at one dollar and fifty cents pe dozen and less than three dollars per dozen, one dollar p dozen and fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at three do lars per dozen or more, one dollar and seventy-five cents p dozen and twenty per centum ad valorem. Scissors an shears, and blades for the same, finished or unfinished, value at not more than fifty cents per dozen, fifteen cents per doze and fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at more than fift cents and not more than one dollar and seventy-five cents pe dozen, fifty cents per dozen and fifteen per centum ad valoren valued at more than one dollar and seventy-five cents p dozen, seventy-five cents per dozen and twenty-five per centu ad valorem.

154. Swords, sword-blades, and side-arms, thirty-five per centum a valorem.

155. Table, butchers', carving, cooks', hunting, kitchen, bread, bu ter, vegetable, fruit, cheese, plumbers', painters', palett artists', and shoe knives, forks and steels, finished or unfi ished, with handles of mother-of-pearl, shell or ivory, sixtee cents each; with handles of deer horn, twelve cents each; wit handles of hard rubber, solid bone, celluloid or any pyroxylin material, five cents each; with handles of any other materia than those above mentioned, one and one-half cents each, an in addition, on all the above articles, fifteen per centum a valorem: Provided, That none of the above-named article shall pay a less rate of duty than forty-five per centum a valorem.

156. Files, file-blanks, rasps, and floats, of all cuts and kinds, two an one-half inches in length and under, thirty cents per dozen; over tw and one-half inches in length and not over four and one-half inche fifty cents per dozén; over four and one-half inches in length and unde seven inches, seventy-five cents per dozen; seven inches in length an over, one dollar per dozen.


157. Muskets, muzzle-loading shotguns, rifles, and parts thereo twenty-five per centum ad valorem.

158. Double-barreled, sporting, breech-loading shotguns, combinatio shotguns and rifles, valued at not more than five dollars, or dollar and fifty cents each and in addition thereto fifteen p centum ad valorem; valued at more than five dollars and no more than ten dollars, four dollars each and in addition theret fifteen per centum ad valorem each; valued at more than ten do lars, six dollars each; double barrels for sporting breech-loadin shotguns and rifles further advanced in manufacture than roug

factured, three dollars each; and in addition thereto such guns and rifles, valued at more than ten dollars each on such stocks and barrels, thirty-five per centum ad val on all other parts of such guns or rifles, and fittings for stocks or barrels, finished or unfinished, fifty per centu valorem: Provided, That all double-barrel sporting br loading shotguns and rifles imported without a lock or loc other fittings shall be subject to a duty of six dollars each thirty-five per centum ad valorem; single-barreled br loading shotguns, or parts thereof, except as otherwise cially provided for in this Act, one dollar each and thirty per centum ad valorem. Revolving pistols or parts the seventy-five cents each and twenty-five per centum ad valo 159. Sheets, plates, wares, or articles of iron, steel, or other m enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses, forty per centum ad valo NAILS, SPIKES, TACKS, AND NEEDLES:

160. Cut nails and cut spikes of iron or steel, six-tenths of one per pound.

161. Horseshoe nails, hob nails, and all other wrought iron or nails not specially provided for in this Act, two and one-fo cents per pound.

162. Wire nails made of wrought iron or steel, not less than one in length and not lighter than number sixteen wire gauge, half of one cent per pound; less than one inch in length lighter than number sixteen wire gauge, one cent per pou 163. Spikes, nuts, and washers, and horse, mule, or ox shoes. wrought iron or steel, one cent per pound.

164. Cut tacks, brads, or sprigs, not exceeding sixteen ounces to thousand, one and one-fourth cents per thousand; exceed sixteen ounces to the thousand, one and one-half cents pound.

165. Needles for knitting or sewing machines, including latch need one dollar per thousand and twenty-five per centum ad valore crochet needles and tape needles, knitting and all other need not specially provided for in this Act, and bodkins of met twenty-five per centum ad valorem.


166. Steel plates engraved, stereotype plates, electrotype plates, a plates of other materials, engraved or lithographed, for pri ing, twenty-five per centum ad valorem.

167. Rivets of iron or steel, two cents per pound.


168. Crosscut saws, six cents per linear foot; mill saws, ten cer per linear foot; pit, and drag saws, eight cents per linear foo circular saws, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; steel bar saws, finished or further advanced than tempered and polishe ten cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; han back, and all other saws, not specially provided for in this A thirty per centum ad valorem.

169. Screws, commonly called wood screws, made of iron or stee more than two inches in length, four cents per pound; over one in and not more than two inches in length, six cents per pound; ov

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