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29 Broadway acqua alcool altre altri altro articoli Banca Banca Commerciale Italiana Boston bottiglie Broadway Brooklyn Bros Camera di Commercio caso Cella cento Chimici colore comune contenenti contenere contenuto cotone dalla dazio designazione dichiararsi dichiarato dichiarazione disposizioni dogana dovrà dovranno esenti estratto exported fattura Fifth Ave Franklin St frazioni Fulton St gallone Genova Genova Italy giallo Giovanni Giuseppe gomma greggio importazione imported intendesi Italian Italy l'olio lavori legge libbre lire per quintal Luigi manufacture medicinali merce merchandise Merletti metallo Milano modo Napoli negli Stati Uniti nome oggetti ogni olio oltre ottenuto paese Palermo peso Piazza potrà preparati preparazione prezzo prodotti alimentari Products può quale quali qualità quantità quintal L ricevitore sarà saranno Scaramelli scatola scopo Segretario del Tesoro siano Società soltanto sostanza specificati spese Stati Uniti stato STREET NEW YORK sull'etichetta tale tali trasporto tutte Vaglia valore Vedi vendita Vitelli Washington St zucchero
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Sivu 70 - Books, maps, music, engravings, photographs, etchings, lithographic prints and charts, specially imported, not more than two copies in any one invoice, in good faith, for the use and by order of any society or institution...
Sivu 90 - ... That whenever imported merchandise is subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the value thereof, the duty shall be assessed...
Sivu 102 - That all persons are prohibited from importing Into the United States from any foreign country any obscene book, pamphlet, paper, writing, advertisement, circular, print, picture, drawing, or other representation, figure, or image on or of paper or other material, or any cast, instrument, or other article of an immoral nature, or any drug or medicine, or any article whatever for the prevention of conception or for causing unlawful abortion, or any lottery ticket, or any advertisement of any lottery.
Sivu 70 - ... any society or institution incorporated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use or by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States...
Sivu 106 - That the value of foreign coin as expressed in the money of account of the United States shall be that of the pure metal of such coin of standard value ; and the values of the standard coins in circulation of the various nations of the world shall be estimated annually by the Director of the Mint, and be proclaimed on the first day of January by the Secretary of the Treasury.
Sivu 70 - Professional books, implements, Instruments, and tools of trade, occupation, or employment, In the actual possession at the time of arrival, of persons emigrating to the United States ; but this exemption shall not be construed to include machinery or other articles Imported for use in any manufacturing establishment, or for any other person or persons, or for sale...
Sivu 74 - ... as used In this paragraph shall not be understood to Include any articles of utility, nor such as are made wholly or In part by stenciling or any other mechanical process; and the words "etchings.
Sivu 74 - ... as used in this paragraph shall be understood to include professional productions of sculptors only, whether in round or In relief, in bronze, marble, stone, terra cotta, ivory, wood, or metal...
Sivu 36 - When the seller quotes a price including transportation charges to the port of exportation without assuming responsibility for the goods after obtaining a clean bill of lading at point of origin, the proper term is: "FOB (named point) FREIGHT PREPAID TO (named point on the seaboard...
Sivu 82 - States any imported merchandise by means of any fraudulent or false invoice, affidavit, letter, paper, or by means of any false statement, written or verbal, or by means of any false or fraudulent practice or appliance...