Sivut kuvina


N.B. The figures between [ ] refer to the History.

ACCIDENTS: A man killed by a lion at
Astley's, 9; fatal explosion at Chat-
ham, 12; at Sheerness Dockyard, 16;
four men suffocated in a city sewer, 20;
English officer killed by a bear at
Berne, 34; fatal boat accidents at
Hollingworth Lake, on the Clyde, at
Jersey, on Lake Windermere, on the
Avon, 43; fatal accidents at the St.
Vincent's Rocks, 46; omnibus accident
at Dublin, six persons drowned, 49;
explosion of the Waltham powder-
mills, 63; to the Great Eastern steam-
ship, 92; boat accident at Scarbo-
rough, 10 persons drowned; and in
Plymouth Sound, 152; singular deaths
on the Grand Junction Canal, 172;
frightful accident at the Philadelphia
theatre, six ballet-girls burnt to death,
184; fall of an iron bridge at York,
five persons killed, 193; four persons
suffocated by a limekiln, 200; singular
accident at the Goathland station of
the North-Eastern line, 202; explosion
of a powder-mill at Ballincollig, 212;
fall of houses in the High-street of
Edinburgh, 32 persons crushed, 228;
fatal accidents from explosions of
"paraffin," 234.

Railway Accidents.-Many in Janu-
ary, 3; on the London and Dover line,
near Sittingbourne, 4; on the Shrews-
bury and Hereford line, 5; on the
North-Western line, near Primrose-hill
tunnel, 6; on the Manchester, Shef-
field, and Lincolnshire line, 11; on
the South-Western line, near Epsom
junction, death of Dr. Baly, 13; fall-
ing in of railway tunnels, 30; wilful
railway disaster on the North-Eastern
railway, 62; on the Glasgow and South
Western line, 65; fall of a railway
bridge near Wootton, 78; on the North
Staffordshire line, 80; explosion of a
mail-train engine, on the North
Staffordshire line, near Tutbury junc-
tion, 80; on the Trent Valley line,
113; terrible disaster on the London
and Brighton line, 23 persons killed,
176 injured, 160; on the Hampstead


Junction railway, 16 persons killed,
320 injured, 180; shocking occurrence
at the Portswood station, South-Wes-
tern railway, 237.

Railways.-Large compensations for
deaths and injuries under Lord Camp-
bell's Act, to the amount of 300,000l.,

Return of Railway Accidents during
the year 1861, 270.

Boiler Explosions :- Fatal accident
from a farm-boiler at Langton; at
Rough Hills colliery, 7; at a paper-
mill at Manchester, 7; in the Dover-
road, 152; at oil-cake mills in Rother-
hithe, 10 persons killed, 173.

Colliery Accidents :-Explosion of a
boiler at Rough Hills colliery, 17;
at Coppice Pit colliery, seven lives lost,
19; at Wyrley colliery, 19; inunda-
tion of the Clay Cross colliery, 21
persons drowned, 78; fire in a coal-pit
near Hamilton, 12 lives lost, 144;
explosion at Wigan, 10 lives lost,

ACTS, LIST OF, 24 & 25 Vict.-i. Public
General Acts, 321; ii. Local and Per-
sonal Acts, 325; iii. Private Acts,
printed, 337.

ART, BOOKS, and PICTURES:-Sale of Mr.
Uzielli's collection of gems, &c., 58;
of the Scarisbrick collection of pictures
and articles of vertù, 61; sale of pic-
tures by Old Masters, 71; sale of pic-
tures by English Masters, Mr. Gam-
bart's collection, Sir John Swinburne's,
104; sales of modern French Pictures,
104; sales of works of Art and vertù,
105; Mr. Fish's diamonds, Captain
Spencer Rickett's snuff-boxes, Prince
Soltikoff's collections, 105; sale of
Archbishop Tenison's Library, 110.
dinance creating a new Reichsrath,
[192]; new Council of State, [194];.
promulgation of provincial statutes,
[195]; circular with respect to Hun-
gary, [195]; opening of the Reichsrath
and speech of the Emperor, [195];


address of the Upper House, [198];
speeches of M. Deak, [198], and Count
Andrassy in the Hungarian Diet,
[201]; address of the Diet rejected
by the Emperor; second address
and imperial rescript, [202]; ex-
citement in the Hungarian Diet,
[203]; address in answer drawn
up by M. Deak, [204]; Baron Vay re-
signs the Chancellorship of Hungary,
[206]; dissolution of the Diet by the
Emperor; resolution of the Hungarians
not to pay taxes; Hungary placed
under a Military Dictatorship, [206].
BIRTHS, 1861, 368.

England and Wales, in the year, 357;
and in 10 years, 1852-1861, 357.
Scotland, in the year, 357.

The Census, England, Scotland, and
Ireland, 367.

BOILER EXPLOSIONS : Fatal accident
from a farm-boiler at Langton, 6; at
Rough Hills colliery, 7; at a paper-
mill at Manchester, 7; in the Dover-
road, 152; at oil-cake mills in Rother-
hithe, 10 persons killed, 173.
BUTCHERS' MEAT, Average Prices of,
during the year, 356.

CENSUS The Census of 1861 taken on
the night of the 8-9th of April, 50;
Tables of the population of Great
Britain and Ireland, and the Channel
Islands (uncorrected), 367.

Census of the population of France,
55; of the United States of America,
[223], 55.


COLLIERY ACCIDENTS: - Explosion of a
boiler at Rough Hills colliery, 17; at
Coppice Pit colliery, seven lives lost, 19;
at Wyrley colliery, 19; inundation of
the Clay Cross colliery, 21 persons
drowned, 78; fire in a coal-pit near
Hamilton, 12 lives lost, 144; explosion
at Wigram, 10 lives lost, 219.
BUTCHERS' MEAT, Average Prices of,
during the year, 356.
DEATHS, 1861. Abbott, mr. T. 395
Abinger, lord, 395; Adams, dr. 895;
Adams, mr. T. H. 396; Agar, hon.
mrs. 396; Alexander, mr. B. 396;
Alexander, mr. R. 396; Alleyne, mr.
B. 396; Allix, mrs. M. E. 396; Alport,
mrs. M. A. 396; Anderson, sir J. C.
396; Anderson, It.-col. 396; Annesley,
hon. mrs. 396; Annesley, hon. C. A.
J. G. 896; Antrobus, mr. G. C. 396;


Aplin, vice-adm. 396; Arbuthnot, lady,
396; Armstrong, gen. 396; Armytage,
mr. J. 397; Armytage, col. 397; Ash,
mr. T. H. 397; Ashburnham, hon.
mrs. 397; Ashley, lady M. 397;
Atchison, capt. 397; Atkinson, mr.
T. W. 397; Attwood, mr. A. 397;
Aubrey, mr. W. H. W. 397; Auldjo,
mrs. 397; Austin, mr. H. 397.

Back, lady, 398; Bagshaw, mr. J.
398; Baillie, mrs. A. 398; Baker,
capt. 398; Baker, miss, A. E. 398;
Baker, lady, 398; Baly, dr. 398;
Bandinel, rev. dr. 398; Barclay, mr.
D. 399; Barker, col. sir G. R. 399;
Barnes, mr. G. C. 399; Barras, mr.
J. 399; Barrington, sir M. 399;
Bartley, major, 400; Basevi, mr. J. 400;
Bateman, mr. T. 400; Bathurst, miss
C. 400; Bayley, rev. K. C. 400:
Bayntun, major, 400; Beauclerk, lord
C. 400; Bedford, duke of, 400; Bell,
mr. R. 402; Bell, mr. T. 402; Bel-
more, ctss. of, 402; Bence, col. 402;
Bentham, mrs. 402; Bernard, hon. C.
L. 402; Berwick, lord, 402; Bird,
lt.-col. 402; Bishop, mr. G. 402;
Bishop, comm.-gen. 403; Blackwood,
maj. 403; Blagden, mr. R. 403;
Blaikie, sir T. 403; Blake, mr. M. J.
403; Bland, mr. J. 403; Bodmer, mr.
403; Blakemore-Booker, mr. R. 403;
Blosse, mrs. L. E. 403; Boileau, mr.
J. E. 403; Bolton, col. 403; Bond, It.
403; Boothby, hon. mrs. Brooke, 403;
Borradaile, col. 403; Bosanquet, mr.
H. 403; Bosquet, gen. 403; Boteler,
capt. 405; Bourke, lady G. S. 405;
Bowater, gen. sir E. 405; Boyd, capt.
405; Braidwood, mr. J. 405; Brant,
mr. J. 406; Braybrooke, lord, 406;
Breadalbane, mar. of, 406; Brett,
maj.-gen. 407; Bridges, sir H.
407; Briggs, rev. dr. 407; Brisbane,
miss, 407; Brocas, mr. B. 407; Brod-
hurst, mrs. E. 407; Brodie, lady, 407;
Brodrick, hon. and rev. G. 407;
Brontè, rev. P. 407; Brotherton, mrs.
M. 407; Browne, lady, 407; Browne,
col. 407; Browne, miss A. W. 407;
Browning, mrs. Barrett, 407; Brown-
ing, mrs. E. A. 408; Bruce, lady, 408;
Bruce, hon. mrs. 408; Buckingham,
duke of, 408; Bulkeley, capt. 410;
Burford, mr. R. 410; Burne, mr. T.
H. 410; Burnett, sir W. 410; Burrow,
archd. 410; Burrow, rev. T. 410;
Bury, lady Charlotte, 410; Butler, lady
M. 411; Butler, miss H. 411; Butler,
sir T. 411; Butler, major E. 411;

Deaths continued.

Butterfield, hon. T. 411; Byron, mrs.
S. 411; Byron, hon. F. 411.


Callcott, miss S. H. 411; Callcott,
miss A. 411; Cameron, miss A.
C. 411;
M. 411; Cameron,
Campbell, lady, 411;
colonel, 411; Campbell, major, 411;
Campbell, lord, 411; Canning, coun-
tess, 415; Cardwell, rev. dr. 415;
Carew, lady, 416; Carey, mrs. M.
416; Carmichael, lady, 416; Car-
penter, mrs. 416; Carpenter, lieut-
col. 416; Carthew, mr. G. 416; Cass,
mr. F. 417; Castleman, mr. E. 417;
Cathcart, hon. mrs. 417; Cathcart,
mrs. H. J. 417; Caussidière, M. 417;
Cave, mr. D. 417; Cavour, count,
417; Chads, lady, 422; Chadwick,
col. 422; Chamberlayne, capt. 422;
Chappell, rear-admiral, 422; Chet-
wynd, lady, 422; China, emperor of,
H. G. 422;
422; Christian, mr.
Clarke, mr. W. 422; Clark, miss M.
O. 422; Cleaveland, lieut. -col. 422;
Clerke, lieut. -col. sir W. H. 422;
Cleveland, duchess, dow. 422; Clut-
terbuck, mr. E. L. 422; Coats, major,
422; Cochran, mrs. 422; Cobby,
major, 423; Coffin, mrs. M. 423;
Coleridge, mr. Herbert, 423; Colyer,
eol. 423; Colvin, mr. A. J. 423;
Corner, mr. A. B. 423; Congleton,
dow. lady, 423; Connolly, capt. 423;
Conyngham, dow. marchioness, 423;
Cooke, comm. 423; Copleston, miss F.
423; Cotton, mr. H. L. 424; Coult-
hurst, mr. J. N. 424; Couper, col. sir
G. 424; Court, mr. S. 424; Crawford,
mr. W. Sharman, 424; de Crespigny,
mrs. H. 424; Cresswell, mr. F. 424;
Cripps, rev. H. 424; Cross, mr. W. S.
424; Cross, mr. J. 424; Crowe, mr.
F. H. 424; Cubitt, sir W. 424; Cu-
ninghame, major-gen. 425; Cunning-
ham, rev. J. W. 425; Cunningham,
dr. W. 425; Currer, miss M. F. R.
425; Currie, dri 426; Curtis, mr. H.
C. 426; Cusack, surgeon, 426; Cust,
hon. and rev. II. C. 426; Czartoryski,
prince A. 426.

Dally, lieut.-col. 427; Daly, lieut. -
gen. 427; Danby, mr. F. 427; Dash-
wood, sir G. 428; Davis, mrs. C.
428; Davison, hon. mrs. 48; Daw-
son, col. 428; Dawson, dr. 428;
Dawson, major, 428; Dealtry, dr.
(bishop of Madras), 428; De Lancey,
lieut. col. 429; Denham, rev. J. F.
429; Denne, mr. D. 429; Dennis,
rev. J. B. P. 429; Derinzy, major-


gen. 429; Desborough, mrs. A. C.
429; Devereux, capt. 429; D'Eyn-
court, right hon. C. T. 429; Dickinson,
major-gen. 430; Dickinson, mrs. C.
430; Diggle, mirs. F. 430; Dodsworth,
rev. W. 430; Donaldson, dr. 430;
Dorchester, lady, 431; Douglas, lady,
431; Douglas, gen. sir H. 431; Doug-
las, miss E. 432; Douglas, mrs. E.
432; Drake, lieut.-col. 432; Draw-
bridge, mrs. A. 432; Duff, mrs. F.
432; Duncombe, T. S. 432; Dundas,
vice adm. sir R. S. 432; Dundas, miss
M. 433; Durham, bishop of (dr.
Villiers), 433; Durrant, sir H. 434;
Dyson, gen. 434.

Edwards, miss F. 434; Egerton, mr.
F. T. 434; Eglinton, earl of, 434;
Eliot, rev. E. 435; Elliot, mrs. F.
435; Elliott, lady, 435; Ellis, mr. T.
F. 435; Ellison, mr. N. 435; Elphin-
stone, lord, 435; Erskine, rev. C. T.
435; Erskine, mrs. M. 435; Evans,
lady, 435; Evans, capt. 435; Exeter,
dean of, 465; Eyre, miss H. 465.

Fagan, It.-col. 436; Fair, gen. A.
436; Fairbairn, sir P. 436; Fardell,
mrs. E. 436; Farnaby, lady, 436;
Farren, mr. W. 436; Fenwick, mr.
Fergusson, It.-gen. 436;
J. 436;
Fielder, mr. T. E. 466; Filder, mr.
W. 436; Finch, gen. hon. J. 437;
Finden, It..col. 437; Firminger, dr.
437; Fish, mr. T. L. 437; FitzCla-
rence, hon. A. 437; Fitzgerald de
Ros, rear-adm. 437; FitzRoy, lady,
W. 437; Fleming, lady, 437; Foley,
J. H. H. 437; Foley, miss E. 437;
Follett, lieut. 437; Foord-Bowes, rev.
dr. 437; Foote, mr..T. 437; Forbes,
sir J. 437; Ford, capt. 438; Forester,
maj. 438; Forrester, baron de, 438;
Formby, miss E. 439; Forster, archd.
439; Fortescue, earl, 439; Forth, visct.
439; Foster, miss, 440; Francis, mr. J.
440; Franklyn, maj.-gen. 440; Fraser,
J. 440; Fraser, capt. 440;
Freeling, mr. G. H. 440; Freeman,
maj. 440; Fryer, Mr. T. S. 440;
Fullerton, mr. G. F. 440; Fyfe, dr.


Gairdner, maj.-gen. 440; Gardner,
hon. E. 440; Garvey, rev. R. G.
441; Gib-
440; Gaunt, mr. J.
bons, mr. B. 441; Gibsone, maj.-
gen. 441; Gill, mr. T. 441; Glegg,
It.-col. 441; Gloster, col. 441; God-
frey, mr. J. 441; Godley, mr. J. R.
441; Goldsmid, maj.-gen. 441; Gooch,
mrs. M. C. 441; Gordon, miss S. C.
PP 2


441; Gordon, gen. 441; Gordon, lt.-
col. sir W. 441; Gore, mrs. C. F. 442 ;
Gower, miss M. L. 442; Graham, miss
C. 442; Graham, sir J. G. R. 442;
Grahame, maj. 446; Grainger, mr. R.
447; Grant, lieut. 447; Grant, mr. J.
447; Grant, capt. 447; Greene, rt. hon.
R. W. 447; Greenhall, mrs. M. 447;
Greenwood, It.-col. 448; Gregory, miss
A. 448; Grenfell, mr. C. W. 448;
Grey, dow. -ctss. 448; Griffith, rev. J.
448; Guildford, earl of, 448; Guil-
ford, earl of, 476; Guise, rev. G.
448; Gutch, mr. T. M. 448; Gwynne,
hon. mrs. 448; Gwynne, col. 448.

Haddington, cntss. of, 448; Hall,
sir J. 448; Hall, rev. W. J. 448;
Hallet, comm. 448; Hambrough, mr.
A. J. 448; Hamilton, mr. J. 448;
Hamilton, lieut. -col. 448; Hammack,
mr. J. G. 448; Henslow, rev. prof.
449; Harcourt, mr. Vernon, 449; Ha-
rington, capt. 449; Harrison, maj.-gen.
449; Hart, rev. W. H. 449; Hartley,
miss, 450; Havelock, miss H. 450;
Hawkins, lieut.-col. 450; Hawkins, sir
J. C. 450; Hay, sir J. D. 450; Hay,
mr. R. W. 450; Hay, lady James, 450;
Hay, mr. W. L. 450; Hayes, miss C.
450; Heathcoat, mr. J. 450; Heigham,
maj. 451; Hely, maj.-gen. 451; Hen-
derson, rev. T. H. 451; Henderson,
mr. G. 451; Henry, lieut. -col. 451;
Herbert, vice-adm. sir T. 451; Herbert,
lord, 451; Herbert, rev. R. 456;
Hervey, capt. Felton, 456; Hesketh,
mr. L. H. B. 456; Hesse, Philipsthal,
Prince F. A. of, 456; Hewett, capt.
456; Hicks, mr. E. 456; Hicks, lieut.-
col. 456; Higgins, mr. G. 456; Hoggan,
gen. 456; Hoghton, Sir H. B. 456;
Hoskins, capt. 456; Hoskins, prof. 457;
Houston, mr. C. W. B. 457; Hue, dr.
Clement, 457; Hulme, Mr. W. 457;
Hulse, mr. J. B. 457; Humphry, mr.
J. 457; Hunter, mr. J. 457; Hurt, mr.
F. 458; Hutton, maj.-gen. 458.

Ibbetson, sir C. 458; Ibbetson, adm.
458; Inglis, mr. C. 458; Irvine, mr.
A. F. 458.

Jackson, sir G. 458; James, mr. D.
G. 455; James, mr. W. 459; Jamie-
son, mr. R. 459; Jervis, lady, 459;
Jodrell, sir R. P. 459; Johnston, mrs.
L. 459; Johnston, lieut. -col. 459;
Joliffe, rev. P. W. 459.

Karslake, rev. W. 459; Kent, H.R. H.
dchss. of, 459; Kemp, gen. 461; Kerr,
lady R. 461; Killaloe, bp. of (Lord
Riversdale) 487; Kingscote, col. 461;


Kinloch, lady, 461; Kirkland, mr. A.
M. 461; Kneller, hon. mrs. 461;
Knollys, lieut. -col. 461; Knox, lady
F. 461.

Lacordaire, Father, 461; Laird, mr.
Macgregor, 462; Lambert, lady, 462;
Larpent, sir A. J. de H. 462; Laugh-
ton, col. 462; Laurie, sir Peter, 462;
Lauzun, capt. 463; Lavie, mr. A.
463; Lawson, lady, 463; Layard,
rev. B. V. 463; Leary, mr. F. 463;
Le Bas, rev. C. W. 463; Leake, lady,
463; Lefroy, mr. C. E. 463; Le Geyt,
adm. 463; Legge, rev. dr. 463;
Legge, hon. A. K. H. 463; Leigh, mr.
C. Hanbury, 463; Leith, capt. 463;
Leslie, lieut.-gen. 463; L'Estrange,
mrs. S. 463; Lethbridge, mr. J. K.
463; Lewis, mr. W. D. 463; Lilford,
lord, 463; Lloyd, rev. W. 464; Locke,
mr. J. B. 464; Lockhart, mr. A.
Macdonald, 464; Lockyer, mrs. E. A.
E. 464; Loftus, lieut.-col. 464; Long,
mr. C. E. 464; Longfellow, mrs. H. ·
F. 464; Lovel, lieut.-gen. sir L. B.
464; Louis, lady, 465; Lowe, dr.
(dean of Exeter), 465; Lund, mr. J.
G. 465; Luxembourg, duke de, 465;
Lyon, mrs. V. 465.

MacAdam, mr. J. 465; MacAdam,
mr. W. 466; Macaulay, mr. T. 466;
Macdonald, hon. A. 466; Macdonell,
capt. J. 466; Mackenzie, mr. W. L.
466; Mackintosh, The, 467; Mack-
worth, Miss F. J. 467; Maclaine, gen.
sir A. 467; Maclean, comm. -gen. sir
G. 467; MacLeod, mrs. A. 467; Mac-
lear, lady, 467; McMahon, mr. W. J.
467; McMahon, mr. J. 467; Mac-
naghten, mr. E. C. 467; Maddox, mr.
J. M. 468; Madras, bishop of (dr.
Dealtry), 428; Mainwaring, miss D.
468; Maitland, mr. S. C. 468; Mait-
land, miss M. Turner, 496; Malcom-
son, mr. J. 468; Mandeville, mr. J.
H. 468; Marsham, mrs. M. S. 469;
Martin, mr. R. F. 469; Martin, capt.
469; Massie, mrs. M. 469; Maude,
mr. A. G. 469; Maude, dr. (Dean of
Clogher), 468; Maudslay, mr. J. 468;
Maurice, capt. 468; Meadowbank, lord,
467; Melvill, sir J. C. 469; Mercer,
major-gen. 469; Meyrick, mrs. M.
469; Middleton, hon. mrs. 470; Mil-
ler, sir W. 470; Miller, mr. W. 470;
Milne, mr. A. 470; Mitford, lieut.-
col. 470; Monck, lady Mary, 470;
Monckton, hon. and rev. 470; Monins,
major-gen. 470; Monson, rev. J. T.
470; Monteith, mr. A. E. 470; Mon-


temolin, count, 470; Montemolin,
countess, 470; Montes, Lola, 470;
De Montleart, princess, 471; Montres-
sor, lady, 471; Moore, gen. 468;
Moore, mr. J. A. 471; Moorsom, vice-
adm. 471; More, prof. 471; Morgan,
col. E. 471; Morgan, rev, H. H. 471;
Morrish, capt. S. 471; Mostyn, hon.
T. E. Lloyd, 472; de la Motte, gen.
472; Moubray, major, 472; Mount
Edgecumbe, earl of, 472; Mowbray,
mrs. C. E. 473; Mundy, adm. sir G.
473; Munro, mr. W. 473; Muntz, mrs.
C. 473; Murray, J. C. 473; Murray,
lady, 473; Murray, sir W. K. 473;
G. 473; Musgrave,
Musgrave, mr.
dowager lady, 473; Muttlebury, mrs.
C. 473; Mylius, col. 474; Mynn, mr.
A. 474; Mytton, mrs. C. 474.

Nasmyth, maj. 474; Neave, mr. K.
474; Neckar, prof. 474; Nepean, mrs.
E. 474; Nesham, mrs. E. 474; New-
burgh, dow. -ctss. 475; Newlands, rev.
J. 475; Niccolini, G. B.475; Nickle,
miss J. 476; Nicolson, lady, 476;
Noble, dr. 476; North, It.-col. H. 476.

Oastler, mr. R. 476; O'Byrne,
mr. R. 477; O'Donovan, dr. J. 477;
Ogilvie, sir W. 478; Ogilvy, lady J.
478; Ogle, sir C. 478; Oliphant,
mrs. J. 478; Oliphant, mr. G. H.
Hewitt, 478; Oliver, dr. 478; On-
slow, hon. col. E. 479; Onslow, hon.
col. T. 479; Onslow, miss E. 479;
Osborne, lord S. G. 479; Ottley, rev.
L. C. 479;
L. 479; Otway, mr.
Owen, sir J. 479.

Pain, mr. T. 479; Pakenham, lt.
479; Palgrave, sir F. 480; Palmer,
mr. J. J. 480; Palmer, lt. 480; Pal-
mer, rev. R. T. 480; Parke, mr. J.
480; Parker, mr. H. 480; Parry, mr.
W. E. 480; Parsons, rear-adm. 480;
Pasley, gen. sir C. 480; Patrick, mr.
W. 481; Paul, mr. W. M. 481; Pea-
cock, mr. E. S. 481; Peel, lady Jane,
481; Peel, mr. E. Y. 481; Peel, mrs.
A. 481; Peel, mr. W. 481; Peers,
capt. 481; Pelham, hon. adm. 481;
Pellew, adm. sir F. 481; Pennefather,
mrs. S. 482; Pennefather, mr. D. F.
Penrhyn, mr. E. 482; Petre,
dow. lady, 482; Pickersgill, mr. H. H.
482; Pilkington, mr. T. 482; Play-
fair, sir H. L. 482; Ponsonby, lord,
482; Poore, Arch. 482; Porteous, mr.
J. 483; Porter, surgeon, 483; Por-
tugal, prince of, Don Fernando, 483;
Portugal, king of, 483; Portugal, prince
John, 484; Power, miss M. E. 485;


Powys, miss A. G. 485; Price, mr. R.
485; Prideaux, mrs. 485; Pringle,
maj.-gen. 485; Pritchard, mr. G. 485;
Proctor, adm. sir W. 485; Prussia,
king of, 483; Pugh, mr. D. 485; Pur-
nell, mr. J. 485; Purves, miss M. 485;
Pye, mrs. 485; Pym, sir W. 485.

Quekett, prof. 585; De Quincey, mr.
F. J. 486.

Radford, rear-admiral, 486; Reay,
rev. S. 486; Remmington, colonel, 486;
Repington, general, 486; Reynolds,
adm. sir B. 486; Reeves, lieut. 487;.
de Revel, countess, 487; Richards, sir
W. 487; Richardson, mr. W. 487;
Richardson, mr. H. 487; Richardson,
mr. W. S. 487; Riddell, sir J. M. 487;
Riddell, gen. 487; Riversdale, lord
bishop of Killaloe, 487; Robertson,
mr. T. H. 487; Robertson, adm. 487;
Robinson, rev. C. T. 487; Robinson,
capt. 488; Roden, countess of, 488;
Rogers, mrs. G. 488; Roper, mr. C.
488; Rose, lady, 488; Rose, mrs. E.
488; Rose, Cheri, 488; Ross, mr. G.
488; Rous, mrs. C. G. 488; Rowan,
archd. 488; Rowe, mr. G. R. 488;
Russell, lieut.-col. 488; Russell, mr. J.

St. Clair, capt. 488; St. Hilaire,
M. Isidore, 489; St. John, capt. 489;
St. Leonards, lady, 489; Salamos,
ctss. 489; Saldanha, duke of, 489;
Salmon, mrs. M. A. 489; Sanderson,
chief justice, 489; Sandford, mr. E.
D. 489; Saunderson, lady M. 489;
Schoedde, lt.-gen. sir J. 489; Scott,
adm. 489; Scovell, gen. sir G. 489;
Scribe, Eugene, 489; Seale, capt. 491;
Shakspear, col. sir R. 491; Sharp,
mr. W. 491; Shearman, mr. W. 491;
Shee, mrs. M. 491; Shiffner, lady,
491; Shirreff, maj. gen. 491; Sib-
thorp, maj. 491; Simpson, mr. J. 492;
Simpson, mrs. M. 492; Sinclair, hon.
J. 491; Sitwell, maj. 492; Smart,
mrs. C. A. 492; Smith, dr. South-
wood, 499; Smith, lady A. 492;
Smith, Mr. J. 492; Smith, col. 492;
Smith, mr. W. M. 492; Smyth, maj.
492; Smythe, miss, 492; Sotherby, mr.
S. L. 492; Southey, maj. 492; Spiller,
col. 492; Stanley, mrs. 492; Stanley,
adm. 492; Staudigl, J. 493; Stevens,
col. 493; Stevenson, lady, 493;
Steward, lieut. 493; Stewart, mr. D.
493; Stewart, adm. 493; Sterling,
capt. sir S. H. 493; Strange, capt. T.
G. 493; Strickland, miss C. 493;
Sultan, Abdul Medjid Khan, 493;

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