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gard to the French navy, [88]; Mr.
Bright condemns the excessive amount
of the Estimates; is answered by
Lord Palmerston, [84]; motion of Adm.
Duncombe for a Select Committee to
inquire into the Board of Admiralty,
which Lord C. Paget consents to on the
part of the Admiralty, [85]; motion of
Sir J. Elphinstone for Select Committee
on naval retirement carried against the
Government, [86]; debates on the rela-
tive value of iron and wooden ships:
Mr. Lindsay's Resolution to defer
building wooden line-of-battle ships,
Lord C. Paget's explanation-motion
withdrawn, [87]; Sir J. Pakington
makes a statement, on the authority of
Adm. Elliot, as to the French iron-
cased fleet, which is denied by Mr.
Lindsay, Lord C. Paget, and Lord
Palmerston, [89]; Earl of Carnarvon
calls attention to the subject in the
House of Lords; interesting statement
of the Duke of Somerset, [91]; Earl
Grey expresses his satisfaction at the
statement, [93]; Supplemental Esti-
mates of 2,500,000l. for constructing
iron-cased ships; Mr. Lindsay asks if
some arrangement cannot be come to
with foreign Powers on the subject of
armaments; Lord Palmerston states
the difficulties of such a proceeding,

Army Estimates:-Mr. Baring
introduces the Army Estimates, de-
scribes the progress in Armstrong
guns, and the improved condition and
organization of the army, [94]; com-
plaints of the largeness of the Esti-
mates, which are defended by Lord
Palmerston on the ground of necessity,
[25]; M. B. Osborne denounces the
expense of Aldershott camp; Colonel
Dixon proposes a review of the Esti-
mates, [96]; discussion on the Vote for
the Volunteer force; Lord Elcho makes
an interesting statement, and urges
larger assistance from the Government;
Mr. Baring gives great praise to the
force, but deprecates money payments
to volunteers, [97]; Mr. H. Berkeley
criticizes the Yeomanry Cavalry-the
Votes are passed, [98].

Foreign Affairs;- The events in
Italy are frequent subjects of discus-
sion in Parliament. In the Lords the
Marquess of Normanby censures the
conduct of Victor Emmanuel, and
attacks the policy of Lord J. Russell;
is answered by Lord Wodehouse; re-
marks of Earl of Malmesbury and Lord


Llanover, [100]; the subject brought
before the House of Commons by Mr.
Pope Hennessy, [101]; answered by Mr.
Layard, speeches of Sir G. Bowyer, Mr.
E. James, Sir R. Peel, the Chancellor
of the Exchequer, [103]; Mr. Maguire,
Mr. Roebuck, Mr. Monsell, Lord J.
Russell, [105]; Mr. M. Milnes, [106];
Earl of Ellenborough's motion on the
situation of the Papal Government;
Lord Wodehouse repeats the deterini-
nation of the Government not to in-
terfere; Earls of Clarendon and Derby
express their approval, [108]; the
death of Count Cavour excites a great
emotion in this country; made sub-
ject of expressions of regret in both
Houses, [108]; rumoured cession of
the Island of Sardinia to France;
motion of Mr. Kinglake; speeches of
Lord J. Russell, Sir G. Bowyer, the
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr.
Layard; motion negatived, [110];
disruption of the United States of
America: the subject frequently in-
troduced; Ministers deprecate any ex-
pression of opinion; and Lord J. Russell
and Lord Wodehouse declare it to be
their intention not to intrude their advice
or counsel, [113]; answers of Lord J.
Russell on the subject of privateering,
the blockade of the Southern ports,
&c., [114]; Her Majesty's proclama-
tion of neutrality, [116]; in accord-
ance with the general feeling, no de-
bates on the subject took place during
the Session. Sir J. Ferguson calls
attention to the despatch of reinforce-
ments to Canada; Lord Palmerston
warmly vindicates its policy, [118].
China Earl Grey brings forward the
subject of our policy towards China
and the recent treaty; speech of Lord
Wodehouse in answer, and of Lord
Ellenborough, [119]. Syria: Lord
Stratford de Redcliffe calls attention to
the occupation of Syria by French
troops under the Convention; an-
swered by Lord Wodehouse, [121];
Sir J. Ferguson brings the subject be-
fore the House of Commons; state-
ment of Lord J. Russell in reply, [122].
Turkey: Lord Stratford de Redcliffe
brings the state of the Turkish empire
under notice; speeches of Lord Wode-
house and Lord Hardwicke, [123].
Poland Earl of Harrowby's motion
respecting Poland; speeches of Lord
Wodehouse, the Earl of Ellenborough,
and other Peers, [124]. The Ionian



Islands: Mr. Maguire raises a discus-
sion in reference to these islands, and
Mr. Gladstone's motion in 1858, [125];
answer of the Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer; speeches of Mr. Layard,
Mr. Whiteside, Mr. M. Milnes, Lord
Palmerston, [127].

East Indian Finance and Legisla
tion;-Changes in the political and
financial arrangements of India; Mr.
James Wilson sent to India as Finan-
cial Minister; his untimely death; is
succeeded by Mr. Laing; the measures
adopted; loans to supply the deficit,
[129]; Sir Charles Wood's statement
respecting the financial position of In-
dia, [130]; further statement on pro-
posing a loan of 4,000,000l.; observa-
tions of Mr. Bazley, Lord Stanley, Mr.
Vansittart, Mr. Crawford, [131]; ses-
sional statement of Sir C. Wood on
the finances of India, [132]; proposes
a loan of 5,000,000l., [134]; admini-
strative changes; the Legislative Coun-
cil Bill, Court of Judicature Bill, Civil
Service Bill; statement of Sir C. Wood
in explanation of these measures, [134];
the Council Bill much discussed in
House of Commons; amendment of Mr.
Layard for the admission of natives,
[138]; term of office of non-official
members; views of Lord Stanley and
Sir C. Wood, [139]; discussion on the
bill in the Lords; views of Earl of
Ellenborough, Duke of Argyll, Lord
Lyveden; bill passed, [140]; observa-
tions of Earl of Ellenborough on the
Court of Judicature Bill, [141]; of Lord
Kingsdown, Earl de Grey, the Lord
Chancellor, [142]; the Civil Service
Bill vigorously opposed; Mr. Vansittart
advocates the covenanted service, [142];
views of Mr. Liddell, Mr. Layard,
Lord Stanley, Sir C. Wood, [143];
discussion on committal; amendments
proposed and negatived; bill passed
by the Commons, [144]; in the Lords,
the Earl of Ellenborough is unfavour-
able to the bill, which is passed, [144];
interesting debates in the Lords on
Indian subjects; the cotton supply,
[145]; on public works, introduced by
the Earl of Shaftesbury, [146].

Law Reform;- The Attorney-Gene-
ral introduces his Bankruptcy Bill-
proposing to amalgamate the law of
bankruptcy and insolvency; his com-
prehensive speech, [19]; progress of
the measure through the House of
Commons; it is the subject of repeated

[ocr errors]


discussions, and undergoes great altera-
tions in Committee, [149]; introduced
in the House of Lords by the Lord
Chancellor, is opposed by Lord Chelms-
ford and referred to a Select Committee,
[150]; is greatly altered by the Select
Committee in a sense opposed to the
views of the promoters; and again in
a Committee of the whole House; pro-
vision for a Chief Judge struck out;
Lord Chelmsford proposes a clause pre-
venting retrospective action; which is
carried on division, [151]; these altera-
tions are distasteful to the Commons;
the Lords refuse to yield; the Govern-
ment make concessions, and the bill
becomes law, [152]. Seven bills for the
Consolidation of the Criminal Law
introduced and passed, [155]. Mar-
riage with a deceased Wife's Sister-
bill introduced by Mr. M. Milnes, [155];
debate on second reading, Mr. Hunt,
Mr. K. Seymer, Mr. Denman, Mr.
Whiteside; on division, second read-
ing negatived, [157]. Wills of Bri-
tish Subjects Abroad, [157]. Bill to
establish Post-Office Savings Banks,
[157]. Education-Subject much dis-
cussed this Session; report of the
Commissioners; Earl of Shaftesbury
moves for the evidence relating to Rag-
ged Schools, [158]; Report vindicated
by Duke of Newcastle, [159]; discus-
sion in the Commons raised by Sir J.
Pakington, [160]; speeches of Mr.
Henly and Mr. Lowe, [161]; National
Education (Ireland), [161]; revision
of the Liturgy; motion of Lord Ebury,
[163]; the Parliament prorogued by
commission on August 6; speech of
the Lords Commissioners, [163]; the
Session productive of many useful mea-
sures; general satisfactory aspect of
public affairs, [165].

POETRY, 560.

PUBLIC DOCUMENTS:-Treaties. — Treaty
between Her Majesty and the Grand
Duke of Hesse for the marriage of
H.R.H. the Princess Alice with Prince
Frederick of Hesse, 271; Treaty of
Commerce and Navigation with Turkey,
276; Convention with the Queen of
Spain and the Emperor of the French
relative to combined operations against
. Mexico, 283; Convention with the
Emperor of Morocco relative to a loan
to be raised in London, 285.
QUEEN, THE:-Her Majesty's visit to Ire-

Queen, The-continued.

land, 153; autumnal residence of the
Court in Scotland, 170.

Death of His Royal Highness the
Prince Consort, 247; his funeral, 261.
RACING MEETINGS -Epsom Races, 64;
Ascot, 77; Goodwood, 136; Doncaster
races, 174;

on the London and Dover line, near
Sittingbourne, 4; on the Shrewsbury
and Hereford line, 5; on the North-
Western line, near Primrose-hill tun-
nel, 6; on the Manchester, Sheffield,
and Lincolnshire line, 11; on the South-
Western line, near Epsom Junction,
death of Dr. Baly, 13; falling in of
railway tunnels, 30; wilful railway
disaster on the North-Eastern railway,

on the Glasgow and South-
Western line, 65; fall of a railway
bridge near Wootton, 78; on the North
Staffordshire line, 80; explosion of a
mail-train engine on the North-Stafford-
shire line, near Tuthury Junction, 80;
on the Trent Valley line, 113; terrible
disaster on the London and Brighton
line, 23 persons killed, 176 injured,
160; on the Hampstead Junction rail-
way, 16 persons killed, 320 injured,
180; shocking occurrence at the Ports-
wood station, South-Western railway,

Large compensations for deaths and
injuries under Lord Campbell's Act, to
the amount of 300,000l., 81.

Return of railway accidents during
the year 1861, 270.
RUSSIA:-Important step of the Emperor
of emancipating the serfs throughout
the Russian Empire; Imperial mani-
festo or decree, [207.]
SHERIFFS for the year 1861, 365.
storm in January, wreck of the Dugay
Trouin and other vessels, 3; sup-
posed loss of H.M.S. Camilla and
crew in the China Seas, 17; storms in
February, numerous wrecks, death of
Captain Boyd and men at Kingstown,
21; violent gale on the 21st February,
great destruction in London and
neighbourhood, and in many districts,
25; destruction of north wing of
Crystal Palace by the gale, 27; fall of
spire of Chichester Cathedral during
the gale, 28; numerous wrecks during
the gales of January and February;
great loss of life and property, 31;
heroic conduct of troops on board the
transport Miles Bartole, 33; dreadful


wreck of the Middlesex, 37; wreck of the
Canadian mail-steamer, in the Straits
of Belleisle, 35 lives lost, 74; loss
of steam-ships trading to the Baltic,
91, 174; disaster to the Great Eastern
on a passenger voyage to New York, 92;
collisions at sea; of the Mary Ann
Duffus with an American, of the
Semaphore s. with the brig Nereid,
133; murders and cruelties at sea,
195; great gale and loss of life in
November; disaster to a lifeboat at
Scarborough, Lord C. Beauclerk and
others drowned, 221; losses of valuable
merchant ships abroad, 331; second
gale in November, 233; supposed loss
of the Prussian corvette Amazon and
her crew, 234.

Wreck Return for 1860, 267.
STATE PAPERS:-Extracts from the Cor-
respondence relating to the seizure of
Messrs. Mason, Slidell, M'Farlane, and
Eustis, from on board the Royal Mail
Packet Trent, by the United States
ship-of-war San Jacinto, 288.
STATUTES, Table of, 24 and 25 Vict., 320.
STOCK, Prices of, in each month of the
year 1861, 355.

TREATIES:-Treaty between Her Majesty
and the Grand Duke of Hesse for the Mar-
riage of H. R. H. the Princess Alice with
Prince Frederick of Hesse, 271; treaty
of Commerce and Navigation with Tur-
key, 276; covention with the Queen
of Spain and the Emperor of the French,
relative to combined operations against
Mexico, 283; convention with the
Emperor of Morocco, relative to a loan
to be raised in London, 285.
in Sligo; trial and execution of

Phibbs, 8; execution of P. Lunnay for
the murder of James Cassidy at Dum-
barton, 11; military murders; trial and
execution of private Hackett for mur-
dering his serjeant at Plymouth, 35;
trial and execution of private Master-
ton for the murder of his serjeant at
Woolwich, 159; trial and execution of
Private M'Caffery for the murders of
Colonel Crofton and Captain Hanham,
at Fulwood Barracks, 183; trial and
execution of the Widmores for the
murder of Mrs. Waterman at Dundry,
40 trial and execution of W. Williams
for the murder of Ann Williams at
Talgarth, 42; trial of Edwards for
the murder of her husband at Holywell,
63; trial and execution of Augustus
Hilton for the murder of his wife at

Trials and Law Cases-continued.

Ipswich-plea of "guilty," 129; trial
and execution of George Smith for the
murder of his father at Ilkeston, 133;
trial of Martha Bradish for the murder
of her sister at Kingston, 137; trial of
Johann Carl Franz for the murder of
Mrs. Halliday at Kingswood, 138;
trial of two children for wilful murder
at Chester, 145; trial and execution of
Michael Doyle for attempted murder,
149; trial and execution of W. Cogan
for the murder of his wife in Holborn,
185; trial of W. Maloney for the
murder of his wife in Westminster,
extraordinary evidence, 190; trial of
William Wilson, master of the Express,
for murder at sea, 195; trial of
Clark for the murder of a tax-collector
at Newcastle, 199; trial of


for the murder of his wife and two
children at Dublin, 225; trial of
Richard Reeve for the murder of his
sister in Drury Court, 228; trial of
George Inkpen for the murder of his
sweetheart at Deptford-curious ques-
tion of law, 230; singular trial for
murder at Chester, 238; trial and
capital conviction of P. F. Strugnell
for a burglary and attempted murder
at Islington, 57; trial and execution of
private Jackson for the murder of his
serjeant at Aldershott, 246; trial and
execution of W. Beamish for the murder
of his wife at Coventry, 250; trial and
execution of John Thompson for the
murder of Ann Walker at Birmingham,
253; trial and execution of J. Waller
for the murder of W. Smith, a game-
keeper at Rugby, 254; the Bilston
murder trial of Brandrick, Jones,
and Maddox for the murder of John
Bagott; execution of the former, 257;
the Frome murder; conviction of
Byard Greenland for the murder of his
uncle, 260,

Case of the fugitive slave, Anderson,
520; the Yelverton case, 528.

UNITED STATES, THE-Consequences of
the election of Mr. Lincoln as Presi-
dent on opinion in the Southern States;
causes which led to the secession and
civil war; the Morrill tariff, slavery,
[219]; the Southern States unani-
mously oppose, the Northern unani-
mously support, Mr. Lincoln; rage of
the South at their defeat; proposal of
Mr. Crittenden for a compromise, [220];
South Carolina secedes from the Union;
her declaration of independence, [220];

[ocr errors]

United States-continued.

secession of other Southern States, [221];
the Federal fortresses and arsenals in
the South seized, [222]; message of Pre-
sident Buchanan to Congress, [222];
commencement of hostilities; population
of the States of the Union at the moment
of rupture, [223]; Federal forts in the
harbour of Charleston, Fort Sumter;
secession of Mr. Floyd, Secretary of
War, [224]; meeting of the Confederate
Congress at Montgomery; Mr. Jeffer-
son Davis elected President of the Con-
federate States; his Address, [224];
Inaugural Address of President Lin-
coln, [226]; attack upon and surrender
of Fort Sumter, [231]; proclamations
of President Lincoln, [231]; counter-
proclamation of President Davis, [231];
opposition of Maryland to the passage
of the Federal troops through its terri-
tories, [232]; message or manifesto of
President Davis to the Provisional
Congress at Montgomery, [233]; pre-
parations for hostilities on both sides;
despatch of Mr. Secretary Seward to
the American Minister at Paris, [239];
State of Kentucky declares for neutra-
lity, [240]; the Confederate States for-
bid the export of cotton from the
Northern ports, [241]; proclamation of
neutrality by Great Britain and by
France, [241]; position of the Federal
army on the Potomac ; question of the
runaway slayes, [242]; proclamation of
General Beauregard, commander of the
Confederate armies, [243]; formation of
a Confederate Cabinet, [243]; the Fede-
ral forces cross the Potomac and attack
the Confederates at Centreville; panic
and flight of the Federals at Bull's Run;
despatch of General McDowell, [244];
order of the day of the Confederate
generals to their army; message of
President Davis to Congress announcing
the victory, [249]; successes of the
Federals under General McClellan in
Western Virginia; defeat of Federals
under General Lyons at Springfield,
[250]; proclamation of President
Lincoln declaring the Seceded States in
insurrection and forbidding intercourse,
[251]; operations of the Federal naval
forces; General Sherman's expedition
to South Carolina, [251]; retirement
of General Scott from command-in-
chief of the Federal armies, [252]; a
Federal steamer of war, the San
Jacinto, stops the British mail steamer
Trent on the high seas, and forcibly
takes from her four Southerners, offi-

United States-continued.

cers of the Confederate Government;
various statements of the case, [253];
defiant tone of the Northern American
press to the remonstrances of Great
Britain; war between the United
States and England imminent; rein-
forcements despatched to Canada; after
negociation the Federal Government
surrender the Confederate gentlemen,
who are replaced in a British man-of-
war, [255]; Message of President
Davis to the Confederate Congress at
Richmond, reviewing the events of the
year, [255]; meeting of the Congress
of the United States at Washington;
the President's Message-topics, rebel
invocation of foreign aid, international
commerce, [259]; revenue, estimates
of expenditure, consolidation of
statutes, civil justice, [260]; slave-
trade, new territories, [261]; estimated
force of the Federal army and navy,
[261]; general balance of success at
the close of the year in favour of the
Confederates, [263]; Census of the
population of the United States in
1860, [223], 55.

United States-continued.

Extracts from the Correspondence re-
lating to the Seizure of Messrs. Mason,
Slidell, McFarlane, and Eustis,_from
on board the Royal Mail Packet Trent,
by the United States sloop of war, San
Jacinto, 288.

Cambridge, 361.

Volunteers, The :-Volunteer reviews and
field-days; on Brighton Downs and at
Wimbledon, 47; the National Rifle
Association's Prize Meeting at Wimble-
don, 114; the Volunteer review at
Wimbledon, 117; Volunteer reviews
and field-days in the autumn, 217.
WEATHER-The weather at the com-
mencement of the year, intensely cold,
and great suffering of the poor, 1;
the hot weather in June, 106; the
Spring Quarter, 109; the Summer
Quarter, 194; the Autumn Quarter,

Storms in January, 2; in February,
21, 31; destructive gale on the 21st
February, 25; great gales and loss of
life in November, 220, 233.

Wreck Returns for 1860, 267.

London: Printed by Woodfall and Kinder, Angel Court, Skinner Street.

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