THE DINGLEY TARIFF 67869 H. R. 379. Fifty-fifth Congress of the United States of America, on Monday, the fifteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. An Act to Provide Revenue for the Government and to Pages 1 to 46. Comparison of the Dingley Tariff (July 24, Pages 47 to 110. Complete Index to the Dingley Tariff: Pages 111 to 139. NEW YORK, H. R. 379. Fifty-Fifth Congress of the United States of America AT THE FIRST SESSION, BEGUN AND HELD IN THE CITY OF WASHINGTON ON MONDAY, THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF MARCH, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NINETY-SEVEN. AN ACT TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR THE GOVERNMENT AND TO ENCOURAGE THE INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- | preparation of which alcohol is used, and alcoresentatives of the United States of America in holic compounds not specially provided for in this Act, sixty cents per pound and forty-five Congress assembled, That on and after the pasper centum ad valorem. sage of this Act, unless otherwise specially provided for in this Act, there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all articles imported from foreign countries, and mentioned in the schedules herein contained, the rates of duty which are, by the schedules and paragraphs, respectively prescribed, namely: SCHEDULE A. CHEMICALS, OILS, AND PAINTS: 1. Acids: Acetic or pyroligneous acid, not exceeding the specific gravity of one and fortyseven one-thousandths, three-fourths of one cent per pound; exceeding the specific gravity of one and forty-seven one thousandths, two cents per pound; boracic acid, five cents per pound; chromic acid and lactic acid, three cents per pound; citric acid, seven cents per pound; salicylic acid, ten cents per pound; sulphuric acid or oil of vitriol not specially provided for in this Act, one-fourth of one cent per pound; tannic acid or tannin, fifty cents per pound; gallic acid, ten cents per pound; tartaric acid, seven cents per pound; all other acids not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 2. All alcoholic perfumery, including cologne water and other toilet waters and toilet preparations of all kinds, containing alcohol or in the 3. Alkalies, alkaloids, distilled oils, essential oils, expressed oils, rendered oils, and all combinations of the foregoing, and all chemical compounds and salts not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 4. Alumina, hydrate of, or refined bauxite, six-tenths of one cent per pound; alum, alum cake, patent alum, sulphate of alumina, and aluminous cake, and alum in crystals or ground, one-half of one cent per pound. 5. Ammonia, carbonate of, one and one-half cents per pound; muriate of, or sal ammoniac, three-fourths of one cent per pound; sulphate of, three-tenths of one cent per pound. 6. Argols or crude tartar or wine lees crude, containing not more than forty per centum of bitartrate of potash, one cent per pound; containing more than forty per centum of bitartrate of potash, one and one-half cents per pound; tartars and lees crystals, or partly refined argols, containing not more than ninety per centum of bitartrate of potash, and tartrate of soda or potassa, or Rochelle salts, four cents per pound; containing more than ninety per centum of bitartrate of potash, five cents per pound; cream of tartar and patent tartar, six cents per pound. 7. Blacking of all kinds, twenty five per centum ad valorem. 8. Bleaching powder, or chloride of lime, onefifth of one cent per pound. 9. Blue vitriol or sulphate of copper, one-half | lars per pound; ethers of all kinds not specially of one cent per pound. 10. Bone char, suitable for use in decolorizing sugars, twenty per centum ad valorem. 11. Borax, five cents per pound; borates of lime or soda, or other borate material not otherwise provided for, containing more than thirtysix per centum of anhydrous boracic acid, four cents per pound; borates of lime or soda, or other borate material not otherwise provided for, containing not more than thirty-six per centum of anhydrous boracic acid, three cents per pound. 12. Camphor, refined, six cents per pound. 13. Chalk (not medicinal nor prepared for toilet purpose) when ground, precipitated naturally or artificially, or otherwise prepared, whether in the form of cubes, blocks, sticks or disks, or otherwise, including tailors', billiard, red or French chalk, one cent per pound. Manufactures of chalk not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 14. Chloroform, 20 cents per pound. 15. Coal-tar dyes or colors, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem; all other products or preparations of coal tar, not colors or dyes, and not medicinal, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem. provided for in this Act, one dollar per pound : Provided, That no article of this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 22. Extracts and decoctions of logwood and other dyewoods, and extracts of barks, such as are commonly used for dyeing or tanning, not specially provided for in this Act, seven-eighths of one cent per pound; extracts of quebracho and of hemlock bark, one-half of one cent per pound; extracts of sumac, and of woods other than dyewoods, not specially provided for in this Act, five-eighths of one cent per pound. 23. Gelatin, glue, isinglass or fish glue, and prepared fish bladders or fish sounds, valued at not above ten cents per pound, two and one-half cents per pound; valued at above ten cents per pound and not above thirty-five cents per pound, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; valued above thirty-five cents per pound, fifteen cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem. 24. Glycerin, crude, not purified, one cent per pound; refined, three cents per pound. 25. Indigo, extracts, or pastes of, threefourths of one cent per pound; carmined, ten cents per pound. 26. Ink and ink powders, twenty-five per cen 16. Cobalt, oxide of, twenty-five cents per tum ad valorem. pound. 27. Iodine, resublimed, twenty cents per 28. Iodoform, one dollar per pound 29. Licorice, extracts of, in paste, rolls, or other forms, four and one-half cents per pound. 30. Chicle, ten cents per pound. 17. Collodion, and all compounds of pyroxy-pound. lin, whether known as celluloid or by any other name, fifty cents per pound; rolled or in sheets, unpolished, and not made up into articles, sixty cents per pound; if in finished or partly finished articles, and articles of which collodion or any compound of pyroxylin is the component material of chief value, sixty-five cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 18. Coloring for brandy, wine, beer, or other liquors, fifty per centum ad valorem. 19. Copperas or sulphate of iron, one-fourth of one cent per pound. 20. Drugs, such as barks, beans, berries, balsams, buds, bulbs, bulbous roots, excrescences, fruits, flowers, dried fibers, dried insects, grains, gums and gum resin, herbs, leaves, lichens, mosses, nuts, nutgalls, roots, stems, spices, vegetables, seeds (aromatic, not garden seeds), seeds of morbid growth, weeds, and woods used expressly for dyeing; any of the foregoing which are drugs and not edible, but which are advanced in value or condition by refining, grinding, or other process, and not specially provided for in this Act, one-fourth of one cent per pound, and in addition thereto ten per centum ad valorem. 21. Ethers: Sulphuric, forty cents per pound; spirits of nitrous ether, twenty-five cents per pound; fruit ethers, oils, or essences, two dol 31. Magnesia, carbonate of, medicinal, three cents per pound; calcined, medicinal, seven cents per pound; sulphate of, or Epsom salts, one-fifth of one cent per pound. OILS : 32. Alizarin assistant, sulpho-ricinoleic acid, and ricinoleic acid, by whatever name known, whether liquid, solid, or in paste, in the manufacture of which fifty per centum or more of castor oil is used, thirty cents per gallon; in the manufacture of which less than fifty per centum of castor oil is used, fifteen cents per gallon ; all other alizarin assistant, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 33. Castor oil, thirty-five cents per gallon. 34. Cod-liver oil, fifteen cents per gallon. 35. Cotton-seed oil, four cents per gallon of seven and one-half pounds weight. 36. Croton oil, twenty cents per pound. 37. Flaxseed, linseed, and poppy-seed oil, raw, boiled, or oxidized, twenty cents per gallon of seven and one-half pounds weight, 38. Fusel oil, or amylic alcohol, one-fourth of one cent per pound. L 39. Hemp-seed oil and rape-seed oil, ten cents | ing ultramarine, three and three-fourths cents per gallon. per pound. 40. Olive oil, not specially provided for in this Act, forty cents per gallon; in bottles, jars, tins, or similar packages, fifty cents per gallon. 41 Peppermint oil, fifty cents per pound. 42, Seal, herring, whale, and other fish oil, not specially provided for in this Act, eight cents per gallon. 43. Opium, crude or unmanufactured, and not adulterated, containing nine per centum and over of morphia, one dollar per pound; morphia or morphine, sulphate of, and all alkaloids or salts of opium, one dollar per ounce; aqueous extract of opium, for medicinal uses, and tincture of, as laudanum, and other liquid preparations of opium, not specially provided for in this Act, forty per centum ad valorem; opium containing less than nine per centum of morphia, and opium prepared for smoking, six dollars per pound; but opium prepared for smoking and other preparations of opium deposited in bonded warehouses shall not be removed therefrom without payment of duties, and such duties shall not be refunded. PAINTS, COLORS, AND VARNISHES: 44. Baryta, sulphate of, or barytes, including barytes earth, unmanufactured, seventy-five cents per ton; manufactured, five dollars and twenty-five cents per ton. 45. Blues, such as Berlin, Prussian, Chinese, and all others, containing ferrocyanide of iron, in pulp, dry or ground in or mixed with oil or water, eight cents per pound. 46 Blanc-fixe, or artificial sulphate of barytes, and satin white, or artificial sulphate of lime, one-half of one cent per pound. 47. Black, made from bone, ivory, or vegetable substance, by whatever name known, including bone black and lampblack, dry or ground in oil or water, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 48. Chrome yellow, chrome green, and all other chromium colors in the manufacture of which lead and bichromate of potash or soda are used, in pulp, dry, or ground in or mixed with oil or water, four and one-half cents per pound. 49. Ocher and ochery earths, sienna and sienna earths, and umber and umber earths, not specially provided for, when crude or not powdered, washed or pulverized, one-eighth of one cent per pound; if powdered, washed or pulverized, three-eighths of one cent per pound; if ground in oil or water, one and one-half cents per pound. 50. Orange mineral, three and three-eighths cents per pound. 51. Red lead, two and seven-eighths cents per pound. 52. Ultramarine blue, whether dry, in pulp, or mixed with water, and wash blue contain 53. Varnishes, including so-called gold size or japan, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; spirit varnishes, one dollar and thirty-two cents per gallon and thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 54. Vermilion red, and other colors containing quicksilver, dry or ground in oil or water, ten cents per pound; when not containing quicksilver but made of lead or containing lead, five cents per pound. 55. White lead, white paint and pigment containing lead, dry or in pulp, or ground or mixed with oil, two and seven-eighths cents per pound. 56. Whiting and Paris white, dry, one-fourth of one cent per pound; ground in oil, or putty, one cent per pound 57. Zinc, oxide of, and white paint or pigment containing zinc, but not containing lead, dry, one cent per pound; ground in oil, one and three-fourth cents per pound; sulfid of zinc white, or white sulphide of zinc, one and one-fourth cents per pound; chloride of zinc and sulphate of zinc, one cent per pound. 58. All paints, colors, pigments, lakes, crayons, smalts and frostings, whether crude or dry or mixed, or ground with water or oil, or with solutions other than oil, not otherwise specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem; all paints, colors and pigments, commonly known as artists' paints or colors, whether in tubes, pans, cakes or other forms, thirty per centum ad valorem. 59. Paris green, and London purple, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 60. Lead Acetate of, white, three and onefourth cents per pound; brown, gray, or yellow, two and one-fourth cents per pound; nitrate of, two and one-half cents per pound; litharge, two and three-fourths cents per pound. 61. Phosphorus, eighteen cents per pound. POTASH : 62. Bichromate and chromate of, three cents per pound. 63. Caustic or hydrate of, refined, in sticks or rolls, one cent per pound; chlorate of, two and one-half cents per pound. 64. Hydriodate, iodide, and iodate of, twentyfive cents per pound. 65. Nitrate of, or saltpeter, refined, one-half cent per pound. 66. Prussiate of, red, eight cents per pound; yellow, four cents per pound; cyanide of po tassium, twelve and one-half per centum ad valorem. PREPARATIONS: 67. Medicinal preparations containing alcohol, or in the preparation of which alcohol is used, not specially provided for in this Act, fifty-five cents per pound, but in no case shall the same |