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8th. Psyche having experienced many troubles, and having also performed the tasks and labours assigned her, by Venus, Mercury was dispatched to bring her to heaven, where she drank ambrosia, and became immortal; which is perfectly consistent with the scripture, concerning the state of things after the fall, when God established the covenant with Adam, by the observance of which, after he had manifested his obedience, by a life conformable to the sacred precepts, he was to obtain eternal happiness.



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The word Cupid is derived from the Hebrew word 75 Cuphid, to deliver,' with caph prefixed, i. e. like the deliverer from evil. Psyche is derived from D Pasche, to pass from side to side,' signifying the state of man, after the fall, who had passed from a state of perfection to imperfection. Hesiod, the most ancient theologian among the Greeks, who lived 1200 years before Christ, says, that "Cupid was produced, or manifested, at the same time with Chaos, and the Earth," and it must be allowed, that this first going forth of the Holy Spirit, to create, was the first manifestation of his love for man. The same writer also says, that "the primeval people always understood by the word 'heavenly love.'

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Jupiter was their principal god; to him they attributed the origin of the world; even in the time of Homer, they styled him, "the father of the gods and men. The word Jupiter is a compound word from Jao, so called by Diodorus, from Jehovah, and pater, father,' i. e. Jehovah the Father. They believed that he alone possessed the attributes of omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence; and represented him as descending on, and shaking the mountain Olympus, when he threatened his rebellious offspring with destruction. But this is taken

from the awful and majestic descent of God, on mount Sinai, which they likened to the mountain Olympus. This circumstance, when their descendants fell into idolatry, was believed to have taken place on this mountain : hence they called him Jupiter Olympus, or the Olympian Jupiter, in imitation of the descent of God on Sinai. Thus have the law-givers in different nations, who wished to make their laws revered, pretended to have received them from some god, or goddess, as Numa from Egeria; Zaleucus from Minerva; Lycurgus from Apollo; and Minos from Jupiter. Hence it appears, that the history of the twelve tribes of the Hebrews, laid the foundation of twelve sects among the Greeks, each sect having their idol.

In the mythology it is also said, that Mercury was born in Egypt; that he was the secretary of Bacchus, and the messenger of the gods, and that with his caduceus, or rod, around which were two serpents, he could perform wonderful things. But it is plain, by comparing these things with the facts recorded in the bible, that the true Mercury was Aaron, for Aaron was born in Egypt, and was the messenger from God and Moses, to Pharaoh. The caduceus, or rod, around which were two serpents, is in perfect agreement with the rod, which was cast down before Pharaoh; and which, with the rod of the Magicians, produced two serpents; but the serpent of Moses, swallowed the other serpent rod of Jannes and Jambres, the magicians who opposed Moses. This was the origin of the two serpents, twisted round the rod of the heathen Mercury.

Hercules is said to have fought against Typhoeus, and the rest of the giants, by the command of the gods: thus it is also written, that Joshua fought by the command of God, against the Canaanites, men of great stat

ure, the sons of Anak. Vossius says, this oriental Hercules, for many ages more ancient than the Theban, was Joshua, who made war with the Canaanites.

The ancient Grecian Hercules, appears evidently to have been Joshua. The Greeks worshipped the orb of the sun, in Hebrew Heres, i. e. 'burning.' Hercules is a Greek word, the-same with 'Heaxλos i. e. ‘Hera's glory,' which in Hebrew is 1 Horin, Chiefs, Princes, Heroes.' Eccles. xi. 17—1999 † sons of princes; and thus he was called by them, the glory of the sun, which was worshipped by them, and the people of Canaan.



It further appears, that the ancient Hercules was Joshua. Lucian* says, "the Celti call Hercules, in their native tongue, Og-mius." And Dickinson:† "But "Oyμios, Og-mius, is from Og, the slain giant;" for as the Greeks called Apollo, from the slain dolphin Dex@iviov; so Hercules, i. e. Joshua was called "Oy05, Ogius. Bochart also says, that Ogmius is a Phoenician or Hebrew word, from Ogmi, to be grieved, tortured,' says Parkhurst, on account of his many labours and suffering.


It is said in the mythology, that while Hercules was fighting, he was assisted by Jupiter, who rained hailstones which destroyed great numbers of them: the same is recorded in the book of Joshua, "the Lord cast down great stones from heaven upon them, unto Azekah, and they died." That the giant Typhoeus, mentioned in the Grecian mythology, and by their poets, was Og the king of Bashan, appears from unquestionable authority. This word in Greek, (the language in which

*Lucian in Hercul.

↑ Delphi Phoenici. c. iv.

‡ Vol. i. 633.

the heathens wrote their mythology) signifies to kindle or smoke, and has the same meaning with the Hebrew word Og, to bake, to burn; so that Typhæus and Og, in both languages are the same. That Typhæus and Og were only different names for the same person, will appear from Homer, who, speaking of Jupiter's striking down the giant Typhoeus with his thunder, informs us, that the chief of the giants had his bed in Aremis.

"In Aremea Typho's bed remains." ILIAD.

That Aremea, where Homer says, "the giant's bed remains," was the same as Syria, is certain. Strabo* says, "by the Arimi, they understand the Syrians now called Arami. This name, as is observed above, instead of Syria, has been continued in the English translation of the bible, to the time of Elizabeth, where Syria is called Aram, and the Syrians Arimeans. The bed of Typhoeus, therefore, being said by Homer to be in Aremea, or Syria, is in perfect agreement with the account we have of the bed of Og, Deut. iii. 11. "For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the giants: behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron. Is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon?" in which passage. Aram, or Syria, is referred to as above. Hence it appears evident, that the true Hercules was Joshua, and (as was observed) when Homer sung the war of the giants with the gods, he borrowed the account of the astonishing transactions of the Hebrew leader in the land

* lib. 13.

Strabo. 1. 16.

of Canaan, to add majesty and dignity to the pages of the immortal Iliad.

It is also said in the mythology, that "Hercules and Bacchus made an expedition to India ;" but as we know nothing concerning such an expedition being made by Moses and Joshua, to that part of the world which we call India; this seems to set aside all that has been said, to prove, that the ancient Hercules and Bacchus, were Jeshia and Moses. We shall, however, easily get over this di Sculty, by proving that the land of Canaan was Anciently called India.

Tossins says, the ancients called all parts eastward of the Mediterranean sea, India." This also appears bom Ovak“ who says, Perseus brought Andromeda en bda“. But Perseus did not bring his wife Andromada from modern India, but from Joppa, a town in the and 20 Canaan, according to Strabo. Therefore it is endent, that the expedition which Hercules and Bacchus are said to have made to India, will perfectly agree with de expedizen of Moses and Joshua, to the land of Ca

All these things prove to a demonstration, that we characters of the heuchen gods, (so called) as well as he materials for framing the mythology, were taken by ́te complers of the religion of the Greeks, from the encvent pages of the bible.

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