Sivut kuvina

Lilium a rosa, the|__Urban VIII. 1622. A Florentine, Elected Aug. 6, which city is so call1622. Died ed from flowers, and July 29, 1644. has a rose in its arms.

lily and rose.

Jucunditas cru

Innocent X. 11644. Commended

cis, the joy of the Elected Sept. 15. for his strict regard


1644. Died to justice and temJan 7. 1655. perance, &c.

Montium custos, (Alexander VII. the keeper of the Elected April 8,


Sidus olorum, the

1655. Died
May 22, 1667.

Clement IX. Rospigliosi, he had

constellation of Elected June 20, the star and swan


1667. Died in his arms.

Oct. 9, 1669.

Clement X. Altieri, born at the

De flumine mag-Elected April 29, time of a

no, of the great



1670. Died inundation of the July 20, 1676. river Tiber.

Bellua insatiabi- Innocent XI. Odischalchi, the lis, an insatiable Elected Sept. 21, present Pope, called 1676. Died an insatiable beast, beast. Aug. 12, 1689. because of his great covetousness.

1. Alexander 8th. Elect. Oct. 6th, 1689. Died Jan. 30, 1691.

2. Innocent 12th.

Sept. 7, 1700.

3. Clement 11th.

Jul. 12th, 1690.
Nov. 3d, 1700.

4. Innocent 13th.


[blocks in formation]

The Symbols and Hieroglyphics of all the Popes, in order, that shall be hereafter.

1. Pœnitentia gloriosa,

2. Rastrum in porta, 3. Flores circumdati, 4. Debona religione, 5. Miles in bello, 6. Columna excelsa, 7. Animal rurale, 8. Rosa Umbriæ, 9. Visus velox, 10. Peregrinus apostolicus, 11. Aquila rapax, 12. Canis et coluber, 13. Vir religiosus, 14. De balneis Hetruria,

15. Crux de cru,
16. Lumen de cælo,
17. Ignis ardens,
18. Religio depopulato,
19. Fides intrepida,
20. Pastor angelicus,
21. Pastor et nauta,
22. Flos florum,
23. De medietate lunæ,
24. De labore solis,

25. Gloria olivæ,

A glorious penitent.

A rake in the gate.
Flowers encompassing.
Of a good religion.
A soldier of war.
A lofty pillar.
A rural animal.
A rose of Umbria.
A quick sight.
An apostolic pilgrim.
A ravenous eagle.
A dog and snake.
A religious man.
From the baths of Tus-


Cross of cross.
A light from heaven,
A flaming fire.
Religion laid waste.
Faith fearless.
An angelic pastor.
Both shepherd & sailor.
The flower of flowers.
Half the moon.
The labour of the sun,

or an eclipse.
The glory of the olive.

After which our Irish prophet concludes:

"In the last persecution of the holy Roman church, one Peter, a Roman, shall possess the chair, and feed the sheep in many tribulations; which being accomplished, the seven-hill'd city shall be destroyed, and the dreadful judge shall call the people to judgment. Hitherto the words translated out of the before-mentioned book Flosculi Historici."

There being, according to this man's reckoning, twenty-six of their Unholinesses behind, if we shall allow (according to our usual estimate of a man's life) seven years to each, it will amount to 182 years, that is, to the year of our Lord 1865, before the final destruction of the papacy and that bloody city shall be completed: but the prayers of the faithful, and the cries of the martyrs from under the altar, may, 'tis like, sooner draw down and accelerate the just judgments threatened to this Babylon and spiritual Sodom.

The Predictions of Peter du Molin: extracted from his book, intitled The Accomplishments of the Prophecies.

Translated 1613. P. 411.

As for the time of three days and a half, during which the bodies of the faithful witnesses shall be cast out through all the quarters of the Roman church; it is manifest, that St. John doth hereby shew us how long the persecution of the church, under the Roman hierarchy, must continue. For to know how long this time shall endure, and to how much the three days and a half will amount unto, we are to note, that the three days and a half make half a week, which gives us to understand, that the Holy Ghost here under the name of a week doth comprehend the whole time of the beast's reign, and doth advertise us, that the persecution shall last half the time of this reign. Since, therefore, he shall reign 1260 years (as we have showed before,) it followeth that the Roman hierarchy shall persecute the faithful 630 years. Now I do not find, that the church of Rome did begin to persecute and to use cruelty in general against all that did withstand her doctrine till the time of Berengarius, whom pope Nicholas

the Second compelled to recant by force, in the year 1059; and ever since the popes have persecuted such as have maintained the same doctrine. If then you add the 630 years to 1059 years, you shall find that the persecution of the church under the pope shall have an end in the year of our Lord 1689. This term once expired, the truth that was oppressed shall lift up her head afresh, and the faithful witnesses shall be seen to stand up again, who shall astonish the church of Rome.

As a Specimen of the extraordinary Visions and Revelations of sundry persons, given in a book, intitled A Cry from the Desert, printed 1707, I have selected the following Pieces, with a Preface to the work written by J. Lacy. For further particulars of the gifts of these people in prophecy, I refer the curious to the Pastoral Letters of Peter Jurieu, printed 1688; the History of the Edict of Nantes, Vol. III. 1695; or J. Lacy's Prophetical Warnings, 1707.


THOUGH we are assured that all scripture was given by inspiration, and was written for our instruction, yet there are many now who deny that privilege to the yet unfulfilled pro

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